Abandoned Angel Part 49 (FB ID: 18904) (By SpaghettiDave)

Abandoned Angel

Part 49: Calm Before The Storm

Mary had been out for several days now. Each day she made her usual call to the lawyer then followed Robert around. Tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow she would finally convince Robert to run away with her. She sat in her car, a set of binoculars in her lap. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she watched that bitch slut from his work come over again! After dealing with Robert, she would have to put that little brunette slut in her place.

Two foals nursed at Angel’s teats while the other two crawled through her fluff. She didn’t expect taking care of babbehs to be so much work. Her teats were swollen and raw from the constant feeding. The morning was the worst time, the babbehs chirped and peeped so loudly! If they woke up Robin, he would forcefully roll Angel over to allow them to get to her teats. Waking up like that was the worst. The first time he did that she complained loudly, “Nu, Angel nu be bad mummah!”and Robin would just bop her on the nose.

The four foals were climbing over their father and Brave just laid there and tolerated it. Angel loved all her babbehs. Even the ugly brown one, well, he wasn’t ugly, just not pretty. In total, Angel ended up with four foals. Her first foal, a female, was a pale pink filly. She was the loudest of the bunch and was growing in a dark green mane, no horn or wings on this one. That one had the habit of chirping loud enough to wake up Robin over the snoring.

The bright blue foal had the same color fluff as Polaris, but was getting a red mane and even had a little nub on her forehead. She was the most active and was the first to start climbing through fluff, be it Angel, Brave, or Robin. The red male foal had the same deep red as Brave, but wings like Angel. They buzzed and fluttered every time he nursed. His mane and tail were growing into a dark yellow color. Her daddeh called that baby “ketup an mustuwd.” Her daddeh laughed, and she figured it was some kind of human joke.

Her last babbeh, the brown male, was growing white fluff on his tail and mane. He was the laziest of the four, Brave liked him best. Brave still preferred to lay about and cuddle over playing, and this foal was taking right after his father. It wasn’t uncommon to find Brave sleeping on his stuffed animal with the brown baby sleeping on him.

The foals were a few days old now, their eyes open, their legs gawky. Their favorite game was to have Robin knock the ball across the room while they awkwardly chased after it. At their current size it took all four to push and buck at the ball to get it back to Robin. Once Robert saw just how rambunctious the four were becoming he kept the safe room door closed.

Angel kept looking at the door, waiting for her daddeh come home. She was getting tummy owies and the dish was empty. She had plenty of miwk for her babbehs, but she missed her daddeh playing with her. He went back to werk, whatever that was. She distracted herself by picking up the red foal, “gud babbeh! Mummah wub babbeh!” She hugged the foal and repeated the process, even for the ugly brown foal.

Angel rolled onto her side to allow the foals to nurse. They ate so much and it didn’t take long for it to start to hurt. Her wings twitched in irritation, but she tolerated it in silence. They were good babbehs and she was the best mummah so she would let them feed as much as they wanted. They had to grow up big and strong, like Brave. She was going to be the best mummah ever!

It was dark when Robert finally got home. He unloaded the groceries, including two extra bags of kibble. As he prepared the fluffies dinner, he notice just how late it was. The garage fluffies were first, it had just became habit. Flame watched as Robert set both dishes by the bed. “Dank yu, daddeh.”

“Flame, now that Runt can’t hurt your babies, do you think he can come out of his area and stay with you and Rose?” Robert wouldn’t bring Runt out unless he knew Flame wouldn’t hurt him.

“Fwame nu wan hewt Wunt. Buh… Fwame nu wuv Wunt.” Robert nodded, it was as good of an answer as he was likely to get. Robert picked up the disagreeable and generally unhappy fluffy and set him down next to Rose, on the opposite side of Flame. Robert left the rejoined and dysfunctional family to their own devices. He felt good, it was a good step that Runt could be with Rose and Flame and not have to worry about Flame trying to kill him.

Robert carried in three large bowls of food, one overflowing for Angel. Angel was nursing again while Brave played with the two foals that were waiting. It was comical to watch Angel. Brave and Robin had started eating while she was trying to be so good to her babies by not moving. Robert could tell Angel was hungry and wanting to yank the foals from her teats so she could eat. Instead, a fierce look of determination crossed her face, yet it lost its impact as she started drooling, her eyes fixed on the bowl.

Robin and Robert played ball until Erin showed up with dinner, tonight was pizza night.

“You here to see me, or the foals?” Robert grinned at her as he took off the pizza from her hands.


“The foals?” Robert asked, teasing her a bit as he gave a slice of pizza to Robin.

Erin stuck her tongue out at Robert and disappeared in the safe room. He could easily hear her squeal in delight. Robin and Robert shared a silent look as pizza hung out of their mouths. Both human and fluffy shrugged and went back to eating.

Robert shared a slice of pizza with each fluffy in the house. The garage fluffies hadn’t had pizza yet, and they loved it thoroughly, even Runt. “Daddeh!” Runt shouted, his mouth full of pizza.

“Yes, Runt?” Robert paused on the other side of the baby gate.

“Dis nummies gud. Buh… Wunt no wike it buh Wunt gunna numit. Dummy nummies…” Robert chuckled as Runt angrily ate the pizza, mad at the world.

Angel had finished nursing her foals just in time for pizza. Brave took his slice with a hug and a “dank yu.” While Angel precariously held the slice in her hooves her babies started climbing over her, determined to find the nummies.

“Dis nummies fow mummah, nu fow babbies. Babbies get miwk, nu get dis nummies.” She squirmed as they ignored her. “Nu, babbehs, nu, nummies fow mummah!” They were too young, much too young for solid food, but the smell was so attractive. Angel tried her hardest to keep the slice balanced while they climbed over her, the brown one had managed to get half way down her leg, only inches from the slice of pizza.

One moment she was holding the pizza while the foals desperately wanted the pizza, the next she was on her side with four chirping foals, the brown one under the slice. Angel scrambled and pulled the brown foal out, it chirped in her arms and she gave him a quick hug and licked his face. Her eyes went wide, “Dis babbeh am nummies! Babbehs nu nummies! Daddeh!? Why babbeh nummies?!” Angel panicked, ignoring the other three foals licking at the slice of pizza.

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God, this is nerve-wracking.


Aaah Mary… You’re going to up and run everything next, aren’t you?


The story or the uploading? xD Thanks again for your hard work, man.

BTW, this is like GoT: as soon as a new character is introduced, you think “better not to get overly fond of it”

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The story. The ups and downs, they are killing me.