Abandoned Angel Part 48 (FB ID: 18900) (By SpaghettiDave)

Abandoned Angel

Part 48: Two Steps Back

“BIGGEST POOPIES!” Echoed through the house. Robin nearly fell off the window bed at Angel’s screeching. Robert grabbed his phone and some towels. He shot off a text to Erin. She was at work, but would probably skip out early for this. She loved Angel, nearly as much as he did and she was definitely more excited about Angel giving birth.

Robert and Robin watched from the doorway, dumbfounded. “Fawse awarm, daddeh.” Angel giggled as Brave rolled her away from the litter box with a quite literally, the largest pile of fluffy shit Robert had ever seen. Before she even reached the bed she shouted, “BIGGEST POOPIES!” Brave pushed harder, barely managing to get her onto the bed.

“Daddeh… Hnngg… Gun hab babbehs!” Angel grimaced and grunted. Robin watched, unable to turn away. The fluffy hadn’t seen anything like this before and was so very curious.

Brave attempted to perform the duties of a typical fluffy father, blind or not. Robert watched the fluffy pace back and forth, essentially useless. Robert figured beyond helping clean and move the newborns from the rear to the mother’s front, there wasn’t much to do.

Robin hovered around the edge of the room looking even more out of place than Robert. The pink and red Pegasus looked nervous. Brave whispered reassuring fluffy babble into Angel’s ear between the grunting and pushing.

“Owies owies… spechew pwace owie! Hhhnnnng!”

plop The first foal arrived, chirping loudly to proclaim to the world it has arrived. Brave cleaned the foal, it was covered in a fine pink fluff. Robert wasn’t close enough to see if it had a different color mane or tail. “Dis gud babbeh fow gud mummah.” Angel took the foal from Brave and gave it another cleaning, cooing happily. Brave placed the foal into Angel’s fluff as another contraction hit.

A second foal emerged, a bright blue color like Polaris. Brave did not offer the foal to Robert, that must’ve been something Mary trailed Flame to do. The two foals crawled in Angel’s fluff, chirping and searching for food. Angel rolled onto her side and Brave guided the two to her teats, the foals oblivious to her still in labor. Robert wondered if any of them were going to have wings or a horn, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.

Two more foals arrived, one red, one brown. Angel was nearly back to her normal size as the afterbirth was squeezed out. Not wanting to witness the disgusting sight that was soon to follow, Robert grabbed Robin and left the room. “Well, buddy, you’re gonna have some new friends to play with.”

Robin looked up at Robert. He so badly wanted a new friend. Sure, daddeh was fun to play with, but it wasn’t the same. Maybe, maybe these new babbehs would be the best fluffy friends ever! With newfound excitement, Robin played the best game of ball with his daddeh.

Robert brought more food for Angel, she was going to need it. Angel was half asleep in the bed while the four foals explored, buried in her fluff. Soft muffled peeps and chirps emanated from her fluff. Brave trotted over, “Daddeh, Angel make gud babbehs.”

He messed up Brave’s mane and smiled, “she sure did.”

Mary sat, for what would hopefully be the last time in this awful room, looking at her even worse lawyer. He kept parroting the same things to her. “Four years,” this and “Stay away from Robert,” that. “Once everything is processed, you can be out Tuesday. Only five days away. But, remember, the next two weeks that you’re out, you have to stay away from Robert. You also have to get your financial situation in order. You could be going away for a long time and you’ll need to have your shit together.” She despised her lawyer, and she knew he didn’t like her much either. But, money talks.

She nodded. It was the same stuff, different week. He obviously didn’t know that she would be selling the house once she married Robert. Everything would be fine. Everything would work out. It always does.

Angel looked at her empty food dish. It was early, early enough that Brave and Robin slept soundly. She was still eating more as she needed to make more milk. Slowly she pulled herself from the pile and transferred her babies to Brave’s fluff. She could hear her daddeh awake already. He was going back to work. That meant most of the day in the safe room. She didn’t mind, she had plenty of company, but she needed food. Lots of food. She nudged the door open with her nose and padded through the house to her daddeh’s bedroom.

Robert greeted Angel as she pushed opened the door, it was early and he figured correctly that she was alone as Brave and Robin usually slept longer. “Good morning, Angel. What’s up?” He was up earlier than he had become accustomed to, his “new” job started today and showing up tired and disheveled was out of the question.

Angel sat on her rump, her rear legs spread apart with her grotesquely swollen teats bulging out. She looked down at the floor and held her tail in her front hooves. “Daddeh… Angel wan be gud mummah. Gud mummahs gif wots of miwkies fow gud babbehs… Can Angel haf mo nummies?”
How could he say no to that face? Part of her act nagged at him, was she really hungry, or was she just trying to manipulate him? He shooed that idea away as she didn’t beg for spaghetti. Maybe giving birth mellowed her out a bit more? Robert filled up a dish of the special food he gave to Rose when she was pregnant and nursing. Angel ate the whole thing, much to his surprise. “Daddeh? Angel wan nothew ting… Can daddeh gif Angel spechew majik baff tu make babbehs wub Angel mo?”

Mary sat down on her couch. All the food in her fridge went bad. Her fluffies were with Robert. Bills were stacking up. She lost her job. That didn’t matter much. She grabbed her car keys, determined to see Robert. It was like putting on a favorite worn pair of shoes. She had driven to his house, followed him to work, followed him home, and she waited.

She was angry, and in love. Angry love. Hell, she didn’t even know how to express it. She was angry he was spending time with that other woman. Angry that he said he lost his job but was driving to the same place. He lied, and that made her even more angry. She would have to punish him, just like she punished a fluffy. And afterwards, they would drive off, get married and live happily ever after.

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