Annihilation Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

Coco whined as the taste of spoiled milk lingered in her mouth, she was stuck in between the legs of this crazy mare who insisted on licking Coco clean of the vomit she threw up after swallowing Orchid’s spoiled milk.

“Dewe, dewe babbeh, mummah gib yu wickie-cweans.”

“Huu, yu NU am mummah, yu am big meanie, gib famiwy wowstesh huwties.”

Belle chuckled. “Siwwy babbeh, nu knyo own mummah, yu nu bewong tu pwetty Fwuffies, yu am poopie Fwuffy wike mummah.”

“NU! NU, Co-Co knyo wha mummah smeww wike, wememba bestesh huggies an mikwies fwom weaw mummah, nu knyo dummeh mawe, nu wike yu, nu wub yu, nu…mmppphhhfffhhhh…”

Coco was suddenly cut off by Belle pressing the filly against her Fluff, suffocating her under the mangy, dirt-ridden filth of her brown chest.

“Shh, shh babbeh, mummah hewe, mummah nu wet aneefing happen tu babbeh.”

Coco cried and fought and begged for her family to save her, but her prays went unanswered her tiny body went limp and she fell into unconsciousness.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.”


Back at the fence, Tara watched with a malicious glee as Ronnie, under the influence of an industrial strength fuck potion, pile-drived himself into the pregnant Pippen, all while her mate and Smarty were both forced to watch.


Cyan wailed, unable to move with the gardening fork pinning him to the ground, by now the severed muscles and blood loss had caused him to lose all feeling below his waist, but still he tried, he kept reaching out towards Pippen, to comfort her, to hold her, to let her know she was there.

Tara believed that he really loved her. But Chip loved Orchid, and these fuckin monsters put him through the exact same horror.

With his eyes rolled back into his head, Ronnie barely even registered that Pippen’s special-place was now spurting blood all over him, her violent miscarriage was literally soaking his lower half and he was too lost in the good-feels to notice. Tara watched as small pink blotches were shaken loose, all of them vaguely foal shaped, none of them even having Fluff yet, and none of them breathing.

Cyan fell silent as he watched his brood being ripped out in front of him, his first litter, his only babbehs, and they were never even given a chance. He looked down at Pippen, by now the emotional anguish had overridden her immense physical pain and she had collapsed onto the grass, only letting out chirps and cries as Ronnie’s assault kept her broken body pinned down.

“Am sowwy speciaw-fwiend.” Cyan started to wimper out. “Onwy wan tu…”


Cyan felt every dead cell in below his waist suddenly ignite and explode as Tara gripped the handle of the fork and sharply twisted it, with the prongs still stuck in Cyan’s body.

“Do you feel that? Those heart-hurties you have, from failing your special-friend, failing your babbehs? That’s what Chip felt, that is EXACTLY what you did to him, doesn’t feel good, does it?”

“Hnnnggghhhh, Ch… .Chirp. Am sow… am sowwy. Pwease nu… nu mowe huwties.”

Tara twisted the fork again, the pressure on Cyan’s weak flesh started to tear, Tara could see blood pooling on her back.

“Are you sorry? Sorry for what you did? Or are you just sorry that you had to suffer like Chip did, knowing that you only have yourself to blame?”

“…Tuffie nu knyo wha du wong, bu pwomise neba du it ga…”


Tara twisted the fork as far as she could and ripped out a chunk of Cyan’s torso, pulling out skin and muscle and sinew and organ, Cyan tried to shit in fear but there was a hole where his guts use to be. He felt every microsecond of throbbing anguish, too broken to even cry anymore, he lay his head down and with his final ounce of strength, he tried to reach for Pippen.

The last thing he heard was Ronnie’s cries of ecstasy as he filled Cyan’s love with unwanted lust. Cyan never felt his mate’s touch again.

“GUD FEEWS! Fank yu fow bestesh enfies big babbeh.” Ronnie pulled himself off of Pippen, his lust-riddled mind still too fucked up to realise what had happened. Pippen shuddered as she felt Ronnie no-no juice leaking out of her, his assault had lasted so long that her miscarriage was long over, she was surely pregnant again with his bad-huggie babbeh.

Ronnie happily turned to Tara and smiled. “Nyu mummah, can Tuffie hab…”


Ronnie said nothing else as Tara swung a spade down on his head, Ronnie’s body was instantly dropped to half its original size as his entire top half was crumpled into his bottom half, bones and blood shooting out of all directions.

Tara felt a little bad about giving such a monster a quick death, but she smirked when she saw him wave his stubby legs about, waddle back and forth before eventually keeling over and dying. He didn’t live long, but those few second would’ve been the worst pain he’d ever felt.

With the attacker dead, Tara turned her attention to his victim, Pippen was definitely in the ‘wan-die’ stage, even if all she could do was chirp the thousand yard stare etched on her face was enough to tell Tara she was gone. It was a good start.

Carefully, Tara picked up Pippen and softly stroked her mane.

“There, there, it’s ok, he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“Peep, speciaw-fwiend, chirp, gun. Tummeh-babbehs, peep, gun. Onwy hab, chirp, bad huggie, peep, babbehs.”

“You don’t like babbehs from bad special-huggies?”

Pippen shook her head.

“Do you want me to help you get rid of them?”

Pippen looked up at Tara, a hopeful look on her face. “Wady can du dat?”



“Like this.”

And with everything she had, Tara threw Pippen head-first into the fence, the green mare didn’t even have time to scream before she was flattened against the wooden surface, leaving nothing but a bloodstreaked mess along the boards.

Khan wailed as Pippen’s blood and innards were splattered onto him. “PWEASE NU MOWE! Smawty weawn wesson, neba be meanie tu udda Fwuffies gain, jus wet hewd gu.”

In a blind fury, Tara ripped off the chunk of Cyan that she had torn out with the fork and lobbed it at Khan’s head, the impact burst his nose open and he started bleeding badly from the wound.

“You think sorry makes up for what you’ve done? You think sorry will bring back my Fluffies? You KILLED them, for nothing more than being here. And you want to know the worst part, if you had asked for some food, I would’ve given you some, if you had asked for somewhere to stay I would’ve taken you somewhere safe. I was on YOUR side, I believed in the loving, caring nature of Fluffies… and you ripped that belief right out of MY FUCKING HEART!!!”

Khan shit himself again, already he was noticeably skinnier, though the amount of fat he had on him meant he was still a long way off being called ‘thin’, but lack of food and an abundance of scardie poopies was doing its job. Tara could also see tears in Khan’s legs from where the weight of his body was ripping apart the seams on his legs. He would never tear them enough to lose his legs, but the sharp pain would never leave him.

Tara took a couple breaths and continued. “There’s not much left of herd now, why don’t we just get this over and done with, I say your cunt mate should be next.”

Khan’s eyes went wide. “NU! SPECIAW-FWIEND, WUN!”

Tara spun round and sure enough, in all her retarded pink glory, Casey foolishly darted out from her hiding spot and ran for… something. Tara knew there was no way out, and the fat bitch was about to find that out as well.

Grabbing a pair of pruners, Tara strolled over to Casey, the dumb cunt was pawing at the fence, trying desperately to find a gate or a hole or anything that would help her escape. In her frantic efforts, her fat blue son and her purple daughter were being tossed about on her back.

“Dummeh mummah stop.” Blue spat out. “Bestesh gun faww off.”

“Huu, nu wike meanie gawden, wan gu bak tu twee-pwace.”

Casey stopped pawing and looked around, seeing if there was anything she could use to slow Tara down. Seeing nothing, Casey did the only thing she could think of.

She grabbed her purple daughter by her teeth and tossed her at Tara.

“Sabe mummah an bestesh wittew babbeh.”


Tara tried to avoid the filly as she landed in the grass, but she was so shocked that Casey would sacrifice her own child like that that she lost her footing and accidentally crushed the purple foal under her foot.

“Nuu, babbeh, wai meanie wady gib babbeh foweba sweepies.”

“ME?!” Tara fumed as she kicked Casey in the side. “YOU’RE the one who threw her at me, YOU’RE the one who killed her.”

“Hmmph, babbeh nu gib munstah foweba sweepies, nu wub mummah enuff tu sabe hew.”

Tara grinned as she knelt down, holding Casey under one knee and keeping her trapped while she picked up the fat blue colt.


Instantly she hated him, the weight of him in her hands, the way his soft folds moulded around her fingers, the stink of both his shit stained ass and his rotted teeth. The whining little cunt was being killed with kindness and he didn’t ever realise it.

“Christ, I think I’m doing you a favour with this.”

Tara placed the tip of the pruners at Blue’s belly button, she pushed in slightly ready to slice him open when…


Tara turned to where Casey was pointing, and sure enough hidden by the shed and the pile of shit the herd had amassed already, Belle was peeking out to make sure everything was safe. Not wanting to lose her again, Tara quickly broke one of Casey’s legs to keep her from running away and sprinted off after Belle.

The brown mare realised she was done for and tried to run away, but as ever, Tara barely had to make any effort to catch up with her. She hoisted Belle off the ground by her scruff, almost missing a little brown filly as she landed in the grass.

“NU! Nu huwt babbeh, nu huwt mummah, pwease.”

Tara picked up the filly with her other hand, she was surprised she’d missed this foal during her initial spy on the herd but there was a lot going on, it was easily done. The filly was either sleeping or unconscious, with how fragile these things Tara guessed that slight fall knocked her out, figuring she could deal with that later, she turned to Belle.

“What did that pink bitch mean when she said you’re the reason why you’re all here?”

“Huu, nu say meanie wowds neaw babbeh.”


Belle let out a blast of scardie poops. “Huu, Fwuffy find gawden, fink it gud pwace fow hewd. Heaw udda Fwuffies inside, teww dem dat meanie Fwuffies wan gib Fwuffy bad speciaw-huggies. Meanie wady Fwuffies hewp dig unda fencie tu wet Fwuffy in, den Fwuffy keep Meanie wady Fwuffies distwacted su hewd can git in.”

Tara felt her heart constrict. “You tricked my Fluffies, let them think you were in danger, so that you could get your herd in here?”

Belle had the audacity to smile and nod. “Uh-huh, Fwuffy hab bestesh finkie-pwace pwan, sum Fwuffies nu wike poopie mawes, bu uddas du, wen Meanie wady Fwuffies wan hewp Fwuffy, knyo dem am weak dummehs, Smawty du gud fing gibben dem wowstesh huwties, dey nu gud Fwuffies. Nyo Fwuffy can be mummah an wub babbeh.”

Tara started hyperventilating, it wasn’t her fault, yes she put the ground in making it easier for Khan and his herd to get in, but this wasn’t an opportunistic attack, it was planned and executed, starting with this psycho bitch right here.

And all because Belle knew she could exploit the kindness of strangers, Chip’s mother had been brown so he was born friendly to less appealing colours and Orchid had been trained well before Tara bought her, and now that very training contributed to her death. The friendship they had with other brown Fluffies in the neighbourhood, the love they had shown to their daughter Coco and teaching her siblings to love her despite her brown coat.

Coco who Tara was reminded of so vividly looking at the brown filly in her hands.

Coco who was now dead, because of a sadistic fucking herd.

Tara’s eyes burned into Belle’s face, as she held up the brown filly and slowly started to press her thumb into the foal’s throat, choking the air out of her.

“You betrayed the love and trust of my Fluffies so you could be a mother? Well congratulation you fucking monster, now you’re gonna be a mummah no more.”

“NU! Pwease nu huwt babbeh, is onwy wittew babbeh.”

“So were Orchid’s foals, that didn’t stop you then, it’s not gonna stop me now.”

Tara pressed tighter against the filly’s neck, the little thing gasping and gargling as she flailed her arms wildly, trying to capture her last breath as it was choked out of her.

Chapter 4


Coco better hope her human mummah realizes who she is before its too late, or the invaders spills the beans before then.


I’m betting Tara’s too far gone in her rage to notice it’s Coco she’s killing.


Oh boy, Hopefully Belle’s dumbass reveals she stole Coco before she dies, who knows, maybe belle will get a few measly seconds longer and be granted the mercy of a flying lesson if she saves Coco here


This is an interesting turn if she kills her own fluffy.


Ricky: “Marry me.”
Isaac: “(Eats fluffy stir fry out of large bowl.) This is delicious! Also the stiry fry tastes great.”


good… GOOOOD


Tara stop!!! That’s Coco!!! :scream::scream::scream:

Damn you you fucking brown mare you and your psychotic sorry of a brain!!! :confounded: Damn you!!!

Please hope Coco can just say something , Tara stop for a fucking second!!! :confounded::confounded:


Poor Tera, she is not in the best mental state thanks to those shitrats. I hope she can see that the foal is Orchids. I have a feeling that psycho bitch Coco will cry a bit with the foal dies, then like an idiot blurts out that she took the foal from the “dummi mare,” Tera realized what she has done will freezes a bit, Coco will either try and take down Tera or make a comment about her broken “toy” that will set Tera off even more!


Keep Belle alive and send her to Josef for better punishment.

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Cyan tried to shit in fear but there was a hold where his guts use to be

Found two tiny typos.


Good spot, cheers


No biggie.

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