The brown filly choked and gargled as Tara crushed her tiny throat, her eyes drenched with tears, her stubby limbs flailing with terror. Through a hoarse whisper Tara made out a single strained word.
“Mum… mah.”
“Mummah ain’t gonna save you now you little cunt. She gets to watch you die and it’s all her fault.”
Belle wept and tried to reach out, unable to move with Tara holding her by the scruff. “Huu, pwease nu gib babbeh foweba sweepies, Co-Co onwy wittew babbeh.”
Tara instantly felt her blood chill as she released her thumb from the filly’s neck, the little thing coughed and spluttered and wheezed, but she was alive, if only just. Tara turned to Belle and asked, with a frighteningly quiet voice.
“What did you say her name was?”
“Babbeh am Co-Co, Fwuffy see poopie babbeh wiv dummeh pwetty Fwuffies, poopie babbeh nu am deiw babbeh su Fwuffy take poopie wen hewd gib pwetty dummehs wowstesh huwties an…”
Tara immediately dropped Belle onto the grass, ignoring the cries of ‘wowstesh weggie huwties’ she raced the filly inside. The filly didn’t just remind her of Coco, it WAS Coco, and she’d been so wrapped up in her rage, so consumed by vengeance that she almost killed the one piece of Chip’s family that he had left.
Even now, masked by fear, she felt that fury burning inside her.
Coco took priority over everything else though, Tara took her to the kitchen and placed her onto a soft towel on the countertop. Her breathing was steady but strained, likely something in her throat had been sprained if not completely broken, Tara was ready to kick herself for being so fucking blind but she put her efforts into saving Coco first.
Thinking quickly, she grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge, some excess pumped from Orchid to help with the feedings, and attached a pacifier to the top to allow Coco to feed from it. Tara placed the rubber teats against Coco’s mouth and instinctively the filly started suckling, she was taken aback by the cold liquid, expecting the warmth of mummah’s milk, but the familiar taste and calming stroke of her belly calmed her down.
Tara breathed a sigh of relief, the fact that Coco was managing to swallow the milk was good in itself but the soothing feel would go a long way to help heal her. Tara let the poor girl feed for a while, the events of the last two days likely doing a lot of psychological damage, after a few moments and almost a full bottle, Coco popped off with a small burp and rolled over to go to sleep, probably not having slept in over 24 hours.
Tara wrapped her in the towel and carried her over to the Fluffy bed, hopefully she would be at rest for a good while longer, she didn’t need to see what Tara was going to do next.
Heading back outside, Tara saw Casey and Belle both dragging themselves around the garden with Casey chasing after Belle. In her fall Belle had broken at least two of her legs, one in the front and one in the back, whereas Casey only had one back leg broken by Tara earlier.
As such, Casey was frequently catching up to Belle and smacking her from behind.
“Dummeh poopie mawe. Dis aww yuw fauwt. Yu gib hewd foweba sweepies. Yu gib bestesh babbeh wowstesh huwties. Soon-mummah gun gib yu foweba sweepies.”
“Huu, nu Fwuffy fauwt, jus wan wand fow hewd, jus wan babbehs.”
Tara felt something inside her twitch and she walked over to the fighting pair, picking Belle off the ground.
“So, you stole a baby, MY Fluffies baby, because you thought her being brown meant she belonged to you?”
The genuine smile on Belle’s face unnerved Tara. “Dat wight, pwetty Fwuffies nu wike poopies, poopies am onwy gud fow numming poopies.”
“But… you’re a ‘poopie’, does your herd make you eat poop?”
“Onwy wittew bit if nu hab enuff nummies, Fwuffy am ‘Go-Wook Fwuffy’, see if nyu wand am dangawoud ow nu. Dat wai Fwuffy nu hab own babbehs yet, need wook afta hewd fwiend fiwst den came hab babbehs. Bu Fwuffy find dummeh pwetty Fwuffies wiv poopie babbeh in gud wand an Fwuffy knyo dis mean tu happen, bestesh hewd git gud pwace tu sweepies an Fwuffy git be mummah tu poopie babbeh. Jus need gid pwetty dummehs foweba sweepies.”
For a brief moment Tara felt a sting of sympathy for Belle, basically being the sacrificial lamb for the herd’s safety, but that sympathy very quickly dissolved as Belle implicated herself not just as willing participant, but as one of the key collaborators of the entire attack.
Tara reached into her pocket and pulled out the Aphrodisiac spray. “So? You want babies of your own then I take it?”
“Yeh, Fwuffy knyo be bestesh mummah.”
“Well then, let’s get you some babies”
The smirk on Tara’s face frightened Belle as she was carried over to where Khan was still stuck to the fence, silently watching over the horror show. He groggily looked up at Tara and Belle, wondering what was going on.
“Wha munstah wady hab poopie mawe?”
“Oh I’m just helping our little brown friend here become a mummah. And since you’re the only living thing here with a dick attached…”
Tara turned round and saw Casey crawling towards her, her fat blue bestesh wobbling back and forth on her back, crying about the ‘pointy-hurtie’ when Tara had placed the pruners against his belly-button but not gone any further.
Casey harrumphed once more. “Speciaw-fwiend nu hab poopie enfies, Smawty onwy hab gud babbehs, gib bestesh mummah bestesh tummeh-babbehs.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll get to them soon enough.”
Using that moment of confused fear, Tara sprayed Khan in the face with the aphrodisiac and held Belle up to him at crotch height.
“PLLTTHHH, wai spway Smawty wiv meanie wawa, Smawty onwy wan… onwy… wan… wan enfie, wan gib enfies tu pwetty mawes, wan… wan… WAN POOPIE MAWE ENFIES!”
Belle went silent as she felt Khan enter her, her dreams of a happy life with the foals she loved were shattered, replaced now with bad foals made not of love but of bad huggies. Khan’s still nailed limbs and Belle being held in place above the ground by Tara made the whole thing even more awkward and humiliating, every time she thought she felt Khan about to finish, he would change speed or his angle and try humping her in a different way, too lost in the Pink Mist to understand anything else.
It would last far too long and Belle would hate every moment of it.
“Enf! Enf! Enf! Enf!” Khan’s eyes were rolled back in his head, his unsupported hips trying to buck forward without anything to hold onto. Tara could see the blood around the nail-wounds starting to seep out again, the effort he was putting into this was literally tearing him apart, and the horny idiot didn’t even notice.
Casey watched aghast. “SPECIAW-FWIEND AM BIGGESH MEANIE! Gib poopie mawe speciaw-huggies and bestesh tummeh-babbehs, soon-mummah nu wub Smawty nu mowe, Smawty am biggesh dummeh.”
Casey continued her tirade for several moments until Khan finally finished.
Khan drooped backwards, his front limbs not bleeding badly from the strain inflicting upon them, Belle was wide-eyed and shaking, believing she had been safe from bad-huggies in her herd, already she could feel her tummy making babbehs, and try as she might she couldn’t hate them.
Casey fumed and turned away. “Dummeh Smawty, nu am speciaw-fwiend nu mowe, Soon-mummah an bestesh gun…”
Tara immediately grabbed the fat blue colt off Casey’s back and knocked the ugly pink mare over, holding her under foot once more.
“You ain’t going nowhere, I’ve still got plans for you two.”
“Oh, you want your baby back? What about you Fatso, you want to go bak to your mummy?”
“Huu, bestesh babbeh nu wike Fatsu namesie, am meanie namesie.”
Tara had to chuckle at her accidentally naming the blue colt. “Ok Fatso, let’s give you back to your mother.”
“Pwease, Fatsu miss mummah, am bestesh mummah wiv bestesh miwkies an wet Fatsu du whaeba wan an…”
Fatso barely even had time to register what happened until he looked over and saw the pruners against his side, his front right leg already snipped off and falling to the ground.
“Well you wanted to go back to your mother, I never said you’d be going back in one piece.”
Tara snipped off another leg which kicked Casey in the face as it fell, the fat mare looked on in horror as her last living foal was mutilated in front of her.
Casey was violently cut off by Tara throwing Fatso at her face, Casey wiped the blood from her now broken nose and was about to start shouting again, until she saw the remains of Fatso in front of her.
“Mummah, Fatsu nu can feew weggies, need huggies, need miwkies.”
Fatso was a round blue ball with a fat head, Tara had snipped off all four of his legs and left him a worthless ball of shit to roll around helplessly. Tara readied herself to mock Casey only for the self-righteous bitch to go even further than Tara expected.
“HMMPH, bestesh babbeh am nu weggie dummeh nyo, mummah nu wub yu nu mowe.”
“MUMMAH! Mummah pwease, bestesh babbeh need huggies, huggies make evewyfing betta.”
“Nu gib nu-weggie babbehs huggies, yu jus dummeh babbeh.”
The twitch in Tara’s head came back. “You heartless fucking cunt, that is your last foal and you’re disowning him because he doesn’t have any legs?”
“Nu am wastesh babbeh, Fwuffy hab bestesh tummeh-babbeh, hab nyu bestesh babbeh soon.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Casey’s eyes went wide and she shat herself. Keeping her steady on the ground, Tara reached into Josef’s bag and pulled out the final tool her cousin had gifted her.
A bag of parsley.
By now Khan had broken out of his lustful stupor and was feeling the pain in his arms and in his heart.
“Pwease wady, Smawty hab wowstesh huwties aww oba, nu wan be Smawty nu mowe, wan weave wiv speciaw-fwiend an tummeh-babbehs and nu be meanie gain, jus wet Smawty…”
Khan was silenced by Tara shoving Casey’s special-place into Khan’s face, specifically putting her Fluffy vag into his open mouth.
“Do you honestly think I’m going to let you leave here with your family? After what you did to my Fluffies? Killed their children, castrated Chip so he could never have foals again, humiliated and degraded him, gang-raped the love of his life and his infant fucking children in front of him and made his own home into a fucking graveyard? You think after all that I’m letting you walk away? Not a fucking chance.”
Tara shoved the bag of parsley into Casey’s mouth, emptying out as much as she could then clamping down to force Casey to swallow the herb, which she instinctively did out of the hunger she’d faced over the last few hours.
It didn’t take long to take effect.
“Oooh, hab huwties in tummeh, babbehs nu feew gud.”
Suddenly Khan’s eyes went wide and Tara could guess why, with his mouth still stuck over his mate’s special-place he likely just got the first hint of what was to come. A slight taste of blood leaking out of her.
Then there was a slow rumbling, and Casey’s face dropped.
Helplessly, Casey’s body forcefully aborted her foals, shooting them out of her special-place and down Khan’s gullet, the former Smarty couldn’t even close his mouth to save himself, a barrage of fluids and mucus and pink mush that was his unborn children was blasted down his throat.
Khan had to swallow all of it or risk drowning.
Eventually Casey was brought back to regular size, once she was deflated Tara dropped her onto the grass, her natural fatness protecting her somewhat. Instantly she threw a fucking fit.
Fatso’s eyes welled up hearing his mother’s cries. “Bu mummah, peep, Fatsu am stiww hewe.”
Tara grabbed Casey by the gob with one hand, and with the other she picked up Fatso.
“You’re a mother. FUCKING ACT LIKE ONE!”
And with pull so violent she broke Casey’s jaw, Tara shoved Fatso arse first down his mother’s throat.
He immediately got stuck.
“NU WIKE, FATSU NU AM NUMMIES!” His horrified voice was muffled by his fleshy tomb. “MUMMAH NU NUM FATSU!”
Casey couldn’t even hear her son over her own panic, the fat lard had blocked off her airways, she couldn’t breathe and the taste of Fatso’s scardie-poopies shooting down her neck was making her panic more, taking breaths she didn’t have.
Khan looked on in horror, just when he thought being drenched in his mate’s bodily fluids and forced to swallow his own unborn foals was the worst that could happen to him, now he had to watch his special-friend choke to death from their son.
“PWEASE WADY! Nu huwt speciaw-fwiend, nu take evewyfing fwom Smawty, pwease.”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
Khan couldn’t answer, watching Casey gargle and choke, the last of his family and of his herd, Khan came to the realisation that this was what he deserved. He was the worst Fluffy, and the Fluffies he cared for had paid for it.
Casey finally froze up, fell onto her back and went limp, her pink Fluff noticeably bluer from her lack of oxygen, she died panicking and alone, and Tara still didn’t feel like it was enough.
As soon as Casey’s dead body hit the grass, Khan burst into tears.
“Good, because I’m going to let you die.”
Khan looked up hopefully at Tara. “Weawwy? Yu gib Fwuffy foweba sweepies.”
“Sort of. I’m just gonna leave you stuck up here until you starve to death, until the worst tummeh-hurties kills you. Because I want you to fucking suffer you utter fucking monster.”
“Bu… munstah wady gib aww hewd foweba sweepies, gib speciaw-fwiend an babbeh foweba sweepies. Hab Fwuffy nu suffa enuff?”
Tara leaned in and snarled at Khan.
“Not by a fuckin long shot.”
Reaching into her pocket, Tara took out one last tool, a length of string. She tied one end to Casey’s tail, noting that the combined weights of Casey’s fat corpse, Fatso’s limbless body and the typical dead weight made for a hefty load.
The other end she tied to Khan’s balls.
“You’re getting neither ever again, this is your life now until you do the decent thing and fucking die.”
Tara spit at Khan before picking up the still shivering and weeping Belle and taking her inside. Khan watched Tara leave, his tiny Fluffy brain confused on how to avoid the constant of pain around him, his nailed limbs were being stretched one way, his precious nuts being pulled another by the weight of his dead mate. No matter what he did or how he moved, something felt like it was going to tear.
And if the munstah lady was to believed, he was going to die like this.
“Peep. Wan, chirp, die.”
Inside the house, Tara callously tossed Belle into the sink and went to check on Coco, thankfully the little filly was still alive and still asleep, nothing about her breathing seemed off although Tara would keep an eye on her going forward.
Happy that Coco was now safe, Tara pulled out her phone and texted Josef.
‘That’s me done, managed to find one of Chip’s daughters still alive, long story. Bring Chip and I’ll explain. Also maybe a bin-bag.”
She hit send and suddenly she felt a massive weight off of her shoulders, finally it was over, these monsters had paid for what they had done and would never hurt another ever again. Not that it mattered, Tara couldn’t bring back Orchid, or any of the other foals, they were gone forever, the pain for both Chip and Coco would never leave them, and she didn’t feel any better for what she’d done.
“Munstah Wady?”
The twitch returned, Tara turned and looked at the sink, because of course it wasn’t over, there was still Belle to deal with.
“If Munstah Wady wan gib hewd foweba sweepies, den wai gib Fwuffy tummeh-babbehs?”
A smile slowly grew on Tara’s face, unnerving Belle so much that she shit herself in fear at the sight of her.
“Oh don’t you worry, I’ve got plans for them.”