Avocado - Chapter 6 - By Oculus (with art by Carpdime)


A tribute to Carpdime’s Avocado

Chapter Six: Changes

(continued from Chapter 5, Buttercup and the Christmas Special)


Bursts of light, televising the explosive display of pyrotechnics brightened each moment of the new year sky. Against the inky ocean of night, each firework flew up and burst into a beautiful, though brief, flower of light.

An elated Avocado was at home, with his owner, and his owner’s parents. As gwanpa, gwamma and daddeh were standing up, they all raised a glass to the new year. There were some other people at the party, including Scarlet, and a few other human relatives Avo couldn’t remember. They too had their own fluffies, but the only one Avo could remember was Buttercup, because he spent so much time with Buttercup in class.

As the celebration went on in the screen, Avo heard a song ring out in fluffspeak.

Shid awd akwentans bee fiwgot,
an newa’ bwocht ti mynd?
Shid awd akwentans bee fiwgot,
an awd wang syn?

Fiw awd wang syn, ma fwens,
fiw awd wang syn,
wiw tak a cup o kyndnes yet,
fiw awd wang syn!

The camera panned down to a choir of singing fluffies. All of them were of a blue colour with a turquoise mane, and each were wearing a pair of white plastic wings. Avocado could tell that they were not real pegasi.

“And it is New Years Day at the Fluffy Village of Nova Scotia!”

A female human with a microphone appeared on the screen and was giving the narration. Behind her, a huge herd of fluffies were celebrating the new year. There was a large fluffy, dressed like “Sanny Kwaws”, giving gifts to some foals. There was a bunch of fluffies working on erecting a giant snowfluffy, much like the one Avocado built with gwandaddeh.

“This tourist attraction, which was previously owned by Hasbio Inc for promotional purposes is now currently maintained by the Association for the Wellbeing of Fluffy Ponies, or AWFP. The tourist attraction is open all year round.”

As Avocado looked in delight at the depiction of the Fluffy Village, he wondered if he would ever get the chance to go to a place like that. The world seemed to be such a mysterious place to our little green foal.

Mark, Avo’s owner, came in with a dish of milk. Tapping his glass of champagne with the dish, he placed the dish beside Avocado.

“Happy New Year, Avo.”

As Avo gleefully lapped the first miwkies of the New Year, he responded, “Happeh Nyu Yeaw, Daddeh.”


New Year’s Day was only a forever, but, for Avocado, it went by too fast. He spent so many forevers with his daddeh that he remembered his first forevers with daddeh. Daddeh gave him his fiwst miwkies, then his first nummies, his first toysies, Mr Huggies and of course, FluffTV. Then, daddeh had to go to school, which is why Avo had to go to a different school, one that was near his grandparents. The holidays gave a much-needed reprieve, as they would for any child. But alas, and in our human terms, the holiday period that lasted for two weeks had come to an end, and now both daddeh and Avocado had to go back to school.

However, before daddeh could leave the house, he picked up Avo. Avo was getting bigger now. Although he was still a foal, he was now about 6 months of age. He was now twice the size of a guinea pig, and twice the size he was three months earlier, when he first stayed with his grandparents. Mark remembered what the blonde said, many months ago. Avo was going to start experiencing more growth spurts now, as he was reaching adulthood.

“You’re going to be a big fluffy, soon, Avo.”

“Awo am big, daddeh! Avo am big fwuffy!”

“Not yet, ya silly billy. You still haven’t developed a full mane yet, and your voice hasn’t deepened yet.”

“Woyse? What am dat?”

“You’ll sound different, Avo. You will sound more like a big fluffy.”

Avo remembered seeing the bigger adult fluffies all over the daycare, especially mummah Candy.

“Avo wiww be vewwy big?”

“Of course, Avo! You’ll be a grown up! And even though you’re a fluffy, it means you’ll still need to learn things.”

“Avo wememba! Babbeh wearn A B Cs and 1 2 3s, da guud bois ‘n bawkie munstahs, and how tu be a guud fwuff!”

“Yes Avo, but there are other things you’ll be learning.”

“Wike wut?”

Mark sighs. He wasn’t sure what he was trying to convey to Avo, but he can’t help but feel that, even though Avo was just a fluffy, he felt so much like a kid. In some distant corner in his mind, Mark remembered a similar question he posed to someone like Avo, when he was much younger.

“Has school been okay for you Avo?”

“Ob couwsh! Some bwite times, babbeh hab bigges’ head huwties, bu’ fwuffy twy, an’, fwuffy weawn!” beams Avo.

Mark smiles, as he sighs, “Dear old innocent Avo.” Marks voice, however, becomes a bit more somber.

“Sometimes, you will have to learn some difficult things. And you might start learning about them as you become a grown up.”

“Wike wut?”

Mark hesitated. He wasn’t sure if what he said next was the right thing to say.

“Avo, do you know whats the difference between a good fluffy and a bad fluffy?”

“Ob couwsh!” chortles Avo, as he recites the mantra in his mind, “Guud fwuffies do guud poopies, wisten to mummahs an’ daddehs, and pway onwy at da wite times! An’ oso nu eat aww da sketti evewydae!”

“Yes Avo, but there are also other things that you need to do to be good.”

“Wike wut?”

“Well, I heard the story about you and Buttercup. That was a good thing you did Avo. Buttercup was a lost fluffy, and he found a new mama, thanks to you.”

“Buttewcup am onwy a wittwe babbeh. An’ aww babbehs awe fwens!”

“I guess they are Avo. But there are also bad fluffies in the world. And bad humans.”

“B-bad hyummehs?”

“Humans can sometimes be monsters, Avo. And the same applies to fluffies. A lot of fluffies are good, but there can be some bad ones. As you get older in the next few months, you might start seeing this.”

Avo was silent for a moment. He wasn’t sure what his daddeh was trying to tell him exactly. For the longest time, Avo only knew that fluffies were only bad when they did things weren’t supposed to, like not doing good poopies or wanting too much sketti. But daddeh seemed to be talking about something else, like as though there was a different kind of bad fluffy.


“Yes, Avo?”

“Babbeh hab homewowk. Homewowk am aww abow wut daddeh do at wowk or skool.”

Mark grins, realizing what Avo was supposed to do over the winter holiday.

“Sure Avo. Before I leave, I’ll help you with your homework.”


It was a busy day that first Monday of the new year. Avo was excited to meet his old friends, especially Blueberry. He had seen Buttercup a few times, but Blueberry was the very first friend he made, and thus was the fluffy he was missing a lot on.



As both foals hugged each other, Blueberry was ecstatic to see our green foal again.

“Bwuebewwy miss Avo wots and wots! ‘ad so much fun ova da howidaes!”

“Avo tuu! Abo pway in snow, ‘den cewebwate Kwissmas, an’ got nice pwezzies wike buuks. And den, dewe was New Yeaw Dae an’”

However, while Avocado was reciting everything that happened in the past few weeks (save for the time he got wowstest sickies), Blueberry noticed a golden coloured foal enter the daycare with her owner. This foal was a member of their class but, a few weeks ago, look no different from the others.

However, upon seeing her again, she seemed different to Blueberry. Instead of walking like the average babbeh, she was now starting to walk in a more dignified stride. She was showing off the first sign of a mane, and in this case, it was elegantly curled. Instead of the atypical fluffy waddle, she strutted across the room towards the class, much like a cat.

There was another fluffy that Avo wanted to see again dearly and upon seeing her, Avo placed his hoof on Blueberry’s shoulder.

“Oooh, mummah Candee am hewe! Wiwwa tawk to ‘ou soon, Bwue!”

“Otay,” said Blueberry. In that moment in the world, the only thing on Blueberry’s mind was that golden coloured foal.

As Avo left Blueberry, he heard his name being called out from his favourite teacher.


“Mummah Candee!”

As Avo ran into Candy’s embrace the teacher fluffy gave Avo the tightest hug, as she raised him up high. Candy had been doing this with other foals she had known well, but she was the most excited to see Avo.

“Candee am so happy! Avo been good ova da howidaes?”

“Ob cowse! Avo did homewowk, mummah!”

“Bwavo,” said Candy, as she ruffled Avocado’s head. Noticing that he was developing a definite mane, as well as feeling slightly heavier, Candy remarked, “Avo am getting bigga! Wiww be aww gwoed up soon!”

“Babbeh can’t wait!”

As Avo said this, Avo saw a very large fluffy walk into the daycare. Besides him was an owner who was wearing headphones, a t-shirt underneath a flannel shirt, and a pair of jeans. The beige fluffy by his side was not yet an adult but towered over the other foals. If one didn’t know his age, one would easily mistake him for being an adult.

The man was talking to Auburn, as they were settling this foal’s entry into the daycare.

“Hey Auburn. I believe we met last week?”

“Indeed, we did. I take it you have brought the payment for the month that Bullsquid will be here?”

“I have,” said the man, as he passed a thick wad of notes to Auburn.

Upon receiving the money, Auburn turned to Bullsquid, who was being let off his leash.

“Well, hello there Bullsquid! Welcome to East Side Day Care!”

Bullsquid remained silent.


“Daddeh am go to skool, wike fwuffy!”

Avocado was currently giving a presentation about his father. The assignment that the foals have received over the winter holidays was to find out the kind of occupation their respective owners had.

In the foreground, the golden coloured foal laughed in scorn at Avocado’s statement. Next to her sat a pink coloured fluffy with a little bow on her head, who looked rather timid.

The gold coloured fluffy retorted, “Avo daddeh am dummeh, stiww hab to go tu skuul!”

“Nuh uh,” says Avo, as he explained “daddeh am go to speshul skool. Daddeh am wearning abow biznis and ek-ek-ek-ko-no-miks.”

Auburn raised an eyebrow as she heard that statement. A mischievous thought crept into her mind.

“Well that’s interesting Avo. What is economics?”

Avo brings his hoof to his chin as he is in deep thought. Deep inside, the Auburn was sniggering.

However, Avo smiled, as he remembered what his daddeh told him.

“Eko-no-mics am aww about ‘ow monies wowk! Biznis am aww numbuhs an numbuhs to maek monies, eko-no-miks aw aww abou’ how biznis wowk!”

“Those are some pretty big words there, Avo. Do you even know what ‘money’ is?”

“Avo knu wut am monies,” asserted Avo, as he explained, “monies am da bwightie tings hummehs buy and seww’ stuff wif.”

As Avo said this, the pink foal who set beside the gold one raised her hoof.

“Wut am ‘buy an’ seww’?”

“Weww, wets sae fwuffy wan’ a bwockie cuz fwuffy nu hab bwockies. Fwuffy hab a fwen dat hab bwockie. Fwuffy wike ta gib fwens bwankies to hab bwockies, but fwen nu want bwankies. So, fwuffy use monies.”

“Why fwen nu wike bwankies? Aww fwuffies wike bwankies!”

Avo was about to answer the golden fluffy, and explain to her that not all fluffies like blankets, and thus, money existed as form of a medium of exchange that a society could agree upon, but, of course, such an explanation would be too much for the class. At this moment, Candee had to step in.

“Aww wite Avo,” laughs Candee, as she addressed the class, “Monies wiww gib babbehs head huwties. Avo am smawt, but fwuffy hav ta think ob uddas.”

Avo, a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to elaborate on his father, nodded, realizing that the other foals had to present their homework as well.

“Otay, mummah.”

As Avo went back to his seat. As he did so, Auburn eyed the young green foal. While Candy did the right thing, Auburn wondered what Avo would have said next, if he had been given the chance.

The next fluffy to present his homework was Buttercup.

“Fwuffy am Buttewcup, and my mummah wub wunnies! Mummah wun aww day wong”


“Hewwo Awo.”

“Hewwo Mawigowd.”

It was playtime. Avo was currently in the playpen with the golden coloured fluffy. This time around, Avo had been paired with a different set of fluffies, while his usual friends – Blueberry and Buttercup – had gone to another side of the daycare to play.

“Avo, wai am ‘ou so smawt?” Marigold asked. Her owner was a businessman, and everyday would talk about business and numbers and economics and finance, none of the things an average fluffy would understand, let alone a foal of her age. However, today, Avocado showed that he could understand those human terms a bit.

Avocado shook his head.

“Avo nu am smawt. Avu onwy wike weadin’.”

“Weadin’? Wike, buuks?”

“Yus!” beamed Avo, as he continued, “Babbeh wub booksies! Avo wead with gwamma and gwandaddeh aww dae wong.”

“Dun buuks gib head huwties?”

“Sometimes. Bu’, Avo twy, and Avo ask gwandaddeh and gwamma fow hewp. An’, afta sum forevas, Awo wearn!”


In the other side of the daycare, Blueberry was paired with Bonnie. She was the pink coloured foal with the bow, who was younger than Blueberry and Avocado by about two weeks. The two fluffies were playing a simple game of ‘hoofbaww’, where one fluffy would kick the ball to the other, and the other fluffy would kick back. Since this was a simple game, and they were mostly making small talk, the passed the ball very slowly.

“Bwuebewwy weawwy wike Mawigowd,” said Blueberry.


“Mawigowd am so pwitty!”

“Bonnie am pwitty tuu!”

“Yus, fwen am, but, Mawigowd am a speshul kind o’ pwitty. Fwuffy nu undahstan, bu’ fwuffy wan’ ta spen’ moar tiem wif Mawigowd.”

As Blueberry said this, Bonnie stopped to think for a while. As she did so, the ball that Bluebeery kicked went past her. Waddling to get it back, she then moved it forward, as she quietly mentioned,

“Weww, babbeh wike Awocado.”

Blueberry raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

“Awo am pwitty.”

“Ye, bu’ Awo am su smawt. Bonnie wan be wike Awo.”

The two fluffies were playing near a boarded-up area of the daycare. About a year ago, the previous wooden fence had been broken, which had caused a few incidents at the daycare and the management installed a new wooden partition to close this gap. However, even this partition could not shield the daycare from the sounds of the outside world.

“Enf enf enf”

Both Blueberry and Bonnie stopped playing, as Blueberry was the first to ask, “Wut am dat?”

Bonnie, sensing that the sound was coming from behind the wooden partition, pointed her hoof in that direction, saying “Ower dewe!”

“Enf! Enf! enf!”

Both foals were trying to make a sense of what they were hearing, as they placed their ears on the partition. However, Bonnie noticed two large peepholes that Blueberry and her could see through. Beckoning to Blueberry, both foals made their way to the peepholes.


Blueberry was confused by what he saw. He saw two adult fluffies, like the ones in the daycare. But they were not clean. Covered in filth and muck, there was a very clear sign that they just did bad poopies. There was a light purple fluffy with a yellow mane, who looked like she was getting hurt but, instead of cries of pain, she was yelling out in happiness, “Enf! Enf! Wub! Fwuffy wan babbehs!!”

In response, the orange fluffy with a green mane yelled out in an assertive male voice, “Nu tawkies! Gib guud feews, mawe! Enf enf enf!” As he did so, Blueberry and Bonnie could see that the speshaw pwace, the speshul stick that all boy fluffies had, was being used by this male fluffy to enter this female fluffy from behind.

As the male was busy bringing himself into the female, he was distracted by the presence of another fluffy couple, who were coming in with two babbehs. As the orange and purple feral were distracted in their lovemaking, the other fluffy couple, a green male and a purple female, started their best to carry away a paper. Blueberry then saw that the paper had a huge nummie on it, one that the human folk call “a buwgew”.

The orange fluffy, finally noticing that his nummie was being taken away from him in the midst of his “enfing”, screamed out his demand, punctuated by random moans.

“Gib smawty…. Enf… burgew nummies… enf… NAO! Enf enf enf…”

But the other fluffy family didn’t listen. The purple mare asserted, “Nuu! Nee nummies to make miwkies fow babbehs!”

As she said this, bits of sketti sauce fell from the burger. The two foals, looking rather malnourished, started licking at the tomato sauce on the pavement, as they weakly said, “Nee miwkies…”

And with that, both Blueberry and Bonnie stopped looking, feeling like they had enough.

Blueberry and Bonnie were trying to process what they saw. There was something about what they were seeing that seemed incredibly forbidden. As domestics, both fluffies had only known of fluffies that lived within human households, as well as the fluffies went to the daycare. However, there was a much larger world of fluffies that existed that they had yet to learn. And barring that, both of them were trying to make sense of that ritual that they saw. Enfing, was that something adult fluffies did? It looked like fighting. But, nobody seemed to get hurt. If anything, both the orange stallion and pink mare seemed to be enjoying it.

For the rest of the day, Blueberry and Bonnie remained silent.


Within the year that it takes for a foal to go from a meek chirping baby to a full-grown and splendid adult fluffy, there comes a time when a fluffy starts to experience changes within his or her body.

Buttercup had been getting larger as the days go by. As a fluffy who enjoyed running, he had been running within the hamster wheel that Scarlet had bought for him for Christmas. However, within a week or, so, the wheel was starting to feel too small, too limiting. It was a fact that he discovered rather painfully.


As Scarlet rushed into the room, she saw the hamster wheel had broken from its support and was on the floor of Buttercup’s enclosure. Buttercup was trapped within the wheel, crying.

“There, there Buttercup.”

“Why wheewie fwen am aww bwoke? Huu huu…”

“You’re getting bigger Buttercup. No matter, I’ll get you a replacement wheel soon.”

A mile or so away, Avocado was looking at himself in the mirror. He seemed bigger than before, and he could notice the first signs of a darker green mane developing on his head. Foals usually lack this mane but start growing it as they reach adolescence. Feeling a little excited, he then called out his grandfather.


As he shouted this, Avocado then noticed that his voiced sounded a bit deeper than usual. Grandad came in, but with a puzzled expression.

“Whose there?”

Avo, a little confused, said, “It am onwy fwuffy, gwandaddeh.”

However, Avo said this in a much deeper voice, typical of an adult male fluffy.

“Damn, your voice broke. You are getting older, Avo!”

“Gwandad wook, Avo hab speshul head fwuff!”


Elsewhere in the town, Blueberry was still thinking about what he saw earlier in the daycare. He was dwelling on the ecstasy that the male adult was giving to the female.

He saw it with Bonnie but, as much as he tried, he could not see himself doing it with the other female, or with Bonnie. As he kept imagining, he kept thinking of Marigold. He imagined himself as being with Marigold. Fluffies loved to give hugs, but this seemed like a special kind of hug. Blueberry was wondering what it was like to give that kind of hug.

As he kept thinking about it, a part of him was starting to feel hard.

Having never felt this sensation before, and wanting to rub his speshul pwace, Blueberry started looking for something to rub against that could make him feel better. But everything seemed so hard. The blockie was too hard. The metaw fwen was too hard.

Then, he saw the hugtoy, the same hugtoy Jimmy had given him before. It had the same amount of legs as a fluffy and, if he taught long and hard enough, he could imagine that the hugtoy was Marigold. As he imagined himself, as an adult, Blueberry placed his hard nu-nu against the hugtoy, and mad ethe sounds.

“Enf enf enf…”

The sound was coming out of Blueberry naturally. As he kept imagining Marigold and himself as adults, engaged in ecstasy, he kept rubbing harder, and harder. He was starting to feel like a dam that was about to burst.

And then it came out. A warm, fluid. It was like wawa, but it was not the peepees. It was white like miwkies, but sticky, like the glue he had seen in school.

Feeling a little tired, Blueberry removed himself from the hugtoy, panting.

“Blueberry, whats that’s noise? I told you-“

As Jimmy said this, he saw Blueberry lying on the ground, his member still erect. Nearby, his hugtoy of over 5 months was now covered in white fluid. As Jim looked in horror, Blueberry could only manage a few words.

“Fwuffy… feew…. Guud…”


There were other changes that was going on in the school as the week went by. Avo remembered that the foals of the classes used to be happy playing with each other or mingled freely. However, after a few dawk times, his fellow foals were starting to huddle amongst themselves. This behaviour started becoming more apparent when the foals were playing without the presence of the adults or humans.

And this seemed to start happening whenever Bullsquid entered the room. Avo only knew Bullsquid from one class, but, whenever he saw Bullsquid, especially during play time, he was always accompanied by five other male fluffies. Even though he seemed silent in class or around other humans, he was always chatting with these friends.

That Friday, Avocado was busy in the sandy area. Buttercup, Blueberry and him were working on making a sandcastle.

Patting at the sand with his hooves, Avocado could feel a heavy force shove him aside.

“Gu ‘way, dummeh.”

Within moments a terribly large beige hoof smashed through the sandcastle that Avocado and Buttercup had been working on.

“Dis am Buwwskwid pway wand.”

As Blueberry wailed loudly, Avocado came to realize what daddeh was talking about.


Pastebin entry: Avocado - Chapter 6 - Pastebin.com

This was supposed to be out on the first week of January but, well, I got sidetracked by IRL. In addition, I was actually writing a much larger chapter for Avocado detailing what I think will be his biggest challenges as a foal, but, I came to realize that the scene for what may be the longest chapter required having to introduced three new characters, and thus, another chapter had to be written to introduce said the three characters of Marigold, Bonnie and Bullsquid.

Some notes:

Before I get to Chapter 7, I will be uploading the rest of the #sam_adams_guide , which is currently up to Chapter 10 on the reddit.