Domestic fluffies are more trusting than most ferals.this often leads them into danger. The desire to protect their milk from thieves is so strong that mares birthing poopie babbehs will let the foal die before letting it take milk ment for good babbehs.
What is he up to or plan to get the milk to his foals is the question?
Maybe he’ll kill or eat her foals or hide them and swap them with his foals so they get milk?
Or bury them in poop so they die or she wont recognize them by scent and reject her own?
Edit: this is what the deleted message just thought instead of edited it , i resent it
Maybe by force, if he can like lock her down and keep her so she can feed his babies
Like breaking her legs?
Ohhhh never thought it that way that could work hopefully he also make her eat her babies so she can use them to make more milk for his, man thats evil
He might or after the birth if she gets dazed he could take them to a part of the nest abd bury them in the designated litter corner snd bury them in poop and lie saying a cat or something took them.
If he was smart, he could explain that his foals need milk but he will provide plenty of food so that she won’t run out once her own babies come.
But he is not smart, he’s a Fluffy. And chances are he’s going to do something drastic to ensure his kids get fed.
I’m more worried about where her baby daddy might be
I’m more worry about what the kids’ state is gonna be. Assuming time had past (aka, many hours), this could be in vine. That and, even if he does force her, what’s to stop her from just, you know, putting his kids down while he’s asleep?
Seems like he is trying to do his best.
It will probably end up in SOMEONE’S foals dying, though.
So much for being a gentlestallion
If anyone else is confused, I’m pretty sure “Miwkie fifes” is “milk thieves”
Beware the fiefdom of Lactose!
I mean hes a good daddeh really if it keep his babbehs alive and healthy (as healthy as ferals can be anyway)
I’m hooked on this poor stallions plight!