Barren Glory Part 3 by Karn

It wasn’t until midday when Glory began to stir, her entire body aching as she slowly came to. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself lying atop a pile of soft leaves. Trying to stand up, Glory nearly collapsed, her strength waning. Wobbling as she forced herself to try again and again to stand, she suddenly heard a panicked voice behind her.

“Nu twy wawkies nyu fwend! Fwuffy nee’ nummies an’ wawa tu feew bettah!”

Turning her head from the leaf pile, Glory saw the one winged pegasus from earlier. He was walking carefully towards her, his scarred side away from Glory. Within his hooves was an old child’s toy, a red plastic bucket, dingey and time worn.

“Hewe. Am wawa’s fow nyu fwend. D’wink an’ feew bettah nyu fwend.”

Shocked at the idea of drinking water from a dirty old bucket, Gloryblanched as she saw the brownish water within, nearly refusing it outright. But her thirst gave in as she began to slowly lap up the murky water, her palate assaulted by the slurried mixture, she had to fight back her reflex to throw up. Regardless of the low quality of the offering, Glory looked up from the bucket to the scarred pegasus, still wary but polite.

"Tank yu. Gwowy su thiwsty…Du yu hab nummies tu…Gwowy hab tummy huwties… "

Nodding his head towards the pile Glory had been sleeping on, the scarred pegasus smiled weakly.

“Nyu fwend am siwwy. Nummies wite deww…”"

Shaking her head as she looked at her makeshift bed, Glory gave the scarred pegasus a confused look.

“Buh…buh dose am weafies! Nu am nummies…”

Laughing weakly, the scarred pegasus walked over to the pile, biting a small pile of leaves as he smiled, chewing his delicious snack. Licking his lips, he then looked to Glory, nodding his head towards the pile.

“It am otay nyu fwend. Weafies am gud nummies. Fwend twy nao?”

Still a look of confusion and incredulity upon her face,Glory slowly lowered her head and took a small bite from the pile, her face instantly awash in a look of disgust. The dry and rough leaves and twigs were not good nummies, Glory thought to herself. However, as she put a hoof to her rumbling stomach, she grimaced and began to take larger bites, slowly devouring the leaf pile. The scarred pegasus smiled the entire time, watching her eat contently as his tail wagged.

“Nyu fwend wike nummies! Fwuffy hab su mani heawt happies!”

Suddenly reaching over, the scarred pegasus wrapped both his hooves around Glory, startling the young mare as she yelped.

Fwuffy wuv yu nyu fwend!

Confused and scared, Glory tried to pull away from the scarred pegasus, unsure of what he was doing at first. But then a feeling of warmth and comfort she had never known enveloped her. She had only ever seen the occasional fluffy at the park, but was never permitted to get too close to them, and her breeding friend, Bartholomew had only lightly held her hips as they mated, but this was something wonderful. Cooing as she instinctively nuzzled the scarred pegasus, Glory was ecstatic.

Her joy was short-lived, as she was lost in the first hug she could remember, her hoof squeezed her new friend tightly, slipping slightly to the scar crossing his haunches. His reaction was instant, screaming as he pulled away from Glory, the scarred pegasus’ eyes wide with sudden horror.


Suddenly sobbing and whimpering as he his whole body shook, the scarred pegasus collapsed to the ground, screaming as his unfocused eyes scanned the small grove for whatever unperceivable threats terrorized the poor stallion. Terrified by her new friend’s sudden display, Glory walked over, crying as she tried to do something, anything to help the scarred pegasus.

*huuu…huuu…huuu…Gwowy nu kno wah wong…nu kno hao tu hewp yu…"

Unsure why it was her first thought, Glory put her hooves around the scarred pegasus again, holding him as closely and as snugly as she possibly could. Sadly it did little to abate the sheer panic of the blue stallion, his head shaking back and forth as he shrieked at the top of his lungs.



Unprepared for the surprise attack, Glory’s eyes went wide as the red stallion charged, headbutting her in the chest and knocking her off of the panicking pegasus, the wind knocked violently from the fallen mare. Looking up, her vision slightly blurry, Glory saw the large red stallion standing over the scarred pegasus, a look of distress on the red stallion’s face as he looked down to his friend.

“Gwowy nu gib huw…”

His expression changing like a flash of lightning, the red stallion glared suddenly towards Glory, his back hooves dragging through the dirt as he threatened to charge again.

“Weave fwend awone!”

“Buh Gwowy nu…”


Scared and crying, Glory stumbled to her hooves, rising quickly as she fleed. Sobbing, she ran past the small clearing and hid near a tree, her back slumped against the bark as she rubbed her sore and cracked hooves before putting them up to her face as she sobbed quietly.

It was a few moments before she heard it, singing. Pretty and wonderful singing! Glory had heard pretty music on her tv before but she had never heard a fluffy sing before! It made her feel happy and warm, like the hug she had gotten from the scarred pegasus. Realizing it was coming from where the scary red stallion was, she hesitated but the pleasant warm feeling beckoned her to approach, albeit slowly and making little noise. As she reached a tree just within the grove, she watched as the scarred pegasus flailed and screamed, his back still on the ground as the red stallion slowly rubbed his stomach with his hooves, carefully as he sang, his voice soft and calm.

“Wascaww wuv fwuffy”
“Fwuffy wuv Wascaww”
“Wascaww keep yu safies’”
“Nebah be awone”

Still wide eyed and yelling, the scarred pegasus seemed to flail and convulse less and less. The red stallion continued his light, rhythmic petting as he sang the song over and over. After nearly a forever, the scarred pegasus began to calm down, his loud and panicked shrieks lowering in volume, his eyes fluttering as he slowly fell asleep, clearly exhausted from his fit.

Still petting him for a few minutes, the red stallion finished, circling the scarred pegasus a few times before he laid next to him, nuzzling him lightly as his gaze occasionally scoured the area for anything that might harm his friend. Even from this distance, Glory could see that the red stallion’s eyes were tearing up.

So absorbed in what she had been watching, Glory didn’t notice that she was being approached by the green stallion. Lightly nuzzling her, the stallion quickly put his hoof near her muzzle.

“Shh! Nyu fwend nu wan distuwb Wascaww wite nao. Wawkies wiff fwuffy nyu fwend.”

Confused by what was happening but heeding the green stallion’s warning, Glory followed him out of the small clearing.

Here’s the latest one. I hope you all enjoy it Have a wonderful night all. :heart:


I personally really loved this! It does cement that Glory will stay here, but I don’t know if the parents and other siblings will return. Also, If I can tell anything, panic will only lead to terror.


Mental trauma? :sob:


Clearly related to his maimed wing.

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Poor pegasus his trauma seems very bad with the damage he had :cry:

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