"Bread and Butter" by NobodyAtAll

In the timeline known as Timeline-1989, we’ve seen many different unusual varieties of fluffy.

Superhero fluffies, demon fluffies, vampire fluffies, stone fluffies, robot fluffies.

And that’s just to begin with.

However, as Deston has explained in depth in his book, Fluffies Of Other Universes, there are timelines out there, in which varieties of fluffy exist that aren’t found in Timeline-1989.

Today, we’ll be looking at one of those timelines.

In this timeline, a freak surge of magical energy struck a random bakery at just the wrong time.

It drew in a few souls, which were on their way to be reincarnated.

Fluffy souls.

And it bound them to the contents of one particular oven.

The baker was surprised when he heard the commotion coming from the oven.



chirp peep peep chirp

When the baker opened the oven, he saw that every loaf of bread in the oven had been transformed.

Into fluffy-shaped loaves of bread.

And it brought them to life.

The bread fluffies immediately fled, before the baker could stop them, or even process what was happening.

Then, once in the wild, they started doing what fluffies do best:

Making more of themselves.

It wasn’t long until a new fluffy subspecies had emerged.

The ChaotiX of this timeline are still trying to figure out what exactly happened.

Their mages are at a loss.

If there is any kind of fluffy which has it the worst, it’s the bread fluffies.

Fluffies in this quadrant of the multiverse tend to be unpalatable to humans. And dinotites, too.

Many non-humans think they taste just fine, or aren’t picky eaters.

But the bread fluffies are palatable to pretty much anyone.

So, the bread fluffies have become bred fluffies.

Breeders around the world are competing to breed the tastiest bread fluffies.

Some of them are hoping another magical accident will create butter fluffies too.

But there are butter fluffies in other parts of the multiverse.

And, of course, there are subspecies of the subspecies. There are now baguette fluffies, rye fluffies, whole wheat fluffies, muffin fluffies.

Wonder Bread has established their own bread fluffy breeder too.

There are even dwarf bread fluffies. They never go stale, because they were stale to begin with.

So, a lot of people are making tons of dough off the new subspecies.

Don’t judge them.

They knead that dough.

The Calvin of this timeline walks down the street with Marley.

“I don’t know how to deal with this, Mar. People are eating fluffies. They’re made of bread, but they’re still fluffies.

“Wut du da Cabaw fink abowt dis?”

They don’t know what to do either. President Wilson says that the bread fluffies are legally classified as bread. It’s not a crime to eat bread. We can’t arrest anyone for eating a fluffy sandwich if it’s not a fluffy meat sandwich.”

“But weg-yu-wuh fwuffies nu am su yummy, Victow say.”

“Yeah, he ate one fluffy, and he was really desperate at the time. He didn’t enjoy it. But on the bright side, that’s one less bad smarty who rapes his own foals.”

“Su dewe am dat.”

“And Vic swore to never eat another fluffy again. He hasn’t touched the bread fluffies, either.”

Marley grins.

“Cuz Victow pwee-few bakin bwed him-sewf.”

“Right! You know the kitchen is his happy place, Mar.”

The Victor of Timeline-1989 also ate that smarty. In fact, many versions of that smarty across the multiverse met their fate in Victor’s stomach.

None of those Victors enjoyed it any more than this Victor did.

But Victor needed protein. He was injured, and his regeneration takes a lot out of him. It works better on a full stomach.

Before Pierre invented the V for Victory protein bars, Victor’s favorite place to reload on protein after a mission was the Heart Attack Grill.

He still eats there once a week. It’s not like he can die of a heart attack.

But he has to wear a different disguise every time.

Otherwise, people get worried.

It’s very unhealthy food.

That should be obvious from the name alone.

Meanwhile, at a dairy plant in Wisconsin, another freak surge of magical energy strikes a butter churner.


Five minutes later, the workers are very surprised when they hear voices inside the churner.

“Huu… pwease wet fwuffy owt of spinny sowwy box!”


Fun fact about the Heart Attack Grill: If you weigh over 350 lbs you get to eat for free. The owner used to be a doctor too.


I knew that.

Victor would probably wear a fatsuit.


Bread and butter face off against the evil peanut only for it to turn into an orgy creating a peanutbutter sandwich.



Wtf is that image?


The statue was erected by the Indiana Democratic Party in 1976 in Plains, Georgia, as a part of Jimmy Carter’s election campaign. The statue references Carter’s history as a peanut farmer and its grin is meant to resemble the then-candidate’s.