Call of the Jellenheimer - Chapter 1 - By BloodyBoots

Call of the Jellenheimer

Chapter 1

WARNING: This story is not like my last one. It’s written as a uncensored horror novel. As an artist I enjoy pushing both sides of the FC spectrum, and this time I lean heavily towards abuse and gore. The language will also be offensive and may be considered inappropriate by some. You have been warned!

PLEASE NOTE: I rewrote chapter 1 because I came up with a better idea on how to present the story.

Richard “Ricky” Horowitz lived in the big city his whole life. Ever since we was a kid, the streets and back alleys around his mother’s apartment building were the closest thing he ever had to a backyard. As a teenager, they were his escape from his abusive mother’s drunken behavior, and now as a young adult they were his refuge when he needed to come out for a cigarette and some fresh air.

Ricky was medium height, thin, and greasy from a lack of proper hygiene. His worn out t-shirt and jeans were from the laundry room’s lost and found. His long black hair was matted and tangled, nothing like the rockstar look he wished to achieve. He had dark brown eyes, giving him a shark-like appearance when he looked at you. His teeth were yellow and crooked from years of smoking and failing to visit a dentist even once in his life. He was your quintessential scumbag, rotten to the core after a lifetime of bullying at school and abuse at home.

Even sadder were Ricky’s delusions. He saw himself as a cool, punk-rock badass that relished in everyone’s hatred towards him. In reality, he was just a sad, beaten animal that never dared to show kindness, for fear of being rejected.

On top of being delusional, Ricky was teetering on the edge of being a full-blown sociopath. He had little example of how to behave properly, having almost no proper role models throughout his life. Before dropping out of school he had tolerated the attempts by his teachers and principal to try and straighten him out, but in the end the inner city public school system simply wasn’t equipped to deal with his problems. Since then he was just one bad day away from becoming a complete monster, devoid of any chance of redemption.

The last string of sanity was about to snap.

Ricky finished his cigarette and walked back upstairs to his apartment. He opened the door only to be greeted by his mother, Angie Horowitz, and her obnoxious smarty fluffy, Sunflower - a yellow mare with green mane.

“Where have you been?” His mother asked coldly. “Outside smoking again? I can smell it on you.”

“No smew pwetty, dummy Wicky!” Sunflower added.

“Get off my case.” Ricky grumbled as he shoved passed them and headed for his bedroom.

“Did you get a job yet?” Angie shouted as he opened his bedroom door. “Unless you start working, you can forget about living here anymore!”

“Yea, dummy!” Sunflower said, sticking out her tongue and stomping her hoof.

“I put in applications all over the neighborhood!” Ricky shouted back. “It’s not my fault they’re not calling back!”

“The hell it ain’t!” Angie retorted. “All you have on your resume is that you’re a high school drop out with no work experience!” She said with a cruel laugh. “You’re a worthless bum, just like your shitty father.”

“Fuck you!” Ricky shouted back before slamming his door shut.

“I want you out of here by the end of the week!” Angie shouted. “Three days, Ricky! I’ll call the cops and have em throw your ass out if I have to!”

Ricky clenched his teeth and fists in rage as his vision turned red. He punched his pillow, trying to silently blow off some steam. He finally managed to calm down, his rage simmering down to a gentle boil. He was still pissed, but at least he was able to think.

He spent the next few hours begging his friends online to let him come live with them. All of them rejected his pleas with one excuse after another. His Facebook status was mocked mercilessly by people on his so-called friends list.

“Maybe get a job and an education, loser.” Said the most recent comment. It received dozens of likes.

Ricky deleted the post and closed the Facebook tab.

“Fuck social media.” He muttered to himself.

He decided to blow off some steam on his favorite fluffy website. It was there he could read about fluffy abuse and troll hugboxers all night long.

Ricky especially loved abuse comics, specifically those targeting what the fluffy community referred to as “hugboxers” - people who loved fluffies and appreciated them as cute pets. It made him sick, and his posts made sure everyone knew it.

Unfortunately for Ricky, he was mostly alone in this regard. Most people in the fluffy community respected, or at least tolerated, hugboxers. In return, hugboxers tolerated those who enjoyed fluffy abuse. In many cases artists indulged in both, realizing that the cruel reality of the word often abused fluffies whether they liked it or not.

The site wasn’t just a rage outlet for Ricky, but a creative one as well.

He had been working on a comic about fluffy abuse for weeks. It was his greatest masterpiece, which was sad because it was poor quality at best. In his mind, the badly drawn art using Microsoft paint was the coolest thing ever. He called it “The Jellenheimer Apocalypse”. It was about, you guessed it, Jellenheimers - a red frog-like creature with basic features; two black eyes and a simple mouth painted on a four-legged ball of red fluff. In Ricky’s comic they were wreaking havoc and destroying the world as revenge for being abused by fluffies and their owners.

He had posted it the night before and was excited to read all of the comments about his work. He figured the community would love it and fill the comment section with positive feedback.

Instead he got nothing but criticism and ridicule.

“Your artwork sucks, the writing is garbage, and no one likes Jellenheimers!” The latest comment said.

That was when the last thread of sanity in Ricky’s warped mind finally snapped. He couldn’t take it anymore. The world was shit and he was sick of putting up with it. And on top of all that, his only source of happiness had been thrown back in his face like trash.

As his sanity melted away, he looked at the face of the Jellenheimer on his screen as tears rolled down his cheeks. He was just like the Jellenheimer in his comics - despised and misunderstood. And just like them, Ricky was going to show them just how terrifying they could be, by becoming one himself. From that point on he was a… no… he was THE Jellenheimer!

He rose from his desk like a cheesy supervillain and began to laugh hysterically. He burst out of his room and headed for the kitchen, grabbing a large knife from the utensil drawer. He ran over to his mother sitting in her recliner in front of the tv and plunged it deep into her chest several times. She didn’t even have a chance to scream, her eyes simply widened with shock and terror as her heart was pierced with the metal blade.

“It’s my apartment now, bitch!” Ricky laughed.

He dragged her into the bathroom and threw her body in the tub, slicing her throat so her blood would drain out. He waited a couple hours before chopping her up and placing her parts in a garbage bag. He put the bag into the large trash bin in the kitchen before dragging it out to the dumpster in the dead of night. He emptied the bin into the dumpster, burying it under a few other bags, and returned upstairs.

He entered the apartment and closed the door behind him. The “are you still there?” Netflix message showed on the screen, shining dim light on his mother’s black leather recliner. He wiped the blood up and looked around at the filthy apartment.

“This is mine now, so let’s clean it up!” He said cheerfully as he turned on some punk rock music. He then proceeded to cleaned the entire apartment from top to bottom, whistling a happy tune as he worked. He had never felt so good in his entire life!

After the apartment was clean he just had one room left; his mother Angie’s.

“Whewe mama?” Sunflower asked sleepily as she emerged from Angie’s bedroom door.

A wicked grin spread across Ricky’s face as he turned towards the fluffy, the punk rock music had turned into death metal at just the right time. He lit a cigarette and crouched down to face the mare, blowing smoke in her face.

“The Jellenheimer killed her!” He said with low, gravely voice. “She’s burning in hell now, where she belongs!”

The pony backed up slowly with a nervous look on her face. “Jewwy…jewwyhimew?”

“JELLENHEIMER!!” Ricky roared as he lunged at the fluffy. The pony fled but he grabbed it by its back leg and dragged it toward him. “Oh how I’m going to enjoy this!” He said with a maniacal grin. He went to the kitchen and opened the junk drawer, pulling out some tape and some plastic twine.

“Wet fwuffy go, dummy wicky!” Sunflower squealed.

Ricky responded by slamming her down on the ground and crouching over her as he violently gripped her neck scruff tightly in one big handful. He pressed her face into the carpet, his arm and face trembling with rage.

“Don’t you EVER tell me what to do again, you understand, you little shitrat?” Ricky said, his voice shaking with insane, dramatic anger.

He then lifted and slammed her head rapidly into the carpet multiple times before picking her up by her tail.

“Owies!” The pony cried, making a pathetic “huhuhu” noise as it sobbed.

“You ain’t seen nothin yet!” Ricky cackled, fully adopting his new joker-like persona.

He carried the pony by its tail while looking like Jack from The Shining at his worst. He entered the now freshly cleaned bathroom and threw the fluffy into the tub. She tried to escape, her little hooves slipping on the smooth plastic tub floor, but failed to climb over the side.

Ricky grabbed the plastic twine and cut off a piece big enough to tie around Sunflower’s neck and tether the other end to the metal faucet.

“There you go!” Ricky said cruelly. “Let’s get you some bath toys, eh?”

He opened the cupboard below the bathroom sink and found an assortment of chemicals and other fun tools to torture the mare with. He went for the hair clippers first.

“You like your pretty fluff and mane, don’t you?” Ricky asked menacingly.

“We sunfwowew go!” The fluffy replied, tugging on her plastic shackles.

“I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION, BITCH!” Ricky screamed, the heavy metal music playing like a horror movie soundtrack behind him. “DO YOU LIKE YOUR PRETTY FLUFF?”

“S-s-sunfwowew wuv pwetty fwuf!” The little mare cried. “Pweez no huwt sunfwowew!”

Ricky plugged in the shears and began to shave the quivering creature as he roughly held it at different angles.

“Huhuhuuu!” The fluffy cried. “Not my pwetty fwuff!”

Ricky took off every inch of fluff the pony had before finally snipping off her long, beautiful tail. He gathered the hair from the tub and threw it in the trash, holding the bin up to Sunflower’s face so she could see all of her precious fluff that was now gone.

She cried and squealed with sadness as he held a mirror up to her face.

“Look at how UGLY you are now, little piggy!” Ricky sneered. “Nobody will ever love you again!”

“HUHUHUUU!” The mare cried hysterically as she witnessed her naked chubby body, now devoid of its once beautiful fluff and mane.

“And we’re just getting started, bitch!” Ricky said with a sinister laugh. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up!”

He put on some yellow rubber cleaning gloves and cranked the hot water. Sunflower squealed in terror. She hated bath time enough already, and this was ten times worse.

Ricky grabbed the rough toilet brush and viciously scrubbed the mare as the hot water poured over her. She squealed in agony as she desperately tried to free herself from Ricky’s firm grasp. He shoved her face under the hot water, smiling down as she choked on the gushing stream.

“That’s it, drink up!” Ricky laughed.

The hot water had turned the pony’s skin bright pink as the heat came close to giving her first degree burns.

“Buwnies! Too hot!” The fluffy screamed.

“Oh you want cold?” Ricky asked. “Here you go!”

He turned off the hot water and cranked open the cold water, chilling the fluffy until it shivered in his grip.

“How’s that, shitrat?” Ricky asked, holding the mare’s face under the water again.

“Wawa bad fow fwuffy!” The pony cried.

“Is that so?” Ricky inquired with a crazy look on his face. “Well let’s try something else then!”

He reached for the toilet scrubber again and unscrewed the brush from the long plastic handle. He bent the flexible handle back, one hand holding it steady while the other bent the tip back. He released the tip and it snapped forward like a whip against the fluffy’s exposed skin. She shrieked in agony as he covered her body with red welts.


“This is for calling me names like dummy all the time”


“And this is for my mother loving you more than her own son!”


He set the handle down and grabbed an old rusty razor. The blade sliced and scratched the mare’s tender pink flesh. He raked it all over the fluffy’s body while grinning from ear to ear as it screamed in pain.

“Awe, does that hurt?” He asked sarcastically. “Better make sure those cuts don’t get infected!”

He grabbed a body of peroxide and dumped it on the fluffy’s fresh wounds. She flailed and squealed, shaking bits of blood and peroxide everywhere.

“Now let’s wash that off!” Ricky said happily as he turned on the hot water again. Sunflower cried and cried as he viciously scrubbed her with the toilet brush again, digging into her wounds and nearly drowning her as her forcefully held her head against the bottom of the tub.

He finally untied the tether and yanked the wet mare out of the tub. She begged him to let her go over and over to no avail. Instead he took her into his room and pulled out a leather belt from his dresser.

“You thought my slaps hurt before, but you haven’t felt real pain yet!”Ricky said, shaking with wild rage.

He folded the belt and began lashing the pony’s wet, bare skin. Soon she was covered in welts as her voice finally cracked from squealing in anguish. Now her cries were just raspy chirps and peeps as she reverted to a childlike state. Her eyes stared blankly at nothing, pupils dilated with fear, body uncontrollably shivering.

This made Ricky upset.

“Look at me.” He said in a low, threatening voice.

The mare didn’t move. She just kept shivering in a naked, wet, ball on the floor.

“LOOK AT ME!” He screamed, grabbing her bare scruff and turning her face toward his.

He gripped her neck skin so tightly behind her head that it pulled her face back, stretching her eyes and cheeks back to show a terrified grimace of frozen fear. Her eyes shook slightly, unable to move beyond staring blankly ahead. She had stopped chirping and crying and remained frozen in dread.

“Call me daddy.” Rick demanded calmy. “If you don’t, things are about to get a lot worse for you.”

The mare swallowed and breathed rapidly as her face remained stretched from Ricky’s iron grip, but she said nothing.

“Very well then.” Ricky growled as his evil smile returned to his face. He brought the shivering, naked mare into the kitchen, slamming it down on the cold linoleum floor. He pulled out a large pot, filled it with water, and set it on the stove.

“Last chance.” He said as he turned on the burner. “Call me daddy and all this goes away.” He picked the mare up and placed her in the sink.

The mare tried to speak, but only made raspy noises as her vocal cords were completely shot from screaming.

“Well, that’s a real shame.” He said as the water began to steam.

“D-daddy.” She finally managed to say as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. She began to sob and chirp again as her brain regained some functionality.

“That’s better.” Ricky said with a smile as the water started to boil. “But I’m not your daddy.” He said with a wicked grin, grabbing the boiling pot.


He grabbed her scruff again, still wearing his protective gloves, and poured the boiling water over the mare, dousing her face in searing hot liquid. She flailed in agony as the water instantly gave her second degree burns over most of her upper body. Her eyelids bubbled and blistered over as the water cooked her face. She tried to scream but he filled her mouth with boiling water as soon as it opened, resulting in choking and gurgling sounds instead.

He saved some of the water and placed the pot back on the burner to let it get up to a roiling boil before dumping it on the mare’s exposed teats and vagina. The ultra hot water seared the tender areas, resulting in instant boils and blisters across the delicate region.

The pony’s tiny legs flailed wildly as she desperately tried to make a sound beyond choking and gagging on hot water. She began to convulse as her body went into shock.

Ricky sighed with a happy grin as he watched the fluffy take her last few breaths. He grabbed the burned and beaten corpse and threw it in the trash. He clapped his hands for a job well done and went back to cleaning his new apartment, humming along to the music still playing in the background.

Chapter 2


Much better than my first draft IMO. It took me a while to get into the groove of writing abuse after writing hugbox, but I think I finally got used to it. Not as good as my previous work, but a fun learning experience nonetheless.

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Honestly this is why i try to be nice even if i don’t like something. Just cuz everyone may have a different view of their own art and story, it could be their baby or a silly shit post. but a nice comment may just make someone’s day.

you know someone is cringe when the unironically go joker, its sooooo over played. harlequin is a much more fun sorta crazy!
p.s. im dunking on the character, this makes so much sense for the story and i love it <3

thats not the fluffie’s fault, more the mom being a shit parent. Though it makes sense why an unhinged fuck like ricky would go and blame her. He feels like he’d punt her even if she was a kid.

yeah this man would 100% punt a child. he’s unhinged. At least the worst person getting hurt by him is a bratty fluffy, which she didnt deserve it THAT Bad but, what can ya do, he craaazy.

oh gosh i LOVE this realistic response, just breaking after a while. (Don’t ask why i know thats the natural response for someone in this sorta situation-)

damn, he sounds like my own mother (Laugh track plays)

from burning rage to suddenly calm is a sycopathic thing i believe, you got this shit down to a T, god DAYM its good

Sorry for all the quotes, had to stop myself after a while. THIS is goood shit. From the shit upbringing that realistically creates a person like this, to the delusions further fulling it. then the final straw being something so small yet was his whole world. and the lack of remorse when killing his mother, ridding of her rather quickly, which most killers who kill family members tend to do. then toturing the fluffy and the way he snaps back and forth and toy’s with her emotions towards the end like a sycopathic parent. OHHHHHH this is good!! hats off to you bloody boots!
Back to my first quote, I hoped this comment may have at least given you a smile, this story was a real treat to read!


Wow ty so much for the encouraging feedback! I really appreciate it! You’re awesome Julie :sunglasses::two_hearts::beer:

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its nothing! i love seeing people wright amazing stories! keep it goin’ boots!!

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OMG!! Everyone call me boots from now on, I love it!! :heart_eyes::two_hearts::beer:

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yeah that looks about right XD

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