Carps foals and fluffys makes me wish fluffys were real, too cute
I’m more impressed by the phone pen and post it block.
It’s so hard to draw those, cause we all know what they ought to look like.
Same here. They’re the ones that really got me interested in fluffies after the shock value wore off.
Why do we have to live in the boring timeline?
They play in their shit.
My followup thoughts aren’t welcome on this tag.
They’re literally playing in their shit in the picture
i see only 1 poop in the litterbox in their defense :V
Far too close and the one is taking to it.
But it’s okay because I have my own little OC fluffy to play with
When the various companies you do business with all send you stress balls that match their logo colors at christmas.
One, he’s not playing with it, he’s checking to make sure he hit the target, so to speak.
Two, you know how I know you don’t have cats or dogs? Dogs will quite literally eat shit. And then want huggies. And cats…well, let’s just say the lipstick - cat butt experiment is kinda disturbing. Fluffies ain’t got nothing on cats and dogs when it comes to shit.
Edit: not to mention human infants. My god, the horrors an infant digestive system can produce! And they’ll play with it, given half a chance!
My cat died a decade ago. Thanks.
But she had the wherewithal to bury hers and leave the box.
Okay, so you like to come into hugbox threads and crap all over them (pun definitely intended) AND you have no sense of humor?
Good to know I won’t be missing anything by ignoring you.
Aww, such cute little babies ~<3
hahahaha not the pot calling the kettle black!
I always imagined they’d look pretty close to tiny, fluffy sheep. So perhaps consider a tiny fluffy sheep.
Lookit the sheep