Night Care
Or alternatively, “East Side Night Care”
By Oculus, with art by Carpdime
He was a bright young man with a pep in his step, his hair neatly combed into a slick back and his backpack slung casually over his shoulder. Dressed in a red shirt and a pair of blue jeans today, he walked towards the entrance of the café Milligans. Just before entering, he took the moment to leave the door open to allow his companion, a nice black fluffy with a violet mane, enter before him.
The cafe was one of those classic American diners that had mostly disappeared from the landscape in the earlier decades of the 21st century. The interior was filled with items of 50s Americana such as the jukebox, checkered floors, and vinyl seating, a snapshot of a different time in the nation’s history. The young man took his place at one of the seats at the counter, placing his the fluffy on the counter. They then made their greetings.
“Evening joe.”
“Hewwo, mistah Joe!”
The café owner was an African-American in his 50s. Born at the dawn of the millennium, he had done some living in his life, and had settled for the simple business of running a café designed towards nostalgia.
“Heyo Sheldon! Long time no see!” said the café owner. Looking at the little fluffy on the table, he added “And why, hello there little Bruce!” says Joe, gently rubbing his finger under Bruce’s fluffy chin.
“Hee hee that tickwes!” As Bruce says this, his bat wings flared up. For Bruce was not just any fluffy, he was a rare bat-type Pegasus, descended from limited edition variants of BDB (Black-dragon-blood) breed.
Turning back to Sheldon, Joe asks, “So what it’ll be, young man?”
“Steak and eggs. Or any all-day breakfast special really, I’m famished. Also, a bowl of oats for Bruce here.”
“Coming right up!”
After ten minutes of patient waiting, Sheldon’s ‘breakfast’ is served.
“Word around the grapevine is that you’re no longer working as a security guard at Spengler Towers.”
Finishing his morsel, Sheldon nods, “Yeah. I was getting a bit tired of doing the same job for almost a decade now. Plus, and getting to know Bruce over the past two years made me interested in fluffies, especially nocturnal ones.”
“Doesn’t it get a bit noisy or tiresome? I mean, you are handling a whole bunch of fluffies. I couldn’t handle teaching a class of kids when I was younger, I can’t imagine what it’d be like to handle so many fluffies.”
“They can be annoying sure, but I love them all the same. Isn’t that right, Bruce?”
“Wite!” Bruce smiles. Though not fully understand the conversation, he always appreciated his owner’s affections for him.
“Well, you do you. I hope you have a good evening today.”
Sheldon walked into the entrance of East Side Nightcare. As it was the end of the day, the sound of various fluffies could be heard, most of them saying their goodbyes for the day.
“Bye bye bestest fwen!”
“Hab a good dawkie time!”
Some fluffies exchanged hugs, while some exchanged kisses.
“Mwah! Bestes kissies fow bestest fwen!”
This period was also when the fluffies attending the night shift would be arriving. The first person to greet Sheldon was Wilkins and his owner, Murdoch.
“Hewwo mistah Shewdon!!” greeted Wilkins. He was light brown coloured fluffy, his fluff matching the colour of a sweet milk latte, while his mane resembled that of the kind chocolate power one would dust on a good cup of cappuccino.
“Good evening Wilkins! And good evening to you too, Ms. Murdoch.”
Ms Murdoch is a novelist. She’s a thin young waifish woman wearing a green turtleneck sweater and black pants. Her eyes were heavy with bags, and it was clear that she was lacking sleep. In addition, she had been consuming too much coffee, resulting in her becoming a night owl. Not wanting to risk her fluffy picking up some of her bad habbits, she decided to enrol Wilkins at East Side Daycare’s night shift. Not too long ago, Murdoch announced work on a new book, something that Sheldon had been wondering about.
“So how’s that novel coming along?”
Miss Murdoch had a blank face. Though Sheldon didn’t realize it, the question had caused the young writer’s heart to skip a beat.
“I got the first draft done.”
“Oh that’s great! I’d love to give some part of it a read.”
“It’s not quite ready yet. It’s only the first draft.”
“Well, whenever is a good time for you, no rush.”
Not long after this, Amber Auburn came into the foyer, having finished with lessons for the day. She was one of the teachers of the daycare during the day shift, and that day she was wearing a petite little skirt and shirt. The skirt looked nice on her, though Sheldon, as he hadn’t seen the Auburn wear a skirt before.
“Evening Sheldon!”
“Evening Amber.”
“You look like you had a good rest!”
“I did,” said Sheldon confidently. He then asked, “Did anybody from my class come in?”
“Oh, Suzy’s a bit early today, but she’s currently sleeping in the rest room.”
Suzy. That name brought a slight shudder to Sheldon.
“Also,” continued the Auburn, “Patrick came by the other day with a new fluffy from the shelter.”
“I’m guessing another one to go through the works?”
“Yes, but this one is a bit of a different story.”
“Different how?”
There was a look on Amber’s case that betrayed her feelings, despite her best to not blurt out the details. Perhaps it was due to the sensitive nature of the fluffy’s background that had some minor relevance to her. Retrieving a folder from the front desk, she passes it to Sheldon, as she notes “Read it yourself.”
Sheldon glances through the folder. It had all the basic info on the subject. That she was an alley fluffy, caught by the animal control services within Smokestack city. But there was a little detail that caught his eye. A raised eyebrow changed to fully widened eyes as he carefully read the particulars on this fluffy that was coming in that evening.
“I’m surprised we’re taking her in!”
“The guys at the shelter noted her rather motherly behaviour to some of the foals and younger mares, and she’s not that old. They have kept an eye on her progress, and there are still a few more hurdles to check before they’d consider putting up for her adoption.
Maybe I should introduce you to her.”
Sheldon hesitated, as he asked, “But she’s part of the night class. Isn’t a bit too early for her?”
“Oh she’ll be fine. She’s quite energetic!”
I can imagine, thought Sheldon. It didn’t take long for the Auburn to enter the sleeping room, and from there, retrieved the pet carrier with Twinkle in it.
“And here she is.
Twinkle had a nice lilac coat and a light violet mane. With a gentle word, Amber managed to slowly coax her into waking up.
“Twinkle, say hello to mister Sheldon. Sheldon is the daddy in charge of the night school.”
“H-hewwo,” said Twinkle rather meekly. Though she seemed like any ordinary fluffy Sheldon noticed the bruises on her cheeks, as well as scarring around her rear area and one of her sides. Though her fluff was proper cleaned and wounds treated, she seemed fittingly wary of human strangers.
“Mummah, can Twinkwe hab some more sweepies? Fwuffy am tiwed.”
“Oh, alright.”
And with that, Twinkle went back into her pet carrier.
“She’s a natural with the foals though. When you’re doing the sleep therapy for the foals, I recommend having her around.”
The Amber then took a look at her wristwatch.
“Oh my, it is getting late. I’ll see you in the morning, Sheldon.”
Sheldon entered the class and found that Wilkins and three other adult fluffies seated around Suzy Gloom. She was a yellow unicorn fluffy with a pink mane, but dyed to have black highlights. At other times, she would have her mane dyed red. She was fond of goth makeup, her lips and eyes line with black. And at the moment, she was busy narrating one of her stories to the others.
“Evewy bwite time, da owed hummeh hab da wawkies to da pawk, and gib nummies to da biwdies.”
“Dat nu am scawwy…”
“Aaah, but the owd mistah walk swowah. And swowah. Thinnah, an’ Thinnah.”
As she said this, the other fluffies started to come in closer, wanting to know what was next.
“And then, da bad ob nummies few, and da owd man’s head-pwace tumbwe ow of da bag-pwace!!”
The fluffies all screamed in horror. One of the fluffies made a mess on the floor, while others ran for the nearest pillow or toy they could hide behind. Witnessing the little chaos she stirred, Suzy giggled.
Sheldon sighed.
“Why do you always tell these kind of stories, Suzy? Can’t you talk about normal things like fun times at the park or your favourite ball?”
“Dat am bowing. Suzy wub scawy stowies!”
The fluffy who had defecated himself in fear cowered before Sheldon, as he pleaded.
“Fw-fwuffy am sowwy, daddeh Shewdon! Stowy am so scawwy!”
But Sheldon, understanding the situation, carefully stroked his back.
“There, there. I understand. The story was a little scary, but remember – its just a story. It can’t harm you.”
“Otay daddeh.”
Thankfully, it was just a small mess on the floor. Nothing a hand towel, and short but good scrub couldn’t solve.
“Alright class, take a short break and go play among yourselves.”
Classes at East Side Daycare, whether it is at night or in the day, had schedules. The various teachers rotated classes among themselves, taking care of the needs of different fluffies of two main age groups – foal and adult. With fluffy ownership becoming increasingly common, certain types of fluffies required specific cares and needs.
Sheldon was currently watching a group of chirpy foals. These foals were no more than a month to two months old and, being about the size of a hamster, could be kept in a small playpen, or a small little open cardboard tray. Classes for these fluffies were simple. They were to watch about an hour or two of the lessons provided by FlufftV, followed by half an hour of lessons. Following this, the foals were allowed to play for about an hour, while monitored by the human teacher and two adult fluffies.
“Wook babbehs!”
Wilkins’s older voice as an adult caught the attention of the foals on the table, as he started to stand on his two hind legs and wave his forelegs about.
“Daddeh Wiwkins am doin’ dancies! Dancie time!”
The little foals all started to laugh, as some cried out “Dancie daddeh!”. Although Wiwkins wasn’t trained to be a fluffy teacher, he seemed to have a natural energy when connecting with others, even children. Having observed his amicability with fluffies younger than his age, Sheldon wondered why Murdoch never considered sending Wilkins for further training.
“Alright kids, its time to sleep.”
Unlike most foals that were raised domestically, these foals had developed a crepuscular lifestyle as they were obtained from an alleyway. Due to harsh and uncertain life of the urban streets, they had been used to a polyphasic sleep patterns. Thus, sleep therapy was needed to slowly change the fluffies sleep pattern from a polyphasic one to a monophasic or biphasic sleep pattern, one that could fit a human lifestyle of a prospective buyer.
“Awww….” cried some of the foals, as they complained. “Bu’ babbeh nu am tiwed! Babbeh wan pway sum moaw!”
“Nao, nao babbehs,” said Wilkins, sagely noting “babbehs nee’ da sweepies!”
“Das wite babbehs! Nao am time fow good sweepies!”
It was Twinkle who said this, as she laid down on her back. She then beckoned to the foals to climb her tummy, saying “Come, babbehs! Come pway on mummah’s tummy!”
The foals were a bit uncertain about this, but procceded to climb up Twinkle’s fur. As five of them started to rest on her abdomen, she slowly started to rock gently side by side, as she softly sang.
“Twinkwe, twinke widdwe staw,
How Fwuff am wondah what ‘ou awe,
Up above the wowld so high,
Wike a shinie in da sky,
Twinkwe, twinkw widdwe staw,
How Fwuff am wondah what ‘ou awe”
One foal started to yawn. Then another did. As they kept listening to Twinkle’s soft but gentle voice, and placed on the cushion of her chubby tummy, the foals could feel an instinctual need to sleep.
Observing Twinkle, Sheldon is surprised by her outright maternal instinct. While fluffy mares have been known to develop a maternal instinct, even when looking after an adopted foal, most mares who are not experienced in the field would find difficulty acclimating to foals. However, Twinkle was a natural, being able to gently coerce the rough and fidgety foal into bliss. Sheldon started to speculate that Twinkle may have looked after foals as her past, though the notes had specified that she was neutered and never bore children.
Having settled the foals to sleep, Sheldon noted his watch. It was coming to midnight. At this time, he would be getting his midnight supper, the food that he would need to sustain him for the early morning. He proceeds to carry the tray with the foals, and bring them to the sleeping room. As there were a few other staff, he’d have to return to these foals later to repeat the same routine. Hopefully, this class would develop a simpler sleeping pattern and not need further therapy.
While Sheldon was away, Twinkle was alone with Wilkins.
“Wiwwkins am a good dancie fwuffy!”
“Aawww,” blushed Wilkins, feeling a bit embarrassed by the compliment. “Fwuffy onwy twy am bestest. Fwuffy wub dancies!”
“And Wiwkins am such a guud daddeh. Babbehs wub Wiwkins.”
Wilkins chortles, as he acknowledges, “Wiwkins wub da babbehs! Babbehs am su much fun!”
“Wiwkins wan be a daddeh? Gib Twinkwe enfies?”
Wilkin’s eyes opened up. Twinkle started coming up to him, and placed her hoof on his member. While Wilkins was neutered, he could still develop an erection, something that Twinkle casually noticed.
“Wiwkins hab such a nice nuu-nuu stik. Wiwwkins wiww maek fow a good daddeh! Can hewp make Twinkwe a mummah?”
But Wilkins backed off and shook his head.
“N-nuu. Dis nu am wite!”
“Awww, dun be shy, Wiwkins. Guud fwuffies awways gib da best enfies.”
Sheldon opened the door, and saw Twinkle coming up towards Wilkins in such a manner. As quickly as he could, he rushed to Twinkle, and carried her up.
“Alright you!”
But the sudden motion caught Twinkle off-guard. Fearing for her life, she brough her fore legs up, as she covered her face.
“Pwe-pweez… nuu huwties daddeh…”
Sheldon sighed. The notes specified that Twinkle was an ex-prostitute by the name of Twinklebutt. She was one of a number of mares who belonged to a homeless man that had made a small business out of pimping out neutered but highly promiscuous mares to various fluffies, particularly domestics who were desiring action but were dissatisfied by enfie toys and masturbation. When the homeless man was arrested for a small misdemeanour, this illegal act of trafficking was found out, and the mares were brought to the shelter. Most of these mares were put down due to their advanced age or sickliness, but Twinkle had the advantage of demonstrating a rather motherly attitude to some foals.
”I’m not going to hit you. You did wrong, but that’s not what we do around here.”
“N-nu huwties?”
“No. But you are going into the sorry box. If you’re going to be a good mummah, you have to learn when’s a time for good feels and when it isn’t. And if you had noticed, Wilkins was not feeling good.”
“Fwuffy am sowwy, daddeh.”
“I know. You’re just used to it. Not all guy fluffies want the good feels, okay Twinkle?”
Sheldon sighs. Reforming Twinkle would definitely require some work, as he placed the mare in the sorry box.
“I’m proud of you Wilkins. You did the right thing.”
“Fwuffy wememba da speshuw huggies cwass. It nu am guud to hab speshuw huggies wif stwangews.”
“That’s right.
You deserve a reward a little guy. How about some spa-“
“COFFEE!!” said Wilkins, clapping his hooves in excitement about the one drink he truly loved, “can fwuffy hab da coffee dwinkies?!”
Feeling a bit hesitant, Sheldon relented. Wiwlkins did do good after all.
“Alright, but you’re getting decaff.”
“Alright fluffies, we’re now going to learn about the animals.”
It was about 3pm. Sheldon had already covered one lesson with the adults. He had already spent two phases with the sleep therapy foals, ensuring that they were able to go to sleep. During the second phase, it was just Twinkle and him, as he decided to keep Twinkle away from being alone with any male. Having concluded that, he now brought Twinkle to the main class.
“Some of you may have had this class as foals, but for those of you who don’t, today we’re going to learn about some of the animals you’ll see near your homes, and some of the animals you’ll see in places like the zoo-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Sheldon felt a buzz coming from his pocket. It was his smartphone. Checking it, he sees a notification from a specialized app, one that signalled when someone was at the doorstep.
“I’ll be right back.”
Sheldon was eyeing the man who stood in front of the daycare suspiciously. He wore a leather trenchcoat, tattered pants. His face was unshaven, his hair messy and he was carrying a large object covered in a black cloth.
“How long has he been there?”
“Ten secondies, daddeh.”
Bruce was stationed at the front desk. Aside from having bat genes that made him nocturnal, Bruce also had experience as a security fluffy. Although Sheldon no longer worked as a security guard, Bruce retained his status as a security fluffy, and was now worked the night watch for East Side Night Care.
“I see.”
Sheldon had a taser in his pocket. He was a man of peace, and didn’t believe in owning a firearm. However, he had worked as a security guard before, and he was more than prepared to defend himself if need be. And of course, the fluffies in the building.
Opening the door, he asked in a calm, but careful voice, “Can I help you?”
“Oh hello. Are you open?”
“We are open, yes. What do you want?”
“I was wondering if I could leave my fluffy here.”
The suspicious man introduced himself as Jones, and what seemed like a suspicious package was actually a pet carrier covered under the black cloth. Mr Jones was the owner of a female fluffy with a nice lime coat and green hair. She smiled towards Sheldon, as she introduced herself.
“Hewwo nice mistah! Fwuffy am Miggins! Mistah am a fwen of daddehs?”
“Y-yes. I’m a friend. This is a school, Miggins.”
Miggins clapped her hooves, as she exclaimed, ”Ooh! Ooh! Fwuffy wub goin’ to skuul!”
The man smiled, as he stroked Miggins gently, “I told you I’d bring you to a new school.”
“Thank you, thank you daddeh.”
Jones seemed to give Miggins genuine affection. And yet, Sheldon could not help but be suspicious.
“Well class, we got two new fluffies today. So, we’re going to do a round of introductions,” said Sheldon, holding a hugtoy in his hand.
“Lets start with, Wilkins,” he announces, and the passed the hugtoy for Wilkins to hold.
With his right forelimb clutching the hugtoy, Wilkins introduced himself.
“Fwuffy am Wiwkins!”
“Alright Wilkins, tell us about your owner, and whats your favouite thing.”
“Wiwkins mummah an a stowytewwah! Mummah wub tewwing stowwies”
“Does she tell stories with her mouth, Wilkins?”
“Nu! Mummah tewws stowwies wif booksies!
Awso Wiwkins wub kofi! Kofi am da biggest dwinkie!”
Turning to Sheldon, Wilkins then asked, “Can Wiwkins hab moar coffee? Wiwkins head hab huwties.”
Caffeine withdrawal. That had to be it. Sheldon did serve him a cup of decaff earlier, but its possible that Murdoch may have tried to go cold turkey on the fluffy.
“Sure. But try not to ask too often, okay?”
Wiwkins nodded.
“Alright, next up is Suzy.”
Wilkins passes the hugtoy to Suzy. With a low voice, and without saying her name, Suzy announced the things she loved.
“Fwuffy wike da dawk.”
“Fwuffy wub da big scawy thingsies. Da scawy munstahs dat wib in da dawkies, wike da ghosties, and chupacabwa, and da bogeyman, an’”
“Okay that’s enough Suzy.”
Suzy then passed to Twinkle, one of the two new fluffies to the class.
“Class, this is Twinkle, one of our newcomers. Say hello to her.”
In unison, all the fluffies said, “Hewwo, Twinkwe.”
“Now Twinkle, tell the class what you love.”
“Twinkwe wub babbehs!”
“Well that’s good! And you were a pretty good Mummah today, Twinkwe!”
“Twinkw awso wike huggies. Huggies am so speshuw…”
As Twinkle said this while mimicking her hug, her motions were slow and somewhat sensuous, her mouth almost mimicking a kiss.
“Alright, we get it. You like hugs. What else do you like?”
“Uuuh… fwuffy wub pway wif sticks! And bawws! Twinkwe wub big bawws!”
“Yes, I know. Hoofballs, right?”
“Y-yes daddeh! Hoofbaww!”
“And you’ll get to play hoofbaww later, okay.”
The introductions continued until they reached the other newcomer, Miggins.
“And now, Miggins.”
“Fwuffy am Miggins!”
Upon receiving the hugtoy, Miggins gave it the biggest hug, as she exclaimed, “So soft and kyute!”
“Tell us about yourself, Miggins. What is your favourite thing?”
“Fwuffy wub daddeh! Daddeh am da bestest daddeh in the wowld! Daddeh gib lotsa huggies and kissies! Some dawkie times, when fwuffy am scawed, daddeh wouwd teww fwuffy ebewyting wiww be otay!”
From the way Miggins was describing her owner, one would get the impression that he was a kind and gentleman everyman, with a happy home to return to. It was nothing like the seedy man who arrived today with a suspicious-looking package.
The rest of the night went on as usual. Sessions included storytelling sessions, art sessions, watching cartoons, and lots, lots of playtime. The art session at 5pm was a pretty interesting one. Wilkins, being the active fluffy that he was, drew two pictures. He drew a cup with a dark brown liquid in it. The other pic was filled with nothing but poorly rendered symbols that vaguely resembled words.
“Whats this supposed to be, Wilkins?”
“Dat am Mummah’s stowy! Mummah had da biggest tawkies about her stowwy, and fwuffy wememeba a bi’ abow da stowwy!”
Sheldon squinted. Sheldon of course had to use his teeth to write, and the letters were incorrigible. But with a little squinting, he could see a faint glimpse of a passage hidden beneath these scratches. Sheldon could only speculate that Wiwkins was trying to channel something of his owner through his art.
Twinkle drew two balls. Two typical soccer balls, like the type used in hoofbaww. In between both balls was a very tall tower of blockies.
“This is, very suspicious, Twinkle. You really love balls, huh?”
“Wut daddeh mean? Fwuffy do wub bawws.”
“Yeah I can see. Those are some really big balls.”
Suzy’s drawing was fittingly macabre. The two fluffies closest to her kept their distance as Suzy had drawn a big dark picture of…. something. Sheldon wasn’t quite sure what it was. All he knew was that it had red eyes, black tentacles, and a wicked smile. Considering it was drawn by a fluffy, it had considerable artistic merit, but Sheldon wasn’t lying when he said the picture unnerved him.
Miggins’s picture was the closest to something you expect from a ‘normal’ fluffy. The drawing consistedof a fluffy, obviously Miggins, out on the grass, with a nice house, and the sun up in the sky. There was a tall man, obviously the daddy. But there was also a nice miss and a small child.
“Whose the nice lady and the human baby? Is it Mummy and her baby?”
Miggins nodded.
“It am daddeh famiwy. But famiwy am nu moaw.”
With that statement, Sheldon’s imagination ran wild. But he felt like it wasn’t his place to know the particulars just yet.
“I’m sorry to hear, Miggins.”
But Miggins smiled a gentle smile, despite having wet eyes.
“It am otay. Fwuffy hab daddeh. Fwuffy am happy to hab daddeh.”
Morning was starting to peek, as the night shift for East Side Daycare was about ends at about 7am, It was little more than an hour before the normal “day” shift starts.
Mr Jones, Miggins’s owner, was the first to arrive, as he literally stumbled into the daycare. Rather instinctively, Sheldon approached him, wanting to help.
“Are you okay?”
But the man rebuffed Sheldon’s advance, clutching to his abdomen.
“I’m fine. Where’s the bathroom?”
Nervously, Sheldon pointed to its direction.
“Over there.”
For five long minutes, Sheldon could hear the soft moans of pain, and what sounded like a struggle. Not wanting to make the situation difficult, he waited for the man to finish his business. His imagination running wild, Sheldon walked towards, his mind debating whether this was a good or bad idea. Mustering up a bit of courage, he walked to the door when, suddenly, the toilet door opened right in front of him. The suspicious man now with a face drenched in water, look refreshed.
“Where’s Miggins?” he asked with a smile.
Miggins ran up to her owner, yelling out “Daddeh!”
Whatever pain or struggle was in Jones left him as he embracing the fluffy. He was all smiles as he asked, “Hows my little angel?”
“Miggins am a guud fwuff, daddeh! Hab a guud dawkie time at skuul!”
“I’m happy to hear!”
Both man and fluffy nuzzled their noses at each other.
“Lets go home, Miggins.”
Sheldon looked out in slight disbelief at what he witnessed. He quickly entered the toilet to see if there was anything suspicious. But there was nothing. No broken glass, no bullets, no contraband, no blood, nothing. Just a slightly wet floor and sink. Either nothing happened, or Mister Jones was really, really good at covering his tracks, whatever they may be.
Ten minutes after Jones left with Miggins, the usual crowd came in, with one of the first owners being Miss Murdoch.
“Had a good sleep, Ms Murdoch?”
“Not really, no. I’ve been trying to get a normal sleeping pattern.”
“Maybe you should try melatonin.”
“I tried that. I end up getting a good sleep, but I just can’t write without my caffeine fix.”
Sheldon shook his head. It was clear what caused the caffeine addiction in Wilkins, but he wondered if a combination of things was needed to solve Murdoch’s own problem.
“Anyway, hows my little boy?”
“Oh, Wiwkins was very good today! Ain’t that right?”
“Wiwkins am! An’ WIkwin’s am happeh to see mummah again!”
“Oh Wiwwkins, my beloved wilkins!”
As Murdoch rubs Wilkin’s soft fur, something happens to her.
“Do you have a piece of paper, Sheldon?”
Rather surprised, Sheldon passes a piece of rough paper to Murodch. With a pen in her hand, the novelist gets to work writing something down. After two minutes, and having filled the paper with scribbles, she holds it up, and gives it a quick read. Her previously tired eyes light up, as if she was Archimedes discovering density.
“Eureka! I think my books was needing this!”
Rubbing her hand on Wilkins forehead, Murdoch says, “Thanks, my little muse! I couldn’t do this without you!”
Muse huh? Sheldon was starting to wonder if not Wilkins not being at home was actually good for Murdoch.
“So how did the night go?” asked the Auburn. She was carrying Candy in her arm, and the two of them both gave a big yawn.
“I think it’s going to be a lot of work to get Twinkle to reform. She still has the urges and quite the overactive. She did have a good time with the foals though.”
“Well, it takes a while for fluffies that did sex work to move on from that past. I’m happy that Twinkle is getting a second chance.”
“We also got one more new fluffy last night.”
“Oh, that’s nice. What’s her name?”
“Anything special about her.”
Sheldon wasn’t sure whether the timing was right.
“Not really. She’s been pretty normal so far.”
Having finished packing his bag, he proceeded to carry Bruce, who was now starting to nod off.
“Well, I had quite a night.
Have a good day, Amber.
Diagram of East Side Day Care by Carpdime
(click below to read)
It was play time at East Side Day Care, and Avocado was looking among the toys to play with. Most of the fluffies had picked a random toy from the chest, and Avocado was intent on picking one of the toy spaceships. But there was a funny smell today. Looking around, he saw an innocent looking hugtoy. Picking it up, he brought it to his nostrils. The scent spoke a strong familiarity to him.
“Whats wrong, Avo?”
“Dis toysie hab funny smeww.”
The Auburn smelt it. Other than the usual smell of a fluffy, there was nothing weird about it.
“I don’t smell anything funny about it.”
Avocado looked at the hugtoy. Something did smell familiar about it. But what was it?