Cowpie part 2 "WildeFaun"

The nurse mare screamed and threw her hooves over her eyes sobbing for the foal. “Quiet dummeh! Babbeh am otay!” Chip shouted spitting out a single ear. The cheeping infant fell atop the pile of leaves and afterbirth thrashing in terror at the loss of his ear. Terror cut short by a large wave of amniotic fluid and 3 additional siblings.

The large earthie baby coughed and spat trying to comprehend everything that was happening to him while Chip nosed him aside while inspecting the other 3 babies. " Am babbehs safe, no hear babbehs, pwease bwuddah where am babbehs?" His sister sobbed, while he inspected the 3 other foals.

Chip and the nurse mare set the earthie and another unicorn in front of his sister. “Sowwy Chip hab to gib huwties tu babbeh.” She simply sobs in joy and begins to clean and sing. " Dat am aww dah babbehs?" “Aww buh won dummeh phesho fwend howdin.” Chip glares at the lavender pegasus who is completely unaware.

Waddling over to the offending idiot Chip smacks his arm. " Nuuu! Nu huwties! Am plawin wit bestest!" “Gib babbeh to mummah dummeh! Babbeh nee Miwkies!” The proud father sadly placed his favorite new son down it front of it’s mother as one of Chip’s toughies picked up the two still borns. “Dis way dummeh!”

Chip lead his brother in law out of the greenhouse into a drained pond with the toughie right behind. “Why yu nu hewp phesho fwiend! Why yu nu hewpin Chip Sissy! He snapped furiously. " Yu am pwayin wit babbeh when dewe ah mo tummy babbehs comin!”

“Buh it gush big poopy babbeh! Nu am bestest babbeh, poopy babbeh can git ouw ob specho pwace by…” Before he could finish Chips hooves met his face, a flurry of blows came down opon his head and muzzle sending him sobbing to the ground.

" Ou am Bad Daddeh!! Ou am Wowstest daddeh! Ou gad babbehs fowebah sweepies, wook!" Chip aims his hoof at the toughie as it gently lays down the two babies that didn’t survive being stuck behind their brother. Both rather pretty pegasuses. "Buh… Nuuu, Daddeh am susu sowwi! Huuu huuu nuu!!

He scrabbled to his lifeless children sobbing, chip couldn’t help but feel somewhat bad but a leason needed to be learned. " Babbehs am eben mo pwetti den uddah bestest!! Huu!" Suddenly Chip felt much less sympathetic as he slams his back legs into the rear end of the mourning parent.

He flips ass over hear screaming and shitting himself, the stream of arching over him finally feeling the effects of gravity starts it’s decent splattering him thoroughly. " Cwean up ou poopies an do somtin wit babbehs!" Chip wasn’t even half way back to his sister and her children when heard the panicked protests of her and her nurses.

He ran again only to arrive witnessing a young pink mare unicorn named Caroline throw down the large female unicorn baby right onto the floor head first.

Next : Cowpie part 3 "WildeFaun"

Last : Cowpie part 1 "WildeFaun"


Shit just got real.

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Man if that pink mare doesn’t get the shit beat out of her by chip imma kick his ass right in the lumps, you’ll beat your useless brother in law but the hoe who probably just killed your niece doesn’t get her shit rocked?

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