For @Fluffy_Angst. I had an idea to @FN5’s Fluffy Anti-Motherhood device a while ago but never did anything with it. Frankly, while not a bad idea (unfortunately inspired by real-world inventions) I didn’t go through with making anything for it because the topic was horrible.
Fluffy_Angst encouraged me to actually do make something with it, so here we are. I hate rapists and baby-enfers (pedo rapist fluffs), so here we go.
One main difference between this and both FN5’s version and the real world counterparts is it doesn’t stick to the rapist, but stays put. This is intentional and is a feature. Just because one stallion is now painfully aware he shouldn’t try doesn’t mean another won’t. And egad, do I hate the gang-rape stuff. That’s just awful hellgremlin territory to me.
Since someone will ask: “what if you put it in the other way around?” Well, its not going to work very well at all in that case. I kind of see the Foal Cap being like the mesh you see on a baseball cap so it would not feel good, but a particularly stubborn stallion might try anyways. That said, the reversed EnfStopper would probably be lethal to the foal that ends up inside it, but the rest would come out normally.
Anyhow, a barbaric device for a barbaric act. And yes, I am trying to figure out how the heck to do this for poopie places too since hellgremlin rapists don’t necessarily care who or what they’re raping. Any story/setting that can use the Trap Foal can consider this to be on sale there too if they want.
i like it. Simple but effective. You came up with a solution to the pregnant dam too. all good stuff. How does it stay inside though? Soft ridges or bulges to have the muscles keep it in place?
The original is described as a female condom, so like that. I figure the body of it can retain some of it’s shape so it gently expands or but not so much the vagina opens up. The ridges and tapered end help keep it in place.
The main reason the blades start father in is so an owner can pull it out. Shouldn’t be left in for a long time. I’m thinking miracle fluffy science so up to 10 hours at most (not sure how long the inspirational device could remain inserted). The blades themselves are not super sharp or metal: think plastic knives floor BBQs and the like.
Much like the trap foal I actually didn’t like the idea but it has a place in the general setting/conventions we have at the moment. If I could wave a magic wand and remove rape as a thing from fluffies I would but I can’t so here we go.
He should’ve had it in a chastity belt to protect the merchandise. Freely donating sperm doesn’t make money.
He should’ve been keeping an eye on his money maker.
That said, the testicles are fine. Harvesting might suck but artificial insemination will do the job. Granted, the studs in some of the work here could use a good dick slicing.
I don’t see the cuts being super deep, just painful. I could see it mentally scarring the stud long after the wounds heal and everything is back in working order.
Yes, yes, and yes. But doesn’t stop twats with more money than sense from making your life miserable. Knowing they are in the wrong may just make them more venomous and vindictive