"Entitled" or Happens More Often Than You Realize (Artist: OtherCoraline)

Haha that’s what I enjoy the most about your comics/FC btw


^ This is the only valid criticism I’ve seen. But I figured (depending on the store) a Fluffmart is so noisy anyway, that a stray “ScreeeEEE” would probably go unnoticed.


Go convince a kid to steal a $2 candy bar (ain’t hard, kids are idiots), see if anything you mentioned occurs.

Worst case scenario is they take the $2 buck from the kid (if he even has it on him) and ban him from the store. No way you are getting cops involved for such a petty crime. In fact, cops probably wouldn’t even respond to such a call. Huge waste of time/resources considering what cops could be responding to.


i saw a crime time to get the Molotov’s


Depends entirely on a ton of variables, really. An ordinary, middle class white suburban mini mall type store with the same people browsing? Yeah, the kid and their parents are going to get stopped, told they’re banned from the store, MAYBE told to pay for the ‘damaged merchandise’. Kid’s mom then takes their Xbox 500 as punishment, kid grows up into abuser that blames fluffies for everything.

Store in a bad neighborhood? Nothing happens because its already about to go out of business due to the owners being complete idiots that let the merchandise be handled by anyone that comes by ( most of the foals and any easily resold merchandise already have been pocketed by other shoppers anyway ).

Now… say the first shop but the kid is from a poor, minority family? Why of course the cops will be called and mistake the kid for having a gun, he’ll be shot along with his parents, the news will be all about a violent gang of MS-13/Crips running fluffies full of drugs.

All three end the same way for the foal of course, unless they’re smart and have a ‘discount’ bin for ‘damaged’ merchandise.


I would say your style is… what’s the word? I’d say it’s cute and fitting, even when they’re dead.


Well the store has a problem if “potential costumers” can broke the products (foals) of the store when nobody knows.

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look theyve got cameras everywhere now man. you aint breaking anything without being seen.

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I wish the little guy was real so I could buy him, both out of spite for that entitled little brat and as an act of mercy to ensure he doesn’t wind up being used as pet food or as part of some sick DIY project

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Happens More Often Than You Realize

Be prepared to be a fluffy hoarder then cuz there’s a LOT more fluffy injustices like this one that will require your attention.

Intervention: Fluffy Edition

Well then at the very least I’m like to discipline the entitled little brat

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You could also go trash diving for thrown away foals.


What an entitled brat piece of sh*t. Good to know it had been thrown with the other malfunctioning ones.

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The idiot believed the kid. If he blabbed he could have had the kid banned AND be thrown in the Defective Pile

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Oh… mah … lawd. This is an even better ending. The fluffy narcs and still gets a shit ending :joy:

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this is one of the first posts ive seen for fluffy community

I’ve noticed just now an old friend of ours:


Fluffies existing in scpverse is a concept worth exploring