Fallen Angel
By @Za
Chapter One
In a cold, lonesome alley, forgotten by society and forgotten by time, there was a vending machine.
“Get your very own fluffy!” it would call to the city.
“Only $2.99! We have -BZZT- [white] [alicorn] available!”
Its cries went unheard for a few weeks. And then months. Soon to be years, then decades, and for longer than anyone could remember.
And one day it stopped.
But only for a moment.
In that moment, the machine rattled and rumbled and shook with a grinding screech.
Out of the bottom slot rolled a small glass tube. It fell to the concrete below, shattering.
And the machine returned to normal.
“Get your very -BZZT- own fluffy!” it called once again, begging for someone to listen.
“Only $2.99! We have [blue] [pegasus] available!”
The machine pleaded for business, not knowing nor caring that it was drowning out the sobs of a lonesome little foal on the ground beneath it.
Within that little pile of glass was a small white alicorn foal. It whined and cried as it sat on the ground, sore and aching from the fall. It outstretched its arms for hugs that would never and could never come. Slowly, the small, fluffy creature rolled off of its back and stood on shaky legs in the pile of glass. It looked around curiously, seeing incomprehensibly tall buildings all around. They nearly obscured the view of a grey, empty sky. The alleyway the foal stood in was nondescript, save for a toppled trash can and the vending machine itself.
The foal spoke up.
“Hewwo? Nyu daddeh?” it spoke, searching for someone. Anyone.
“Mummah?” it called again. It received no response other than the vending machine’s next sales pitch.
“Get your very own fluffy!”
The foal looked up at the vending machine, interested in what it had to say.
“Only $2.99! -BZZT!-” it shrieked through the static.
The foal looked up at the vending machine curiously.
“Too niney nine?” it asked, confused.
The vending machine replied.
“We have [blue] [pegasus] available!”
“Bwoo?” the foal queried again.
The machine returned to its rumbling. After three or four more similar exchanges between the foal and the machine, the foal looked down at the shattered glass on the ground. The foal almost thought it looked like the tubes visible behind the glass of the vending machine. There was a plastic label on the ground.
The label read “Enjoy your new little angel!”
Angel. The foal smiled. It seemed to like that word.
“Fwuffy name… am Angew?”
And so it was.
The foal looked around, curious. It wondered what beautiful world could lie beyond this alley. So, the foal took its first steps into the world at large…
and was promptly disappointed.
The city was full of tall, towering buildings clearly unkempt. The brick and concrete along the street level were filthy, overgrown with grime and vines as nature reclaimed her planet. Cars lay in piles of rust and rot, shattered windshields littering their once-inhabited leather upholstery.
There were no humans in sight. No fluffies in sight, save for the ones locked within the vending machine.
There was only Angel.
And Angel was afraid.
Next Chapter ==>