Fallen Angel, Chapter Two (By Za)

Fallen Angel
By @Za

Chapter Two

Angel continued out into the street, hopping over debris in a clumsy mess. The streets around her felt as if they were missing something, but she couldn’t figure out what.

“Hewwo?” she called, her voice carried upon empty air into the deserted streets. The only other sound was the pitter-patter of her hooves on the sidewalk… and a small scratching noise.

She stopped for a moment, looking beneath a wrecked car along the road. From within the darkness, two beady eyes stared back.

“Hewwo?” Angel called again, louder this time. The eyes did not move, nor blink. Angel was curious about this new individual. She wanted to meet them, so maybe this world wouldn’t be as lonely or as scary.

She took one shaky step forward.

And another.

Then another.

And ano- crunch

Angel froze in her tracks as she looked down. She had stepped on a small piece of glass. A tiny trickle of blood stained the filthy, sooty blacktop below.

“EEE! HUWTIES!” she cried, stumbling backwards and falling on her rear.

The eyes beneath the car disappeared away in a scurrying mess, off into some unseen alley.

Angel could only look on, dejected. She’d scared off her only friend. And that made her sad. There was a new emotion in her stomach, making her feel heavier. She didn’t know it, but that feeling was called guilt.

Angel continued down the street, limping on her cut hoof. There were so many signs out with words she didn’t fully know the meaning of.

What should she do? Where should she go? Why did her new friend run away?

Eventually, Angel took a turn. And another. Walking street after abandoned street. Nothing more to see than ruined cars, crumbling buildings, and the atomic shadows of long-gone pedestrians along the sidewalk.

Until she couldn’t recognize her surroundings. Not forward, nor back, nor left nor right. She did not know where she had come from.

She looked around in a panic. Searching for someone, something. Anyone. But the streets were empty.

“Hewwo? Pwease hewp Angew…” she called into the silence.

“Angew wan fwens… Angew wan nummies…” she begged, her stomach growling and her eyes growing wet.

“Angew scawed.”

And then, from deep in an alley, she heard a scratching from some unseen place around a corner. Angel didn’t know who it was, but she thought it had to be someone.

What choice did she have but to approach?

Angel scampered down the dark, decrepit alleyway, searching for the source of the noise. As she rounded the corner, she heard the scurrying grow further away as a shadow rounded yet another corner back into the streets. Angel quickened her pace, waddling as fast as her stumpy little legs could carry her.

“Pwease nu wun way!” she called to the entity.

“Angew wan be fwens!”

No response came and she continued down the streets, narrowly avoiding obstacles as she gave chase. She followed it for a long while, pushing herself to the very limit as her legs began to feel like they were going to pop off at any moment.

At last, after a labyrinthine series of alleys and streets, she found herself at a dead end.

And the same eyes as before were staring back at her from within.

They looked angry.

And Angel was afraid.

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When she was calling, “H-hewwo?”, I kept waiting for Obama to tell her to perish. :sparkling_heart: