Fluffies and religion (by Rescue_9)

(Reupload from Reddit)


I really liked this one.

Granted, having gone to church my whole life, I imagined the generic Christian one also saying, “no fowget pot-wuck soon!”


Or “bagews an’ coffee ar abaiwabwe aftah sewbice”


Yeah this is super wholesome and cute :heart:


Great idea!!!
Welcome to the community!


And then there’s the schloob who does the “covered-dish” bit
(Empty plate with a lid on it…no, wasn’t me)


This is a nice idea hope they dont take smarties.

Love the small logo “chibi piggy” from Osamu Tezuka


hmm just imagine a smart using religion to justify its behavior or using it for it own gain


How would fluffys fair under Islam since even drawing pictures of living things is considered a challenge to god , would fluffys just be seen as a type of machine robots


“Fwuffy wub to check thetan webew!”


Depends where you are talking about.

Much of modern Middle East Islam is kind of like Christianity when Catholicism started taking bullshit that randos wrote about like the Seven Deadly Sins, Twelve Heavenly Virtues, and Dante’s Inferno, and treating it as part of scripture. A lot of it is just 1950’s folks reacting to the Cold War and Israel by digging up old religious “suggestion box” writings and giving it a go.

But as a counter example, there’s been large communities of Muslims living in the US since the 1910’s that integrated immediately and were ignored during the anti-Muslim hysteria in the early 2000’s. They totally missed all that aforementioned shit.
Plus of course the “Sure, grandparents I only see on some holidays,I’ve absolutely been sticking to the rules of the faith, dating in the faith, abstaining from pleasures, and finished college! Whatever gave you the impression I wasn’t other than living on my own in another state where you can’t check?”

For the record there’s also Christian Iconoclasts too. After all, it was Byzantine Christians who started the practice of going nuts for a century or two and smashing all the old priceless and irreparable art and history. Everyone else has just been finding it to be retro ever since.


In my headcanon there are a wide range of schools of thought in Islam about fluffies, ranging from “they can be halal” to “they are haram to eat” to “they are soulful creatures that can be Muslim.” Ask FluffiesAreFood Vol 1 #18


Glad to see none of them mentioning a “Sky Daddeh”.

Every time a fluff says that my mind immediately conjures up the r/ atheist neckbeards and their “akshually… invisible man in the sky” bit. It’s one of the most egregious strawmans out there and I find it hard to respect anyone who utters that phrase. :unamused:

Sorry for the tangent. This is so cute! :hugs: I love the reverence the pegasus is showing the scriptures even though it can’t read a word and only sees it as a “pwetty scwoww”. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve seen people get little prayer rugs for their cats, so getting fluffy-sized prayer rugs probably wouldn’t be a problem. :laughing:


I just figured that humans are the closest thing to gods fluffies have.


Depends what each branch and their sub-sects view fluffies as.

Probably universally haram, if i’d wager to guess.

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Yeah, gods who either treat them kindly one day, and then start killing them for shits n giggles another day. Kind of like the Sumerian pantheon at times

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Not to rain on the hub box parade but lets be honest most Christian denominations, Catholics and Muslims would be HARD anti-fluffy because of the whole “genetic abominations created in labs by humans playing at God while spitting in his eye”. That being said there absolutely would be a bunch of Evangelicals trying to convert them either failing miserably or just completely brainwashing them getting to repeat dogma.

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If I had to figure a guess from my extremely limited knowledge liberal Muslims (American/Canadian/Western European) would be (mostly) okay with them existing with a constant debate on whether they are haram or not. Everywhere else? Absolutely haram like a combination of a pig and dog, though you know damn well the rich Saudis/Emiratis would have a fuck ton of them as pets

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It depands. The church could say that since we got a bit closer to the creator it is our responsibility to spread the will of god to our own creations as well. From the grandfather, to the father, to the children