Fluffing Off - Pizzle Production, Ball Market (By Thk)

[Trigger warning: extensive and graphic description of castration]

One may be surprised that one of the most lucrative Fluffy markets lies not in breeding fancy pets nor standard meat, but in the male genitalia. In this video we will cover one of the most lucrative markets for all kinds of Fluffy industries with time and investment to deal in Fluffy genital distribution and show some of our in-house procedures for obtaining them.

For those unaware, the cock and balls of large domestic livestock formed dietary staples for much of history. High in protein, they went along well with brains as efficient meals, though unlike brains the penis could be dried into a tasty jerky and testicles were easier to cook. Squeamishness in later historical eras slowly regarded both to sit among the rest of the unused meat as nitrogen and phosphorus boosting fertilizer for grain products.

The exception is the dried penis, known as pizzles even when unprocessed in some regions but otherwise gaining the name upon production. These remained used as a cheaper source of meat for travel rations and in the twentieth century became an expensive commodity for canine pet treats. The change in market stems partially from the severe famine events in the twenty first century, the decline of orthodox Abrahamic religions, and disconnect between Fluffies and other forms of life (a 2055 poll conducted by Pow Research Center in Topeka found that 67% of Americans said they would rather eat the testes of a Fluffy than the testes of pork (28%), beef (35%), or poultry (39%), though when informed of the percentage of human DNA in Fluffies that number dropped to 49%).

Production is highly efficient, and some would argue is compatible with or even advantageous towards Hugbox economics as consumers are willing to pay generally twice the cost for ethically obtained products, though as most people who read consumer reports can attest the industry is rife with false claims of painless procedures, fulfilling lives, and efficient harvesting. In either case the relatively low degree of federal oversight allows most veterinary clinics to supplement their income with a mere $1000 investment into the machinery and QC materials needed to produce pizzles and other androculture. The resulting product can be sold to be inspected and packaged by distributors for mass market sale or sold locally, even in-house. The latter is the preferred option for mid-size clinics where an ironic complimentary pizzle snack for Fluffies recovering from their own castration and/or penectomy operation in the convalescent care area can hook them on the flavor, creating a market for more edible Fluffy cock. The ignorance of the mainstream public and pity towards their own emasculated pets results in use as a reward, a higher tier from spaghetti. Testes can be used to create exceedingly nutritious foodstuffs with a quality for recovery among Fluffies considered almost “magical” which helps explain the use of mysticism in marketing them, but can also be used to provide flavoring for unpalatable food. Indeed, the lower end kibble brands highest rated by Fluffies consistently use ground Fluffy testes as a flavoring agent.

While the process of nullification can be conducted quickly and easily as per livestock, we here in the Fluffy Life And Wellness Center in Canyon, Oregon undertake a more surgical approach which costs more, though we upload videos of the procedures online if the owner gives us permission in exchange for a discount from the ad revenue. The irony that Fluffies receive such superior care to other, natural pets in veterinary clinics as well as humans in some countries or poorer states here in the US frustrates many, as you can see in the comments section, but pleases both owners and our staff.

This particular subject will represent a standard Hugbox package Fluffy neutering. He is a two month old Colt of the Splorin Delicious breed, now beginning to talk but not fully comprehend or communicate complete meanings. Here he is being evaluated for health to ensure he can survive the procedure. As you can see he is quite cheerful and curious, doing happy spins and bucking. Even at rest his tail is wagging like a whippet and he can hardly contain his excitement. His wide smile lets us see most of his teeth and tiny pink tongue at all times.

Created after decades of breeding by the Fluffyum corporation and used in associated products made by their subdivisions from biogel to Fluffrinds and Fluffy flavored ramen packets, the Splorin Delicious has a very soft coat which is easily removable using smaller amounts of deFluffing agents due to severe allergic immune responses to the compound, has powerful muscles due to their propensity for solitary play which is bolstered by soft rolling fat distribution, and a wide front and back end which provides easy access to their genitals and mouth for the purpose of applying tubing, breeding, or quickly evaluating health. Their temperament is stubborn and their intelligence tends to be low though they are amiable and surprisingly patient and focused. Though a copyrighted proprietary breed, the eventual escaped population found popularity for its cute appearance, simple care, and ability to defend itself against other Fluffies and some predators and it was determined that the damage from public outrage outweighed policing their copyright against all but direct competition. Splorin Delicious do not often survive long without hybridizing with other breeds in the wild and their status as a protected IP prevents large scale breeding operations, but are worth a fair amount for the time of small batch breeders and there is a market for all colors due to the squat cute appearance going well with all options.

This Colt is completely healthy, and is approved for the surgery. Unfortunately SDs are known for their very tiny cocks and balls for their size, requiring more extensive surgical extraction for less reward. According to the owner this Colt is destined for a Neutralbox fate, intended for a good life but the nullification procedure will cause an easy and severe emotional attack point to force a depressed state to calm overenthusiasm that could lead him to be destructive or loud as well as give a quick and easy nonphysical punishment mechanism. Like any Fluffy a nullo detests contact with their surgical scars and can be heartbroken anew by simply bringing up their missing pieces.

This procedure is straightforward and simple. Due to different anatomy between breeds most operations will be unique, but as a juvenile of a breed with common internal anatomy and an ample penile sheath he represents your average case. For obvious reasons pizzle and testicle harvesting an adult is preferred, but most pet nullifications and neuterings are done on Foals as most cases occurring later in life are Abuser fare and thus unlikely to be brought to us when the owner (or abductor) could choose a DIY approach.

The undescended testicles will be found beneath the surface of the pubis, or frontal inner hip. We begin by sedating our boy. He is very interested in new smells and is out like a light when the mask goes on. He is placed in our special 3d printed Fluffy rack, with the winches and elastic bands shifted to the 3.5 setting which will keep him locked in place. One quick incision is made to the belly, and we have our little envelope opening in the skin. Cuts are made along the lower abdominal linea, taking care to cut at an upward angle when possible to avoid overshooting the hypogastric region and enter umbilical region territory where a poked stomach could be an unseen death sentence. From here a Fluffy who would have had larger balls can be reached easily from the cut with some agitation by the surgeon, but unfortunately for us this Colt would have had tiny nuts. In addition to less profit for us the assistant has to locate them and agitate them up towards the cut for the surgeon, taking care to avoid unintentionally mistaking the bladder or section of colon for a testicle. Once a testicle is grabbed with the forceps the connection to the scrotum can just be pinched away with the fingers and a clamp can be applied to the tube tissue. With a surgical filament tied around the tube the ball can be simply cut away between the filament and the testicle. The process is repeated, then the subdermal layers are closed with a ligature followed by a simple bandage, in this case a sparkly glittery one in the color closest matching the Fluffy’s shaved fluff from the area which even in cases of pain or itching will usually prevent them from trying to remove it. With that a fluid drip is applied then removed before the Fluffy wakes up and finally it is placed in a cage colored with rainbow bars beneath a soft pink blanket and a small soft toy smiley face, in a room playing soft slow xylophone in the tune of the Mummah Song on a perpetual loop. Once it wakes up it will be offered a pizzle for comfort as the nausea wears off. Unfortunately as you can see our nut harvest was paltry to say the least, and the nuts of a Splorin Delicious are no more delicious than any other. Still, its better than nothing.

The following is two examples of post-operation procedures.

“Huuhuu huuuuuuu, nuu hab gud speshuh huggies nu mowe…”

Under normal circumstances this Fluffy would be gaslit into believing it never had genitals, and encouraged to accept isolation from other Fluffies; females would be prone to resolving the gender identity of the nullo male as one of a number of incorrect attributes from ‘boyfilly’ to ‘baby stallion’ to ‘noFluffy’. These will eventually cause severe psychological damage to the Nullo and can cause extreme violent or depressive states of mind. In rare cases Mares may adopt the nullo as a female or attempt to ‘find’ the nullo’s genitals which may result in accidental cannibalism of its remaining urinary tract and bladder. Male intact Fluffies may similarly behave, though with a higher propensity to violence or complete shunning of the nullo. Nullos who are caged together may begin to exhibit homosexually-coded tendencies such as excessive snuggling or mutual groin rubbing, which may or may not offend nullo owners. Encounters with Ferals almost never end well for a Nullo, and so we encourage them to flee without interaction.

For reasons you are about to see the ordinary procedure does not apply in this specific case, so this poor little Fluffy here will receive the ‘spicy sorry’ approach as well as some complex working with the situation.

“Its okay little guy. Your bad old naughty place went away, but you’ll grow a new one! A much better one, one the Mares will love all the more!”

“B-but Fwuffy nu wike Mawes, wike Stawwion. Wub Speshul Fwiend Auwewius!”

Unfortunately this Fluffy was not scheduled for nullification, and was at the clinic for a fertility test ahead of artificial insemination of a Mare to produce his young. The owners were compensated for the mistake with three bags of pizzles for this Fluffy, who was now fond of Fluffy penis in its dried state after recuperation and will earn us the money back that we paid the owners as an apology. One pizzle costs more than twice the market value of the entire Fluffy who’s masculinity was sacrificed making them, illustrating the value of the market is in convenience and labor rather than the goods themselves. With this comes a warning to all owners of male Fluffies; if you prize the virility of your Stallion you should always be present for and aware of all procedures happening to your Fluffy. A shelter WILL get more business, regardless of your review.

Notice now how our test Fluffy has his wound exposed rather than bandaged. As an apology to his owners we have volunteered to minimize the psychological trauma from his current lack of genitalia. Although prosthetic replacements are an option, and complex replacements can be crafted from skin grafts or more easily just surgically attached from another Fluffy, the owners do not want to mess with that and have informed us that as a ‘bottom’ in his relationship he will not need them anyway.

We begin by gaslighting him.

“Its okay sweetie, we’re going to make you better junk.”

“Huu huu. Wha junk?”

“You know. A…um…a, haha. A pe-ha ha. A p-hahaha.”

“Why hoomin wuagh? Nu am funny, hab many huwties an saddies. Huu huu. Hatchu meanie cutties. Wub Auwewius, nu wan teww dat am nu Stawwion nu moah. Huu huu.”

As always it is important to use people with humility and maturity when trying to speak to Fluffies.

“Listen, its okay. Your little peepee wasn’t very good, so your mommy brought you here to get a new one. Its growing right now, like your horn did when you were a baby. But your mean old peepee took your lumps away with it. That would take a lot more magic to get new ones of, so much magic that your mommy may not be able to keep you, Aurelius, his sister, your Fluffy daddy, and the babies you and Aurelius are going to have. Your lumps aren’t worth that, are they?”

Loud snickering

“Jim, I fucking swear if you don’t shut-

Thankfully after some negotiating and banishing the surgeon from the room the Fluffy has agreed he only needs his penis. He thinks we can steal semen back from his balls, but in reality the plan has changed to extracting semen from his father to impregnate the sister of his mate. This form of mental gymnastics is not uncommon when dealing with the complexities of Hugboxers and Fluffy welfare, requiring both patience and creativity. Of course as stated this little Fluff will not be getting any replacement genitals, though we have left the door open to future graft or inorganic replacements should he lapse into depression.

Instead we have spent one day reminding him he has a regrowing superior penis, and for lunch on the second day we presented him with a platter of sliced fruit. Shortly before that we had given him a strong peppermint mouthwash which we claimed was to try and prevent him from growing a mean penis. You may see where this is going. His taste buds still burned from the mouthwash, which prevented him from tasting the Tajin powder or salt on the fruit. The capability of the mind to dictate flavor and the Fluffy quality of extreme overimagination with power of the programming bulb to fill in cognitive gaps all ensure he thought he was tasting the best apples ever. Within mere minutes he devolved into a screaming mess, the spices on his tongue reacting with his healing genital surgical scars to cause intense agony. One quick false diagnosis of mean penis syndrome later along with a warning it could hurt his mate and eat him later, coupled with once again ejecting our childish surgeon from the room, and he agreed to not have a penis. By applying antiseptic and the proper bandage he should have had from the start he has been convinced the imaginary penis bud was removed. Consolation is offered that he is doing the right thing for himself, his mate, and future children. The semen extraction from the father will be done at a different location, but a promise of future discounts for the mistake will ensure the family will return.

As you can see the testes of this Stallion were not much more impressive than that of the Colt, but his member was substantial for a Fluffy, larger the size of many humans. While we did not mess up his surgery on purpose its easy to see why one might accuse us of it.

To see how an abnormal, that is to say “Abuse but we don’t technically do Abuse here” nullification surgery goes we have this subject here. Purchased as a pet for the youngest daughter in the house for Christmas this Fluffy has revealed himself as a Hellgremlin nonSmarty on camera footage, sexually assaulting the new family kitten. While he is too young for sex he has begun mounting to show dominance, and will likely complete the act when he can due to Fluffy priority of needs usually putting physical sensation before group dynamics. He has gaslit his child owner that the kitten bullies him, and the family father wants justice as well as a prevention of future behavior when he could do more damage to other animals and Fluffies or cause his own doom via the adult cat. He was brought in for a mere neutering but as you can see the client could not contain his smile when we told him about nullification. We first carried out the nullification process, but because this Fluffy is so young we did not sedate him. Reactions to nullification procedures vary, but most Fluffies will telegraph their response. This makes the gaslighting require slight alterations, but is necessary in these kinds of cases.

“Hey buddy, know what you are in for today?”

“Mhuh, F-fwuffy namesie am Buddeh? Nu am Buddeh, Gaston’s namesie am Cowt.”

“You’re a buddy too. But you’re not gonna be a boy much longer.”

“Nu am Boy, namesie am Buddy.”

“You are! But, see, Fluffies who are boys have boy parts.”

“Hab boy pawts.”

“No dude, look.”

“Wha-? Wet Waptow down!”

If you are confused about his pleas, the explanation is simple. The Fluffy has not actually been truly named yet, as repeated renaming and nicknames from members of his household in the editing and Chirpie time windows have reset his programming bulb and essentially locked it out of editing for a little while. During this time he will repeatedly name himself, accept names given, and may respond to non-name words. He will also randomly assign qualities and designations to things even in the same sentence. More intelligent Fluffies may have their programming bulb reduced in importance in this time as they learn to consistently fight it, but this Colt is neither smart nor experienced enough to. Because he is distressed and instinctively wants to hide within a group he will more often prefer terms that offer him anonymity right now, giving the impression that he is lying or telling the truth in different statements. None of this matters however, because although outright Abuse would drive away many customers we are not able to magically solve all problems painlessly nor are we a court of law. Though we like to say the Fluffies are our customers they are not the ones paying us, and thus their opinions do not matter. This one is losing his masculinity today, and nothing he can do will change that.

“Chill, I’m just giving you a good view of your bits. See how there is no boy or girl parts?”

“Agh, Fwuffy back huwtie! See peepee an wumps! H-hg-huwt Buddy’s backsie an tummeh!”

Unfortunately many Fluffies don’t realize the image in a mirror or video camera is them. They can be gaslit into the idea, but for time and patience reasons its better to try and bend them to see their own. Do not force the position, put it on its back and lift under the armpits while sliding upwards. For Fluffies with small genitals or excessive fluff a large prosthetic can be applied first. Breathing may be difficult so do not encourage talking and return them to a resting position after around fifteen seconds.

“No dude, those are mine now. I’m cutting them off. With these.”


I must point out the procedure will not be literally cutting his privates off with those purple scrapbooking scissors I showed him, they just sell Fluffies that may think they are too tough to harm on the inevitability of their fate, the serration actually produces little baseball and baseball bat shapes.

Screaming is inevitable. It also tells us that his reaction will be partial paralysis, since he is not trying to wriggle free and thus we do not have to worry about him destroying his limbs in restraints, only what he does with his torso as a careless surgeon can make an incision at the exact moment he tries to move his penis out of the way and puncture the bladder or intestines. A healthy scream means his primary emotion is fear, which gives the least amount of post-surgery issues. Anger means he will need careful and stern therapy to not become a brat which could produce an accidental Smarty-friend which will go poorly if he demands a Herd. Sadness requires Hugbox therapy, and resignation can point to many issues which are time-consuming to diagnose and treat. Pleading means he will be difficult to convince the change is permanent. A bargaining Fluffy is best because they can be tricked into giving concessions to keep things you were not planning on removing anyway or do not even exist.

“Nuu, Cowt nu huwt meow munstah! Kitty-fwiend am bwuddah, dummeh hoomin mummah say so! Fwuffeh cwimb to gib back huggies an see aww Fwuffeh’s wand! Bombew nu huwt bestest kitteh! Poopie mummah’s wand big an dewe enough fow Skettie an Meow-fwuff!”

Now that we know his emotional response we promise him that if he is a good boy he will still be a boy afterwards. He begins to fuss and tries to offer an ear to keep his nuts as we strap him down so we add an impersonal threat to his desire by saying how he can’t stay a boy if he has a Mare penis. I end up putting the camera down and finishing the setup because the surgeon laughed so hard that the patient and the operating harness fell from the table onto the soft spongy floor mat. Thankfully he was not injured and as I finished strapping him in he gave my thumb kisses due to me telling him we decided to let him keep his hoof. Notice how he is bent over with his back legs straight and face sticking through a hole where his bent front hooves rest, with several suspended trays and clamps to the sides and several large containers of biogel. This is because he is a Crapmel, a Fluffy breed that was discovered surviving in the midwestern United States deserts and has larger than average bladder and fecal storage capacity, strong sphincters, and an expanded anal sac which enables well behaved examples far greater freedom in their toilet relief timing and options but also far worse damage when misbehaving. This breed is also prone to consuming its own waste when in need, a benefit to some owners though this little Fluffy’s owner wants us to break him of the habit by creating a traumatic aversion in a Hugbox manner, which not only is extremely possible but we will feature it in another video, though if you’d like a hint it features groupthink and a number of rescued Litterpals.

The main issue here is that even when voided the Crapmel undescended testes will be nestled into a cavity similar to the Douglas Pouch in female mammals. Removal will be difficult and requires extensive work to the point we are more or less dismantling this Fluffy at the pelvis while he lays face-down/ass-up, full of urine and feces that his sphincters are too strong and clenched from pain to release, all while completely awake and immobilized with ethically in-house sourced fluff-lined Fluffleather straps. Worst of all he is staring directly at a tablet with live camera feed of the surgeon’s perspective via a forehead strap cam. Whether he recognizes that as his own body is unimportant, only that he can be reminded what surgery looks and feels like and can be reminded of it if he asks for any body parts returned that the owner does not wish to have us replace. We will be skipping the bulk of the procedure in this video but both the surgeon and my own camera angles will be uploaded to our premium subscription channel for your research or viewing pleasure.

Here we see the process thirty seven minutes in. As you can see the fluff and skin of his lower abdomen were removed and left in a biogel container to keep the flesh alive without circulating blood. In the upper right clamp is his rectum and anus, below that is suspended the anal sac, to the left on the top is the middle of the urinary tract, and the smaller clamps are holding the various muscle fibers where they attach to the pelvic floor. An assistant is coating each structure with biogel from a dropper on a minute timer, which is the out of focus movement you will be seeing on the left side of the screen. This version of the video is muted, but here is a sample of the sounds.


He will revert to chirping throughout the procedure but must not be allowed to remain in that state or there is a risk in permanent mental regression or Derping from a stress aneurism. In those precious few moments when the screaming stops and you can hear the ringing in your ears it is important to reinforce adult brain responses in the Fluffy by waving a bottle containing starch and acid as well as an aldehyde and thioalcohols to produce a pungent olfactory mix of spaghetti, lawn grass, and fear sweat which will eventually return it from its coping mechanism whereupon the vic-I mean patient’s focus should be returned to the screen with the operation resumed.

“Nuuu, nuuu, pwease, Buddeh nu wike dis, pwease nu huwt, am good Poopie Cowt, nu wan dis, huwtie Fwuff-AAAAAAIIIIII-“

Finally the surgeon has exposed the testicles by carefully slipping between the place where the fecal sac rests against the intestines and cutting the protective fat slightly. He will carefully sever the vas deferens from the membrane containing the bladder, following it all the way back to the seminal vesicle and prostate. Normally we leave these, but the client was clear that he didn’t want this Fluffy ever experiencing any kind of sexual pleasure. Crapmels are capable of storing feces to the point of rubbing against the prostate, and in some cases this sensation incentivizes the Fluffy to store feces constantly and all but eliminate the benefits their breed has in regards to litter boxes and outdoor pooping while causing sudden unexpected orgasms. We’re not sure if that’s why the client made the request, but its the reason we are going with for this video. We are again skipping the sight of the destruction of the Fluffy’s prostate as a functional gland, but you can view the full video by subscribing to a premium account. Now we just reattach the urethra to the bladder via biogel and a smearing of bionanites designed to recognize the tissue and migrate it to line up during healing, and inject the forever lonely scrotum skin with some modified botox to tighten it up into an adorably smooth soft little bulge. Its easier to skin the penile area separate from the rest of the pelvic abdomen, so leaving this for last as it it the least dangerous portion of the surgery. We marked the area first by removing the fluff before surgery began, ensuring the only aesthetic imperfection during recovery is the genitals. First the skin is removed, eliminating the sheath and leaving only the spongy erectile tissue and fat as well as the raw-looking cock. For Fluffy breeds without retractable penises such as the more human-like varieties the surgery is far simpler, but Crapmels are known for their tight sheath and dicks like straightened pig members resting upon a structure similar to the accessory corpus cavernosus of bats which adds more labor to an already complicated surgery. This surgery progressed at an average pace and we are hour two now, with most nullifications ending in only around twenty to forty minutes for other breeds.

Next we cut around the penis, extracting all the spongy tissue beneath the pelvic floor around it. We are basically poking in the dark here, looking for the more yellowed adipose fat as opposed to the pale cream-colored genital tissue. Once we are confident the entire perimeter is removed we can sever the corpus cavernosus from the muscle fibers and fat, leading all the way to the root at the pelvic bone. Though you cannot hear it in this video, the scream was something very unlike most Fluffy noises, and we’d be curious to hear from our premium subscription members what they think it sounds like. Once our little subject has returned to adult mentality again I shut off the camera feed leaving him staring at a blank blue screen as its time to begin closing him up. I take the opportunity to gently inform him that he should be proud that he is a Nullo without explaining the meaning. This will give his mind something to focus on as now will be able to shut out the dwindling sensations of the surgery from his mind. I personally enjoy that moment as its the rare time, along with gender reassignment and limb replacement, that someone can assign them a new role that will one day be a positive part of their identity.

The rectal sac is sutured then returned to the bowels, the bladder is pressed back into the abdominal cavity, the intestines carefully pushed in without any torsions, the urethra and anus are reattached to muscle, and a layer of fat removed from the posterior is placed on the pelvic floor to provide a cushion lest any upward sitting, falling, being mounted, or spankies cause terrific agony by directly hitting muscle. Muscle fibers are laced back around the structures, and the skin of the abdomen is retrieved from the biogel and replaced in the order the pieces were removed. With the surgery complete the straps are unlatched and the Fluffy falls down with a limp little plop. As you can see his eyes pupils are both dilated and his eyelids back, producing an eerie look as the iris is almost lost between the black pupils and white sclera. This will go away after around an hour. Normally we would have a nurseFluff comfort the Fluffy, but the owner declined to pay for the service and the Crapmel surgery has cut into the time we had allotted for removing glass shards from some Feral Foals brought in along with their parents by the local elementary school after a field trip. If you would like to see the video of the complete surgery in which we managed to save all nine Feral Foals using the limbs and organs not required for survival from their Hellgremlin father and one of his comatose harem Mares, or the recovery processes of any of the surgeries you saw today, and any of our other catalog of hundreds of such videos feel free to sign up for the premium subscription service. As for the nonfinancial rewards from this Fluffy’s suffering we see almost the reverse of the previous Stallion, with a tiny nub of a penis barely worth noting and slim amounts of fat from the rest of the pubic area but with substantial testes. Had he been allowed to reach adulthood with them he would have been a sight to behold, though as I said before we unfortunately almost never get “ripe” nuts from these surgeries. Still, the gravy made from this Fluffy’s former baby-gravy makers can be sold in jars totaling the cost of a Fluffy with a rare coat color.

The final video in this presentation is a quick guide to mass nullification. Here we have three Feral Herds brought to us by our associates in HURSE. Though we aren’t being compensated financially directly we do have agreements that give us free promotion in pamphlets and through consultations, first dibs at Feral finds, and other resources by request. The general rule is Abusers will still do business with Hugbox/affiliated but not vice versa, so while we do partner with HARSE we do not have any formal agreements.

These Herds were gathered from the valleys near the mountain pass up north. Common Fluffies commonly congregate near any evidence of human settlement, with large Herd groups splitting when the Smarty cycle turns to Hellgremlins. This is why a town, region, or city may experience years or decades without Fluffies then suddenly become inundated with them. They thrive best in poorly accessible areas, or in places of ecological or financial ruin. These Herds were gathered from an old abandoned rail line, the volunteers clearing out abandoned buildings and garbage piles from the edge of town all the way to the suspension bridges, stopping where erosion and rain have rendered the tracks too dangerous to walk on. They said they saw no less than three Herds just on the opposite end of the valley but will be requiring trained Smarties to gather them and shepherd them for capture. These Fluffies, of many breeds, will be sorted and evaluated first for our own adoption desires, then for rehoming, then sale, and finally for quarantine and extermination. Those remaining will be sterilized and returned to the wild, now unable to reproduce, where they will compete with fertile Fluffies for resources and be unable to cooperate or form larger Herds with most of them. Documented events of Nullo Herds claiming Foals and pregnant Mares from other Herds and raising a new generation or attempting to use their teeth to nullify captives with varying degrees of success exist but are not of concern to is since the general philosophy of Hugboxers is that this is the natural way of Fluffies adapting to our changing world and finding their place in it. In that case, as self-correcting population control.

First our team fanned out through the storage warehouse benches and claimed several. They will be inspected, inoculated, documented, and paid for back at the facility. HURSE is always kind enough to rig them for us, each in 3d printed and adjustable restraint setups consisting of plastic poles with tied-off elastic tubing which keeps them at a 45 degree angle with their head pointing towards the ground and their back legs spread wide while their front legs are pinned to their sides. All Alicorns and rare colors were removed before surgery, as was the unique patterns and the more valuable breeds and mutations. Several were claimed for their temperament, both the sweetest and most hostile. A few with extremely poor colors were also claimed, as a mercy. None of those Fluffies will be operated on today. The Breeders on our staff will decide who gets which prized Fluffies later.

The small lid above the head of each Fluffy contains a tablet, with headphones placed on each to muffle the distressing sounds and enhanced whatever the intended effect of the video may be. Unlike our last patient these Fluffies will not be viewing their own surgery, instead shown a video selected by the assistant for each Fluffy.

The first patient is the chief Smarty, a stout Shortfluffed Punky breed which can make an already nasty Fluffy even worse. By all accounts including his own this was not a Hellgremlin and was an effective leader, but the procedure is standard to show a video consisting of flashing nightmarish images as well as crowd shots of Fluffies with glowing eyes, Fluffies in submissive positions mutating into monsters, and humans as immaculate flaming gods granting petting or flames to prostrated Fluffies. This video will help reduce his desire to lead other Fluffies and disobey humans which may lead hom to become adopted as a standard Fluffy or a Smarty-friend. His scream is like a siren, every Fluffy seeing him cut open and emasculated on their tablets via the camera on the surgeon’s forehead while hearing his nonstop scream in their headphones. In nine seconds the penis sheath has been cut in half on the posterior and anterior sides and peeled to the sides, three seconds for the assistant to clamp the head of the penis and pull it tight, in twelve seconds the penis has been skinned, eighteen seconds to separate the base of the urethra from the penis, forty seconds for the stream of urine and fecal spray to end with pressure aid from the assistant and a small amount doused on each cheek and under the nose to add to his nightmare, eleven seconds to sever the penis from the pubic fat, eight seconds opening the scrotum, five seconds pulling out both testes, seven seconds applying chlorhexadine inside the wounds which intensifies the screaming, eighteen seconds applying a catheter tube to the remaining urethra, thirty seven seconds suturing the sheath closed around the urethra as well as closing the testes, and nine seconds rubbing iodine into the wounds before applying a three second bandage. The result with be an aesthetically pleasing penile sheath which will still allow him to pee like a male and a floopy little nutless sack, which will allow him to get along with good natured or unintelligent Fluffies. Fluffies who vomited during their viewing of the procedure are tended to by surgical assistants and myself who loosen their neck straps and turn their head to clean the tablet then replace their head to its original position.

The next Smarty is a Hellgremlin, having fatally sexually assaulted his own Toughie out of frustration in the cage on the trip back from the wilderness. His procedure is far more simple, the video presenting humans as terrible monsters through disturbing surreal imagery and chase sequences to keep his brood away from humans. The sheath is cut away in strips and removed over ten seconds. In nine seconds the urethra is exposed and severed at the base. In sixteen seconds the penis is cut away, and note that many of the Fluffies viewing this on their screens seem to cheer at this. The assistant applies the catheter tube in thirteen seconds and it is clipped to stop his stream of urine. Six seconds spraying chlorhexadine. Twenty five seconds suturing the pubic skin tightly around the urethra, two seconds doused in iodine, four seconds applying the bandage. Twenty nine seconds pulling the testes to the bottom of the scrotum and applying a castration band around the top of the scrotum to end blood flow and kill the testes leading them to drop off after several days. More Abuse-focused other clinics go the extra step and place the urethral exit in the anus thereby creating a kind of cloaca for the purpose of a more simple sexual reassignment surgery in order to psychologically torment the Smarty and drastically increase chances of suffering sexual assault, but we are neither Abuse-focused officially nor are we supportive of replicating a marginalized group on the unwilling for amusement or punishment purposes, unless specifically paid to do so by a client assuring the longevity of their Smarty by paying for a few checkups in advance.

The next Smarty was a rare female. Hellgremlin females in some clinics are infibulated and chemical burns are applied within the vagina via acetic acid to cause severe aversion to sexual intercourse before being sterilized via mepacrine tablets inserted into the cervix, but our operation follows the science that Hellgremlinism and Smarty traits are only slightly more likely from hereditary sources and are not worth concerning ourselves with. Instead all female Fluffies captured this way will merely be given slight chemical numbing via sedation and potassium hydroxide paste to reduce desire for penetrative sex. This Smartygirl is sweet however, and I opted to take her home myself without the procedure which is why she is still shown in her cage here instead of the surgical rig.

Another Smarty dealt with like the first and we switch the tablets of all Fluffies other than those of the Smarties to calming programming showing simple animations of rainbows and clouds as we move onto the male Foals. Each one is shown footage of an angry human and Fluffies mating during the operation, in which consists only of castration as slits are made where their testes are located based on breed and age before being popped out. We avoid sterilizing all Fluffies who come in natural horse colors including browns however, as there is high enough demand for them to be intact while generally being kept responsibly by hobby owners. The post pubescent males are then finished off via simple scrotal snips, popping out the testes, then using a clamp on a power drill to rip them out. The entire process takes around thirty seconds per male before the surgeon moves on and the assistant administers an antiseptic and rubs it in.

As stated we do not conduct complicated sterilization, chastity, or nullification on females during our charity operations nor do we suggest such a premium service to most owners. As a result the only females in restraints are the confirmed Hellgremlins, who will be sterilized. Each was administered a prostaglandin and misoprostol pessary via fingers by our assistants, dilating the cervix during the surgery on the males. Then a mepacrine tablet is pushed into the uterus via the cervix, which takes a very short six seconds after the ten seconds needed for the assistants to open the vagina via speculum. Though the insertion of a foreign object past the cervix is excruciating this procedure is considered Hugbox due to the briefness and efficiency compared to surgical methods.

With that done we left with our tools dumped into bins for cleaning back at our facility. The volunteers will deliver each Fluffy to the shelter fitting their needs themselves, along with a card attached to each documentation with our number in case anything goes wrong during their recovery, which of course it does not. As you can see here on a refrigerated table we had an amazing haul of cock and balls of all sizes, including a few almost indistinguishable from size to shape from that of other creatures including humans and goats. This act of charity has essentially resulted in profits exceeding a month of standard veterinary work for the company.

Shout our to our friends at the Healthy Abuse & Research Society, Enterprises (HARSE) as well as the Hugboxers United/Regional Synthetic Exponents (HURSE).

That’s it for our video this time. Stay tuned to our channel here for other tips, surgery videos, and industry explanations. Have a great day!


Been a while. Got bogged down in multiple longer stories, bouncing between them. Forgot the point of some shorter ones I had the start to.

This grotesque idea was just fun to write, but I got bogged down in trying to describe things realistically and be cruel without being outright Abuse.


Thoroughly & excellently done.
Brain is still eaten around the globe ( unsurprisingly including China & France ). Quite like it fried, myself. Why the Anglosphere has chosen to abhor the more nutritious parts of animals, I do not know - squeamishness can only be part of it.

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Thank you. Good to know the brain thing for future writing.

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This is a question I happen to know the answer to! The answer is basically, after WW2 the victorious nations had a period of growth and prosperity- while Europe had to rebuild, the US was able to upgrade its living standards.
During the previous Great Depression and the War, most of the population had to settle for whatever food it could- now that they could afford to buy what they wanted, everyone wanted to get more premium foods- beef especially, but also pork chops, bacon, fried chicken… the ‘varietal cuts’ and ‘fifth quarter’ aka the parts requiring more creative techniques to cook, fell out of favor. So the resulting baby boomers grew up pretty much never eating the sorts of things their grandparents had typically used- this combined with the heavy advertising push in the 50’s for ‘modern’ foods aka frozen, pre-made items, meant that less people ate things like rabbit, mutton, and goat. So less farmers raised those meats, so less stores carried them, and the end result is a grocery store that’s ‘meat’ section is chicken, pig, and cow with the occasional holiday turkey, duck, or lamb chop.
Also during the 80’s and 90’s there was an outbreak of prion-based diseases in several countries, and the investigation concluded that the source of the problem was that the feed of the animals affected included the ground brain and spinal cord material of their kin. So that hasn’t helped any, though if you look in enough country stores in the US you can usually find a can of pig brain that some grandpa somewhere still adds to their scrambled eggs ( ew ).

So yeah, its post-war prosperity in the US basically relegating a huge chunk of animals and most all animal organs into the ‘less desireable’ category, and after decades of advertising most people in the US rarely if ever ate any of these things- but constant immigration of people from areas that do still consume organ meat, plus the ‘nose to tail’ movement, may sometime soon reverse the trend.

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