gimmie yo fluffies, bitch (federalchemical1728)0

i wanna draw my fluffies interacting w/other people’s fluffies
gimmie a link/drawing/desc of ur fluffy & one of mine you wanna see em with (NOTE: picking one of my fluffies is actually important, even if you just pick at random. “whoever fits best” requires more brainpower than i have rn)

ill do hugbox, abuse, lewds, whatever idc

EDIT: wow i fucked that formatting Right Up lol

Comprehensive list of all my fluffies & humans, sorted by story (it's really long just fyi aaaaaaa) **EDIT: added short descriptions**
Alain's Fluffies
  • Bongwater - genderless, forever nonplussed

  • Buttroach - fat pegasus with hardcore PTSD, likes hamburgers

  • Alain Mortes -

Big Black Fluffy & A Cherry Tree
  • Maverick - Big Gay, Nycota’s special enfie friend

  • Nycota - Captain’s son, spoiled alicorn breeding stud

  • Druxson - feral half-fluffalo, whores himself out for food

  • Buxtol - Druxson’s son, pet, gender-swapped Oedipus Complex

  • Dee Dee Schwartz -

Dr. Fluffenstein
  • Xeno - Mutant Cannibal Grandpa on a Justice Crusade, prototype for Sonic

  • Bunny - rotting zombie fluffalo assistant, talks like Igor, held together with safety-pins, prototype for Greg

  • Sonic - custom Sonic The Hedgehog fluffy, smarty syndrome, ran away from home

  • Dr. Luciya Heely -
    - Desdemona Ekatarina -

**NEW**The Fluffwich Horror

- Blue Smarty -
- Bark -
- Crusher -

  • Oak -
  • Peaches -
    - Bestesh -
  • Mary -
  • Shelly -
  • Olivia -
  • Charming -
    - Old Yellow -
  • Sandy -
  • Fivel -
  • Willow -
  • Twig -
    - Branch -
    - Root -
    - Leaf -
The Godfluffer
  • Sander - hyperintelligent smarty, Pinky & The Brain style world-domination schemes that fail bc he’s a fluffy
  • Dennis - Xenofluff toughie for Sander, murderous fuckmachine
The Pirate Herd
  • Captain - decadent, egomaniacal, conniving herd leader, alicorn
  • Slanky - Captain’s 2nd In Command, bully, ass-kisser
  • Miss Bossy - elderly dwarf fluffalo, no-nonsense, highly respected
  • Calico - biggest, dumbest toughie, Bossy’s special friend
  • Boxer - trans pegasus, sheltered, Maverick’s dad
  • Naughty - fastest runner, climbed the ranks using sexual favors
  • Licorice - fluffalo runt, blissfully ignorant poop-eater
  • Ramòn - hairless alicorn outcast, takes care of the enfie-pals, French
  • Foxglove - Captain’s favorite enfie-pal, broken alicorn
  • Reneé - Slanky’s favorite enfie-pal, nervous all the time, genderless
  • Sage* - big smart lesbian toughie, Dennis’s mom
  • Eden* - big dumb enfie-pal-turned-toughie, considers the whole herd to be his “special friends”
  • Simon & Samuel* - two-headed mad science experiment that got loose
    *belong to @analhiliation
The Pitfighter & The Pillow
  • Riley - Fluffy Fight Club Champ, exterminator extraordinaire

  • Riket - depressed enfie pillow, terrible sense of humor

  • Rosco -

  • Rodney Ramirez -

  • Sydney ??? -

Rodeo Killed The Video Store

- Red Rocket - rambunctious red alicorn, related to The Crimson Terror

  • Chunk - blasé enfie pillow, likes insane 80’s kids movies
  • Lizard - excitable enfie pillow, likes old kaiju movies
  • Bangarang - reticent enfie pillow, likes rock n’ roll documentaries & heavy metal
The Tea Wizard
  • Sammick - immortal half-destroyed fluffalo, the Tea Wizard’s assistant

  • Diana - sea-fluffy who hears the voices of the dead

  • Beau - deep sea-fluffy, sings whale song, can’t speak

  • The Tea Wizard -

**NEW**White as Snow
  • Galinda -
  • Jock -
  • Joey -
  • Donna -
  • Scout -
  • Spooky -
  • Yarrow -
  • Martha -
  • Snowy -
  • Rabit -
Zombie Fluffy Daycare
  • Greg - stitched-together frankenstein zombie, friendly, dumbass bisexual bottom

  • Claire - idk whats up with her but she’s a lesbian & eats obnoxious stallions at daycare

  • Nathan - big boi with schizophrenia, Claire is his comfort-person, loves his little sister more than anything

  • Natasha - chaotic gremlin child, always on the go, Nathan’s little sister

  • Balm - functionality immortal but filled with cancer & disease like Deadpool, Greg’s special friend, tsundere

  • Paris - Balm’s adopted daughter, also a frankenstein, kind of an asshole

  • Loupé - idk i havent designed him yet but he hears thoughts, has a crush on Nathan for some ungodly reason

  • Mister Ed -

The Ink & Pain Club
  • Matt - ex-fighting fluffy, stocky bulldog build, pitbull-lookin’ ass
  • Silver - depressed insomniac feral gets forcibly adopted & loved
  • Yolanda - former broodmare, adopted as a surrogate mom for Silver, missing an eye & a leg
  • Scat - former poopie-babbeh, dwarf, no talk me angy, sleeps in a beanie
  • Kita/Alec - has DID like Skippy & Smarty, Alec has made it her mission to ruin Kita’s life

ill be happy to answer any questions/provide links! (there’s gotta be a better way to organize this but i think someone else is using The Community Brain Cell rn)

ive got some other projects i’ll probably ask for opinions on later (colored pencil drawings, woodcut print, painting, etc.) but for now i simply thirst for interaction
rubs my gay little hands together evily hee hee hee


Rambo Twick Ow Tweat (AMDk7) hook him up with whoever you think suits him
No abuse plox, thats what Gluestick is for.
Gluestick Colorstickie (AMDk7) …ignore the completely batshit comment chain.

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Given how… sexually aggressive your Fluffies can be, I’d love to see some of them interact with Crimson.

I imagine Crimson will do a lot of grandstanding, then get completely freaked out by how much further your guys go, then be totally into it.


I’m just here to wish you good luck friendo




Adult Candyfloss
Earthie Mare. Missing front legs. Fluff is botom half blue, top half pink.
Mane/Tail color is a mix of the pink and blue.

Go nuts dude.


I would love to see your fluffies interact in a lewd way with - (moment of consideration) - her.

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Well uh, I have a whole bunch of fluffies over here. I went ahead and labeled what genre each one fits best; only thing I’d rather avoid is lewd stuff.

I’d love to see any of them interacting with anyone, but if you want a specific one then uh … maybe Dr. Crazystein (little mad scientist would adore seeing Dr. Fluffenstein, a real-life mad scientist) or Wawa (since you have the horrorbox title).

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the only thing that unites those two is a raging kleptomania. otherwise they are polar opposites. if the first enters the building loud and proud like he is some kind of aristocrasy, the second is somehow already there and no one knows how and when he entered. While Sir. Dikum tries to convince everyone that the incomprehensible gibberish that he just sung in the middle of Seven Eleven is actually idadian opera (no it’s not a typo), Rave steals three cans of pringles while everyone is distracted (he drops it every ten steps (everyone is just too bafled by a loud fluffy in a costume to notice)). If one always picks tea, the other picks coffee
they don’t like each other very much and often argue, but the snacks and trinkets they get from working together always worth it
Can you draw them try to steal Rodney’s paintball gun in the most unfortunate for Riley moment? wierdbox style, for obvious reasons

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How about Mandury? I loved that Podedrin drawing you did, I would love to see more!


I really do adore Mcgee’s style.


so do i


How such wasabi?, the type of interaction will depend on you :smirk:

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you can use any of my fluffies so long as it’s not lewd, but as for specific interactions, i think rusty and balm would get along!

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Maybe Martin with which ever of your characters you want. He’s an egotistical groomer who hates regular fluffies cause they always rejected him and is trying to build a cannibal army to kill all other fluffies.

He’s the brown alicorn


6-12 fluffies - including Gluestick, who has a mate and is raising babbehs! - happily resting in a well-stocked saferoom with a robot assistant.

Which is one of ten thousand cubes containing 6-12 fluffies happily resting in a well-stocked saferoom with a robot assistant.

Bonus points for an Armour logo.

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I would love to see Kahn and Xeno facing off, not a actual fight, but like teeth bared, paces met, cannibal instincts flaring from the both of them, if that’s okay!


You got a fluffy called Gluestick too ?
They should meet.


I’m afraid meeting my Gluestick might be hard.
But perhaps we could arrange dinner.

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Well my Gluestick is a pegasus fluffy only meant for abuse.
He already lost a leg and his prosthetics wil be glued on.

Hence the name Gluestick. ( those sodding wings wil be next)

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My Gluestick is a docile pathetic fluffy who will probably get slaughtered like a pig in a few weeks.

There’s an off chance that my Gluestick will be skinned and gutted alive so the meat will taste more savory.

In any case, he’s just one of 100K in this warehouse full of happy fluffies.

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