SqueakyFriend's OC list! (By: SqueakyFriend)


32947 - 100_posts artist_squeakyfriend balloon doctor_crazystein fluffaroo milestone mouse_mummah mummah pointy puffy_punkers pull_pop_fluffy safe snowcone sweets syringe wawa
Well not literally 100 posts, but lord knows I’ve posted at least 100 pics so same difference.

This is just to keep my OC fluffies all in the same spot, so people don’t have to search around everywhere to find them all. I kind of have a lot of them! (Putting all this together was a bit of a pain!)

  1. Minnie (Mouse Mummah) (Hugbox)


Minnie’s an alley fluffy pegasus and a single mom. She acts just like any other mom, except that half of her babies are white mice! She was scared of them at first, but now treats them like any other babies. Babies that just like to climb on her and make nests in her fur.

By the way, the mice are named Gnawy and Trashy, while her actual babies are named Bitey (orange and clever) and Squeaky (green and ironically very quiet).

  1. Dr. Crazystein (real name Winter) (Dark comedy)

Dr. Crazystein is a strange one. He doesn’t like hugs and is neutral on sketties, but science! Now that gets him excited. A self-proclaimed mad scientist, all he wants to do is do science and mad-doctor-like things, even though he has no idea what he’s doing and generally does more harm than good. His right eye is permanently discolored after he poured a self-made “night-vision potion” into it, and he’s nearly always smiling; even when nervous or afraid, he smiles as a kind of nervous tic.

He’s very good at using band-aids though. And he knows surgery. Interestingly, he doesn’t follow nor understand some fluffy words(saying “eyesies” instead of “see-places” for example).

He has a bodyguard/lab assistant named Ivo, who is a wood-colored toughy with falcon wings Dr. Crazystein sewed onto him. (In his defense, it was consensual.) He also has an owner named Candi, who struggles to deal with the things the little doctor gets up to.

  1. Snowcone (Horrorbox)

Snowcone is a brave feral mare. When her herd rested outside a strange colorful castle and all its foals were stolen in the night, she was volunteered to get them back - but she got locked into the castle as a result, and now has to find a way out.

Snowcone’s the protagonist of The Toy Castle, a game concept that later turned into a story. Due to the concept’s many graphical game overs, she can be depicted as dying in many ways without it “sticking”.

She’s often depicted with foals, though none are her own. She’s protective and ready to fight when it matters, but she’s still a fluffy and thus can’t actually do much against most opponents.

  1. Wawa (Horrorbox)


Unlike most alicorns, Wawa actually is a monster. He acts kind and likes to claim that monsters don’t exist, but will kill any foal he gets his hooves on and betray Snowcone at the earliest opportunity.

Wawa is the main antagonist of The Toy Castle (see above) and is thus often depicted with Snowcone. (Since the game was never planned out fully, they’re often depicted kinda like a really dysfunctional buddy duo.) He absolutely cannot be trusted, and gets around it by acting as trustworthy as possible until he gets a chance to act.

Even compared to normal alicorns, Wawa seems … iffy. The inside of his mouth is blue, and he is able to smile far wider than any fluffy should. This is due to his curse; he was given a wish by the castle, asked for the strength to defeat any monster, and thus he himself was turned into a monster.

By the way, his design was tweaked a bit - the version with curls in its mane is correct. On a side note, he likes swing dance music.

  1. Thirteen (13) (Sci-fi?)


13 was just a regular street fluffy … Until he got kidnapped and dropped into an abandoned space station! Unaware of his new position as the new lead of a horror/survival sci-fi show, he has to figure out what’s going on and escape from the space station.

13’s the protagonist of a CYOA idea called Space Traveler 13. Unlike Snowcone, he isn’t particularly brave or prepared for his circumstances, and his thoughts seem to wander a fair bit, but that’s to be expected.

By the way, his eyes work as flashlights. If he has them on for too long they start to hurt his eyes and lower in strength, however.

  1. The Puffy Punkers (Hugbox)

The Puffy Punkers are a trio of foals who decided to make a punk rock band!
Snuffles - the leader and guitarist. His mom (the red and green fluffy) is highly encouraging and does all she can to support the group.
Elmo - a pet fluffy belonging to a local tattoo artist who ran away in order to be part of the band. He’s the singer, but isn’t quite comfortable singing in front of crowds. Apparently, his mummah song is Psycho Killer.
Drummer - I don’t know what Drummer’s deal is. Nobody knows what Drummer’s deal is. She has three legs and kinda glowy eyes though, which makes her a real good fit for the band. Predictably, she’s the drummer.

  1. Pointy (Hugbox)

The sole unicorn in a family of pegasi, Pointy is a baby unicorn who really wants to fly - and gets his wish through an unexpected balloon ride!

Pointy’s the main character of a children’s story called The Unicorn Who Flew. Another story starring him was considered, but never written. As a storybook character, Pointy doesn’t have much depth, but he sure is cute.

  1. Request Jones (???)

Okay so Request Jones is halfly shitpost. Generally, if I want to ask for requests or talk about meta things, this is who I’ll bring along. Think of him like those people in commercials. If you want to hype something up or advertise things, he’s the perfect man for the job!

Depending on what you need to advertise, he can even take on different names. Safety Jones, Holiday Jones, he could probably even be Lawyer Jones. Get your Jones today!

  1. Sweet Tooth (Weirdbox/moronbox)

Sweet Tooth was inspired by Nutty from Happy Tree Friends and is generally just very colorful, very candy-obsessed and very slapstick/cartoon physics. Wanna do joke abuse or candy gore, this is your gal. Provided you can be bothered with her complicated design, I mean.

  1. SqueakyFriend (Unboxed)

It uh… It’s just me. Looking to draw the artist? There you go, this is the design I’m going with.

Very squeaky. Very friend.

  1. Others (Mixed boxes)

Fluffies with a lot of plans/content but who don’t have enough going on to warrant their own sections!
Creep - The result of an impressive amount of animal testing. A feral drug addict who somehow has a side gig as a model for the covers of obscure music genres.
Pierrot - A Bad Smarty whose herd consists of any pretty fluffies he finds, and who insists on not having anyone ugly in his herd. Loses herd members a lot. Will recruit fluffies to his herd against their will. Runt-sized and gets pissed if you mention it.
Zambie - Horror movie actor who always has something to chatter/boast about. Thinks all gore is fake due to his profession. Loves answering fans in-character, which often freaks them out.
Vaporwave - Model for the covers of vaporwave and other relaxing music genres. Polite and gentle, but has his whole life monitored and controlled due to his rarity. His only friend is Creep (unfortunately).
Spark and Rad - Two pet fluffies who are constantly getting in trouble due to their rough-house playing. Brothers. Rad usually only has a band-aid on his nose.
Sonic - Pet fluffy belonging to a gamer nerd. Is a pretty good gamer and gets really stubborn about winning. His favorite Sonic character is Dr. Eggman, he has a handmade and very off-model Dr. Eggman plush. Eats cheerio rings instead of kibble.

And that’s all of them! Of course, I also like to reuse some one-shot characters, so if you think someone has a very familiar design… It may in fact be the same fluffy!


This is great!

also, long post pending

I see a mentos and diet coke experiment !
I also see now where your icon came from.

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I want to buy Dr. Crazystein all those science kits you can find at like, Micro Center or any toy section at a supermarket

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Lets hope he doesn’t have one from the 50’s with real uranium and plutonium.

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But those are the best ones!

Exactly !
Who knows what he wil do with them !

They’re all awesome, I’m so glad you’re here with us :heart:

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