Gud Daddeh 04 (by Booperino)

Sequel to Gud Daddeh 03 (by Booperino)
RIP Derick, your innocence will be missed.


“Biwwie put sock on doow, daddeh!”


Oh Derek. If the feels aren’t good, then leave alone you should.

Also go Billy for working regular hugs into special hugs, absolutely Chad of a Fluffy


Something unholy has been awakened inside of him.


Dammit Billy you make this dark lord proud :sob::+1::sparkles:


Fluffies have sex-lives and we should be afraid.


Yup, that’s a therapist bill. She’s all grown up.


Billy used my idea!!!

Also, Derick, please pass me the eye bleach.


Y’know, this really drives home how weird it would be to have pets that could talk. If two dogs start getting it on, it might be a tad awkward, but still, its instinct, right? No big deal.

And I daresay most fluffies are the same way, just have special huggies as instinct dictates.

But then you have these two, who are clearly not working on instinct, but are talking things through almost like humans, though not as articulate…add to that the fact that they are only a couple of years old…ick. I really don’t want or need to hear dogs discussing sexual positions, and I doubt I’m alone in that.

I hate to say it, but I think your fluffies are a bit too human-like for my taste. The tragedy of the fluffies is that are betwixt and between, incapable of full reasoning as a human, but somewhat cut off from their instincts, especially because of the Hasbio programming. Oh, there are occasionally super-intelligent fluffies, but their particular tragedy is that they are always alone, unable to fit into human or fluffy society (like Mutagen’s white fluffy from the Postfluff universe.)

Fluffies, to me, should be pets that talk. They should remind us of dogs, not of human children, the way these two do. Obviously this is my headcanon, and personal taste. But I do think there is a potential problem here-- things that are acceptable, if frowned upon, when done to biotoy fluffies, can draw exceptionally strong reactions when done to human-like fluffies. I remember, years ago, Santanon wrote a brutal little story about a young female anthro in which she was treated the way abusers treat fluffies. The 'booru lost its collective shit, simply because she was bipedal instead of quadrapedal.

I’m rambling, trying to figure out why this story makes me so uncomfortable. I’ll stop now.


Considering that most of the Chonky storyline is deeply rooted in comedy and weirdbox I think you might be over-analyzing things a bit. Have fun and carry on.


I mean they do have a point that i make my fluffys smarter than usual i suppose ^^’ i can understand where the unconfortable-ness comes from, but gotta keep in mind fluffys mature much faster than humans.
So i like to imagine that even tho yeah they enjoy the silly stuff like chasing after ball like a dog would, i feel domestic fluffies who were raised and taught properly would be able to reach this level of introspection and intimacy those 2 present


booperino billy chonky and derick


RIP Derick


Oddly, I made the exact same argument on one of your earlier posts, that fluffies that are treated more like children might actually ‘grow up’. I think where we diverge is that I see it as being extremely uncommon; the likelihood of two such fluffies meeting and being compatible approaches zero. Sure, many people IRL refer to their pets as their “babies”, but while the emotional connection is very real, the nature of the owner-pet relationship is very different than parent-child. There is an awareness in the latte that the child will eventually become independent, whereas a pet will always be the inferior partner. Even with the ability to talk, fluffies will never be the equal of humans, and I think that makes it very unlikely that you’d have many Billys or Chonkeys.

More importantly, perhaps, fluffies are ultimately doomed to fail. No matter how smart they are, they are flawed creations. This is such a fundamental part of the fluffy lore that I’m not sure it can or should be set aside. Basically, your fluffies are too smart to be as happy as they are. But of course its your headcanon, I’m just giving feedback here.

On a different note, I do think its weird that people consider it a bad thing to take art seriously, even fluffy art. Sure, it can be overtly silly, but fluffies allow people to express ideas about the real world in ways that might be otherwise impossible. What if dogs could talk? What would they say? Would humans appreciate talking dogs, or freak out?

Which is to say, I think fluffy art IS art, and worth taking seriously, and I will not apologize for that.


Well that was awkward

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I love the romantic sexualness of this. We see fluffies as very sex driven creatures all the time. And they do show romantic intent by cuddling, cooing, giving affirmations of their love for one another.

But this… chef kiss so good. Combining romantic and sexual to show how much Chonky and Billy truly love one another.

It would be SOOO cute if they saw a wedding scene in a movie and asked Derick about it. He tells them it’s a special time to show that you promise to love each other always. And then they wanna get married. It would be so cute to hear Billy call Chonky his wife and Chonky call Billy her “Hubby”. But that’s up to you, of course :slight_smile:


Perhaps, but so are humans. And just like humans I feel fluffys have the potential to learn and grow and go beyond the instincts.
Billy was a more traditional fluffy on his first appearence, but being near chonky, having her read him books and watch tv togheter helped him grow,

My headcanon may be too hugbox-aligned for some, i agree, it is a universe where fluffys are able to learn, not crap everywhere, break the “wan die” loop and where cyborg fluffys can be doctor assistants and sass back their owners in playfull banter. But it’s just the way I enjoy writing stories in general, i like stories where even supposed biotoys can be more human than some humans even.

I appreciate the criticism, i trully do, but I also believe fluffy content can go beyond “stupid toys who are too innocent for their own good” and “hellgremlins who will rape and pillage like barbarians”, so i go for this oddly specific niche of “fluffies are dumb but can get smarter with love and care”


…omg that’s adorable… might have to grab this idea for a future strip lol




I’ll go get the bottle of brain/eye bleach