Hello everybody!
Here’s something I did for @Chikahiro for Stwumpo’s contest on reddit :V
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me any time here/reddit/discord
I’m also doing a summer sale on my commissions this month!
Hello everybody!
Here’s something I did for @Chikahiro for Stwumpo’s contest on reddit :V
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me any time here/reddit/discord
I’m also doing a summer sale on my commissions this month!
Ohhh cute so these mares never mistreated their earthie babies giving them big wickie cweanies
@infraredturbine @Chikahiro awesome
Poopie as in brown or literally covered in feces? Because those seem like green foals covered in feces. And they are licking off the feces.
It looks like off colors that are also covered in waste.
Covered in feces. The tl;dr explaination: Napoleon showered poop all over the place, covering them in feces, and they had to eat it lest they try eating something that was lethal to them (Stwumpo is a devious soul). So, this is later and the herd is cleaning them up.
They’re poopy babies because of what they ate and were covered in.
When Infrared posts fluffies covered in poop getting licked clean by other fluffies, everyone likes that.
When I draw the same with humans instead of fluffies, I get kicked out of art school.
thanks for posting the reference so they can understand it better pal
I could have posted it too before xD
Sorry, my bad >_<
lol I’m not complaining xD
what I mean is that I forgot to post the references to reddit to their stories xD
thanks for posting it
I love how we all try to understand we all here in the FC site, even tho being from different parts of the world xD
Anyhow, I should note that Infrared Turbine has a sale going on. Very easy to work with, asked good questions when what I was asking for was unclear, am very happy! A steal at twice the price!
Rating 5 out of 5 Pinkies
Yay wickie cweanies! Aw babbehs am gud babbehs!
These mares aren’t the babbeh’s mummahs. In Stumpo’s challenge, 200+ babbehs flooded the arena after being starved. Sapphire and Napoleon had to feed them, but there was no food there except for milk. And the babbehs were deathly allergic to milk.
So, Sapphire somehow came up with some smoothies (they were her snack?). Nappoleon? Well, made a sorry-poopy fountain and told them all to eat or get forever sleepies (he felt bad about that). He also tricked the future smarties and bes’ babbehs into “protecting” the milk (he actually felt bad about that too).
So, the reason this is Team Poopie Baby is because all the babies had to num poopies. And got soaked in the process. Which is why the herd is there, cleaning them all off.
I’ve got a German friend who might have jokes for this. But he’s not here right now.
Yay babbehs!