Home Invasion (By: Rustles)

But (more) fun.

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But your walls, floor, furniture and door being smeared with blood and gore sure isn’t.


Eh details
Kick the fluffy out then chainsaw it to little itty bitty bits.
Its not like they can run fast.

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Now that is a much better plan.

True dat. Since I adopt more realistic standards, fluffies are slightly above average when it comes to ferals. For every stray cat/dog there’s 2 fluffies. I reject the megaherds that raze entire farms in favor of smaller ones, with rural areas with not a lot of predators having bigger herds. Obviously are classified as animals and abuse is illegal. Doesn’t stop abusers like it doesn’t IRL, but it’s simply logical.

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Okay seriously.
Pretty much every post I’ve seen you comment on you say stuff that comes across as demeaning for not using the same view as you do. Take a Chill Pill.


I am mildly certain she is sarcastic, but sometimes I too get a bit too many “passive aggressive” feels.


i am still sure it’s seasonal


Sarcasm really doesn’t come though text well (That and I’m terrible at recongizing it.) especially with how consistent it is it doesn’t feel like being sarcastic.

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That fluffies fucked

Sounds more like Chad material to me.


Fluffy fates are not really binary in my timeline. The vast majority, of course, get put to economically useful purpose. But a small fraction become pets, breeders, or nursemaids, and are almost always treated well. A very small fraction become feral, and those are the ones where the choices are really binary: once a human encounters them, it’s either redomestication (preferred) or extermination. Leaving them alone when you knew or should have known that there were ferals present, is a felony pretty much everywhere in North America.


@Mr_Owl @A-S @anon39365243

Honestly don’t know how I could project my sarcasm harder than censoring a non word like simp and throwing in a nauseated face emoji for good measure.

Most people can tell sarcasm when they read it. I ain’t throwing /s at the end of everything I say, that’s just demeaning and patronizing to the community

I can be pretty passive aggressive in regards to my opinions on hellgremlins. In the process of taking my chill pills on those, though


Is that an invitation to allow them to suffer in my basement :sunglasses:

You absolute mad lad :laughing:


i guess you were so focused on the food aspect, that the entirety of your headcanon seemed like a bland excuse for your cooking show to have a world :shrug:


Well, yes, the reader is looking at the timeline through the narrow window of an advice columnist. To understand the role of the fluffy in my timeline, one has to understand how much damage the gigaherds did and why that led humanity to drastically alter its behavior.


Aaargh I mega-love it. The cute, pleading eyes. The apprehensive mare with foals on her back lurking outside. The hopeful looks. Mmm.


Sigma Houseowner kicking out helpless Fluffys from his hard earned house

Gamma Fluffy begging to stay instead of starting the Civilization grindset


We’re going so far down the Greek alphabet I don’t know which ones are good and which are bad anymore :sweat_smile: