How would a fluffy try to kill a human?

Writing something and need some ideas for how a fluffy would try to kill a human. So figured may as well ask you all. It can be funny or serious ideas. Just need something to jump off from.

Edit: in hindsight… give me the goofiest just downright stupid ways a fluffy may try to hurt someone.


stupid fluffies = sorry hoofies

fluffies with soft hooves, that doesn’t work. with those that do have actual horse hooves, it’s dangerous and will most certainly blind someone

smart fluffies, most likely using flanking tactics to get a human to fall over- then attack the face and genitals


Fluffies are fluffy for one reason: you can’t tell which ones are concealed carrying.


For one that’s kind of funny. But I have a hard time picturing a fluffy being able to pull a trigger with their tiny legs or even fitting s hoof into the hole to pull ssid trigger. But now I can just see a fluffy going through an cray machine at an airport and a ton of guns hidden on it and the guards open fire on it.


Ehhhh, I don’t want to spoil why I feel sorry hoofies maybe a bit too dark and real for what I’m writing. But yeah I get what you mean. Only thing is it’s one fluffy in the story and the person they’re trying to kill is let’s just say doesn’t move much.

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“Momma, wait daddeh bwing odds hoomin mawes home fow enfies? Yu no am daddeh’s speshul fwend?”


Also, if someone is in bed, on the floor, etc., And it’s a small fluffy? Climb in their mouth, down the throat, get stuck. Maybe give sorry poopies for good measure.


I can see that working with a fat microfluffy. But a normal sized fluffy, I picture them as the size of cats, they might be able to fit their head in.

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Sorry poop suffocation?


Stomping is the obvious method. That’s how they kill each other, so that’s likely how they would try to fight people.

Assuming that the fluffy knows this won’t work, perhaps they would try to trip the person, possibly into water, as fluffies tend to be portrayed as considering water dangerous.


They certainly can make enough poop to suffocate a sleeping person. But the smell would probably wake the person up before that happened.


Tripping their owner up, preferably at the top of some stairs (risk - getting stood on)

Suffocating their owner by sitting on their face while they slept (risk - not killing them fast enough)


Person falls into puddle.

“Nao gu fowebah sweepies hoomen!”

Said person proceeds to punt the fluffy across the street.


Seems tripping is the most common idea people have. Makes sense since that’s a real world way pets accidentally kill their owners.


Fluffies are in my mind two parts:

One half “animal”

and one half animal which denies it’s nature because it’s a part of civilization (aka a human)

Now obviously the first half will do the obvious: bite, buck, shit, scream and if applicable stab (with a horn).

This is what we overwhelmingly see in fluffy media, sorry-poopies-hoofsies-bities .ect which is extremely ineffective and depending on the cannon may not even draw blood

The other half, very rarely seen in fluffy stories (the only example I can think of is FluffyOD’s New Fluffy Part 4) where a shitrat attempts to kill a woman using electricity but accidentally immolates her through an electrical fire.

Fluffies could only kill humans through indirect means such as accidentally causing something to fall on a guys head.

Because of that id keep fluffy homocide for sadbox stories where a loving fluffy accidentally kills its owner

There is another way however though i’ve never seen it used: mega/bear fluffies. Almost the size of a human and bigger than most dogs these large fluffies are the only being capable of directly harming a human, their larger size and thus stronger bones and overall strength allow them to be an actual threat to humans, although one would need to be rather weak, unarmed, alone and caught by suprise


Hoomen sized fluffies is kind of terrifying. The amount of waste they’d make and the amount of food would be just horrendous. Makes me wish I wrote a human sized fluffy story for Halloween.

“Nyu daddeh? Fwuffy gib huggies!!”

The human screams out in fear and pain as they are hugged to death.


Well, you could dig into the ancient lore of boysenberries…

All I know is it should somehow involve poopies


What is this ancient lore thou speak of?

Using sorry poopies as a slipping trap.