I did another one of these (federalchemical1728)

i tried to break myself out of a funk with another “Riley in the Style of X”
This time it’s: @Artist-kun, @Sour_cream, @magentademon, @The-Master-Butcher, @LongFluffering, @BloodyBoots, @marakasaya1, @innshiprion


((midnight diary))
  • new stuff happening: i finally got a prescription for adhd meds thank GOD. my doctor is trying me on a depressant rather than a stimulant, which might be good for my anxiety too. im both relieved and excited.

  • game: i could potentially start sharing screenshots of my game, the movement doesn’t work super well & the environment is really bare bones, but i still think it would be fun. idk if i should put them here or in a discord server (im terrible at participating in discord servers i am so sorry oof)

  • old art: im having kind of weird feelings about posting old art (and its not even really that old, it’s only been like a month)

i want to post it, but it’s a bunch of disparate things that have nothing to do with each other. but i also dont wanna make a bunch of single-image posts. it feels like a waste of space or time or something

i know i SHOULD start organizing it for posting on patreon, but i havent even made my patreon live yet bc i havent organized anything. actually my computer wouldve saved the metadata wouldnt it? i COULD actually organize everything by creation date & use that to slot in the pieces that never got scanned… but sometimes i scan things so far away from when i drew them… buhhhhhh i also have to check my old hard drive & flash drives

i kinda wish i could harvest the drive from my mom’s old computer bc its got EVEN MORE ancient art on it & all the old digital stuff i lost… i mean i definitely have the capabilities but now just isnt the time. im sure it’s probably also got viruses or some kind of something that will fry the computer i plug it into… i need to get an actual up-to-date touchscreen tablet laptop thing bc im still running windows 7 & i wont be able to play steam games soon. ive seen some that were like less than 200$ which is what i paid for my current beloved hunka junk.

  • new projects: i wrote a little something about someone actually taking care of an SBS foal & it growing into an adult. it’s real basic without much personality. idk if i’ll spice it up or just lazily post it as-is. i’ll probably just post it as-is with a couple of drawings added.

They’re all great but Long Fluffering sparks great joy lol


ohhhhhh i love the doodles as always! ahhh your art is always a treat!!
happy to her your doing ok friend, im always here if you need to talk

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I love this so much. :sparkling_heart: They look great!

Yay, meds! I hope the new one helps. ADHD is a nightmare when uncontrolled. (All I’ve got right now is caffeine. Fucking blood pressure.)

All the mazel, all the tov! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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Haha i love it!! It’s my first time being included in one of these! I am truly honored!:sunglasses::two_hearts::beer:


Your Sour_Cream one looks so adorable!! I normally want to dropkick them LOL


WOAAAAHHHH!!! I’m so honored!! :sob::sob::sob: look at that little cutie!!


Pretty dope how you can copy others art styles! he looks good in each one