Is there a tier list of Fluffy colors?

I know that white is like T1 foal color and brown and dark green are like bottom tier.

But are there any tierlists of good foal colors/color palettes?


It depends on the headcanon (thank captain obvious) but usually :

the brightest, the better (for fluffy standards, “eyesores” can be the prettiest, when pastel colors can be for humans and not fluffies) dull colors tend to be shun


I’ve seen a few for specific creators for example Wolfram Sparks made one for their stuff "Fluffy Color Tiers" by wolfram_sparks - #36 by Dark_Hugboxer
but there is nothing agreed upon community wide since what’s good/bad is purely subjective


Thanks man. But a overarching community tier list would be cool. Like… Are MLP colored fluffies S-Tier?

I’d appreciate a kind of… Tier list for Fluffy breeders


In my headcannon the best colors for a fluffy is rainbow.

If a fluffy mother gets a rainbow colored baby it would probably get a heart attack from sheer joy.


I’ll budge in here with my limited knowledge, when I first started getting into fluffies back in like 2016, MLP colors were usually the rarest and most desirable in stories. Don’t quote me on it though, it’s been ages and I can’t find any of the comics I remember.


There have been a fair few people who have shared their head canon on color tiers. Some have been very structured and others quite nicely illustrated.

No-one has established a community canon. The closest thing to community canon anything I ever saw was @Feyascia and her fluff speak primer. The rest is in flux and subject to creator taste + time of writing.


One of the more common headcanons I’ve heard is white and black (and grey too I guess, but grey isn’t usually a colour people use on fluffies) being some of the rarest

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It gets down to personal preferences honestly.
Some people love the color yellow, some don’t.
As a result, I’ve seen it on both the off-color list and the premium.

As for making a tier list, rarity is usually number one.
So you have to decide what’s uncommon and also pleasant to the eye in your universe.
Solid White and Black seem to be a common color that most agree are rare and sought after.


I guarantee you that would finally kill this site, shit is TOO subjective and there’d be a bunch of people trying to shill their own specialty snowflake breeds/types/colors or poop lovers insisting they should be the top tiers ect. Best to keep shit vague in my opinion

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In my headcanon, octarine is the top tier.

I’m quasi-joking about that, I haven’t actually done an octarine fluffy. Yet.

But in all seriousness, @Karn and @Dickbutt99 are right, it’s a matter of opinion, and we don’t need another epic-scale shitstorm.


These are the results of straw poll I did for Fluffy Breeder back in the day. Granted there was some tuning done on the back end and the color system got a rework latter on, but we tried to use this as a guideline:

But, ultimately, it’s very subjective.

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We cant even agree on what a fluffy exactly is.
Just go with what you think is best.
If you want MLP colors to be S-tier then they are S-tier.

It’s all up to you.
Even the skettie thing is subjective.


Agree with Moesius, it depends on your personal taste. However for what I’ve seen overall among creators, the “bestest” foals are the ones with a heavy saturation and equilibrated value resulting in really bright fluffies

However patterns also play an inportant game and many prefer an ugly fluffy with an interesting patter over a plain good colored one. Pastel colors are also pretty but are not as rare as saturated colors and both white and black would be extremely rare, specially black since tthey might get “poopie” treatment from their moms.

Might be like White/Black > Patterns > Saturated > Pastels > Low saturation > Brown

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I’m pretty sure you’re over thinking it. Brown gets drowned and everything else has a second chance. But that’s just my viewpoint as a newcomer

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Sounds solid to me thanks. :slight_smile:


Fluffies will tend to favor foals who either look like themselves or their special friend (the exception being if the foals were a product of bad huggies, in such a case the mother will often kill a foal who resembles the father).

The mane and the fluff of a fluffy are usually two different colors. This makes labeling a color as favorable a little difficult since you’re really looking at how the two colors compliment each other.

Then there are the seasonal colors:
Red, Green, and White for Christmas.
Black, Red, and Green for Kwanzaa.
Blue and White for Hanukkah.
Purple for New Year’s Eve.
Pink, Red, and White for Valentine’s Day.
White, Violet, Pink, Yellow, and Green for Easter (or basically any pastel color).
Green for St. Paddy’s Day.
Red, White, and Blue for the 4th of July or any patriotic event.
Orange and Black for Autumn (from Halloween to Thanksgiving). Add in browns for Thanksgiving.

The biggest moneymaking themes are December and Autumn. The colors associated with Easter are evergreen and never really go completely out of style except for Halloween and December. 4th of July colors can also be used during elections.

At one time breeders tried to keep the unsold red and white foals for Valentine’s day, but no one wants a 2 month old fluffy for a holiday gimmick. Keeping them around to be bred closer to Valentine’s Day isn’t cost effective (depending on the value of Fluffies in your headcanon, as all of this is headcannon anyway).

Unsold Kwanzaa and Hanukkah foals are screwed. Orange Halloween foals can get a second shot around Thanksgiving. If you have a fluffies-as-food universe then orange is an especially desirable Thanksgiving color. Black foals might be in demand year round but Fall is the only time browns are worth anything.

Now, a cunning breeder can see opportunity. They might use brown foals to represent coffee and candy or sell sports team color themes. I can certainly see certain color combinations tied into Marvel movies. Monochromes might be as rare as alicorns.

But when it comes to these seasonal or gimmick colors, they are also the most likely to be discarded within 2 weeks after the end of the event (most are dumped immediately). And imagine a kid who wants a green “Hulk” fluffy… that’s gonna wear off pretty fast.

So you can look at colors as seasonal, tie-ins, or evergreen with the browns on the bottom and anything with sparkles on top.

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(this is just for funsies, obviously it is going to be up to the writer of each story.)

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Thanks. That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!

Generally top is canon MLP Friendship Is Magic character colors, sometimes only if matching character gender. That ends if the writer says the market got oversaturated.

Otherwise, fully headcanon. Sometimes white is the best, others worthless. Sometimes zebra or leopard coats and sometimes its garish.

Lower but still valuable enough to bother selling is things that are the most commercial in stores, like holiday colors.

I figure the market changes, there is no correct answer. Like MLP toy rarity or popular Transformers and similar toyline colors its based on a mix of rarity and short term style, plus nostalgia and coincidence. A true breeder would need to be watching the market, tried and true bloodline replication would be for the proper body and mental state while hoping for a random chance at a desired color and saturation. Random severe mutation, like misprinted Magic The Gathering cards, can be FAR more valuable than an Alicorn with fluff that changes color seasonally just depending on what strikes people as amusing.

Fluffies in scale or mentally compatible with toys or other kinds of biotoys would trump all else.

Most writers say desaturated and all natural earthtones are worthless. I’d disagree, people who like tabletop decorations and certain kids would prefer Fluffies resembling natural horses, or some dudes would go for camo-colored ones. Some people would see black with murky green spots as ugly moss poopie Fluffies, others as cute turtle shell coat color ones.

Even dull lighter colors would have appeal to children and some odd artists as a kind of living canvas to paint with dye or chalk dust.

Again, I’d disagree with universal unchanging value and the profitability of just any breeder. The market should be mercurial and subject to fads, bth longterm and short term. “I’ll just take fifteen random Fluffies from the street and kick half to death. Oh, a pink boy, I’ll sodomize you to death with a pencil then force your mother to eat you. Oh, a red and green, you’ll be worth hundreds especially if I remove your tongue” should indicate someone who has no clue what they are doing and will not turn much of a profit, if any. Not saying it shouldn’t exist, like the idiots who blew thousands specilating on holographic issue #1 comics containing trading cards in the 90’s, or NFTs now. But their failure should probably be part of the story drama.