Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd Ch. 10 [END] [By BFM101]

Josef Mongola looked out his window that morning and saw his beautiful garden, the hedges had re-grown to fill in the spot where the herd had broken in, the grass had come in and filled in the patchwork left by grazing Fluffies, and his flowers were blooming bigger and brighter than ever thanks to the amount of manure he had left over to feed them.

He smiled at the sight, then picked up his bag of supplies and left his house, it was still early in the morning so he had some time before Sweetheart woke up, but he wanted this out of the way as soon as possible.

Leaving the house he turned towards his destination, an overgrown swamp type place situated on the edge of the big city, too dank and wild for humans to venture into, too close to industrialised for most animals to go into. Except of course the curious Fluffy, especially when they smell another one trapped inside.

As Josef got closer he faintly heard the rhythmic sounds of ‘enf, enf, enf’ and knew that he was close, he held back a moment, not wanting to interrupt such an intimate moment. Thankfully Fluffies are horny little shits so it didn’t take long until he heard ‘Gud Feews’, at that point he moved forward again, making loud footsteps to scare off any other Fluffy nearby.

He entered the clearing just as two tubby stallions escaped into the undergrowth, Josef smiled and let them leave, they’d done what he needed to anyway. He knelt down to look at his captive, trapped in their wooden prison at the mercy of any horny stallion that came near.

“Hello Toughie, been well?”

The once boisterous Toughie had been stuck here ever since Josef took his legs and special-place, for months he had been stuck in Josef’s frame-prison, unable to move while stallions either too mean or too dumb to know or care about him being a boy gave him bad-enfies over and over and over again. He’d stopped trying to convince them he wasn’t a mare when he realised none of them were listening to him.

His green fluff was absolutely filthy, at least in the parts where it hadn’t been torn off, aside from the dust and the dirt of just being outside, he also had Fluffy cum stuck across him from where over-excited stallions couldn’t aim properly, and quite a bit of sorry-poopies from the crueller ones who treated him like their own personal enfie-mare. Josef noticed that Toughie’s right eye was severely bloodshot, likely kicked by another Fluffy just for fun.

Toughie didn’t even look at Josef, too broken and depressed to do so.

“Well I come with some bad news I’m afraid, your herd’s dead. Every one of them is gone now; you’re the last one left. I suppose some congratulations are in order for making it this fair.”

“Wan. Die.”

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Wan. Die.” Toughie’s voice was rough due to his vocal chords being shredded from screaming.

“You want to die?”

Toughie nodded.

“Do you want me to kill you?”

Toughie nodded again, tears falling down his eyes.

“Well good news Toughie, I am killing you. Just in a more karmic friendly way than you want.”

Josef took out a syringe from his supply bag and stuck it in Toughie’s side. The syringe had a nutrient solution inside that kept Toughie fed – in the most basic sense – and prevented him from starving to death. Josef then took a water bottle and jammed it into Toughie’s mouth, forcing him to drink the water and keep himself hydrated.

“You see Toughie, the reason you’re out here is because you fucked a baby to death, so in order for full justice to be served, you’re going to be out here until you’re fucked the death. And I promise you I will be here every goddamn morning making sure you do not starve, you do not dehydrate, you do not die from infection. I will make sure you live so that you can die when your little Fluffy heart can’t take it anymore and just gives up. How long that takes, is up to you, how badly do you actually want to die?”

“Toughie sowwy, weawned wesson. Wan die, wan die.”

“Yeah? Tell that to Bubblegum.”

Josef zipped up his supply bag and made to leave, stopping just to readjust the sign he’d placed above Toughie’s prison-frame. He wasn’t worried about any humans coming through this way, but on the off-chance a Hugboxer came by, he wanted to make sure they understood what was going on.

He figured the big letters of ‘I RAPE BABIES’ got the message across quite well.

Back inside, Josef noted that Sweetheart was still asleep so he took the time to clean up some things, mainly in the basement. When he opened the door the slight smell of rot and shit hit his nose first, he climbed down the stairs to see the damage done during the night.

Mother was well and truly dead, her hungry foals had shredded her bottom half nearly to the bone, some of her organs were missing, some of them scattered on the floor. Whether she died from blood loss, shock or her heart just gave out Josef didn’t know, and didn’t care.

The four foals were all sleeping on the floor, their little bellies extended from overeating, their food coma would keep them sated for several hours if not days, not that Josef planned on keeping them long. Carefully he picked them all up one-by-one and placed them into a metal bucket, though he did notice that Half-Face was already cold when he picked him up, poor wheezy bastard must’ve choked in the night from stuffing his face, still he went in the bucket with the rest, Josef then took the bucket to a nearby sink he had installed just for the ease of this exact purpose.

He filled the bucket with cold water, about 1/3 of the way up so that the little foals had no chance of escape, he heard them crying and yelling for help as the ‘bad wawa’ attacked them. But Josef left them to drown, as he had a bigger prize in mind.

There, hanging from the ceiling, was Smartie’s corpse, he’d finally rolled off the side and hung himself, and judging by the grey tone to his skin he hadn’t managed to break his neck so he choked to death in a slow, painful process. Just what the little cunt deserved.

Josef cut Smartie down and placed him in a plastic bag, he then carefully gathered up Mother’s remains and put them in the bag as well, making sure to grab as much of her innards as he could, before finally returning to the bucket, finding four dead foals inside. He put them in with their parents and took the bag upstairs and outside to his main bucket, dropping the bag inside and finally closing the lid on The Awful Technicolor Smartie Herd for good.

That just left Sweetheart, and Josef still wasn’t sure what to do with her, he wasn’t returning her, no fucking way was he going to do anything good for a Fluffy. Abuse was still on the table but that felt like a waste of an Alicorn.

Then it hit him as he watched her play with her ball, she was an Alicorn, she was a goddamn money machine. Josef got off the couch and crouched down in front of her, pushing the ball towards her to play for a little while.

“Sweetheart, have you been feeling lonely recently?”

Sweetheart stopped, a little surprised by the question. “A wittew daddeh, Sweetheawt miss udda Fwuffies.”

“Well how would you feel if I got you a special friend to have babies with?”

“Sweetheawt hab babbehs? Bu Sweetheawt towd munstah’s nu hab babbehs.”

“Please, you’re not a monster, you’re very rare and very special, your babies would be very popular. But you do need to understand something, if I do let you have babies then I can’t look after all of them our house isn’t big enough. So what I’ll do is, I’ll let you choose which one of your babies to keep from the litter, and then I’ll give the rest away to good mummies and daddies who want special babies of their own. Is that ok?”

Sweetheart thought about it for a second, she didn’t like the sound of giving her babies up, but so long as she was able to keep one and the rest went to good parents she thought that’d be ok.

“Ok daddeh, Sweetheawt wike dat pwan.”

“Oh you’re the best baby girl, daddy’s so happy to hear that.”

Josef scooped her up and carried her out of the room, stroking her mane as they walked.

“Daddeh? Yu fink speciaw-fwiend wiww wike Sweetheawt bein munstah?”

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that.” Josef said as he opened the basement door.

“I’m sure Crimson’s gonna love you.”

That is the end of Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smartie Herd, hopefully you’ve all enjoyed this twisted story, easily the darkest thing I’ve ever written but surprisingly I enjoyed it.

I’m gonna give Josef a little break for the moment, this creative burst I had for this trilogy as simmered slightly but I do have other ideas that just need some refining so we’ve not seen the last of him yet.

As for Sweetheart? Well for the moment just let your imaginations handle her ending, it’s probably nicer than what I’ve thought up.


Justified but a sad ending poor Sweetheart :frowning:

I didnt realize toughie was still alive and a pillow outside.

Good one :+1:


What type of fluffy even is Crimson?


He’s a red Pegasus with semi-Hellgremlin tendencies. Absolute monster but only when Josef tells him to be.


Oh Sweetheart…

I hope Crimson gets over excited and accidentally kills her.

Excuse me while I hold my balls where Josef just KICKED THEM. I suppose that’s my torture for having read to the end.


That was a fun end for the current trilogy!


Dang, was hoping for the inevitable where sweetheart only has one alicorn foal and wants to keep them. xD


Oh, poor Sweetheart. Left to that fucking beast. And guessing we didn’t see Sweetheart later on, I’m guessing Crimson finished her off. Fucking hellgremlin.


Well there are a few years between this story and Family Bond, anything could happen.

Is that a sequel tease? I couldn’t say.


Wow what an awesome and at the same Time Dark story.
Josef is such a cruel but cool Bastard and I enjoyed all of it.
Poor Sweetheart I wished she could have had a happy ending sob sob.
You are a grate writer and I’m happy that my first comment was under one of your stories


Thanks for the comment, glad you liked the story.

If you want more, I’d recommend Home Is Where The Sweetheart Is for the next part in her story.

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Im one it, at the moment imat the bridge


I like to think that Crimson developed feeling for Sweetheart but I think it is far more likely he just fucked her. Who knows maybe she’ll endure it and live happily with Josef and her babeh

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I dont trust crimson not to murder/hurt sweet heart. I know its ovbivous but i think the only true villian of this story is josef. The herd would have meet there end but not in the painful way josef did it.


Joseph I will slit your fucking throat you fascist fuck and return Sweetheart to the home she belongs,


IMO, a just and fitting end all round. I have yet to see a fluffy that deserves a happy ending. Wonderful story ty

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Gotta say I’m impressed with how thoroughly painful this series was to read (in a good way), bravo.


Holy shit this was fucking GOOOOD!

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So does that mean she lives, please tell me she lives, By no means that my hug boxer but I really need sweetie to live


Sweetheart has her own sequel series which follows on about 18 months or so after this story.

There’s a happy-ish ending, certainly better than I give a lot of other characters.

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