Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd Ch. 9 [By BFM101]

Smartie could feel his little heart pounding in his chest, not only was his mother alive but he had been tricked into giving her bad huggies. She was surely now pregnant with his babbehs, his munstah babbehs. Over the noise of his chest he could hear Mother weeping, the betrayal and hurt of her son’s attack on her was too much for her to take, Smartie tried to get away, he fell onto his ass and tried to push away with his little hoofs.

Until Josef grabbed his no-no stick and stuck it to the table with a nail.


“Smartie, your bad no-no stick has hurt Mummah, it needs to be punished.” Josef said with the stern voice of a school teacher.

Smartie kept trying to run away, run from the pain of hurting his mother, run from the pain in his dick, every time he pulled the nail just hurt him even more, making him pull harder to get away from the pain.

“HUUU, why nu-nu stick be bad, Smawtie nu wan bad nu-nu, Smawtie nu mean huwt Mummah.”

“Well your dick’s been a big meanie Smartie, you need to escape him. Run, run before he can hurt Mother again.”

Smartie screamed as his traumatised little mind took Josef’s lies at face value, he was so terrified that he ignored the skin on his dick tearing and ripping at the seams, blood starting to spit out, if anything it just scared him even more, proof that his no-no stick was turning into a monster.

Finally he gave one almighty pull and he fell backwards, in his panic he’d ripped his dick in half and was only know realising what he’d done.

“Speciaw-pwace? Smawtie nu wan wose nu-nu stick, nu-nu stick am nu munstah, Smawtie wan bak.”

Josef rolled his eyes at the pathetic wretch and lifted him up, placing a lit lighter to the mangled mess that was his cock to stop the bleeding.

Naturally Smartie tried to fight this. “NUUUU, SPECIAW-PWACE NU WAN BUWNIW HUWTIES, GU WAY!”

“Will you fucking relax, I’m trying to save your life here.”

Josef fought against the wriggling little bastard and cauterised the wound, Smartie was in absolute agony both physically and mentally and looked ready to keel over and pass out. But Josef wasn’t done with him yet, he tied the exhausted Smartie down to a raised board then went to untie Mother from her prison.

He carried the shell of Mother over to Smartie, letting him see his mother and what had happened to her in the basement. Her pretty white fluff was matted and knotted, covered in dust from the dingy basement and dried blood from where Josef had smacked her with the Sorry-Stick, cuts and bruises littered her stomach, some had begun healing, others were still wet with blood.

All four of her legs had been cut off, and the nasty scars left by the hacksaw had turned her stumps rough and uncomfortable to touch. Her tongue had been cut off as well, Josef had used a hot pair of scissors so that she didn’t bleed to death but that also meant that parts of her mouth had second degree burns from where the inflamed remains of her tongue had touched trying to stop the burning.

But the worst pain was the one between her legs, Smartie had not been gentle, leaving her special place bruised and swollen, and that wasn’t even mentioning the feeling in her stomach, Mother could already feel herself making tummah-babbehs, the worst tummah-babbehs ever. Even in her pained state Josef felt her trying to wiggle free, trying to get Josef to drop her so she could kill her monstrous babies.

Josef knew that Fluffies could recognise each other through smell, so concealing Mother’s scent was the biggest issue after taking away sight and sound. Thankfully Fluffies are fucking stupid and all it took was three days of sweat, grime and a little spray of Mare essence for Smartie to completely forget what his own mother smelt like. Plus a little case of ‘enfie-blindness’ to seal the deal and voila, one incestuous sandwich.

“Why Joesep huwt Mummah?” Smartie asked through tears. “Mummah am gud Fwuffy.”

“Good? Your mother is half the fucking reason your herd is dead, your stupidity being the other half. You’re both the worst fucking shitrats I’ve ever come across and my only regret is not doing this sooner, had I gotten you two out of the way I might have been able to actually have some fucking fun with your herd.”

“Pwease, wet Mummah gu, Smawtie stay fow hew.”

“That’s very noble of you Smartie, but let’s ask Mother what she wants. Do you want to leave Mother, and be on your own with your shitty incest babies?”

Mother shook her head and cried, smart enough to know she wouldn’t survive without any legs.

“Do you want to go forever sleepies?”

Mother paused for a moment, then slowly nodded her head, the thought of having her own son’s foals sickened her, since she couldn’t kill them herself, she knew she had to kill herself.

“Well too fucking bad.”

Josef carried Mother, who had started her horrible tongue-less screaming again, to a wooden frame, it looked set for pillow-fluffs but it was set upright with a plastic half-mask and tube attached to the side. Had Smartie or Mother known what a milk-bag was, they would’ve recognised the similar structure, but in an odd piece of luck, neither of them had suffered that depravity before.

Josef was going to change that.

He placed Mother into the milk-bag frame, strapped her in with two small belts across her torso, and put the half-mask across her mouth, he knew some abusers liked to cover the mare’s eyes so she couldn’t see her foals but Josef wanted the exact opposite, he wanted Mother to see ALL of her foals.

“Wha Joesep du tu Mummah, why she in meanie fing?” Smartie asked, still crying.

“I’m making sure she can’t move, don’t want her hurting her little tummy babies now do we. Don’t worry, this little tube here will keep her fed, she’s not going anywhere alive or dead until I’m done with her.”

“Nu, pwease nu huwt Mummah nu mowe, Smawtie nu wan see Mummah huwt.”

Josef jumped back towards Smartie and positioned him so he was directly looking at Mother in her frame, the mother and son couldn’t even look at each other out of shame but they couldn’t look anywhere else.

“See Smartie, right now I’m not going to do anything, in fact I’m going to leave both of you alone and only come round when you need fed and watered. The only pain Mother is going to feel now is what you’ve done to her, and you’re going to watch it all, you’re stuck here for the next month until she gives birth to your fucked-up foals. After that, we’ll see what kinda mood I’m in.”

“Nu, Smawtie nu wan see Mummah hab munstah babbehs, wan sabe Mummah.”

Josef picked up his hacksaw and crudely cut off Smartie’s front left leg, ignoring his pained screams and the scardey-poopies he let out across the table.

“You’re doing fucking nothing you hear me? This is your life now and you best fucking pray to whatever you Fluffy fucks believe in that this is as bad as it gets, because you are not getting out of this place alive.”

Josef used the lighter again to seal off the wound and left the two of them there to wallow in the dark, ignoring Smartie’s cries of ‘Scawie darkie pwace’. He’d have plenty of time to deal with them later.

Over the next few days, Josef put very little effort into looking after Smartie and Mother, he came in once a day to feed Smartie and refill Mother’s feedbag but otherwise he left them to their own devices, not that they have any other option of course, Mother had sores developing on her back from not moving and the leather straps holding Smartie’s limbs in place had been tied slightly too tight so circulation wasn’t getting to them as much as they should, his front right leg was already turning purple and would likely die in the next couple days.

Josef didn’t care to fix it though, it just gave him a reason to cut it off later.

Upstairs, Sweetheart was aware of Smartie and Mother being in the basement, and she knew Josef was punishing them, but after everything they put her through she turned a blind eye to whatever he was doing, thinking that however he hurt them was exactly what they served.

Still though, the more time she spent with Josef the more she began to realise she didn’t know anything about him, he looked after he sure but there was no affection, he told her nothing past what she needed to hear and other than the occasional pat of the head during dinner, he barely touched her. It upset her a little, Josef was the only one – human or Fluffy – that she had left and she felt so lonely in his company, he wasn’t abusive, just distant and it was getting to her.

During dinner one night, she tried to break through to him, she’d been watching a lot of TV, not Fluff TV since Josef had no need for a subscription, but regular human TV and she’d been picking up a few things.

“Daddeh? Du yu hab job?” She asked, unsure of how to best approached the subject.

“What? Where’s this coming from?” Josef was a little taken aback by the question but more out of confusion than anger.

“Tee Vee says hoomins need job fow munnies to buy nummies and gud fings, bu Sweetheawt neba see yu weave house. Wan knyo if daddeh hab job.”

“Well of course I do Sweetheart, I’m a registered doctor, that’s my job.”

“Bu Sweetheawt neba see daddeh weave house, and Sweetheawt be hewe for many fowebas. Daddeh stiww docktow now?”

Josef thought for a moment, trying to find the right way to describe his work. “Yes and no. I used to be a human doctor, a surgeon to be exact, I used special tools to go inside people and fix them. But I did a bad thing and I lost my job as a human doctor, in fact they made sure I was never able to work as a human doctor ever again.”

“Daddeh, dat su mean.”

“It’s ok, I deserved it for what I did, I was actually lucky it never went further, my boss owed me a favour and let me go quietly. I had money, in fact I still have money from my family, but that would only keep me safe for a little while. So I found a new job, I’m now a Fluffy doctor, but a VERY special one, my boss only calls me in when they need someone very good and they give me a lot of money for my work, which is how I’m able to have so much free-time and still pay for food and toys.”

“Oh, can Sweetheawt come with yu wun day?”

“I’m afraid not, my job is very scary and I work for people who like to hurt Fluffies, they want me to do bad things to bad Fluffies, worse than what I’m doing to Smartie and Mother. You wouldn’t want to see me at my work, trust me.”

“Ok daddeh, Sweetheawt sowwy fow askin.”

“Hey, don’t be, I’m happy for you to ask anything you want. What brought this on anyway?”

“Sweetheawt nu knyo mush bout daddeh, wan knyo mowe, daddeh su quiet since Sweetheawt beecum insweide Fwuffy.”

“Oh I’m sorry Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to be so quiet. Tell you what, how about after dinner we go for a walk in the garden, and you can ask me anything you want. Sound good?”

“Sownd vewy gud daddeh.”

Sweetheart excitedly turned back to her dinner and scoffed as fast as he could, ready to spend quality time with her daddy. Josef watched her and smiled, she was an adorable little thing.

A small part of him felt bad for lying to her.

Josef opened the door to the basement and turned on the lights, the sharp fluorescent bulb woke Smartie and Mother up with a jolt.

“Morning fuckers.”

It had been a little over two weeks since Josef tricked Smartie into fucking his mother, and by now her pregnancy had turned her into a small oval shaped balloon. Josef had to loosed the straps slightly or else she wouldn’t be able to breath, but otherwise she couldn’t move, even if she had her legs she was a few days away from full on beach-ball stage.

Smartie wasn’t doing much better, Josef had taken front right leg after it died from blood loss and he could already feel his back legs going to same way. Worst still was that since Josef had sealed off his no-no stick to keep it from bleeding, he had no way to go pee-pee, meaning Josef had to carefully drill a hole in his burnt, scabby urethra to help Smartie pee properly. Now he spent most of his days covered in cold piss since he had no control over the hole.

Josef paid a visit to Smartie first, carrying a small bag of kibble and a scoop. “Come on Smartie, it’s breakfast time.”

“Smawtie nu wan kibbew nu mowe.”

“Tough shit, this is all you’re getting, unless you want me to cut off another leg and feed that to you.”

“…Smawtie hab kibbew.”

“That’s better, now eat up.”

The kibble was off-brand cheap shit, the stuff that was cheaper to buy in bulk cause nobody else bought it. It tasted like dead babbehs – probably one of the ingredients knowing how lax the screening process was for these food companies - but it was all Smartie and Mother were getting, Mother at least had hers mixed with milk to help neuter the taste but she still got the brunt of the cheapness.

Smartie reluctantly tilted his head forward and took a mouthful of kibble, even after days of eating it he still couldn’t get used to the taste, but his fear of what Josef might do to him was even stronger, so he kept quiet and ate it.

Every meal made Smartie’s tummy hurt from the bad taste, the stuff was technically nutritional but only on a base level, you could survive but only just. Today though, his tummy felt even stranger than usual after eating his breakfast.

“Ooooh Joesep, Smawtie hab tummeh-huwties.”

“Oh really, well let’s help you out then.”

Josef untied Smartie from his platform – the sudden rush of blood to his back legs hurt a lot more than Smartie expected – and carried him over to where Mother’s feedbag was kept and placed him on top, sitting so his asshole was hanging over the edge.

“Why Joesep put Smawtie hewe?”

“Smartie, do you know what a laxative is?”

Smartie shook his head at the big word.

“Well I put some in your breakfast, and you’re about to find out what it does.”

Before Smartie could ask any more questions, his stomach turned and he felt his guts explode from pressure.


A cannon of shit exploded out of him, into Mother’s feedbag, the river flowed down the tube, into her mask where she had to choice but to drink it, Josef poured in some bits of kibble to force her to chew her food, all while Smartie didn’t stop shitting for a solid five minutes.

Mother tried to eat Smartie’s shit, knowing she’d likely drown otherwise, but the sickening taste combined with the hard pieces of kibble she had to chew got too much for her and she threw up, splattering the inside of her mask, and still the shit kept flowing. By the time it was over, she felt even worse than she already did and broke down into tears.

Josef however was cackling away. “Oh god have I missed this, just hurting shitrats for fun. And what’s more you two deserve every moment of it.”

He pulled Smartie off the feedbag and brought him back to the table, he saw Smartie’s lip start quivering, no matter what he did he hurt his mother, he was the worst Fluffy ever, he didn’t deserve to be happy.

“Hey Smartie, what’s wrong?” Josef asked with faux concern.

“Smaw… Smawtie wan… SMAWTIE WAN DIE! Nu wan nu mowe huwties, nu wan see Mummah hab munstah babbehs, jus wan die.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” Josef’s cruel smile returned with a vengeance.

Chuckling away, Josef used the hacksaw to cut off Smartie’s two back legs – “NU, nu take weggies.” – and carried him up to a little platform hanging from the ceiling, a plank just barely big enough to hold a Fluffy suspended by a metal beam on one side, on the metal beam side there was an extra platform with a food bowl and a water bottle.

On the open side there was a piece of rope hanging from the ceiling with a noose on the other end.

Josef placed the now pillowed Smartie onto the platform, as close to the middle as he could manage, and put the noose over his neck.

“Why Joesep put wope on Smawtie fow?”

“I’m glad you asked Smartie, this is what’s called a noose, it’s what’s used the hang people until they choke to death. Now you say you want to die, but I don’t believe you, I don’t think you’ve suffered enough for that, so I’ve made it easier for you to do the job yourself. If you want to live, you just roll to the right.”

Josef pointed towards the food bowl so Smartie understood what right was.

“Then you can eat and drink just fine and keep on living. But if you roll to the left.”

He pointed left, towards the unsupported open end of the plank.

“Then you will fall off the plank and will hang by the neck until you are dead.”

“Wha? Smawtie hab tu gib own foweba sweepies?”

“That’s right, because if you REALLY ‘wan-die’, then you have to do it yourself, cause I’m sure as shit not doing anything for you.”

“Bu… Smawtie nu can, tuu scawie.”

“Well I guess you’re stuck there until you can, and don’t worry, from up here you can get a great view of Mother giving birth. I’d say she has a week left before she pops. Enjoy the show.”

Josef turned and left the room, turning the light off again to really fuck with their fear of the dark.

As it turned out, it took less than a week for Mother to finally give birth, Josef had installed a security camera in the basement and watched the footage on his phone when he could. It was after dinner and he and Sweetheart were watching TV when he saw Mother shaking, he knew it was time.

“I have to go down to the basement again Sweetheart, you be ok up here on your own.”

“Sweetheawt will daddeh.” The sadness in her voice hard to ignore, despite her best efforts Josef was still distant with her. She wondered if it was something she’d done, if the kind man she knew in the garden was gone for good, or if Josef had used up all his hatred on the bad Fluffies and now there was only her to face the brunt of it.

Not that Josef noticed the loneliness in her voice, he was too focussed on Smartie and Mother’s torture. He bounded down the stairs and walked in just as Mother let out a blast of shit from trying to force the babies out.

“Pwease babbehs, nu huwt Mummah.” Smartie tried to call from his platform, despite everything he was still alive.

Josef bent down and placed his hand at Mother’s special-place, ready to help deliver the foals, he was excited to see what kind of fucked-up creatures she birthed.

The first foal came out, a purple earthie with a white mane, but the left side of its face had half an extra face growing out of it, merged together like a horror movie.

The second foal was a Pegasus, creamy white with an orange mane, but alongside it’s two regular wings it had three smaller, deformed wings as well

The third was a bright orange earthie with a light purple, almost pink mane, but it’s front right hoof hadn’t formed properly on its leg, inside it was jutting out of its back.

The forth and final foal was another earthie, pure purple but with two heads, one with a lighter shaded mane than the other.

Mother delivered two more foals but they were stillborn, good thing too since one of them looked like it was two foals fused together at the waist. He was impressed that she was able to carry four foals to term at her age, if they weren’t monsters it be a great day.

Josef picked p the first born and took it over for Smartie to see. “Look little guy, this is your daddy, say hello.”

Smartie looked at the foal, and he screamed, the creature was the scariest fucking thing he’d ever seen, it’s left eye was fused with another eye, part of a nose was growing out of its cheek, and it had a partial mouth on the side of its neck which was dribbling.


“Oh come now Smartie, that’s a terrible thing to say about your own child. Let’s hope Mother takes to them a little better.”

Mother didn’t, she was already terrified of her own children, seeing their deformed bodies crawling towards her, but completely unable to stop them. Josef saw her discomfort and helped the newly born foals towards her teats, letting them suckle, no matter how much Mother tried she couldn’t shake them off her, they were feeding from her whether she liked it or not.

“Well, I’d say I should let you happy parents focus on the young’ uns. I’ll be back later for the feeding, don’t want the babbehs missing out on milkies now, do we?”

Josef cackled and left the basement, he had one final trick up his sleeve, but he needed to wait a little bit until the foals were ready. If this didn’t break Smartie then nothing would.

Sweetheart was confused whenever Josef came up from the basement now, she could still smell Smartie and Mother on him so she knew they were alive, but for the past few days she’d smelt other Fluffies on him, but they didn’t smell like normal Fluffies, something about them smelt off.

She didn’t like it.

She decided to approach the subject one day, Josef said she was free to ask anything, so ask she did.

“Daddeh, why Sweetheawt smeww bad Fwuffy on yu?”

“What do you mean ‘bad Fluffy’ Sweetheart?”

“Can smeww Fwuffy on yu wen yu come bak fwom Sowwy-Woom, but Fwuffy nu smeww wight, smeww wike bad Fwuffy.”

“You’re very astute, you know that. Well Sweetheart, Mother had some babbehs a few days ago, but they came out wrong, so now I have to look after them until they’re old enough to look after themselves.”

“Oh, is dat why daddeh been su biuzee watewy.”

“Exactly, and I’m so sorry I’ve been neglecting you, these foals need all the help they can get. I never said anything because… well I’ll be honest with you Sweetheart, they look scary, I knew you’d want to help but I didn’t want you to get scared at seeing them.”

“Dat ok Daddeh, Sweetheawt nu wan gu in Sowwy-Woom anyway.”

“There’s a good girl, how about we play a quick game of hide and seek after I’ve fed the babies.”

“Dat gud pwan daddeh, Sweetheawt wook for hidie pwaces.”

“You do that, I’ll come find you in a moment.”

Sweetheart rushed off laughing, happy to play with her daddy again. It was almost too easy for Josef, the poor thing was so starved for attention that she accepted his half-assed apology without question.

He was going to play with her later, but Smartie and Mother’s torture came first.

Josef walked back to the basement, it had been roughly two weeks since Mother gave birth, the foals were still alive but as they got bigger their defects began to wear on them.

Half-Face was starting to breath raggedly through his extra mouth.

Batty’s deformed wings flapped manically like she had no control over them.

Hoofer was struggling to keep up with his siblings when playing together.

And Gemini – who as far as Josef could tell was intersex – had two heads fighting for control of one body.

None of the foals knew these names of course, Josef had named them all on the security camera and checked their sexes when feeding them. They were being treated as coldly and as clinically as possible, they spent most of their time in the dark, becoming half-blind as a result, they never heard the sound of their mothers voice, all they had was each other and this strange furry thing that fed them.

They didn’t even know this was supposed to be their mother, they’d never had to associate her smell with being Mummah, to them it was a feeding stand and nothing else.

Today though, when Josef entered the basement to refill Mother’s feedbags, he heard something.

“Mum… mah?”

A voice, he looked down, Half-Face was looking up towards him – not at him, his eyes weren’t able to focus on him – and he was speaking. It was a rough, crackly voice, none of the foals knew how to talk since they’d never heard it done before, but Hasbio programming had put a few words into their brains to know immediately.

Half-Face tried again. “Mum… mah?”

Josef smirked, everything was coming along nicely, he turned to Smartie and smiled.

“Look, your son’s first words, you must be so happy.”

Smartie started crying again, he was too far for the young foals to hear him, they didn’t even know he was in the room.

“Why Joesep nu wet Fwuffies gu, Fwuffies hab enuff huwties.”

“No, you don’t, not by a fucking long-shot.”

Josef shoved a mouthful of kibble into Smartie’s mouth and walked away, leaving the family in darkness once again.

Finally, two months after Mother gave birth, Josef could enact his final plan of pain, the foals were no longer drinking from Mother’s teats, they were ready for adult food, and Josef knew exactly what to give them.

He returned to the basement once more, but this time he had something with him, something that enticed the nostrils of every Fluffy in the room.

A plate of spaghetti, which he placed on a table out of reach of everyone.

“Sket…tis?” Hoofer knew what the Godly Nummies were despite never being told about them, seemed Hasbio were thorough in their programming. Him and his siblings tried to follow the scene of the food but Josef stopped them, placing them all in a small box out of the way and turning to Mother.

“I think it’s time to get you out of that frame, don’t you?”

Mother immediately starting crying from relief, she hadn’t moved in two months, she was so tired, she was so sore. Josef undid the belt around her torso which had almost fused with her skin, he lifted her out of the frame, her butt and her back covered in pain bedsores and sweat rashes, he had to be careful when pulling her skin off the wooden frame where wood and flesh had melded together slightly. Mother wept the entire time, even with it being Josef the prospect of being touched again was everything she wanted.

“There there, you’ve had a rough time of it haven’t you?”

Mother nodded, her eyes darting to the spaghetti.

“You want the skettis?”

She nodded, her excitement palpable.

“Oh I’m sorry Mother, it’s not for you, it’s for your babbehs, they’re ready for solid foods now…”

Suddenly Josef pulled out an electric razor and attacked Mother with it, shaving her sides and her stomach free of fluff. She wailed as her white fur, once so pretty and nice, was taken from her, another humiliation for her broken spirit.

Josef put her down on the cold concrete, her sensitive stomach reacting badly to the rough surface, and he continued talking.

“… I think we should give them a proper meal, don’t you?”

Josef took the plate of spaghetti and poured it onto Mother, she screeched when the hot food hit her back, dripping down her sides, she started to cry at the thought of wasted skettis.

Then she remember the babbehs.

Josef tipped the box up so the foals could get out, instantly the scene of skettis filled their little lungs and they clamoured towards it, too blind to see the Fluffy in front of them, too ignorant to recognise her scent as their mother, all they knew was this smelt like food, and they were going to eat it.

Batty got there first, chewing on the spaghetti that had fallen off Mother and under her, Batty followed the taste of the sauce into Mother’s stomach, she didn’t know what this ig hunk of meat was, but it was soft and smelt like skettis, that was good enough for her, and she tore a chunk out of Mother’s flesh.

Half-Face had found a spot up higher on Mother’s side where some skettis still lay on top, he ate as much as he could and didn’t even notice that he was eating Fluffy skin until he got a mouthful of meat, it tasted strange, but good and he went in for more.

Hoofer was at the back, looking for scraps that had fallen off, instead he found two soft mounds covered in sketti sauce and… milk? When he pressed down on the mounds they shot out milk to go with the skettis, this was the best meal ever. Hoofer got suck in, tearing the mounds open to get at the milk inside.

And Gemini took the front, both heads working together to get at the skettis they craved, unknowingly the both started biting into Mother’s neck, getting them both soaked with her blood, neither of them knew what was going on, but they got the vague taste of sketti sauce and dug in for more.

Unable to move, unable to scream, Mother was helpless as her own foals started eating her alive, unaware of what they were doing, too blind, too stupid, too inbred to know any different. She could only cry, feeling the last of her life violently ripped away from her by her own children.


It was no use, they still couldn’t hear him. Josef stood next to Smartie, making sure he still had a good view of Mother’s evisceration.

“You know Smartie, I think I should thank you. When I got to know your herd I found myself starting to pity them, they were so helpless and weak that I actually felt bad hurting them at times. It took all the fun out of being an abuser. But after seeing you here these past few months, I’ve come to realise that I didn’t pity them cause they were weak, I pitied them cause YOU’RE weak, you are a fucking terrible leader, a shitty Smartie and an all round waste of air that bullied his way to the top and didn’t even have the balls to stay there. You were such an awful leader that I couldn’t help but empathise with your herd, having to deal with you leading them into disaster, leading them to me.”

Josef stepped in front of Smartie, looking him dead in the eyes.

“But now I have to thank you, because of you I know remember why I became an abuser in the first place, and it’s for wonderfully disgusting moments like this. So thank you, you furry piece of shit.”

Smartie hadn’t stopped crying, even as Josef’s words punctured his heart, he knew it was all true but that didn’t stop them from hurting.

“Why meanie Joesep du dis?”

“Why?” Josef’s voice was offended by such a dumb question. “Because you ate my flowers, and they were some nice fucking flowers.”

Josef turned and left Smartie to the view of his own incest foals eating his Mother, their tiny mouths making slow work of her death, the sounds of Smartie’s ‘Wan die, wan die’ filled Josef’s ears as he walked out the room.

This time though he left the light on, Fluffies are scared of the dark after all, and he wasn’t a complete monster.

With his time with Smartie and Mother finally over, Josef spent the next couple days looking up news about Sweetheart, where she came from, how long she’d been missing.

To his surprise it didn’t take as long as he thought, he found a missing Fluffy article from just a week ago. The Parker Family and their Fluffy Mulligan had been looking for Mulligan’s Alicorn daughter Sparkles for the last seven months, hoping that she was out there somewhere. Sparkles had black fur with a silver shimmer, hence the name, and a grey mane. She was just a chirpy babbeh when she was taken so might not know her name but Mulligan would recognise her scent if she was returned.

That had to be it, too many variables lines up, the colour, the timing, the happy home Mother talked about. This was Sweetheart’s real family.

Josef turned off the computer and went to find Sweetheart, not sure what to say to her. He found her in the kitchen playing with blocks, when he entered the room she put them down and went to see him.

“Hewwo daddeh, fings gud?”

“They are Sweetheart, and I’ve got some news for you.”

“Weawwy, is it bout weaw famiwy?”

Josef paused for a second, he was taking a big risk here, sure the similarities were there but if he took Sweetheart to meet The Parkers and it was discovered that she wasn’t Sparkles, that would crush her heart beyond recovery. And of course there was the most important thing to remember.

That Dr Josef Mongola was an abuser at heart, and nothing was going to change that.

“I’m sorry Sweetheart, but I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I can’t find anything about your disappearance. It has been a long time, I think your family has given up.”

The inevitable tears started falling from her face. “Sweetheawt nu hab famiwy?”

“Hey now, you’ve got me remember, you can always trust daddy.”

Josef opened his arms and Sweetheart leapt into them, howling in anguish over losing her family again. Josef gently stroked her mane.

“It’s ok Sweetheart, you can trust daddy. You can ONLY trust daddy.”

Fuck me that was a bigger chapter than I planned, probably should’ve cut it into two but I was too focussed on a clean Ten Chapter Story to do that.

Chapter 10 will be a lot shorter; it’ll be more an epilogue than a final chapter and will bring back some old characters to round out their story. It’ll be… interesting how people react to it, but that’s for the future to worry about.

Chapter 10 (END)


Damn that was amazing! We’ve finally reached the conclusion, what a ride it was.


ehehehe im fuckin estatic!!


Well, fuck you too, you Nazi abusive faggot with a hard-on for psycho shit. Ya gotta keep Sweetheart away from her family and instead keep her isolated and left to suffer emotionally, huh? Eat shit, you sadist.


I did like seeing you have Mummah consumed by her freaks and taunting Smarty with a noose. So, there’s that.


Im satisfied to what happen to mummah and smartie

But damn you to hell Josef!!!

@BFM101 awesome protagonist/abuser creation added he does get his karma in Breakin the Family Bonds poopie faced :joy:


i do wonder if josef will keep the lil freaks for future use on other mummas, find one with foals of similar colors?


Dang. Smarty and Mother’s incest babies were cannibal fluffies. Surprising that they all were able to survive that long considering the one with breathing problems and the two headed one. Glad to see Mother finally losing her fluff since she cherished it so much. Giving Smarty to means to kill himself was another genius idea. Of course he wants to die but is still overpowered by fear to do it himself.

Sweetheart’s abuse goes into different territory since she doesn’t think anything is going on. Nothing physical or psychological to show really in her case. I wonder what would happen if her true mother ever managed to cross paths with her, probably nothing but you never know.


I love me some Josef. I want to draw a scene from this chapter - is that okay?


[quote=“preachingbear, post:7, topic:17849”]
Smarty and Mother’s incest babies were cannibal fluffies.
[/quote]I don’t think they knew any better. At all. So, incidental cannibalism rather than "jeez, mom would taste great. If they had more awareness I don’t think they would’ve done it, but everything was set up for that end.

[quote=“preachingbear, post:7, topic:17849”]
Sweetheart’s abuse goes into different territory since she doesn’t think anything is going on.
[/quote]I’m quite afraid he’s going to wreck her mentally and emotionally. A long term plaything. Which makes me sad.

I kind of see Josef looking at us when we ask “why?” then replying “because fuck you, that’s why” with a vaguely smug look on his face.


Go for it, would love to see your work


Kinda want Gemini to survive, purely because surviving with two heads is amazing. Are they truly Intersex or some kind of functional hermaphrodite?

Especially if the defect could be passed on as a feature of a new breed.

Damn shame about Sweetheart’s family. Though I suppose one of the biggest rules of Fluffverses is that Abusers are always massive chortling pricks to any non-Abuser human, and Hugboxers either never find out or take the abuse.

Part of the inspiration of the last Fluffing Off I wrote. People will shoot you over a wrecked foam novelty car antennae topper or a $5 bill. They’d definitely shoot someone for killing their talking pet. Shit, wannabe vigilantes would probably make a social network tracking all Fluffies abusers take into their homes, so you can check when yours goes missing and doxx or swat them.


Potentially gaslighting.
Potentially a Karen moment where Josef has to decide on snapping Sweetheart’s neck to be spiteful and accept a lawsuit/hire a hitman to “make it all go away”, or give her back and accept the family hearing many strange things about a strange man.

Though its almost certain Sweetheart will never leave his home. He’ll eventually come up with an excuse to kill her, set her up an unwinnable scenario, or just kill her and bask in the power that not needing a reason for any action whatsoever provides.


I was hoping for second generation incest for mother and smarty but involuntary spider mummah is good shit


all inbreeding is winbreeding :slight_smile:


Holy fuck that was some good torture!


Talk about complete and utter disappointment lol.


I was expecting a bit more hugbox ending here, but hey, I like the way you left the ending for the reader to imagine.


im so scared to read the next chapter to be honest.


It looks like there will not be a good ending for sweetheart.

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Finally, the past that shows the other face of Josef.

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