Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd - Chapter 4 Comic ver (Cmss for BFM101) (InfraredTurbine)

Hellooooooooooooo, it’s finally here!
Chapter four of this famous story from @BFM101 !
Hope you guys like this chapter, it’s gonna be a blast xDxD

< Previous chapter / Next Chapter >

Well, Josef needed a way to teach these shitrats, that this place isn’t a paradise, and now I guess they know o__O

Thanks for everyone following this story, and please don’t forget to check out the original story here:
Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd Ch. 4 [By BFM101]
Thanks again to @BFM101 !

For commissions, illustrations of your ideas or stories, feel free to contact me at any time! :smiley:


Fuckin Boom indeed. Little shits had to learn the hard way.

Another mention of a mysterious Fluffy in the basement? I wonder who that could be and what Hell he’ll wrought in the next chapter.


I wonder!

And I love Whipped. Still.


Hahaha nice work.

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Tragic for runt if he just stayed still …he made his choice…he is the reason derp and their babies died…

Then again they all be dead anyway.

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We need to collectively have more conversations about dudes like that green pederast up there. I’m old enough to remember the Olson Twins turning 18 and that was a pretty disgusting display of humanity. I find the guy who waits expectantly like this ALMOST more disgusting than some fucking cretin who just full blown tries to diddle kids.

The second guy is clearly doing the worse thing, but the first guy is obviously well aware that he’s not supposed to be doing this and that makes him way more stompable.

Little shits going around trying to not stay here and get tortured I’m gonna earfuck one to death right now


You should read the full story, it gets quite brutal


I would, but anytime I try to read a text story with more than one chapter I become violently ill and purge fluids until I pass out in a pool of my own bile. My landlord said to cut that out.

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I haven’t read a book in twenty six years

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Josef visibly aged just by having those vermins around /jk
It’s amazing, perfectly captures the emotion and abuse


This is coming along just beautifully.

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That look of shocked horror in the last two panels is amazing.

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That firework had a powerful rocket motor to get that high with dead fluffy weight on it lol


Even better seeing this the second time around. My absolute favorite panel is that last one. Just the plop of the baby on Runt’s head hits juuuuuust right.

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Oh my lord, I love how Derp is living her best life along with Runt, fucking like animals(hah), eating and then trying to escape. Only to be blown skyhigh!!! that was quite a quick and in a way… not so painful death but hey, a derp mummah died! this comic just made my day.