Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd Ch. 4 [By BFM101]

The mood following Colt’s death was low over the next few days, the herd was too scared that their favourite things were going to hurt them that they were cautious about everything, food, water, toys, play, anything that allowed their mind to overreact had them on edge.

The only exceptions to this were Runt and Derp, who had found that enfing together was more fun than either of them had expected and could be heard grunting ‘enf, enf, enf’ away in their little hideaway in the corner. Derp was surely pregnant after the first time but they kept going, ‘just to make sure’.

Sweetheart was glad her friend was finally getting his own family, he’d been pushed around by the herd for far too long, only kept around so there was a punching bag to take their frustrations out on. Sadly with Runt now focussed on Derp it left her feeling quite lonely, she wasn’t jealous, Runt was family, she could never feel that way for him, but she missed his playfulness, his upbeat attitude in spite of their situation. She knew it had all been an act to keep her happy but it worked nonetheless.

But being alone is dangerous, even in your own herd, as Sweetheart found out when Toughie paid her a visit.

“How Sweetheawt feew bout Wunt habin babbehs?” He asked her with a voice showing he had no interest in her answer.

Sweetheart remained courteous all the same. “Hab big heawt happies fow Wunt, he gud fwuffy dat desewve famiwy.”

Toughie scoffed, he’d been planning on making a move on Derp just before Runt got to her, now he was the only male in the herd not to have a mate and his special lumps were hurting.

“Du Sweetheawt fink bout habing babbehs sumday?” He intentionally stroked his body alongside hers as he said this.

Sweetheart suddenly felt very uncomfortable, she was iffy about Toughie at the best of times but his body language indicated that he was after something she didn’t want to give.

“Sweetheawt nu am big fwuffy yet, am still babbeh.” She wasn’t far off breeding age but still far enough to keep Toughie away from her.

Toughie clearly didn’t care as he nuzzled into the side of her neck. “Yu shood git pwactise den befow yu hab own babbehs.”

A shadow cast over them both, they looked up to see a very cross looking Whipped glaring at Toughie.

“Wha Toughie duing wiv Sweetheawt?” He already knew, he just wanted to see what bullshit Toughie came up with.

“Toughie onwy be fwiendwy, ask bout Wunt and Dewp babbehs. Nu need be gwump.”

“Whipped fink time fow Toughie tu weave.”

Toughie sneered at the shitrar in front of him. “Whipped tuwn poopie an fink he toughie nyo? Toughie still gib foweba sweepies if Whipped wan twy.”

“Whipped nu need win, jus need stop you huwting babbeh.”

Toughie turned and walked away, this wasn’t worth his time. Once he was away Sweetheart ran up and hugged Whipped, thankful he was there to help her.

“Whipped pwotect Sweetheawt, nu wowwy bout meanie Fwuffies.”

While part of him was still unsure about the monster baby in his arms, he knew she needed help and he was willing to give it to her.

Later that day, just as Josef was setting up for dinner, he noticed Nurse nervously trying to walk up and talk to him, her four foals running around her.

“Can I help you Nurse?”

“Um, daddeh Joesep, pwease nu be angwy, bu Nuwse’s babbehs am big babbehs nyo, nu wan miwkies nu mowe. Can dey hab kibbew wike gwown ups?”

Josef knelt down and took the pink unicorn, Nurse caught her breath in fear of what he might do but did nothing, too scared to say anything. Sensing her fear, Josef carefully and gently checked the foals teeth, they were coming in quite well, still too soft for kibble but enough for soft foods.

“You’re right, they’re getting too big for milk anymore. They can’t have kibble just yet but I’ll mush some up with milk and they can eat that instead, until then, we should probably give these guys some names.”

“Yes pwease, babbehs wuv namesies.” Nurse suddenly had a spark of life about her. Since arriving Josef had noticed she’d gotten more withdrawn, whether it was out of submission or if she was just protecting her young he couldn’t tell, but she hadn’t cause any trouble since that first day.

Josef looked over the foals, the dark red colt and the pink unicorn he’d already seen about the place, he called the colt Garnet and the unicorn Bubblegum, both very happy with their names. The other two he’d not seen around before, and looking at them he saw why.

They were the spitting image of their parents, a male purple Pegasus just like Smartie and a red unicorn just like Nurse, no doubt both of these were the favoured children but neither had shown any signs of being a smartie like their dad so no harm done yet.

“Why don’t we call this little guy S.J. after his dad, and his sister… darling.”

“Ess-Jay an Dawwing, mummah wuv namesies, fank yu daddeh.”

“No problem Nurse, why don’t you run and tell Smartie the good news while I get dinner sorted.”

Nurse turned to where Smartie was in the play area, doting on his lazy mother while Nurse looked after their young.

“Nu wowwy, Nuwse teww him wata.”

No sooner had Nurse and her newly named foals left did Josef see Runt and Derp happily trotting up to him. Runt was almost jumping he was so excited. “Daddehm daddeh, Dewp hab tummeh-babbehs.”

“Am gonna be mummah again, Dewp hab biggesh heawt-happies. Wuv speciaw-fwiend.”

“Wuv speciaw-fwiend tuu.”

“You guys, that’s great news, I’m so happy for you both. But Runt, do you remember our deal?”

Runt’s felt something drop in his stomach, he had remembered their deal but he was hoping Josef would give him a little more time with his genitals beforehand.

“Dus dadeh hab tu do dat nyo, can wait tiww wata?”

“No can do Runt, a deal is a deal and I want to get this done now so you can heal as quick as possible, now come on.”

Josef bent down to pick Runt up, putting him into the automatic ‘Upsie’ pose that every Fluffy has programmed into their brain. Derp was confused by the sad look on her mate’s face but could do nothing as Josef carried him into the house.

Inside the house, Runt saw they were approaching The Sorry Room and started shaking in fear, since Whipped had seen the basement door days before the tales and rumours had spread fast amongst the herd and all were scared of what was behind it.

“It’s ok Runt, I promise you’ll make it out again, this is just where daddy keeps his special tools. I’ll be with you all the way.”

“O… ok daddeh.” Runt tried and failed to hide how utterly terrified he was.

The basement door opened and Josef walked downstairs, the smell hit Runt like a brick, smells of blood and sweat and of other Fluffies but for the life of him he couldn’t see any, the basement was eerily quiet.

Josef took him to a room with a large table and a raised platform, he placed Runt face-up on the platform and tied his four legs to the four corners, Runt felt a little pee-pee come out but Josef paid no mind, he expected that.

While Josef was getting prepared Runt looked around the room, to his left he saw a cage, he couldn’t see what was in the cage but it smelt strange, almost like another Fluffy but different, meaner and scarier than any he’d seen before.

Suddenly the cage jolted and the beast inside started snarling, it took everything Runt had not to shit himself there and then, Josef heard the noise and picked the cage up.

“Don’t you worry about this little guy Runt, this is a good Fluffy who does what he’s told, so he won’t hurt you unless I tell him to. You won’t give me a reason to tell him to hurt you, will you Runt?”

“N… nu daddeh, Wunt be gud Fwuffy.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

Josef took the monster Fluffy into another room and returned with a syringe, a scalpel and an elastic band.

“Now Runt…” He explained as he wrapped the band around Runt’s penis. “…this is going to feel strange, and there’s going to be some pressure here and there, it may be uncomfortable but you’ll be ok.”

“Wunt scawed daddeh.”

“I know you are bud.”

Before Runt could know what was happening, Josef pressed the syringe into a vein between Runt’s leg and his groin, there was a short yelp from the Fluffy at the sudden sharp pain that was quickly replaced with a numbing feeling.

“Wunt nu feew weggies nu mowe. Wunt stiww hab weggies wight?”

“You do Runt, I just gave you a little something to make sure you don’t feel what’s coming next.”

Satisfied that the anaesthetic had done its job, Josef got to work slowly and carefully removing Runt’s penis, using the scalpel to slice through the muscles and tendons, all while the elastic band kept him from bleeding to death.

Runt didn’t feel any pain, but he could feel something touching his special place and it unnerved the hell out of him, Josef could’ve put him straight under and done the work with Runt unconscious, but where was the fun in that, as much as he appreciated Runt’s good behaviour there was no favouritism, all Fluffies were to be emotionally tortured regardless of how they behaved.

Josef might prefer some to others but in the end he despised all Fluffies with maybe one exception.

Josef pulled slightly on Runt’s penis, he saw him gasp slightly and a single tear run down his fac, not from pain but from the sheer distress of his situation, he couldn’t look down, he daren’t, for fear of what he might see. Josef continued onwards, the bright pink of muscle and blood contrasted against Runt’s brown fluff made the job a lot easier than other times he’d done this and on average most Fluffies had small genitals anyway but still, he took his time, he wasn’t taking any chances.

When Josef got to the connecting tubes between Runt’s penis and his testicles he stopped, he had planned to complete geld Runt, pillar and stones all. But he realised he could have an interesting experiment here, let Runt keep his testicles, keeping the testosterone flowing and the want to have enfies, but without the means to have any. Cruel but science had to be cruel sometimes to one poor bastard to save a hundred more from the same fate.

Josef switched his direction and finished slicing off Runt’s penis without any damage to his ball, he then took out a needle and thread from his coat pocket, sewed up any veins and skin until Runt was basically smooth except for a little opening to allow him to piss.

“There you are Runt, all sorted.”

Josef untied Runt’s legs and placed him down on the table, the anaesthesia still had some time to wear off before Runt got to stand up again. Laying on his side, Runt looked between his legs to see what Josef had done to him, seeing his dick gone almost sent him into a panic attack.

“Da… daddeh, whewe Wunt’s no-no stick?”

“I removed it Runt, I told you if you stayed here then as soon as Derp was pregnant then you’d lose the ability to have more kids, trust me this was the safest way it could’ve been done.”

That was bullshit, Josef could’ve easily given Runt a vasectomy, a delicate and dangerous procedure to most people which is why the usual method of castration was favoured among Fluffy owners, but Josef was an experience doctor, he just wanted to leave Runt in despair.

“Bu… Wunt need no-no stick for pee-pees and for gud feews wiv speciaw fwiend.”

“You can still pee, you just need to be more careful about it, and as for good feels, well you should’ve thought about that before you agreed to the deal.”

Josef took Runt upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms and let him rest up overnight to heal properly, while physically he was fine due to the fast regenerative properties of Hasbio engineering, psychologically he was a wreck, spending most of the night crying over the loss of his no-no stick and how his dreams of more babbehs with Derp had been destroyed. He told Josef he was ok with a small family but seeing Derp pregnant with his foals and seeing how happy they were together, he didn’t want to lose that, now he had forever.

The next day Josef returned Runt to the herd, Derp and Sweetheart ran up to greet him, both worried about where he’d been.

“Am speciaw-fwiend ok?” Derp asked, nuzzling into Runt’s fluff.

“Wunt jus wan wie down a wittew.”

“Dus speciaw fwiend wan…”

Derp’s voice trailed off when she saw the stitches between Runt’s legs.

“Speciaw fwiend nu hab…”

“NYO, Wunt nyo, nu wan tawkies bout it, just wie down.”

Sweetheart was saddened by her friends depressed state. “Wunt wan pway huggie-tag wata?”

“Nu tuday, maybe tomowwow.”

“Bu… ok Wunt, feew betta.”

Sweetheart was still a little too young to fully understand what had happened to Runt, all she knew was that he wasn’t the same friend he was yesterday. Whipped could figure out what was done to him but finding a way to explain that to Sweetheart was a conversation he couldn’t work out and one she didn’t need to hear right now.

That night Josef checked the security cameras again, making sure that everything was as it should be, only to once again see a Fluffy trying to dig a hole underneath the fence, only this time they weren’t alone. And Josef could clearly see the bright yellow fur of Derp on the camera screen.

“Those cheeky little fuckers.” Josef was honestly furious, after everything Runt was still trying to escape and now he’d gotten Derp stuck in his crimes as well. This needed a big display in order to get the message through.

Much like last time, Josef arrived on the scene with Runt and Derp too busy to hear him walk up until he’d already grabbed them by the scruff of their neck, both let out a stream of scaredie-poopies but Josef was too pissed off to care.

“Can one of you two fucking ingrates explain to me what the fuck is going on here?” Josef did not hold back his utter frustration at what he’d found.

Derp was too busy sobbing to answer so Runt took it upon himself to explain. “Wunt an Dewp nu wan wive hewe nu mowe, tu mean fow famiwy, wan gu an hab babbehs awone, stawt own hewd togetha.”

“Runt, I asked you if you wanted to leave and you said no, that was the deal and now you’re trying to run off again and taking Derp with you? What the hell is it you want?”

“Wunt wan no-no stick back, meanie Joesep nu shouwd take it, Wunt and Dewp nu hab mowe babbehs nyo.”

“But I fucking told you… Christ, it’s too late for this bullshit, Runt you’re going in the sorry box until tomorrow, Derp I’m taking you inside until I can think of what to do with you.

Derp chirped up finally. “Nu, nu huwt speciaw-fwiend, Dewp choose to weave, nu Wunt thinkie-pwan.”

“That may be, but both of you need to be punished for this, you’re just getting off lighter because you’re pregnant. I’ll decide what to do with you both tomorrow.”

Josef turned and took both of them back towards the house, the sorry box was an old Ice-Box that Josef didn’t use anymore, big enough for an adult Fluffy but still a cold and damp place that played havoc on their desire to stay warm and dry. Runt fought against his punishment but Josef put him in the box regardless, feeling it was time to start properly punishing these invaders.

Derp was till crying when he brought her into the house. “Huu, huu, hab biggesh heawt huwties, speciaw fwiend aww awone in sowwy box. Dewp onwy wan babbehs wiv Wunt, why daddeh Joesep huwt Fwuffies.”

“Trust me Derp, I haven’t begun to hurt either of you yet.”

The next morning Runt and Derp were the talk of the herd, everyone had heard their failed escape attempt last night and they knew Runt was in the sorry box but none of them had seen or heard from Derp since then.

“Is Fwuffies own fauwt.” Mother explained to anyone who was listening. “Fwuffied nyo wules an nu wisten, finking dey betta dan us.”

Nurse took issue with Mother’s comments, having been good friends with Derp while she was pregnant. “Dewp nu fink betta dan us, Dewp tu happy an fwiendly. An Wunt is poopie-Fwuffy, nu can fink he betta, dey jus wan weave for babbehs, nu wisk foweba sweepies wike Cowt.”

Mother just rolled her eyes at Nurse. “Yu stiww babbeh at heawt, nu nyo enuff tu tawk, yu see when owda.”

Smartie glared at Nurse for talking back to his mother but she glared right back and left with her foals, this place wasn’t the great land her mate had said it was, she had been thinking about leaving herself but she knew she couldn’t feed herself and four foals on her own and no way was she leaving them with their father. For the time being, she was stuck here.

For the rest of the day, Josef didn’t mention Runt or Derp, to anyone watching he seemed to be going about his normal work day, feeding the Fluffies at breakfast and dinner, refilling the water bottles, cleaning the litter-box, everything was normal except for the two missing Fluffies.

Then once night came, Josef finally acknowledged their absence, he took Runt out of the Ice-Box and placed him on the grass, cold, wet and hungry. Whipped and Sweetheart ran up to try and warm him up, the other Fluffies gathered round to see what was happening.

“Now Runt, are you sorry for what you’ve done?”

“Ye… yes dad… daddeh Joesep. Wun… Wunt nu bwe… bweak rules a… again.” Runt tried to talk through chattering teeth.

“Good, now I wanted you and everyone else to be here to see Derp’s punishment, because hopefully this will finally stick it in your heads what the fucking deal is around here.”

“Pwease, nu huw… huwt speciaw fwi… fwiend.”

“Don’t worry Runt, she’ll barely feel a thing.”

Josef went back inside the house and returned with Derp, she had been tied to something that none of the Fluffies could recognise, it was a long cylindrical object with a cone on top, a wooden stick attached to the bottom which Josef stuck into the ground and a black piece of string running out of the object’s end.

“Does anyone know what this is?”

The Fluffies all shook their heads, wondering where this was going.”

“This is rocket, and it’s going to give Derp here the best Upsies ever, you all like Upsies don’t you?”

Aside from Sweetheart, all the younger Fluffies nodded, their fear silenced by their love of Upsies. The other adults were still concerned about what was going to happen to Derp.

“Well then, let’s get on with it shall we.”

Josef lit the fuse on the rocket and stood back, the display of sparks enraptured the younger Fluggies who watched as the fuse moved closer and closer to the rocket. As time counted down, some of the sparks began to hit Derp in back.

“Ow, buwnie huwties tu mush, nu wike, nu wike, nu… SSSSSKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee…”

Suddenly and violently, Derp was shot off into the sky, going so fast that it took some of the other Fluffies a few seconds to realise where she’d went. Her screams of terror had faded the night air leaving just a pretty trial of sparks that the unknowing Fluffies watched with glee.

Beside them Whipped noticed Josef opening an umbrella. “Daddhe Joesep, why you hab sky wawa pwotecta? No cwouds for sky wawa tonite?”

Josef smirked. “You’ll see in a second.”

The herd watched as Derp got higher and higher into the sky until the sparks behind her stopped and… BOOOOM. Her rocket exploded, the intense exhibition of reds and greens combined with the loud noise and the horrific death of their friend sent the herd into panic mode, all of them running around for shelter from the terrifying rocket monster.

Only Runt stayed still, his eyes fixed on the point where his special friend and his babies blew up in the sky, he didn’t even move when it started to rain bits of blood, bone and shit over the garden. He wanted to scream but couldn’t find it within himself to move.

Josef spoke up to make sure the traumatised Fluffies heard him. “From now on, anyone who breaks a rule will be severely punished. If this means you pay with your life then so be it, there is to be no fucking around anymore. This is my garden and these are my rules, so endeth the lesson.”

Josef casually walked back inside, happy that that little showcase got his message across, hopefully they’d think twice before attempting any shit again.

Outside Runt was still frozen in shock and horror at the sight of Derp’s death, all his hopes and dreams of a family were literally up in smokes, and now because of Josef’s surgery, he’d never have another chance.

Suddenly something soft bounced off his head and landed in the grass, Runt tentatively went to look at what it was. While it was small, barely formed, and a mess of pinks and red, it was hard not to see that it was one of Derp’s tummah-babbehs blown out of its mother from the blast.

That’s when Runt started to scream.

We’re starting to get into the proper meat of the story now, there’s still a good few chapters left planned but expect to see a lot more Fluffy deaths coming now.

Next chapter will be a very dark and disturbing chapter that hopefully doesn’t annoy too many people with where things go. And we will see the return of a certain little red Fluffy that’s been caged up for far too long.

Chapter 5

If you are unable to view chapter 5, make sure you do not have the Controversial Stories category muted


Haha the real shit is getting started!!


Holy shit that was brutal


I’m predicting baby enfing in the horizon for toughie and a heroic brown stallion saving the day, and either dieing a hero in front of his kids and mate or living to bang a barely legal Sweetheart. Excited to see where this goes.


I feel sad for Runt and Derp but he did his choice, and there is no turning back, and he doomed his special friend cause of that.

I almost feel he snapped or would be shock and mumbling to himself :fearful:


Josefs gonna Josef. Love it. I have such an image of him in my head, a young Vincent Price:


I kinda feel sorry for Derp. She was just following her maternal instincts. Runt on the other hand i would of tortured and pillowed him. He knew the rules and still reneged on the deal.


Oh I like that image, personally I see him as blonde but the face is similar to what I envisioned.

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Damm, based on that image, Josef looks more sexy than I thought he would be. :heart_eyes:

Enjoying Josef’s continued dominance, especially the partial emasculation of Runt. Perhaps he could tamper with Runt’s thoughts by boosting his testosterone a little, I mean, it’s not like he has a stick to hurt anybody with anymore. Based on Derp’s execution, I believe this story is taking place a little before July 4.

Curious to see how Mother’s future thoughts and explanations for how herd members will die in the future, as well as what she could say if she loses just parts of herself and not her life.

Oh boy! Crimson is coming back!


Actually my original plan was to set this on November 5th for Bonfire Night in the UK since I’m British. I decided against it since A) I don’t want to tie Josef down to a set location and B) If I start using specific dates then I’m gonna have to keep track of the seasons and the weather and that’s too much hassle.

Officially, Josef figured that a single firework wasn’t going to raise any alarms since most people wouldn’t even know what it was until it was over.


Ah okay. That’s probably a smart move for the long run anyways. Hehe I guess by not having a set location I don’t have to expect Josef getting a $1000 or equivalent fine sometime soon for the firework.


Twist ending, Josef is taken to small claims court over a noise dispute, the surviving Fluffies starve to death.


i dont have contravoural tag muted yet i cant see it???

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you might need to join the controversial group


Karn is correct. That had to be changed last night. Sorry for the confusion.
Had I known nine months ago what I know now, this is how it would have been set up in the first place.

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I’m not sure if I remember correctly but isn’t sweetheart his kid?

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adopted kid but I forgot that when I wrote the comment

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This is so grim. Absolutely delightful.

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