Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd - Chapter 7 - 2/5 (Cmss for BFM101) (InfraredTurbine)

Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd, Chapter 7 page 2/5

Originally made by: @BFM101
Continuing the story:

You knew it was going to happen, but do you know what happens now ? >:D

Page 01
page 03

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Bitch you mad…. Bitch.

You deserve what comes next


& that, children, is what happens when a mummah does not have the chance to licky-clean her newborn babbehs!
& has conflicted, partially genetically implanted, potent feelings about fluff colour.
&, just perhaps, has a less than considerate personality.


Fluffies are objectively the only “organism” you can be sexist to.
Fuck mares.


Actually it’s a lot simpler than that, Josef’s just fucking with her in the way that Josef is known to do


Josef: “I also signed Bitch up for a gym membership. She’ll NEVER be able to cancel it, BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!”
Isaac: “Dude, that’s twisted even for me. And I ate a fluffy’s legs AND entire family in front of it.”


Woh boy to think who’s responsible for this event someone is grinning like a madman somewhere behind the door.

@infraredturbine nice expression bitch :+1:


That last panel has true hate energy

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Find them moderately less objectionable, actually.

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Hahaha partly because she never saw them and didn’t had any bound by kicking them. Otherwise this happens when they didn’t like brown color foals/fluffies. Wierd because she chose a brown fluffy as mate.


Chirpies are adorable and anyone who would hurt them, human or fluffy, must die.

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Que maldad hizo esa Fluffy…
Pobres bebés.

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But…muh chirpie abuse!!

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I wonder if the guy dyed them another colour, like he did with that stallion.


Not on my watch!

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Time for three hours of wiping

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Sort of, Josef’s crueller than that but the end result is the same

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I suppose you could argue mosquitos due to the females actively being one of the deadliest threats to humanity, and otherwise an active annoyance.

But for Mares its more the issue with writers. Write Fluffies like realistic animals and Mares may purge the weak or undesirable at birth but males remain a permanent threat no matter their stage of life, including fathers suddenly snapping for no real discernible reason or having no understand what a baby is once they are no longer one.

But the betrayal of feminine ideals sets up Mares in the evil stepmother role (traditionally the much older mother in non-Disney fiction) which sets them up for karmic retribution.