Here’s finally page 3/5 of chapter 07!
Should Josef tell Sweetheart about it ? I wouldn’t :d!
Original story by @BFM101
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me any time!
Here’s finally page 3/5 of chapter 07!
Should Josef tell Sweetheart about it ? I wouldn’t :d!
Original story by @BFM101
For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me any time!
Prepare yourselves folks.
It only gets sadder from here on out.
But don’t worry, only the fluffies suffer,
It’s better to be one with the ground than being a poopie babbeh.
That part of the story why I hated that psycho bastard
Always good to see a loving fluffy stallion, even if the circumstances are heartbreaking.
Tip for next time from someone you know is a fan: including the descriptions from the original text verbatim is not always necessary in a visual adaptation. There are a lot of times you can show without telling. It’s why you’d want pictures in the first place.
there’s too much text to adapt, and it I was gonna adapt every single detail that happened it would have like 90 pannels per page, so it has to be like that sometimes.
I also prefer to use texts like that to indicate that the narrator is also talking to whoever is reading the story like the whole thing is a tale being told.
Aw heck, I guess I know all that. I just meant in places like…
Crimson was salivating by just seeing that mare. Heh, what a monster…
Your art shows that exact part so well that the words feel redundant. Maybe it’s just because I already read the story, though!
Nah I see the point now and I agree with you at that
thank you!
Yep. your great at stories i think i cried reading one once. Not sure tho lol
Hahaha the stupid mare get what she deserves.