Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd - Chapter 8 (Cmss by BFM101) (InfraredTurbine)

Hello everyone!
After a loooong time, finally it’s here xD

Chapter 8: Josef & The Awful Technicolor Smarty Herd.
Written originally by @BFM101 and you can read it here.
You can read the previous chapter here.

Hope you liked it!
Also many,much,very,huge thanks to Bfm101 for this story and being patient xD it took me some good time to make this chapter.

Smarty is a dumb asshole :v

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me


Ah Smarty, you literal dumb motherfucker.

For anyone wondering why Mummah is no longer white, it’s because she’s been stained with blood and dirt from Josef’s basement and totally not because I forgot to tell Turbine the right colours


godammit, I didn’t realize that too, I gotta remove her horn as soon as possible, I’ll see what I can do kek


Josef can cut it off between chapters.

That should cover our ass


nah nah hold on, I can fix that


Well, looks like smarty is also entering the “wan die” loop!

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Not yet, but he will.

Once Josef’s done with him, he’ll wish for death, and his wish will be ignored.


Oh smarty. That literal mummah enfier. Now let’s pillow him and put him in the stallion pin!


Fuck yes! Ive read this story so many times because of this comic. It introduced me to the goodness that is BFM101.

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Thats what you get you mama’s boy smarty! :smiling_imp:

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Hahahaha good story.

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YES!!! Smarty just fucking Oedipus his mom!!! Hahaha, what an absolute amazing story! gonna read the text version now.

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HAH i love the twist that its mummah

(post deleted by author)

That’s the same thing I thought lol

The face on panel two got me tweaking