Last Hope Chapter 2 part 3 The Prophet (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Soul you are a black and white Pegasus stallion with a dark mane. Days ago you learned how to maybe defeat DarkWing to do so would require competing in a arena during unification day winning and being able to attend the royal dinner. There are two problems though firstly is even being able to fight would require great skill and a reputation and secondly is the champion Xerxes had never been defeated. After that Monica invited to go with her to a dance we did so for a bit before meeting Benezi and talking for a bit about how Merlin was trying to get Willy a job and Monica asking why she was there. once we left chatting about how she would always be invited here once she left we headed back at the house. Sitting I thought to myself about all the emotions I was feeling how when Monica kissed me after the battle with Bloody Mary I started feeling differently towards her I had no idea what until now there was no denying it I was in love with Monica. After that the next day Merlin said he had an idea and he knows a person who could get me in but doing so would require a trip to Seaside I was pretty on edge about the idea since Seaside was ruled by DarkWing but after some thinking decided to go. This might be the only chance I have to get in. We left Green Roof in the morning we had packed some supplies since the trip to Seaside is going to be a long walk east.

As we walked Merlin said it was going to be a pretty safe journey as we were getting closer to Seaside and by extension the capital Stablelot which was only a day’s walk. The Person Merlin was referring to was named Driscoll. Merlin said he was some sort talent lookout type he knew years ago and he might have the connections to be able to get me in Merlin didn’t get that deep though saying that the last time the spoke they were on bad terms but Merlin hoped maybe since the many years things might be better. While we were walking to pass the time we all told each other made up stories each time trying to one up the last story on how ridiculous we could make it. With me talking about a society of fluffies the lived in the water Merlin talking about being abducted my strange creatures from the moon Monica with fluffies that were extremely small and lived in the walls and Willy who talked about fluffies that were part plant to be honest it was hilarious.

During the second day of walking things were mostly the same with the occasional caravan or campsite. While during the mid day we ran into one of the most interesting discoveries. During the walk there was a building in the middle of nowhere the structure looked pretty beat up but what was strange was that there were dozens of fluffies inside so out of curiosity and also feeling a bit tired we went inside. The fluffies looked pretty friendly most of them were traders most not carrying any weapons inside the room was painted all white with the roof completely removed there was a large statue of a fluffy sitting on a throne wearing a crown the statue was made out of scrap metal. I didn’t recognize who he was but the fluffies nearest to the statue were bowing down presenting offering’s some were raising there hooves up and down. Willy seemed completely infatuated seeing the big statue Monica was talking to one of the fluffies by the statue and Merlin looking just as confused as I was entered another room following him I started hearing a voice the room was pretty crowded with fluffies young and old surrounding something and once I got in going through the others there was a fluffy speaking in the center.

“‘ou see Dabid was once a dwiftah passin’ fwom pwace to pwace wiff bittewness an’ hatwed consumin’ Dabid’s heawt buh eben at my wowest dah god’s stiww saw wedemption in dabid in aww of us! at my wowest moment dwunk outside awmost dyin’ out in dah cowd Dabid was about to accept his fate den dah gweat god Noba webeawed hewsewf gibin’ Dabid a webewation of ouw cweation an’ dah gweat god’s an’ pawadise sayin’ Dabid was to cawwy dewe message an’ be dewe pwophet an’ spwead dah wowd of sawbation to aww fwuffykind!” David raises his hooves the entire crowd cheers and claps even some were crying tears of joy with some shouting how they accepted him as there prophet. David was an Earth pony he had a dark blue coat with a brown slightly graying mane David also wore a long gray robe with several necklaces. I had no idea what he was talking about Nova?, Creation?, God’s?, Salvation?, Paradise? these were words you never encountered before Merlin looked confused to probably thinking the same thing I was.

The Fluffies began leaving some headed back to the statue room while others headed outside as they did David noticed us and started approaching “Wewcome dah tempwe say dabid hasn’t seen am face befowe am 'ou hewe to be sabed?” I look at David. “Nu Souw an’ dah peopwe that am wiff wewe just headin’ to Seaside we saw dis pwace an’ wewe cuwious what wewe ‘ou tawkin’ about what fwuffie am that wawge statue supposed to be?” At this point we head enterd the statue room and David responded. “Oh Dabid see ‘ou am at dah Tempwe of Anu that statue am of him ‘ou see Anu am dah King’ of dah Gods he was dah one who cweated dah whowe wowwd! dah Goddess Noba am dah messengah of dah God’s an’ when dey decided dah wowwd was weady to webeaw themsewbes dey choose me as dewe pwophet dey gabe Dabid mission to spwead dah wowd of dah god’s to aww fwuffies an’ bwin’ them to sawbation an’ once dey when dey die dey wiww join dah god’s in pawadise whewe dewe am nu pain nu iwwness an’ whewe ebewyone am happy an’ aww am dead fwiends an’ famiwy am dewe!.” Wow that was a load to take in but the last part sounded kind of nice thinkin of you’re family if this paradise did exist you hoped they were there full of happiness. I heard a voice across the room “hey Souw Mewwin thinks we shouwd go we hab nu time to wose!” hearing this I started to leave turning back to David speaking. “Fank ‘ou fo’ wettin’ us into am Tempwe Dabid” David looks giving a faint smile and responds “Am wewcome Souw ‘ou an’ am fwiends am awways wewcome hewe dis tempwe accepts anyone in need” Once we all left we started walking again it shouldn’t take long probably only a day before we are there than I looked at Merlin “What did 'ou think of dah pwace Mewwin do 'ou think a Pawadise wike that exists?” Merlin responds “to be honest Souw Mewwin think that Dabid guy am fuww of shit.” Merlin chuckles as we continue our walk to Seaside. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! Constructive criticism is always appreciated and as a bonus here is the list of the entire main Anuian pantheon

Anu-King of the god’s, creator of the world, fluffies and the universe and lord of the Earth and Sky and Paradise

Jo-god and lord of the sea and oceans is protector of sailors and is the brother to Anu

Tan-Goddess of the Sun and Moon protector of women and children and sister to Anu and Jo

LeeBee-Goddess of the underworld the dead and judger of souls and the wicked and is the sister of Anu, Jo and Tan

Narcy-Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and is the protector of caravans honest merchants and politicians and of the poor and is the daughter of Anu and Nova

Halice- God of agriculture, harvest, alcohol, fertility, Beauty, love and festivity’s and is son of Tan and Fol

Nova-Messenger of the god’s and bringer of peace and prosperity is the wife of Anu

Fol-God of war, corruption, thieves and murders protector of soldiers and mercenaries and is the husband of Tan

Costa-goddess of the 4 seasons, craftspeople, artists and of wealth is the wife of Jo

Mim-God of life, growth and animals guider of Soul’s to the Underworld or Paradise husband to LeeBee