Last Hope Chapter 2 part 4 Seaside (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Soul you are a black and white Pegasus stallion with a dark mane. You and you’re friends are currently on you’re way to Seaside seeking a person by the name of Driscoll who could help you get in the arena to battle and hopefully defeat Xerxes than you can speak to King Maximums and expose DarkWings crimes. Along the way we ran into a group led by someone by the name of David who claimed to be a prophet and spoke of having a revelation given to him by a goddess named Nova and told him to spread there existence and salvation to all fluffykind. It’s been 2 days since than Merlin said we were close to Seaside and once we get there to follow him and by observations he seemed pretty correct there were a lot more people and caravans coming by with even a few small villages were we stopped by for a bit for some rest. during the afternoon after a few hours of nonstop walking we finally arrived.

There was a large wall surrounding the entire city on top of the wall there were guards going back and forth looking at for troublemakers. Once we were inside the place was gargantuan there were colorful stone house’s on every street as you looked from the gate you could see the harbor there were multiple sailing ships going in and out there was a giant long building with a fire burning on top I guessed it was used at night to help guide ships. And that wasn’t the most impressive part at the entrance of the harbor stood a statue mind you it was still under construction with it mostly just being legs and half a torso covered in scaffolding. But even than it was one of the largest you ever seen. The statue towered above every other building from what you could tell it was a soldier the statue was wearing armor and was standing on it’s hind legs. Other than that on the docks there were supplies being loaded in and out probably headed to places I never even heard the names of before. The streets were crowded with them even being large enough for wagons there were mostly houses where we were at but once you got closer to the water there were more markets and other services. Walking following Merlin you noticed at the edge of the city near the water laid a house a lot bigger with multiple stories you thought to yourself it has to be DarkWings.

We how many people there were it was pretty difficult following Merlin as if we slowed for just a second he would have disappeared into the crowd. After following Merlin for a few minutes we arrived at a long one story rectangular building and Merlin stops. “Whewe hewe it’s been a wong time Dwiscoww. Mewwin hopes 'ou hab fowgiben me aftah aww these yeaws.” We walked into the building inside the first thing I saw were multiple fluffies fighting each other by looking at them they were obviously just practicing after a few seconds I heard a voice coming yelling from the other side of the room “MEWWIN ‘OU SON OF A BITCH HAB SOME NEWBE COMIN’ BACK HEWE!” Suddenly this person a earth stallion with a dark red coat and orange mane. Grabs Merlin and slams him against the wall I take out my sword in case Merlin is attacked the same with Monica and Willy with there weapons. “Dwiscoww pwease what Mewwin did was fucked up Mewwin am su sowwy fo’ abandonin’ 'ou!” Driscoll had a look of pure anger but also one of deep hurt and sadness Driscoll looks at me. “Who am 'ou what anothah one of Mewwin’s boytoys 'ou bettah put that weapon down ow ewse!” Merlin speaks. “that’s my nephew Souw he needs am hewp an’ Souw put dah swowd down!” I slowly begin to put my sword away trusting Merlin’s words Driscoll responds. “Wait thee souw fwom Gween Woof dah fwuffy who took down Bwoody Mawy answah 'ou snake!” Merlin responds. “Yes pwease Dwiscoww Mewwins sissy an’ Souws Mummah an’ Bwuddah an’ Sistews wewe kiwwed ‘ou maybeh be out onwy chance of abengin’ them!” Driscoll when hearing this drops Merlin with him now looking at me.

An hour has passed I was with Driscoll in his office I was explaining to him all that had been going on since I first left the sewer. Monica and Willy went out saying they were going to look for a place to get something to eat. Merlin was outside not wanting to face Driscoll and giving him some time to calm down. “Souw again ‘ou hab my condowences if ‘ou came hewe 6 months ago wiff aww that ‘ou did Dwiscoww wouwd 100% say yes buh Dwiscoww onwy hab 3 weeks to pick someone wowthy fo’ dah awena an’ wiff am age an’ skiww ‘ou won’t wastes’ 2 seconds in dewe!” I look at Driscoll with pleading eyes “pwease Dwiscoww iww do anythin’ iww twain fo’ 14 houws a day if Souw has to!” Drisscoll sighs “eben if 'ou did aww of that am stiww be cwushed by Xewxes nobody has ebah defeated him su why twy!” I respond. “Doesn’t Xewxes hab weakness anythin’?” Driscoll looks down and responds “not to my knowwedge awso aww ‘ou say about twainin’ an’ weaknesses won’t change that fact who am uncwe am.” I look at Driscoll with a look of confused frustraion “what did Mewwin do to make 'ou hate him su much?” Driscoll looks at me and sighs “sit down Dwiscoww has a stowy to teww.”

“Dwiscoww met am uncwe when fiwst entewed seaside things wewe su diffewent back den Dwiscoww onwy just weft dah comfowt of home an’ dah outside wowwd seemed su cowd an’ mean. Buh when Dwiscoww met him whiwe wowkin’ at dah mawket he seemed su wawm an’ thoughtfuw he showed Dwiscoww dah wopes. We went on many adbentuwes togethah seawchin’ fo’ tweasuwe comin’ back empty handed most of dah time. Aftah awhiwe Dwiscoww began habin’ feewings fo’ him an’ it wasn’t wike it was one sided eithah as we spent awmost ebewy dawk time togethah doin’ ‘ou know what an’ aftah ebewy time Mewwin towd me he wobed me. Su things went on wike dis fo’ awhiwe an’ one day Dwiscoww bought some fwowews I wanted to ask Mewwin if he wanted to be my boyfwiend an’ make things officiaw when Dwiscoww did I gabe him dah fwowews an’ when I wooked ‘way fo’ wess den second an’ Mewwin was gone wiff dah fwowews in dah twash I bowed to nebah wet anyone do that to me again an’ I thought id nebah see him again untiw nao.” Driscoll says this with the last part making him start shedding a few tears after hearing this I put a hoof on his shoulder “Am su sowwy Mewwin did that to 'ou Souw nu did know.” Driscoll turns his head. “Fank ‘ou Souw an’ ‘ou know aftah heawin’ aww what ‘ou did an’ just tawkin’ wiff ‘ou Dwiscoww am wiwwin’ to hewp ou undah one condition.” I respond “what am it?” Driscoll looks out his office looking at Merlin with a slight smirk " Dwiscoww gibes Mewwin a beatin’ of a wifetime." Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few days. And of course constructive criticism is always appreciated.