Last Hope Chapter 2 Part 2 Dance Hall Days (FluffySadist)


You’re name is Soul you are a black and white Pegasus stallion with a dark brown mane. A few day’s ago you tracked down the last person personally responsible for you’re families murder and with you’re friend Monica worried for you’re health you decided to take a break. When thinking about how to take down DarkWing with Merlin and getting nowhere at first got an idea to try exposing him to King Maximus and getting him arrested for treason. But to get an audience with the King would require it to be on unification day witch isn’t until a month and entering a arena to earn a place at the royal feast. The first issue is to even be qualified you must have a reputation for being a master fighter ready to face any obstacle. And for the second once at the last fight even if I make it I must face Xerxes the undefeated champion. A day has passed since that talk Merlin said he was going to think on how to get the reputation. I was walking around the market buying a few essentials thinking about how to defeat Xerxes I asked about him around the market and from what I could learn Xerxes was a toughie alicorn stallion with a beige coat and a black mane he had a scar running down his right eye. it was said he he was one of the strongest soldiers during the bandit war personally killing over a hundred and once the war stopped he became a gladiator being completely undefeated. To be honest hearing all of this didn’t make me hopeful but who knows maybe since the bandit war ended years ago I’m facing a Xerxes that’s no longer in his prime. And with training, determination and a miracle I could defeat him. I head home with the day nearing it’s end I hope to get a few more hours of training in before dinner and rest.

Once I arrived everything was pretty calm but once I opened the door and walked in I was immediately hugged. “Souw ‘ou won’t bewiebe it Monica was abwe to get tickets to dance fo’ dah boff of us!” Monica says this with excitement as she does I hug her back thinking and respond “oh weawwy what about Mewwin an’ Wiwwy whewe am dey at?” I had no idea what to think. The dance sounded nice but if I was going to fight Xerxes I needed all the practice I could get. “Monica heawd Mewwin tawk about bwingin’ Wiwwy to wowk an’ twyin’ to get him a job. Su stawt gettin’ weady Monica doesn’t wan’ to be wate!” Feeling like im not going have a choice and also maybe having a little break won’t hurt. We leave and start walking towards the location “hey Monica how did get these tickets?” Monica responds “Whiwe Monica was wawkin’ Monica saw that a postah fo’ a dance an’ seein’ how it was awmost sowd out su Monica bought two!” as we walked we arrived the area was a large white tent we could hear music inside once we approached a employee looked at our tickets and told us to go inside.

Once we were inside the place was completely packed it looked pretty nice there were some fluffies dancing others were at the food and beverage table and the rest were employees we looked around a bit and once we found a place to ourselves Monica looked at me. “Fank ‘ou fo’ comin’ Souw dis means a wot to Monica ‘ou know. Monica sees ‘ou as a bewy cwose fwend bein’ out hewe seein’ aww these pwaces an’ peopwe it’s amazin Monica wiww nebah fowget it.” We began to dance and at first it felt pretty uncomfortable standing up on you’re hind legs and Monica pressing her hooves against you’re back scars wasn’t making it any better but eventually you were able to get into a groove. moving back and forth we got closer moving along with the music. I started to think about my relationship with Monica for weeks now we had been close friends always looking out watching each others backs but ever since that kiss I started to think of her not like Willy or Merlin but something different every time I got near I could feel myself getting butterflies in my stomach sometimes even trying to avoid her trying not to make the situation awkward I had no idea what this feeling was in the beginning I could suppress it as I mostly focused on my family killers but now with them gone it’s been harder and harder to hold it back.

After a few minutes of dancing at first going slow but speeding up pressing our heads together I felt so good but eventually though we stopped as standing on you’re hind legs can get pretty exhausting after awhile and we went to the food table once there we ran into a familiar face. “Souw how’be ‘ou been it’s been ages ‘ou wook su much diffewent Am su sowwy fo’ am Famiwy an’ who’s dis wet Benezi guess 'ou am Monica?” She comes up and gives me a hug “fank ‘ou Benezi Soul been gettin’ bettah how hab 'ou been?” Benezi rolls her eye obviously something is bugging her. “am uncwe Mewwin bwought in what was his name? Wiwwy Benezi think Mewwin wanted to gib him a job Benezi had to say nu he couwd bawewy eben fit in dah tent! Buh Mewwin kept insistin’ ebentuawwy Mewwin weft buh ugh Mewwin can get su annoyin.” Monica who was listening during the conversation responds. “It’s nice to meet 'ou Benezi Monica heawd many gud things say what bwings 'ou out hewe?” Benezi responds “Oh it’s nice to meet ‘ou Monica! Benezi comes hewe awmost ebewy time dah music an’ nummies hewe am unmatched an’ hey sometimes Benezi feews a wittwe wonewy sometimes if 'ou catch my dwift” Benezi gives a wink a light chuckle and leaves into the crowd I look at Monica “wanna keep dancing?” Monica looks at me I can feel my heart pounding through my chest. “Suwe” she says that we put our hooves around each other I start to blush and we dance the night away.

After the dance we begin walking home it was a slow walk and we looked up looking at the stars through small openings in the roof. “Did Mewwin teww ‘ou about dah awena an’ Xewxes?” Monica takes a breath and responds “Mewwin mentioned it honestwy it makes me wowwied Souw. Monica doesn’t wan’ to see 'ou get kiwwed Monica hopes 'ou weawize 'ou mean a wot to su many peopwe.” Monica says this with a hint of sadness in her voice we continue walking. “Hey Monica Souw just wanted 'ou to know that once ‘ou hab to weabe just wemembah to bisit otay’ 'ou am awways wewcome hewe.” Monica looks at me “Monica wiww” Monica says this with the sound of her voice making it seems like what I said was really impacted her I give her a hug and walk back to the house. Once we arrive back Merlin was passed out drunk and Willy was asleep I head to my room sitting down looking up at the night sky thinking to myself trying to understand all these emotions I was feeling. They all came to the same conclusion I could no longer deny it I am in love with Monica. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few days and sorry if this part is a little shorter than expected. of course constructive criticism is always appreciated.