You’re name is Soul. You, Jay, Chrysalis and you’re family have just arrived at the city of Swab. Before that you were attack by some Reborn soldiers. guessing they had scouts that spotted us and when we had our guard down they attacked. Jay was taken and we followed suit with Chrysalis following them. Once we got to there campsite after a few minutes of running I saw something terrifying. Chrysalis was fighting around 2 dozen soldiers she had tentacles coming out of her and was fighting and ripping apart anything that came in her path. Doing some fighting as well I was able to bring down one soldiers but mostly I was just watching awestruck by this… this… Abomination of nature. Once the fighting was finished I began my search for Jay at first I couldn’t find him but eventually discovered a locked door at the back of the camp. After a brief banter with Merlin I opened the door inside I found Jay beaten badly but still alive. But he wasn’t the only one I found there in the room were over 10 fluffies looking at me scared. Once Merlin got Jay out. I asked who they were they responded by saying they were apart of a caravan going to some place called The Garden and were ambushed and were locked in here about to be sold as slaves. I got them out of their chains and offered to take them to Swab and they agreed getting on some of the wagons at the camp and now we are at the current moment entering the city.
The first thing we did once inside was go to the medical center of the city. There all the freed fluffies and Jay were taken in and treated. And after around an hour of waiting Jay was let out looking much better but now in a caste. The freed fluffies were to stay though with city officials saying they were going to watch over them and escort them safely back to The Garden. Jay speaks “Ugh dammit cant fight with my arm like this but c’mon let’s go I’m sure Torres is waiting for us.” We start heading towards The Headquarters once inside we started heading to The Grandmasters quarters once there we saw several puffies with a map of the city all arguing pointing things out on it than they noticed us “Knight Lieutenant you’re back how did the trip go did you find the weapon!” Torres spoke “Yes Grandmaster the trip went fine until we were ambushed. I was hurt pretty bad but I’ve been trough worse” Jay says than Torres speaks “ok good may can we see it?” Than Chrysalis came in and everyone was silent. “what is this thing are you sure you really have it?” Torres said with confusion Jay was about to speak than Chrysalis responded “Grandmaster Torres it’s an honor to meet you. Do not underestimate me Sir I may not seem that dangerous. But on the battlefield ill show you wonders!” Torres spoke “Ok? Jay you and you’re team are dismissed until you’ve healed good work Knight Lieutenant. And while you are gone me and Chrysalis are going to have a chat.”
Leaving the headquarters Jay spoke “Wanna see my quarters? it’s the least I can do.” Merlin spoke “suwe Mewwin wouwd wub to!” I gave a nod Monica shrugged and Willy was just looking around. Following Jay. Traveling around the city it was a warm summer day with people traveling about the market eventually walking until we reached The Order Of Talons stone barracks. Inside their was a blacksmith and several swords and suits of armor going up a level we reached the sleeping area entering Jay’s quarters it was small but cozy with there being a bed and a small table containing papers a candle and a wooden painting of a young Jay and his parents. “nice isn’t it! Find a place to sit and relax for a bit id be nice just for a moment not to constantly think about war.” Merlin and Jay sit down on the bed while Monica and Willy find a place to sit on the floor but feeling hungry I speak “'ou know I saw dis fwied wat pwace a few minutes ‘way dah nummies dewe wooked dewicious. Am goin’ to check it out!” Suddenly Monica and Willy got up. I knew why Willy got up he always does when I go out but I didnt know why Monica did? “Souw Monica am comin’ am hab tummy owwies to an’ Monica nu twust ‘ou owdewin’ my stuff dey awways get it wwong! it’s annoyin’ as heww c’mon wet’s go.” I ask Merlin and Jay if they want anything they both say they arent hungry so me Monica and Willy leave.
[Pov Switch Merlin]
I Hoped the kid would be back soon being here alone with Jay I could fell my heart pounding in my chest then Jay spoke. “Hey Merlin back on that wagon what I could recall you and Willy seemed to be very caring being besides me throughout the entire trip I wanted to tell you thank you for that. I need to find time to talk to Willy as well and give him my thanks of course.” I speak slightly flustered “oh am wewcome jay.” I could feel myself blushing at that moment what was I doing? for all I knew Jay didn’t even have a thing for guys or fluffies. Than Jay Spoke “Merlin I noticed while we were on our adventure you were looking at me a lot. At first I just thought it was just the whole puffy griffin thing but even now you still do? Merlin I’m going to be honest do you have a thing for me?” I look at Jay in complete shock for a few seconds I have no idea what I’m going to answer that question! I started to think what I was going to say I had no idea than I thought of Souls words of just talking to him. So I look down and sigh responding to Jays question. “yes Mewwin do.” Things are silent for a few seconds then I feel Jays talon gently lift my face to his and he gave me a hug and I speak. “Mewwin just heawed fwom somethin’ not to wong ago an’ seein’ ‘ou su stwong an’ confident has made me feew things Mewwin hasn’t in a wong time.” Jay speaks as I feel tears rolling down my face “You know Merlin throughout most of my life I’ve haven’t been that good at romance. I was scared that when fighting I would lose that person with either me or them dying. But after all this fighting I realized something life and all it’s experiences is something we should cherish never take for granted. And besides all of that being with you in this dark place and hearing all you’re witty comments and seeing you care about all those close to you. It’s been making me feel things so Merlin what I’m trying to say is Would you want to start having experiences with me?” I look at Jay for a few seconds having no idea what to say as he starts to blush as he also puts his hand behind his back and speaks “Sorry if that sounded awkward I’m not that good at these sorts of things.” I blush giving a smile with a few tears in my eyes and finally I speak finally knowing what to say “of couwse jay mewwin wouwd wub to hab an expewience wiff 'ou.” I say that as we grab each other and we start making out.
[Pov Switch Soul]
Heading back to Jays room I couldn’t believe the prices at that shop! it was insane! Then entering Jay’s room I saw them both Merlin and Jay KISSING! I quickly exited going behind the wall I couldn’t believe what I was seeing but I felt happy for them. Than I look at Monica and Willy Monica speaks “what why did we stahp Souw?” I give Monica some hints with body language and she seems to understand “damm wucky bastawd” Monica says silently. Willy was confused by I just gave him the signal to stay and he did. Then giving a grin I speak “Mewwin Jay wewe back!” I heard Merlin and Jaw stop and Jay spoke “Oh you’re back already! heh c’mon in Soul!” Walking in I saw both Merlin and Jay blushing having a slightly embarrassed look and I speak. “'Ou wouwdn’t bewiebe dah pwices dewe. Totaw scam!” For the next hour we all eat chatting and generally having a good time with me and Monica noticing Merlin and Jay looking at each other a lot. Than after all of that somebody comes in a Knight. “Knight lieutenant Jay Sir! Torres requests you and you’re warriors presence immediately.” What did he say Knight?" Jay speaks the Knight responds “He didn’t give much context sir!” Jay speaks “ugh usual Torres c’mon let’s go.” We started walking heading to the Talon Headquarters once we get their things are strange. There are multiple wagons with Knights boarding them it looks like their about to leave than we see Torres he walks towards us and speaks. “Good you’re here there has been a big change of orders you see and I need you’re help.” Jay speaks “What is it sir?” Torres speaks again "Sarina of the One Great Herd has just sent a messenger with a letter saying she wants to restart negotiations. And is willing to hear our arguments again and seeing that you’re team is composed of fluffies you might be useful in helping convince her so c’mon we have no time to waste. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few days to a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.