You’re name is Soul. After you arrived back at Swab you, Jay, Chrysalis and you’re family went to the hospital. Where the freed fluffies were taken in and you you’re family and Jay were healed and cleaned up. After that you headed to Grandmaster Torres quarters where he was arguing with fellow Talon officials and once he saw Chrysalis he came over skeptical on her ability. Torres told us to leave as he and Chrysalis were going to have a conversation. After that Jay asked if we wanted to see his room agreeing we started another walk we were at the Talon stone barracks where on the first level was a blacksmith making weapons and armor and on the second level was the the troop quarters where there were rows the contained bunks. Going to Jays bunk it was small and humble with there only being a bed and a desk with a wooden painting of a young Jay and both of his parents. Once I was there I felt pretty hungry and wanting something to eat I said I was going to a rat place not the far and was also being joined by Willy and Monica. After we left and heading to the rat place we ordered our things and waited. Looking at the prices I was shocked but I didn’t say anything to the worker not wanting to be rude. After leaving we started heading back to Jays room once we get there I saw something crazy both Merlin and Jay were KISSING on the bed. Telling Monica this we waited for a few moments before announcing ourselves back and coming in with Merlin and Jay blushing and looking slightly embarrassed. We all started eating for the next hour and relaxing. Than a Knight came saying we needed to see Torres so leaving we went to the headquarters. Once there multiple wagons were set up with knights boarding them Torres came to us and spoke saying we were needed that leader Sarina of the The One Great Herd was willing to restart negotiations and that if we went we could help since we were fluffies and could bridge the gap. Boarding we began the journey to The Garden capital of The One Great Herd.
We were all seated in a wagon it moving heading to the Garden. It was starting to get dark out and it felt good to be honest since I started feeling tired. Inside was also Chrysalis sitting down resting. I didn’t think much of it at first than Merlin spoke to me “Souw does Chwysawis wook diffewent to ‘ou? Mewwin cant be dah onwy one seein’ dis.” Hearing Merlins words I look at Chrysalis and I could see where he was coming from. Chrysalis looked well… Bloated it was small but it looked liked something was growing inside of her I look and speak to Merlin “she wooks biggah.” Merlins speaks “yeah id be on dah wook out. Mewwin nu twust hew one bit.” MErlin says that as he begins to fall asleep. You start relaxing to and fall asleep as well. When you woke up everyone else was still asleep the sun had started to go up. Than after composing myself I noticed Jay he was the only one awake and he had his eyes closed bowing to some sort of icon with a bunch a weird symbols on it. Curious I went over to go ask him about what he was doing. “hewwo jay? what am 'ou doin?” Jay had a look of surprise for a second then he looked at me and spoke “hmm Soul I didn’t notice you already woke up. What I’m doing is my weakly prayer to The One.” I speak “Whos that?” Jay speaks putting the icon away “You see Soul its pretty hard to describe but The One they created everything you see there like an entity beyond us in a completely different realm. So when we pray to them and do good deeds we hope when we die our Souls will escape this realm and be reunited with The One in the great beyond. That’s a basic explanation it gets a lot more complicated when you get deep into it.” I speak thinking about these strange concepts as I do “su jay when wiww we be at Dah Gawden?” Jay speaks “Shouldn’t be that long maybe only a few hours.” As Jay says this the others begin to wake as the sun had now fully come up.
Hours had passed things were mostly quiet mostly just looking at the ruins and the chat with someone. When looking around at other wagons I noticed some of the other Knights had the same icons Jay had and were praying to them as well. Looking at Chrysalis I noticed she looked like she was in pain but was trying to hide it. Than we came to a sudden stop I felt pretty jolted so looking out to see what was going on I saw the city… In many ways you could say The Garden was a lot like Breadbasket. There were farms everywhere growing all sorts of food on every single level and also very different. First was the moat surrounding the city with there also being a large lake only in view. And the massive outer stone walls almost as tall as Stablelot’s protecting it the only way into the city was a draw bridge that was currently closed. Looking up you could see guards looking at us speaking than a guard that was outside the walls approached the wagon driver. He was a fluffy and was wearing chainmail armor with a dark green cloth covering it and had on a helmet that covered his face. speaking with the driver they showed a piece a paper and after a minute of looking at it the guard gave a hand signal and the drawbridge slowly went down and all the wagons headed inside.
Inside the city there was a combination of market stalls, one story wooden houses and taverns all around. On the dirt roads there walked dozens of fluffies going about there day most of them farmers, tradespeople, merchants, guards and caravanners. The wagons kept going throughout the city climbing the hillside slowly. occasionally fluffies would look at us confused on why we were here and what we were up to. Eventually we stopped at the inner wall some guards came up to us and even inside the wagon searching for a bit before leaving than we were allowed inside. You were greeted by a large stone castle it’s one tall tower having a dark green roof. There soldiers were training in the yard and outside the castle entrance were two dark green banners and stood around a dozen fluffies waiting. Excluding guards all wearing fancy and expensive clothes. The wagons all stop and everyone starts to get out with only Chrysalis being ordered to stay put. One of the fluffies exits the from the crowd she was an old mare with a faded blue coat and blonde mane. She also wore glasses and had on what was a very fancy dress. She approached Torres and spoke. “Gud am hewe am wucky am eben awwowin’ 'ou to come inside Towwes. Su fowwow me dewe much to be done.” She speaks with a stern look and tone of voice than Torres speaks “Sarina I thank you for reconsidering this negotiation. Alongside me I have brought to you 4 fluffy warriors from the Kingdom of Motor that will be joining us.” Sarina looks at us then gives us all the signal to follow her into the Castle us being escorted by her bodyguards.
Inside the castle it was not like the palaces in Motor. The place felt cold and dim only being lit up by candles it felt creepy being here. For decorations there were statues of soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding swords and besides the statues there were carpets in all range of dark colors. Continuing to follow Sarina looked at us and spoke. “Fwom Motow ow what we caww it Detwoit that’s pwetty faw. ‘ou know Sawina been dewe once mysewf many yeaws ago back den Detwoit was a wot wike Chicago buh heawin’ fwom scoutin’ wepowts Sawina wead dah pwace sounds compwetewy diffewent fwom how I wemembah it. Someone named Maximus was abwe to unite 10 hewds an’ cweaned it up pwetty impwessibe. When 'ou head back send him sawina’s wegawds.” I speak “if Souw can I wiww. Say how did ‘ou an’ dis pwace come to be?” Sarina responds “many yeaws ago when Sawina was a young mawe I had my entiwe famiwy an’ hewd kiwwed by a pack of beasts. Twabewin’ aww awone I wan ebentuawwy into mowe fwuffies awso not doin’ weww dey wewe aww pwetty young su I decided to take them in. An’ su we aww continued awwowin’ mowe an’ mowe fwuffies to join us. An’ dey stawted cawwin’ me theiw weadah an’ one fwuffie I fowget his name. Dis was wong time ago. cawwed us Dah One Gweat Hewd an’ dah name kind of stayed. We ebentuawwy found dis pwace awound? 15-20 yeaws ago? fwuffy think an’ settwed down an’ began buiwdin’. Constwuction was bwutaw it took some much of ouw enewgy buh we puwwed fwooh an’ ouw popuwation gwew massibewy nao neawin’ 5000 fwuffies aww wibin’ in safe pwace wiff shewtew, nummies, an’ pwotection.” Sarina smiles and has a proud look after recounting that story. We all eventully stop at a long room with a large wooden table and Sarina speaks. "Otay’ whewe hewe Sit. It’s time fo’ negotiations to begin. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few day’s to a week and of course constructive criticism is appreciated.