Last Hope Chapter 5 part 6 The Compound part 2 (FluffySadist)


There were a few seconds of pure silence as each side looked at each other waiting for the other party to make the first move. Than finally DarkWing spoke.
“Am goin’ to way down am weapons an’ wetuwn what ‘ou stowe! Do that an’ I’ww make am deaths quick!”
It seemed with our costumes DarkWing didn’t recognize us than as I was thinking about what to do Monica spoke.
“Nu nebah! Dis ends nao!”
DarkWing scoffs as Monica says that she begins to take off her mask and raise her staff, and as she does that the rest of us join her until finally I take off my mask looking at everyone with confidence and the second I did that I didn’t even have to look at DarkWing to feel how shocked he was and as he started breathing heavily and nearly dropping his sword he spoke.
Grabbing Excalibur from under my robe I prepared for the battle of a lifetime.

As I dodged DarkWings first strikes I knew that to secure this battle would require everyone else at the entrance ‘If they haven’t been found’ to start coming down and help so I give a shout.
I could only hope they heard me. As I kept battling DarkWing, the both us us dodging the others attack neither getting the upper hand. As the battle raged I decided to gain some distance just for a second to breath so with a kick of some dust I was able to get some in his eyes, gaining a few short precious seconds. DarkWing screeches as he violently rips off his mask wiping at his eyes and once he did that I got a look at his face… Holy shit almost half of the skin on his face was completely gone with it being replaced by deep scars I really fucked him up bad (he deserves it though). As DarkWing regained his composure he spoke seeming strangely… calm.
“How am 'ou eben stiww awibe?”
I speak chaos surrounding us.
“Guess Souw just got bettah.”
I start to grin a bit as I see DarkWing’s face now with a sense of renewed rage as he speaks.
Am awwogance wiww be am downfaww.
And without a second of hesitation DarkWing lounges at me prepared to attack.

His attacks came at me more ferocious and savage than ever before with the speed of the attacks I hold feel my arms shaking from exhaustion, and finally my body just couldn’t take it any longer and he finally got in a hit. There was now a deep slash going through my left torso up to my left wing cutting all of it off. I let out a scream of agony as blood started to drip down and DarkWing started to laugh manically. As I was down reeling in pain and dropping Excalibur somewhere, DarkWing approached with a crooked smile raising his sword prepared for a beheading and just as he started to wing down I heard Monica’s voice.
With her running so fast all I saw was a blur, as she charged right at DarkWing the sheer force and unexpectedness knocked him to the ground but Monica was not unharmed. Running over I saw that the blade had completely cut off her right ear, sliced her right face leaving a giant gash and left severe cuts of her right shoulder and torso. She was now unconscious and bleeding everywhere and I started to hyperventilate and sob realizing she was willing to die for… Me. Running over I couldn’t tell if she was breathing I speak.

After a few seconds of holding her I looked over a DarkWing seeing him cackling than speak.
“Mastah Howse suwe isn’t goin’ to be happy when he weawns what DawkWing did!”
I get up my eyes filled with bloodlust, as I start walking towards DarkWing. Sadness now replaced with a rage I hadn’t felt since I found my Mother and siblings, I didn’t care anymore I was ready to inflict unfathomable pain. But just as I started to get close to him I saw someone coming from behind carrying Excalibur. Plunge the sword right through his neck, and looking up I saw Merlin and he spoke.
“Dis am fo’ Mewwin’s Sissy 'ou son of a bitch!”
After a few seconds Merlin drops Excalibur and looks up seeing me… And Monica. With his jaw dropped he speaks.
“Howy shit!”
he starts to run over as I join him we go over to Monica as I speak.
“Pwease Mewwin ‘ou nee’ to bwin’ hew to a doctow ow somethin! Nu wowwy about Souw!”
Merlin and I starting using our robes as bandages as we start frantically covering Monica’s wounds than mine. Looking up for a few seconds I look around the battlefield and it seemed my shout worked as everyone from the entrance had arrived and the rest of the Order soldiers were dead or dying. Looking back at Monica I felt a sense of hope and relief wash over me as I could see her breathe slowly. As I held her Merlin went to go help anyone else who was injured and less than a minute later I could hear the Seer approach me and speak.

I didn’t speak but I could feel the Seer lay down right beside me as spoke again.
“Souw dah seah has somethin’ that couwd hewp. Take dah bwight wed biwe fwom my wobe an’ gib it to hew.”
I saw the red vile and took it and looking at it for a few seconds I spoke.
“what does it do?”
The Seer responds.
“It wiww hewp swow down dah bweedin.”
Unsealing the vial I give it to her with there being a veil of silence before Laius comes up and speaks.
“Souw can ‘ou stiww fight? I can hab some guawds watch obah hew, we nee’ ou su we can finish dis once an’ fo’ aww.”
I get up my body aching but I didn’t care, this had no end one way or another I speak.
“Am Weady”
Laius pulls out the key as I give him the launch codes and the Seer speaks.
“Tu do dis an’ get out awibe, we wiww fiwst head to dah command centah an actibate dah bombs. Den wush to a secwet pawt of dah compound, an once dewe we wiww entaha secwet twain an’ ouw mission wiww be compwete.”
Hearing all of this I start to walk over approaching DarkWing’s now lifeless corpse. Grabbing Excalibur I pull it out of his neck and look at him spitting on his face before heading back speaking to both Laius and the Seer.
"We hab nu time to waste. Wet’s do dis. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And constructive criticism is appreciated.

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