Continuing down the long dark tunnel, we were finally able to see it the ‘Compound’ It was a giant enclosed but open space where multiple buildings littered around and dozens of Order members going about their business. Also in the room I saw 6 giant long pointed metal tubes with doors being above them with one even being open, providing the only natural light throughout the entire place. As all of us were looking amazed but what was infront of us I could hear the Seer speak.
“Attention ebewyone!”
Looking at the Seer I saw him take out a large bag from the all the supplies we had and once it was out he spoke again.
“aww of ‘ou am pwobabwy thinkin’ how dah heww wewe goin’ to take on dis pwace… Simpwe if ‘ou fowwowah my diwections an’ be smawt not a singwe dwop of bwood wiww be spiwt.”
Not a single drop of blood? I was a little skepical like how! But just as I was think the Seer started to pull out several… Costumes? Disguises all of them Order uniforms and in our sizes. We each started to get handed on as the Seer spoke again.
“Am goin’ to weaw these an’ gathah two things, it’s that simpwe.”
I get handed my costume a bright yellow Order uniform with the mask in the design of a cat, as I start to put it on I couldn’t believe of hot this thing was like damn how the hell did Monica wear this thing for months!
As we all put on our consumes we are assigned to groups, with me having Merlin who was wearing a plain blue costume and Willy who wore a dark green pink costume with several strange shapes on it. And Monica, Laius and a few guards in a second group with all others staying behind to help in problems came up. As the seer approached us he spoke giving us our assignment.
"Mewwin souw an’ wiwwy what am goin’ to be doin’ am pwetty simpwe. Am goin’ to dah owdah awchibes an’ just takin’ one piece of papah. That papah bein’ dah waunch codes fo’ dis base.
Feeling a little confused I spoke.
“Waunch codes?”
The seer responded.
“Yes dah waunch codes, wewe goin’ to bwow up dis base. It wooks wike a bunch of numbews on a piece of papah wiff a bwue squawe an’ sebewaw wed an’ bwue stwipes.”
Blow up holy shit! The Seer wanting to get this over with singled to us to start moving and so we did heading into the Compound below…
As we were heading down we reached the point where the two groups would be separated. I didn’t have much idea what they were doing all I heard was something about a key. But as we were about to say something Monica looked at me and spoke.
“It’s su stwange seein’ 'ou wook wike that.”
Monica chuckles as I speak
“Yeah it’s su stwange I had just stawted gettin’ used to ‘ou without dah mask, it’s stwange seein’ 'ou weaw it again.”
I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when me and Monica hugged and waved as we went out separate ways, I really hope the Seer knows what he is doing. Now on the main road I could see both masked and unmasked Order members walking about with a few looking at me nodding as I guess some form of greeting. On the main road I could see many different types of businesses like blacksmithing, a canteen and even a tailor. Still not sure where the archive building was I went up to one of the unmasked vendors and spoke.
“excuse fwuffy do ‘ou know whewe dah awchibe buiwdin’ am?”
They looked at me with eyes filled with contempt as they spoke.
“shouwdn’t 'ou awweady know whewe it am? Ow what am some sowt of spy ow something!”
FUCK! did I already give myself away, I’m such an idiot why didn’t I ask the Seer! Without hesitation I said the first thing that came to mind.
“It’s my fiwst day!”
The vendor rolls back in their chair and speaks as I try everything not to look nervous.
“Of couwse it am… Goddammit dah Gwandmastah bettah stahp awwowin’ anyone wiff a hint of cwout in! Dah awchibes buiwdin’ dah tawwest one hewe it’s wite dewe!”
I sigh with relief as they point and I can see the building and we all begin walking there.
After a short walk we arrive, the place looked pretty empty from the inside but once we headed inside it was a completely different story. The place was bustling about with there being dozens of fluffies all doing all sorts of studying and research, bookshelves towered above us. Trying not to bring attention to ourselves we began looking. All what we could find were old faded papers at first just seemed like a bunch of nonsense must looked that was until I saw two Order members going into a a smaller more secretive room in the back. Telling Merlin and Willy to stay and keep looking. I begin to follow them to see where they went or if the launch codes were in there, inside I was luckily they didn’t see me. I began looking around seeing what I could find, I could find multiple maps of the sewer system, a piece of paper with each Order members unmasked identity and their mask and finally… The launch codes Putting all that I found in a bag I quickly got out and headed back to Merlin and Willy and once I got there I spoke to Merlin.
“I found dah codes wet’s go!”
We all head out of the archives and begin walking back to The Seer. I was a little surprised about just how easy it was to find the codes. Like were they that confident this place could never be found? As we slowly walked back to the Compound entrance I heard what sounded like running and Monica shouting.
Looking over I could see the other group running as fast as they could but not being chased by anyone once they got to us Laius spoke.
“We got dah key, buh things didnt go as pwaned we nee’ to find a pwace to hide nao!”
I was confused what happened! and just just as Merlin was about to speak. We were all rushed into a small alleyway and I started to hear a siren and a voice on a speaker.
Holy shit! I could start to hear chaos spread throughout the street and and I heard Laius speak.
“we nee’ to meetup wiff dah othews nao!”
Leaving the alleyway we began running hoping that nobody would notice us and as we began climbing up we were almost back at the entrance when I saw a dozen Order soldiers and him… DarkWing. Fin
Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.