Last Hope Chapter 6 (FluffySadist)


When we got back to Green Roof I found myself… Correct, if I was to describe my first week as duke it would be hectic. There were so many rules and stipulations I had to learn I felt myself feeling like I was being suffocated. There was learning governorship, assigning guards to their right positions, disputes over everything, and preparation for winter. But not all things were bad though the day I got back, Green Roof’s property manager actually gave our old house back as a showing of respect (Me and my family went inside just once for old time’s sake, but decided just to use it for extra storage) Monica and Merlin have been a massive help, doing some small errands for me, and always being by my side. And the salary let’s just say… Made up for a lot the the growing pains. As weeks passed the weather got colder and colder until finally the first drops of snow began falling down and all trade and travel to outside settlements had ended until thaw in the spring. Walking home with two bodyguards beside me after a day’s work I felt exhausted, I was clad in a brown winter coat with a fancy white and yellow tunic underneath. As I got to the door I wished the bodyguards goodbye and I could feel the warmth from inside and, feeling a little bit better opened it and headed inside.

Once inside the only person I could see was Jay cooking some supper (it being Opossum patties) sitting down on a couch he sees me and I look at him as I speak.
“Whewe ebewyone ewse?”
Jay speaks looking at me for a seconds before going back to preparing the food.
“Oh I’ve sent Merlin out to get a few ingredients for me, Willy I think is sleeping in his room, and Monica she went with Merlin saying something about getting the materials to make a dresser for you’re room (Monica decided to move into my room once we got back.) They should be back shortly though.”
I nod to him as I relax taking off my coat, Jay speaks again.
“How was you’re day? Anything interesting happen!”
I speak recounting my day.
“A wengthy heated inhewitance dispute, sebewaw wepowts of buiwdin’ code biowations, an’ a few petty cwimes. Dewe was somethin’ pwetty intewestin’ though duwin’ dah middwe of dah day, Souw had a tawk wiff few pwominent boices in dah community. Dey tawked about dah possibiwity of obewcwowdin, an’ bwought up dah idea of debewopin’ dah suwwoundin’ awea.”
Jay looks at me intrigued and speaks.
“Did you accept their proposal?”
“Cctuawwy Souw did, dey made a pwetty gud case an’ su what. Dewe nu hawm in buiwdin’ wittwe outwawds nu 'ou think?”
Jay shrugs his arms as he begins cooking the last raw patty.

No less than an hour later both Monica and Merlin had returned and waking Willy up, we all sat down at the dinner table and began to feast. The food was so delicious I decided to compliment Jay about it!
“damn Jay ebewy time 'ou cook it am awways su gud! Souw awways wondewed am ‘ou sewf thought, ow am it somethin’ dah Tawon Owdah teaches aww of it’s knights?”
Jay finishes his patty as he speaks.
“Oh I’ll say a little bit of both. All knights are required to know how to take care of themselves in the wild including cooking but it never got that deep. Personally though I’ve always liked working with my hands and such.”
As Jay finishes speaking I think about his words, more specifically the Order of Talon and Chicago. I wondered how they were doing with the war ending, and now having a unified government. I hoped maybe after everything had calmed down with my new position that we could all travel back there someday. I sure Jay probably misses his birthplace and it would be nice to go somewhere and not be expected to fight for a change. As we continued eating I felt myself feeling full and sleepy so with an empty plate I started to get up and going upstairs I headed to sleep.

I was the first to wake up in the morning, heading downstairs I go and start preparing breakfast (It was my turn to make it). Taking out some bread, fruit, and drinks from the pantry I put it on the table. As I was putting the finishing touches on breakfast the others slowly started coming down one by one and we all sat at the table with there being a slightly cold chill in the air as we started eating and I speak.
“Souw fowgot to mention dis fwom befowe buh yestewday I appwobed dah idea of debewopin’ dah suwwoundin’ awea. It’s goin’ to get pwetty busy once spwing’ time awwibes!”
I chuckle saying the last part as Merlin speaks.
“What’s goin’ to be debewoped?”
I speak in response.
“Souw hopes that it’s mostwy fawms that am buiwt, I’d wike dis pwace to be a wot mowe sewf sufficient an’ not nee’ to get nummies fwom outside.”
Merlin shrugs his arms as he continues eating. Grabbing some bread I take some chunks off of it and eat, and as I go to drink some water from a glass next to me. Something strange starts to happen

I could see small vibrations in it slowly getting bigger and bigger and not just that I could hear a quiet noise at first but slowly getting louder and louder, it sounded like… Engines the others started to hear this to as everything around us began to shake than starting to remember where I last heard this sound, Jay who was listening spoke as he got up.
“What is going on!? There back… Come we need to head outside!”
Following Jay with haste we all grabbed our winter coats and headed out to see what was happening. And once there I saw it the airship that carried us to Chicago had returned… As the ship landed on a flat piece of ground it’s engine fell silent as a ramp was lowered down and I could see 3 puffies and a fluffy begin coming down. The first two I recognized instantly them being the captain of the airship and Torres who with the Chicago agreement was no longer Grandmaster so didn’t wear those robes but a fancy piece of clothing. The other two I had a little trouble recognizing with them being a puffy with brown feathers and a silver cat body who was wearing Grandmaster robes (He must be the new Grandmaster) and a middle aged earthie stallion with a dark yellow coat and orange mane, who now that I think of it I remember seeing him at the castle at The Garden. Jay speaks looking at the silver puffy Grandmaster.
“Gavi- I mean Grandmaster Gavin what are you doing here!”
the puffy that I now know as Gavin starts to speak, but it interrupted by Torres as he speaks to us all in a grave tone of voice.
“It’s Chrysalis she… We need you’re help.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! With TTOGR now ended I hope to have the next part done in a few days, I wish you all a happy pride month! And of course constructive criticism is always appreciated, may you have a good day!