Last hope chapter 6 part 2 Shadows Over Chicago (FluffySadist)


I speak in complete shock.
“What’s dah heww am goin’ on, what did chwysawis do!”
Torres looks away for a seconds before looking back at me.
“C’mon we need to talk in private and fast we don’t have much time!”
They are all now on the ground as Jay with a bit of confusion and fear leads them to our house. And as I begin to turn I see that a crowd is beginning to form outside with there already being almost 100 fluffies looking at us. Heading inside we all sit down, some of us in chairs while others on the ground. Than finally when everyone is seated I speak wanting answers.
“Why did ‘ou come hewe? What goin’ on wiff Chwysawis!”
We all look at Torres who speaks while drinking a glass of water.
“Somehow she created an army, and with it has attacked us. This was over a month ago, they have already taken half of the city. With The Garden under siege as we speak, and us barely able to hold them back from Swab for now.”
Hearing all of this I felt a sense of dread and worry. I knew Chrysalis during my travels I never thought she’d do something like this! I speak wanting to ask a specific question since they arrived.

“If aww of Chicago’s weadewship has come whewe am Sawina, am she on dah aiwship?”
The Chicago fluffy looks at me and with eyes filled with anger and sadness speaks.
“Wance’s mummah Sawina when she fiwst saw aww happen. Dah stwess it caused, hew heawt couwdn’t take it anymowe… CUWSE THEM!
Lance put’s his hooves on his head as he begins to sob and is comforted by Torres while he speaks.
“Lance has been the appointed the emergency leader of the Chicago fluffies. Please don’t be hard on him, Sarina’s funeral was only a few day’s ago.”
The room falls silent as Torres continues to comfort him then Gavin signaling to us speaks.
"Please I know it’s a lot to ask but we need you’re help, The Garden isn’t going to last that long and our current forces aren’t going to be enough. So please you’re the most skilled warriors we could think of.
Jay speaks almost instantly I a serious tone.
“I’m ready to serve Grandmaster I’ll start getting my things.”

Jay leaves going upstairs than Merlin speaks looking at Torres.
“If Jay am goin’ to weabe am comin’ wiff him 'ou hab Mewwins wowd!”
Merlin follows them and as Willy watches he speaks following Merlin.
“Wiwwy wants to come hewp famiwy!”
Now it was just me and Monica, with Gavin, Torres, Lance and Captain SkyClaw all looking at us awaiting an answer, I look at Monica and speak.
“If dah othews am weabin’ souw guess we hab wittwe choice, I nu can wisk them gettin’ gib owwies tu ow wowse. What do 'ou think?”
Monica thinks for a second before speaking.
“Am wight, Monica an’ Souw wiww come.”
When Monica says the last part I couldn’t help but feel a little angry for a moment it seemed I was finally out of this life, but no were all going back to being soldiers for someone else. As we both get up the 4 from Chicago nod and leave as they head to the airship and we head upstairs and prepare.

In our room we got ready, I put my crown on the head of a mannequin than taking off my tunic. I go a small chest and put back on my armor I wore during our mission to the compound. Monica was also getting ready to with her grabbing her staff, putting on her white robe with her wearing leather armor under it. Finally I just needed one last thing before we could leave, going under the bed a grab a long thin metal box and opening it, I grab Excalibur. Now in the hallway I saw the Willy, Merlin and Jay were already downstairs and heading out, so heading down ourselves we grab our coats and leave. Once outside I could see the crowd from earlier had now tripled in size with the green roof guard trying their best to keep order. As we approached the ramp I stopped as everyone started climbing, Gavin noticing this looks at me and speaks.
“Why did you stop?”
I speak.
“Just hab to put some affaiws in owdew, Souw just nu can get up an’ weabe 'ou know.”
Gavin nods and heads up, as I make a quick trip inside Green Roof to assign a temporary leader.

Once I’m on the airship it was still pretty early in the day, so because of that me and my family were actually allowed to explore the ship as we please (I never knew this ship had a library!(To bad I can’t read though…)) And not just that even by request of Captain SkyClaw we were aloud into the command deck of the ship called a bridge, and got to look out at the vast landscape below us it was amazing! As I look out SkyClaw who was by the wheel speaks.
“You know it finally feels normal flying again since that event a month ago.”
Even though she was talking to the crew around her I speak curious about what she was talking about.
“What do 'ou mean?”
SkyClaw speaks continuing to look infront of her.
“Oh you should have seen it! Right before that insect bitch decided to attack us we were already dealing with something else. It was this sudden shake in the ground that got more intense as you went east, Gavin assigned me to go investigate and as we went east there was this giant storm of ash and smoke, we could only stay in the storm for a few minutes before having to head back with me feeling concern for the ship.”
SkyClaw yawns and stops talking as I think. They could feel the explosion from Chicago… What horrible bombs! What did she mean by smoke and ash though? Pushing away these questions time passed, and it became dusk when I could finally see it’s jagged skyscrapers we were here, we were at Chicago. Fin

[Meanwhile At Green Roof]
“What! Buh we nu can just buiwd an entiwe distwict dedicated to gawdenin’ an’ weisuwe, whewe am we goin’ to put dah manows!”
Benezi sitting in Soul’s duke chair wearing a poorly made makeshift cardboard crown, speaks to them smoking as she does.
“Souw has put me in chawge an’ I’ww do what Benezi thinks he wan’‘s, nu wowwy I’be got some big pwans fo’ dis pwace!”
The disgruntled upper classmen leave as she takes another puff smirking and chuckling to herself and speaking.
“Big pwans indeed!”

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in a few days. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.