I’m sorry if the art is kinda shit, this is one of those things that I really wanted to get out there despite my time restraints.
I’m sorry if the art is kinda shit, this is one of those things that I really wanted to get out there despite my time restraints.
Oh, thank god. I was fascinated by the story of Gua, the chimp some people tried to raise to believe itself human. There was also a great (I think Stwumpo) story with the same kind of premise, but it was pretty short and I knew I’d need more of this shiiiiiiit.
Uh, that is to say, this comic has promise, please continue.
Dod she… breast feed it? Is breast milk even nourishing to a fluffy?
At a certain point I thought this was going to be the ‘Wait a minute, that kids just a f1uffy!’ in a chi1drens c1assroom scenario.
Oh man, I vague1y remember a comic 1ike that… Or was it a story about an experiment?
I think the f1uffy was shaved though~ . . .If anyone remembers the comic im thinking of I rea11y want to read it again now.
It’s has 1ess fats and sugars which is probab1y why he 1ooks thinner unti1 they switch to semi/so1id foods at which point they fi11 out but sti11 seem s1im. (Abso1ute1y BS’ing and have no idea if this is true)
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah this ain’t gonna end well
Adult fluffies can eat damn near anything, including things that most would consider inedible, so I’d think fluffy babbehs could survive on (ick) human breast milk.
I recall a story on Reddit very similar to this. It was a tad darker, though.
This is fascinating
Oh boy, this looks super rad. Can’t wait for part 2.
It’s ok, she snorts pixie sticks before she breastfeeds
The art isn’t shit at all, you are doing a great job and I’m really interested in where your going with this. The fact that his “mirror” is just a picture of the (presumably) dead child is such a good touch.
This is only a temporary solution sadly. Tim can’t live as long as a human. She’ll have to go through the pain of losing Tim all over again
This has a lot of promise.
Especially because mummah seems as delusional as Tim.
My horrible mind wants Tim to become a serial killer of fluffies, but according to the tags, that isn’t likely to be.
You’d be surprised how many mammals can dine just fine on what comes from each others’ teats. And by surprised, I mean disgusted!
Or not, I don’t know, I drink milk pretty often myself.
Another Tim is just around the corner, for five bucks.
I love the story
What an interesting concept! I’m loving it!
Thanks! I actually have two endings in mind, but I don’t want to spoil it