Marty (by: Wolfram_Sparks)

What about large, heavy cement tiles?


Yeap that would do a few inches before having actual soil for your plants and grass.


Hrmā€¦ That seems to be an area dependant on author. I think the lack of ability gets played up a lot, whether itā€™s physical resources or mental. I kind of find inability to be preferable to bestest baby and poopie baby.

That said, either can lead to good stories if done well.


I mean, if the goal is preventing them from getting in, itā€™ll accomplish that.


Yes it is, it just gonna have some cleaning

Iā€™ve seen there is another barb that rather than spike its with sharp blades, some high end houses with high walls use that aside from the typical electric fences ones


Nah, he was obviously already building up that foundation of manipulation with his ā€œtearsā€ before the initial castration, that we saw him later try to play against his mummah. Thatā€™s why he didnā€™t try to hide his blatant rule violation, but played the slightly ignorant happy fluffy, then tried that ā€˜cutest little fluffy friendā€™ line to up the emotional manipulation, all to her face. His crying bullshit played on his mummahā€™s emotions to prevent his castration before, why wouldnā€™t it work now? He didnā€™t care that he that he may have hurt his mummah by breaking her rules, or that he made a liar out if his mummah to the veterinarian who placed a lot of trust in her, he just knew he could continue getting his way playing on the emotions of humans.


If she just got him fixed he could have Special Huggies but not get a mare pregnant.

Would probably still want babies though.


God your fluffies are too cute.

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Iā€™ve always liked the interpretation of fluffies as so incredibly short-sighted that they canā€™t even consider the consequences of their actions.

Like those comics where a fluffy gives birth to a litter of foals they canā€™t safely raise during winter. They were too focused on good feels and the fairy tale version of having babies to think about actually feeding them or keeping them warm. Or comics like this where the thought of his owner being angry with him didnā€™t even cross Martyā€™s mind.

I like fluffies to be as sweet and gentle and helpless as possible. None of that ā€œpoopie babbehā€ or rape stallion nonsense. Just too soft/stupid to survive in a world that doesnā€™t care about them. Fluffies were designed to live in accommodating environments like pet shops and homes with caring owners, soft carpets, climate control, plentiful food, etc. Fluffies donā€™t have the physical or mental strength to survive outside of a very narrow and pampered lifestyle, so things spiral out of control as soon as they confront even minor hardships. Thatā€™s why they can drown in puddles.


Too ignorant also. Itā€™s not like they get an education on how nature works! Itā€™s the combination of all these problems plus others that makes them only for to be a house pet. At most. Will, unless the street dictates otherwise but Iā€™m of the opinion that protagonists are exceptions by nature.

Side note: little Marty in his ownerā€™s hand is just too cuteā€¦ Iā€™m such a markā€¦


I donā€™t mind sometimes doing helpless fluffies, but I honestly believe that fluffies donā€™t have to be helpless. That they donā€™t have to be dependent on humans forever.

Shit, why do you think that so many of my X-Positive fluffies have powers that make them immune to the traditional causes of fluffy death?

I think, at this point, weā€™ve done fluffies being killed in every possible way. Weā€™ve done stories about fluffies being pampered in every possible way.

Itā€™s time to start doing different stuff with fluffies. If we keep repeating ourselves, weā€™re going to stagnate.


I like seeing fluffies as a failed mix of K-strategy and r-Strategy parenting.

r-strategy parenting is exemplified by insects laying thousands of eggs, but itā€™s the basis of ā€˜if I have enough children some will surviveā€™.

K-strategy parenting is what human brains are wired for, ā€˜by having a few children carefully nurtured we can maximise the likelyhood of each child reaching adulthoodā€™.

Fluffies seem to be genetically wired for K-strategy impulses (give huggies and love to good babies) and r-strategy impulses (babies make everything better, having more babies is always the right option) at the same time, both genetic codes firing at full blast, and the ā€˜bestest babbehā€™ and such methods are the broken attempts of their minds trying to make sense of the two opposites.


I think fluffies as a plot device for exploring humans or other things is a good venue for both. I love Stwumpoā€™s abuse stories because while they feature fluffies theyā€™re not actually about fluffies. Theres a story here about a lady rescuing pillowed foals from a bait shop and where itā€™s at now is a vet giving her an ethical dilemma about animal welfare versus her hugbox impulses. I like most industrial settings since theyā€™re about how dehumanizing things have gottenā€¦



My stories are about humans and fluffies working together. I fucking love the idea of fluffies being heroes, and fighting alongside human heroes.

I like the idea of fluffies eventually being equal to humans.

But thatā€™s a long way off.


The diversity is needed!


I donā€™t think fluffies have any insect DNA, but now that I think about it, thereā€™s another race of biotoy in my headcanon that probably does.

Yes, I said another race of biotoy.

And they actually predate fluffies.


You make a good point about innovation. Iā€™m just riffing a bit on what I like most, but Iā€™ve certainly enjoyed submissions that repeat the beats that arenā€™t necessarily my first choice, such as ā€œpoopie babbehā€ stories.

Whatever floats your boat, my guy.


I initially set out to write something other than just another hugbox/abuse story. If someone wants an average story about an average guy getting an average fluffy, thereā€™s a million of those. Why write another one? What could I do that hasnā€™t been done to death in other hugbox/abuse stories?

So instead I took things in a different direction. I donā€™t want to brag, but I like to think that Iā€™ve created a headcanon thatā€™s much bigger and deeper and wider and layered and interconnected than most other headcanons.


Insects are the most obvious example, but not the only example. There are plenty of reptiles that are also r-strategy parents to various degrees, including some known for their regenerative abilities, that would make more likely donors for those genes.


Oh. Well the biopets Iā€™m talking about are primarily comprised of lizard DNA.

By the way, when I said that they predate fluffies?

They predate fluffies by thousands of years.