Strawberry Cream waited in his truck impatiently. Eclair has been babbling non-stop about how much she loves her new mommies which woke up Cherry and now both of them are chirping and giggling and boy howdy does he wish he could just smash the damn things.
“Mummeh! Chewwy have tummie hurties!” Eclair said, having wiggled up next to the chirping foal, “Pwease hewp sissy!” Eclair’s stomach was conspicuously gurgling about how empty it was but the foal put her new sister first.
“That fluffy has got to have the lowest self esteem of any fluffy I’ve ever seen. Little shit is desperate to show she’s worth something”, Strawberry Cream thought to himself, “Should be easy to manipulate, and even a pillow fluff can be a decent distraction if I need to keep Maxine busy.”
Strawberry Cream took Cherry Cream and placed it on his teat. The foal snuggled right up and immediately latched on. “Hey. Poopie babbeh.” Strawberry said to Eclair, “Ou wan miwkies too?”. Good to make a good impression on the thing. Strawberry’s tits were getting so full that making use of another mouth just made sense.
Eclair squealed in delight. She hadn’t had real mommeh miwkies for an entire fowevah. Her new fluffy mommy was mean but so kind to a dumb worthless poopeh babbeh like herself. It meant the world to the little girl as she was picked up and placed next to Strawberry’s other teat. She latched on and suckled away in bliss. Today was the bestest bwight time ever!
“Now that the two pests are busy, I’ve actually got time to think without that insane woman looking in my head.” Strawberry thought as she leaned back in the car’s seat. Could finally relax for the first time in what has been the longest couple of hours in his life.
“Time to take stock of the situation. Maxine claims to be some kind of goddess and I haven’t seen anything that disproves that. Have seen a lot that does prove it. She knows just about nothing about fluffies and seems fairly gullible so I might be able to convince her of some useful lies.”
“She can clearly do some kind of mind control. I got caught in a wan die loop and she broke me out of that. And she’s keeping me from smashing Cherry…” Strawberry had an idea. He smacked Eclair lightly. Not enough to leave a mark or do any lasting harm, but enough to prove that he could, “Interesting. She forgot to set up a block on hurting Eclair. Something to keep under my hat.”
Eclair whimpered at the hit but still kept suckling away. Hurties were expected for poopeh babbehs, and fluffy mommy still gave miwkies even to such a bad babbeh. Eclair loved mommeh.
“She didn’t hear my thoughts when I was… stuck… in the toilet. So there must be a limit on how it works. It’ll need more testing to figure out a pattern, but there’s something there. She said she made Cherry and I more durable, but the little shit is clearly still getting hungry and I’m a little bit hungry myself.”
Strawberry took a swipe at Cherry Cream to test if the mind control wears off. He found his hoof instead stroking the chirpy baby affectionately. Not a total loss. Definitely will help give Eclair more of a complex to exploit later.
Strawberry held his breath and found himself starting to suffocate. Still needed air. Come to think of it, Maxine hasn’t done anything to Eclair at all. Either it’s because she hasn’t gotten to it yet or she forgot. Either way, Strawberry wasn’t going to mention it.
One important thing he made sure to make note of was that Maxine said she couldn’t end the curse early. That implied she wasn’t needed to fulfill the requirements. And that meant that she was ok to kill. She said she was going to make spaghetti tonight. Maybe hide away a knife under the guise of helping with dishes?
Strawberry’s strategy session was cut short by the sight of Maxine wheeling a cart full of meat towards the truck. “Wha Mommeh spends nao…” Strawberry said in exasperation. “There has to be like a hundred and a half pounds of meat there.”
Maxine hopped back into the truck and ruffled Strawberry’s mane, “What a good momma, feeding both her babies. Should be just about done shopping, can you think of anything else we might need?”
Strawberry shrugged her shoulders which Maxine took as a sign that they were good to head home. Maxine pulled the foals off of Strawberry and placed them back in the basket, “Sorry babies, gotta make sure you’re safe for the ride home.”
“Miwkies ams so goodses but Ecwaire undersands mommeh…” Eclair said, sad that the flow of milkies stopped but still trying her best to be a trooper, “Ecwaire ams be goodsies.”
Cherry chirped in protest as it was placed down next to Eclair. Cherry could smell the filly and wiggled close, hugging her with its tiny hooves. Eclair squealed in delight at the huggies and licked the chirpy baby as best she could for lickie cleanies. Cherry didn’t need it, but Eclair wanted to show how much she loved her sister.
The group drove back to Strawberry’s house and pulled into the garage. “Strawberry, take the babies and settle them down in the living room. I have so much stuff to unload.”
Strawberry took the basket handle into his mouth and made his way inside. He didn’t like it, but taking care of Cherry was paramount.
“Fwuffy mommeh?” Eclair asked timidly, “ecwair has poopies… eclair wan be good babbeh but no weggies… huuu…. Pwease hewp ecwair be good babbeh…”
Strawberry put the basket down and sighed. Well, at least the little rat has the decency to tell us when it needs to go. “Fineses. Mommeh takeses ou ta da potty. When over da wawa makes poopies.”
Strawberry bent down and picked up Eclair from the scruff of her neck and made his way to the bathroom. At least this time he didn’t have to get his stubby little legs up there, just had to dangle the shitrat so it could shit.
Eclair was babbling about how Strawberry was the bestest mommy or some nonsense. Strawberry really wasn’t paying attention. The taste of foal in his mouth wasn’t the greatest sensation and he just wanted to get this over with. He popped his head over the edge of the toilet seat and positioned Eclair with her rear toward the bowl.
“Wuveses bestest mummy” Eclair said happily, “heart ams so happies, no wun evah hewpies ecwaire be goodeh babbeh.”
Christ, has she been babbling on this whole time? Strawberry nudged the foal with a hoof but it still didn’t get that she was supposed to do its business.
Oh. He said “when she sees the water” but she’s facing away from it. He admitted the foal was at the very least good at following orders. Strawberry pinned Eclair down with her hoof to free up his mouth and said, “babbeh am ins speshal poopies pwace. Babbeh poopies nao.”
Meanwhile Maxine had been busy unloading the many many supplies she had bought. First she set up three new water fountains. One for drinking, and the other two for Strawberry to clean up the foals with. Then a food dispenser for Strawberry and finally an automatic litter box for the foals. She was pretty sure that despite Strawberry’s earlier mishap he wasn’t going to give up on using the toilet and it meant less work for her.
Next she got out the many wheeled step-stools and placed them around the house. She walked in on Strawberry and Eclair doing… something in the bathroom and didn’t stay to ask. She silently wheeled the stool in and left. She went about unloading her craft supplies, new clothes, and piles of meat.
By now Strawberry had taken Eclair back to the living room. “Swabewwy cweansies babbeh wiv wawa. Babbeh be goodses or get hurties.” Strawberry said as she carried Eclair over to one of the cleaning fountains.
“But mummy, wawa bads fo babbehs?!” Eclair said in shock as she was put down so that Strawberry could carry her rear first into the water.
“Babbeh. Be. Goodses.” Strawberry said in a frustrated tone.
Eclair bit her lower lip to stop herself from screaming as her rear was rinsed with water. It was lukewarm, just a little too cold for a fluffy and the sensation was driving her into a panic. But she held on, having spent so many forevers being rejected she did not want to upset her mommah and get sent back to the store. Or worse.
“Strawberry!” Maxine yelled, “Make sure Cherry goes to the litter box too and then bring both the babies into the kitchen, ok!?” She then turned to the countertop. Anchovies, Salt, bouillon cubes, crushed tomatoes, garlic, oregano, onions, mushrooms, and a large can of tomato sauce was arranged for dinner. She filled a pot of water and placed 3 bouillon cubes in it and got it over a burner. She minced the garlic and mushrooms and diced the onion, putting it onto a large saute pan. She was going to blow Eclair’s little mind with tonight’s dinner and reward Strawberry for being a surprisingly good mommy so far.
Strawberry wiped off Eclair and placed her back in the basket. “Many thankies mummah!” Eclair cooed unconvincingly, “Am bestests mummah.”
Strawberry rolled his eyes and picked up Cherry. The litter box had been set up so Strawberry might as well make use of it. He placed cherry down on the edge of the box and waited. Nothing happened. He nudged the foal with a hoof but the dumb thing just tried to hug him. Frustrated, Strawberry tried to squish the stupid thing but could only manage a gentle squeeze. This was apparently enough, because Cherry went like a roll of toothpaste. Eh, whatever works.
Strawberry picked the foal up and started to rinse it in the other unused fountain. He initially thought Maxine was just trying to waste his money buying three of the things but it was genuinely useful to have. He really did not want to have to do “Lickie Cleanies” on these stupid little things.
Cherry chirped in protest and squirmed against strawberry. She really did not like whatever this was. Very bad feels, why mommah do this to cherry? She felt the soft blanket of her basket and the smell of the other foal. She wasn’t sure about it, it wasn’t one of mommeh’s babbeh’s but it did give Cherry loves. Very confusing for a foal that still couldn’t see.
The aroma of garlic, onions, mushroom, and tomato wafted in from the kitchen. Strawberry had to admit, it smelled REALLY good. He placed Cherry down next to Eclair in the basket and made his way to the kitchen. Maybe there’s something to sketties after all?