My Fluffy Headcanon Pt2 (By Remarkable_Sue)

Now, my first Headcanon post was about the Breeds, Lifespans, etc. You can have a look Here.

Now i already go by the regular way of fluffy herds. Random assortment of fluffies that come into the herd if they can provide something. As big as being able to find shelter, food, and water to as little as being able to kiss ass with the Smarty. This depends on who is the leader. A Smarty or a genuinly good Leader that could be either male or female.

But, i do sort of want a sort of order. Something akin to both real horses, wolves, and what is already known on the wiki.

The Leader
The leader is usually the oldest and/or the strongest. They are responsible of the herds protections. They lead the herd wherever in the world they are.

The Lead Mare
The Lead Mare is the Leaders mate, and she is equally important as the leader. She is the closest to the leader and she is the one who chooses where the herd will get their food and water sources from. If the Leader dies, she will take his place until someone stands up to her or her children are old enough.

The Finder
The finder scouts out for food with the Lead Mare to feed the herd. In the city, the Finder will test the food in trash bins before anyone else… or forced to by the Lead Mare. In the wild they do the same with every new plant found.

The Friends
The toughies. Friends of the Leader who are equally or stronger than the Leader. They are also there for protection of everyone. They usually have families, but the Leader takes claim of the majority of females which can cause them to sometimes fight for the position of Leader.

The Nurse
This is usually a mare who watches the babies when times are tough and everyone needs to scout out for food. The nurse is a babysitter but also a teacher to the babies. Teaching them the herd, how to hide, and how to find food(if they’re weaned).

The Concubines
The herd is made entirely of mares. There will be maybe 1-4 stallions and also fillies, but mares tend to be the majority of the herds numbers. Mares who find a capable and strong stallion will tend to stay with him for protection. That stallion is usually the Leader himself or his friends.

This is how you will typically find a herd.

The Leader, Lead mare and her foals, concubine 1 and her foals, concubine 2 and her foals, concubine 3 and her foals, etc. The leader usually has an unlimited amount of concubines.

The friend, his lead mare and her foals, concubine 1 and her foals. They usually only get 1 concubine or even 2 if he’s lucky.

outside the leader and friends is The Nurse with the oldest of the herd.

How the leader is chosen is simple. The strongest. They fight one another to be able to lead the herd. Doesn’t matter if the winner is a mare or stallion.
The way the winner is decided if he/she managed to drive out the already existing Leader, his friends, and all other competition out of the herd. That winner has then proved that they are much stronger and more capable of protecting. The winner then takes the mares for themselves (if the winner is a stallion) but has their mother with them as Lead Mare usually.
Now, this is if the winner grew up in the herd. A herd can also be conquered by another unrelated fluffy.

This unrelated fluffy approaches and demands to be the herd new leader. They have to prove themselves by fighting the Leader and his friends. If the unrelated fluffy drives them all out he claims the new herd. His first action is to kill any children the previous stallions already had, or even just scaring them away. He can’t have competition nor can he provide for children that aren’t his own.
He claims a new head mare based on who he liked and things go back to normal.

Smarties… When they’re leaders, its a bit hard to keep a herd when they act like assholes. Smarties will eat the majority of the food and not share, when water is found, he drinks first until his fat self is satisfied, and he may even steal his friends mares.
Smarties Herd are easy to conquer for their friends will be willing to let him be driven away to have a better behaving leader.
So, herds with Smarty Leaders are rare and few that doesn’t last long.

Smarty Syndrome
The act of a mare doting on a single baby. The single baby is told that he/she is the cream of the crop of all fluffies. Being told that they are smart is very common. This is also the mother getting an ego of having a good colored baby. She only gets this way because she might be a breeder mare and has been told that good colors are the best and wont be punished if she bares many good colored babies. She often does anything for the baby smarty until she suddenly realized she is raising a monster. There is a 65% chance of the Smarty getting killed by their mother.

Feral vs Domestic

Designers or Pets are commonly found in Hasbio FluffyMarts. They are more docile and sweet with no desire to be in a herd or have a herd. This herd style developed only in the wild. Domestic fluffies sometimes tend to be monogamists, their litters are smaller, and they will be more emotionally fragile. They can understand certain situations such as a human being sad or upset and will try their best to be helpful with kindness and hugs. (Coloring is what is seen on a generic color wheel example.)

Half-Feral is when a domestic and feral have children. These are more popular as they are hardy like ferals with instincts, bigger litters, less emotional, and have more unique colors and patterns. They also have a chance of being monogamists too. Half-feral can understand when a human is sad, but will commonly talk to you about those feelings. (The colors in Half-Feral’s are more diverse example.)

Ferals are skittish when brought into a humans home. They will only start to trust you when providing food and water. Then they will be at a stage of Nummie-Mummah/Daddeh. They are unique in colors and patterns. They are always on high alert, shorter lifespan, large litters, emotionless depnding on trust, and have very unique patterns. They don’t like being forced to have a mate just because you said so. They still have an instinct to choose someone strong, but will ignore this if they trust you. Feral’s will notice a humans sadness, but they will fall into the first two categories if they trust the human at all, but their unique response is ignoring the sad human. (The colors are more dulled, but can also come out vibrant example.)

Feral herds leaders can also factor in what they look like.

A Normal Herd has multitudes of unimposing and darker colors due to natural selection picking off the vibrant ones.

The Brown Herd usually is dark and poopie colored fluffies who chose to no longer accept bright colored fluffies. Usually killed, eaten, abandoned, or spared and covered with mud.

Smarty Herd are always vibrant because the Smarty prefers to have those babies with vivid and eye catching colors.

Abandoned pets and designers clump together to form a herd, but they don’t know how to live in the wild. They have a variety of patterns, colors, and breeds. They also are almost always injured.

What to feed them

2 chicken eggs with 2 tbsp of maple syrup.
You want to make an omlette with this, suggested to make them into Tamagoyaki style which is made by rolling together several layers of fried egg.

1 cup of long grain rice, 6-7 cups of water.
Put the ingredients into a bowl and stir the washed rice until it boils then turn the heat to low to cook for 30 - 40 minutes. If the water evaporates too fast just gently add in 1 cup of water.

1 packet of short wieners, cooking oil.
The wieners are cut vertically to make legs like that of an octopus, there are even special tools out there to make the octopus legs more easily. Use 1 tbsp of cooking oil per 6 wieners. You fry them to your likeness and the legs will curl.
You also don’t have to use cooking oil, it’s optional to use it.

This is fairly cheap and inexpensive stuff if you are more interested in giving your fluffy a hot meal. Here is another way to feed your fluffy some premade food that will last about a week or so in the fridge.

Chicken gizzards and hearts, 3 chicken eggs, chicken livers, peas and carrots, sardines, red kidney beans, chicken broth, ground turkey, tuna, oat meal.
You can add or subtract any of these ingredients if your fluffy is allergic to any seen above.

Throw in your gizzards, hearts, ground turkey, livers, red kidney beans, and broth into a pot or medium. Turn the heat on and break up the ground turkey. This mixture should simmer much like a stew and should be cooked for 30 - 40 minutes depending which medium you’re cooking with. You can choose when to put your peas and carrots in, they wont over cook.

Near the end of cooking you should add the last ingredients. The Oat Mean, this can be substituted for rice, to thicken the strew. If you chose rice, this will be able to hold flavor and nutrients. Then the eggs, sardines, and Tuna and continuously mix them for 10 minutes.

I know not everyone is that willing to cook for a mere fluffy, but those two above are for those who are possibly hugboxer and fluffy lovers. This one is just how to improve fluffy kibble.

The base is Kibble. Here are somethings you can add to it. Some you may have to rotate.

Raw egg: High in protein, iron, vitamin A, B12, and biotin

  • The shell may also be added, but only if the eggs are bought from a local farmer as grocery store eggs are sprayed with chemicals.

    Goats Milk: No lactose, natural probiotics, hydrates the kibble
  • added as yogurt, kefir, or just ask milk. Those natural probiotics have been proven in animal studies to help with gut health and suppression of allergies.

    Oily Fish: low in mercury and a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Examples of oily fish is sardines, salmon, anchovies, mackerel, herring, and smelt.

    Greens: Find greens high in fiber, low on carbs, with no starch or sugar.
  • Greens such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, and dandelion greens

    Berries: find berries high in antioxidants, nutrients, and fiber.
  • Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and cranberries are great to add into kibble

    Coconut oil: A decent source of MCT, helps with dry skin and immune system function.
  • Find coconut oil thats unrefines and cold pressed, usually add a tablespoon

    Pureed Pumpkin: High in fiber and potassium and helps with digestive aid
  • add only a few tbsp a day depending on their weight

Magic and Flight

Unicorns and alicorns can use magic to move objects around, but only simple objects of light weight. The consequence, they will be asleep for 10 hours after. Doesn’t matter if the fluffy had full energy, they will be knocked out for that amount of time.

Pegasus and alicorns, depending on the breed, will have large wings. It takes a few smaller hops before a large hop. They can’t stay airborne that long, but they can flutter long distances. Their wing spans can be anywhere of 4.5 feet and 1. Those born with smaller wings don’t have this capability. The wings are water proof and can help fluffies with wings learn to swim as their wings can keep them buoyant.
If the owner doesn’t want their fluffy to do this, it’s simple to just clip their wings.


In the wild, mares will sweat out a pheromone if she is comfortable and well taken care of by the leader. It has been described by other fluffies to smell fruity and sweet. When a mare is in heat, she secretes a fluid from down below. Her tail is raised usually as well that indicates she wants to mate. When none of these are smelled, that means she isn’t in heat.

Stallions are just ready whenever the catch the smell of both the pheromones and the secretion. Stallions too produce pheromones that also attracts the mares, but it only when he notices a mare is in heat.

These pheromones are sometimes smelled by humans. Many described it to be a fruity ice cream or similar.

//should there be anything else I should touch on in the next part?
//Also, these are not held up in my recent stories. Possibly next time, but not in the current ones.
//Note: That one about what to feed a fluffy… that was just added out of boredom. They’re based off both human and dog food that i thought would be good to feed a fluffy.
//It’s late i might go to bed… or continue to write. IDK.
//sorry for typos and grammar.


I don’t know what to think about magic in these stories. Genetically engineered bio toys are somewhat plausible, but magic? That steps a little over the line in my eyes. Also I thought that wings possessed by fluffies were always small and useless, adding to their fuck-up nature and making it again, more plausible- genitecally engineering a fat horse replica with fully functioning bird wings seems a little too unstable for my head canon.

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