My Fluffy Headcanon (Remarkable_Sue)

My Fluffies Lifespan
In the wild, feral fluffies tend to live 1 to 3 years max.
Domestic bred fluffies live up to 7 to 9 years and the oldest known being 13.

Pregnant mares have a gestation period of 33 day. The babies are then grow to sexual maturity of 17 weeks, 4 months, But mares as young as 15 weeks, 3.5 months, have been documented having litters aswell but they tend to have a high risk of miscarriage or stillborn. The ammount of babies a mare can have in her litter ranges from 1 to 9, but the average is 3 to 5 in a litter.

Genetics of My Fluffies
There is always one baby that will be identical to the mother, this baby is known as bestes’ babbeh. The second best is usually the identical baby to the mares mate. The rest of the litter may have mismatch colors raining from paternal and maternal grandparents and their own parents coloring. Here is how it roughly works.

Mom is Blue and Pink. Her genes she can pass down are BsPs.

The recessive s is the genes for Poopie Babbehs, but the dominant Blue and Pink override that shitty color. This is the same for the dad and grandparents. Put all of the letters into a giant Punnett Square and there you go. Chances of the coat and hair color.

There is of course the chance of these types of babies.

Baby is Pink and White. PBWR. All of those are dominant colors, but the first letter is the one that shows. This special baby is sold at FluffyMarts and by breeders of possibly being a Good Color Guarantee. These special ones don’t have that recessive s and can only pass down really good colors.

Species of My Fluffies
Earthie, Unicorn, and Pegasus all have a somewhat equal chance when put on a pie chart. In-fact, i have found a website that helps me determine the species of fluffies for my stories. The Adjustable Spinner website. Here is what i put in.
Pink / Unicorn - 32
Blue / Pegasus - 33
Gray / Earthie - 30
Orange / Alicorn - 5

This is for any normal fluffy. What i like to do for non-alicorn born babies is i give them a different percent chance of an alicorn. This non-alicorn baby now has a 10% more chance of having an alicorn. This also applies to Alicorns obviously.
Pink / Unicorn - 32
Blue / Pegasus - 33
Gray / Earthie - 25
Orange / Alicorn - 10

This is now the spinner if an Alicorn mates with a normal fluffy or a non-alicorn mates with a normal fluffy. But its way different when an Alicorn mates with another Alicorn or a non-alicorn mates with an alicorn.
Pink / Unicorn - 32
Blue / Pegasus - 33
Gray / Earthie - 15
Orange / Alicorn - 20

Size Chart of My Fluffies
New Born - 50 Grams

  • Eyes closed, Hairless

3 week old fluffy - 130 Grams

  • Eyes are still closed, develops velvet soft and translucent fur

4 - 6 week old fluffy - 280 grams

  • The fur develops longer through this period, eyes open but are colorless aka black

7 - 11 week old fluffy - 600 grams

  • The mane and tail start to develop, eye color has appeared, they will typically speak their first word and a few more at this stage. Weaned at this point and moves to solid food

12 - 15 week old fluffy - 2,000 grams

  • Almost an adult fluffy, but not yet sexually mature, talks a whole lot more, fur is fully grown out but not the mane and tail

16 - 17 week old fluffy - 4,540+ grams

  • Sexually mature fluffy, mane and tail are filled out to the limit, the time they want a family.

Heights of fully grown adults on the small end is 1’ to 1’4".
The average height of fully grown fluffies are 1’5" to 1’8".
Heights of very tall fluffies are 1’9"+.

Heights of small Alicorns are 2’7" to 2’11".
The average heights of Alicorns are 3’ to 3’4".
Tall Alicorns are always 3’5"+.

Breeds and Pricing of My Fluffies
Acri Cornu - $10

  • A unicorn exclusive trait. The horn averages 4-8 inches in length and is often curved. The breed has somewhat better bone strength.

Albino - $20

  • Albinism in the fluffy makes the fur and skin white. They usually have pink or very light blue eyes.

Antlered - $15

  • Antlered fluffies are never vibrant colors. They are specifically bred to be game as their horns resemble that of an Elk, but usually shaped as a heart.

Bull - $5

  • The fluffy has bull horns of many sizes and shapes. It depends on how good their calcium intake is, if they fight a lot, or something happened genetically. This breed usually has a 97% chance of having smarty syndrome, its only the Earthie type, and they pretty much have a cows tail.

Cotton Ball - $25

  • A mixture of Albinism, Micro, and Standard. The average height is 10", they have an even amount of fur around the body and legs, and they have white hair and skin with pink or very light blue eyes. This breed unfortunately does not yet come in the Unicorn, Pegasus, or Alicorn variety.

Curly Coat - $20

  • Curly poofs appear on the body of the standard or combo breed. The mane and tail is usually kept plain.

Curly Mane - $20

  • The mane and tail of the standard or combo breeds are curly or even coiled, but the body has no such curl.

Curly Puff - $30

  • The coat and the mane and tail are longer than usual and curly

Dachshund - $15

  • The fluffy will be shorter in height (Around 1’3"). They have small legs and have a longer body. They usually don’t walk much and when mares are pregnant, their leg can’t reach the ground.

Floppy Ears - $10

  • The fluffy’s ears are floppy

Floppy Lop Ears - $15

  • The fluffies have longer ears that resemble that of the Lop Rabbit. This breed sometimes has cotton tails

Flutterbye - $15

  • Small and delicate beings with large butterfly-like wings. They have fluffy bodies still and are regularly set free as they are amazing pollinators. (Image Reference from MLP)

Horned - $25

  • Fluffies usually have horns like the bull, but usually goat or sheep horns. Nothing much chnages of the fluffy if they have horns.

Leggy - $10

  • The fluffy has slimmer and more defined leg structure with delicate and small hooves. Their heights range above average (1’9"+).

Long Haired - $35

  • The fluffy has very, very long and straight hair. They resemble that of the Afghan Dog.

Puff - $25

  • The coat of the fluffy appears to be more dense with more and longer fur. The mane and tail do not change unless the fluffy is a combo

Puff Haired - $25

  • The mane and tail are thicker with more and longer hair. The hair can be straight or curly.

Metallic - $35

  • The coat, mane and tail, feathers, horns, and hooves are all shiny and metallic. It is not one specific color.

Micro - $30

  • Micro breeds are small fluffies ranging from 7" to 11".

Royal - $30

  • The Royal has short coats, long and thick manes, and they have the cows tail. They are taller on average, and have defined and slim legs with small hooves.

Siamese - $40

  • The fluffy have the dark markings similar to that of the Siamese cat. The fluffy is still multicolored, but those dark markings always appears.

Shire - $70

  • The Shire is a tall and strong fluffy. They stand at the same heights as Alicorns (3’3") and can grow to taller heights. They have short coats, but they all have the signature White Feathers around all 4 hooves. Their combo breeds usually only have 2 legs w/ feathers. Combo Shire’s have a variety of colors while purebred’s only can be Black, Brown, Grey, and White, but the most popular are those that are monochromatic. This breed of fluffies are usually mute or rarely talk and are very loyal pets and mates. It’s suggested to not use a Shire to start a breeding operation as they will only want to breed with their chosen mate and no one else.

Standard - $2

  • Standards are just that. They have even amounts of fur on the entire body and legs. Their legs are the same width as their hooves.

Short Coat - $25

  • Fluffies with very short coats. The length ranges from being close to the skin or merely 2" long.

Tusked - $50

  • Larger and stronger with boar tusks. Very obedient and will protect home from feral fluffies.

//Small edit.


I might well yoink a fair number of these for my own mental head canon folder. specially the color and alicorn chances. theres a fair amount of breeding and such in the next bit of story I’m writing.


I do like this trend of making a post of your own personal hc about fluffies, particularly when everyone has their own things to them

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Spiky Friends should be on this list but I’ll let you decide.

whats that? I’m still new and i don’t know much about the breeds of fluffies

The Spiky-Friend is a breed of fluffy that has spines like a porcupine. It’s used like the Tusked Fluffy to cull herds, but the Spiky does it differently. (Respond to this to allow me to elaborate)

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Yeah i would like to know a lot more about this. It sounds interesting.

The Spiky fluffy will start out in a “foal-in a-can”, and then upon release from the tube, you have two choices, Should you love it and care for it like any normal fluffy and just have it as a pet, or lock it in the backyard with only food and water and don’t ever give it attention and love. Option 2 is what we’ll be following, the fluffy will fall into a short period of despair, but once it’s weaned you can finally give it its directive, “If you want huggies and love, go get them from the other fluffies”, and whenever an invading herd comes along, the spiked fluffy will rush toward them and hug them, but due to its spikey fluff, it impales the fluffies, leaving them bleeding out which then causes a chain reaction of hugs until the entire (or most) of the herd is dead. And you didn’t even have to lift a finger.

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Ah nice. I will add the Spiky fluffy in as soon as I’m done writing Chapter 9 in my series. Thank you for telling me about this breed of fluffy! :smiley:

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