"New Toys"--------History,scripts & Art by Inshi

Have you considered that maybe those three have seen that fluffy before, are aware of why he was there, and were trying to prevent him from acquiring innocent victims?

This one real do a 0 to 60 and makes me super curious about Brutus and his other adventures we get reference too


Hey, the blue one looks just like the one who got boiled alive in the other comic: Los Fluffys Hermanos---------script and drawings: Inshi

Esto fue brutal hasta para mi.

“Its his story…” doesnt make it good.

Would have been far more satisfying to see the abusive fluffy get what they deserved.

Sheesh, the harshest part is you’d expect the bastard to want the MEAN ones, as payback for being mean despite just meeting. But no, this little psycho picks the ones that were kind and wanted to be his friends.

My head canon is the bullies are probably next, but can’t wait to see what actually happens.

Punchie pal is brilliant. Hope to see more of it.