Nu huggies, nu wub! PART:1 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Charlotte was fresh off the streets and heavily pregnant, accompanied also by her partner Leaf and their previous and still small litter of five, made up of young colts and fillies that clung to their father’s back.

The man who had let the pleading family in was rough looking but he carried a kind voice, he said his name was Gaz and that he would be their new daddy.

To say that the young family was ecstatic would be an understatement as they all rushed towards his ankles and shins to hug their new father, this savior, their angel.

“bloody 'ell, we need to get you lot cleaned up, don’t we now?” the man beamed with a soft smile through his beaded and thick blonde beard as he lifted the mother and father into his bathtub and began to rinse them down.

“bu nyew Daddeh! Wawa am bad fo-” Charlotte tried to declare before her new owner placed one of his tattooed fingers to her lips.

“Now, now, I need trust, Charlotte. You’ve already trusted me by stepping into my home, the least you can do now is have faith that I’m not going to drown you, alright?” the burley gentlemen said.

“o-otay, Chawwotte twust nyew Daddeh, am sowwy… am jus widdle scawdie” she said with a quivering lip.

“id gun be otay speshew fwend! Pwomis! Weaf am in wawa tu an nu am scawdie” her partner coo’d as he pressed his head against her neck.

Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat and immediately accepted her lover’s reassurance, completely unaware of his hind legs shaking in fear, even more so than hers.

The foals were removed carefully one by one from their father’s dirty fluff and placed in the bowl of the sink, that had already been filled with a small amount of water that barely came up half way to their legs.

To the surprise of Charlotte and Leaf, they found that their young took to the water so much more easier than they did. They splashed and giggled about as they inadvertently cleaned one another with the eye safe soap water.

The two parents visibly sighed in relief and began to relax as the warm water flowed over their noticeably thinner then average bodies.

“have you two been eating properly?” their new owner asked.

“aww nummies gu tu miwkies an bebbehs, nu am nuff tu gu wound” Leaf admitted.

30 minutes later and all of the fluffies had been removed from the bath and the sink. One by one they were towel dried and then given a once over with a hair dryer. To the surprise of Gaz, he found only one out of the five foals urinated in fear at the sound of it, that being an exceptionally fat pink one, same coloured body and mane as its mother.

“hmmmm, Charlotte… Why is this baby so fat?” Gaz asked as he raised his pierced and bushy brow.

“dat am mummah’s speshew bebbeh, nee mowe nummies cus am sensitibe” she declared.

Gaz took a look at the rest of her foals and noticed that despite them not receiving as much nutrition as their cognitively impaired sibling, they were still very well fed.

“hmm can’t chalk this one up to BMS…” he grumbled to himself before he sharply turned his ice blue eyes back to the couple. “I have a quick question, do either of you have a bestest” the gruff man asked…

“nu daddeh, dat an wong, aww bebbehs am da gud bebbehs! Wite, Chawwotte?” Leaf asked his partner, turning to her.

“umm yeh… Nu bestest…” Charlotte clearly fibbed.

Gaz made of mental note of it before turning his attention to the now perfectly dry and puffy babies.

They were all very beautiful colours. Amongst them was a grass green pegasus like his father, a turquoise earthy with a blue mane and patches of pink on her flank, a two toned light brown unicorn filly with a silver belly and mane, then finally -not counting the aforementioned SBS foal- there was a black unicorn with a silver mane.

“ok, I think it’s time that everyone gets a name” Gaz said and immediately upon the words reaching their ears, the entire family lined up single file to receive their blessed new identities.

Gaz notice how as they lined up the black one shoved his way to the front with a tiny little huff.

“I saw that, you little bully, back of the line!” Gaz declared with his ropey and well inked arms crossed over his hairy chest.

“nu! Wan gu fiwst! Deserbe bestest namsie fiwst!” the grumpy little shit said before blowing a raspberry at his siblings.

Immediately his arrogance was put in check as Gaz carried him into the air by his tail.

“EEEeeeeeeppp! Tuu hi, tuu hi! Nu wike bad uppies! Mummahhhh!” the coal coloured little jerk cried out with snot and tears running down his face.

“DADDEH GAZ! PWEAS NU GIB HUWTIES TU POINTIE BEBBEH! HIMB AM ONEY WIDDLE BEBBE-” Charlotte begged as she advanced closer before her partner blocked her path and shook his head.

“himb bein bad bebbeh, nyew Daddeh mistah Gaz am doin wat am wite!” he huffed, to Charlotte’s clear dissatisfaction.

Gaz cracked a tiny smile at the father’s words as he craned the tiny terror to the back of the line and unceremoniously plopped him behind the green patriach. He was starting to like this stallion, he respected a dad that didn’t spare the rod but was still calm and fair, it almost reminded Gaz of his own old man.

“ok lets see now…” Gaz mumbled as he squinted at the grass green colt standing before him, "How’s about… Ganja? He asked.

GASP namsie am Ganjah? Yayyy! Wub Ganjah!” the emerald coloured pegasus smiled as he spun in circles like a happy Chihuahua.

“yeah, you and me both, kid” Gaz chuckled before shooing Ganja to the back of the line.

“hmmm you’ll be… Seabreeze!” he asserted warmly to the turquoise little lady.

“OOOOOO am pwetty namsie! Tank yew Daddeh!” she said with starry eyes and little tippy taps from her front hooves before going to the back.

Next was the two toned brown filly with a silver belly, tail and mane that covered half her face.

“hmmm you look like a chocolate milkshake… Milkshake sound good to you?” he asked with a raised brow.

SIGH id am otay… Miwkshayk guessie…” she said in a morose way before retreating to the back of the line slowly.

“hey, watch the attitude, missy!” Gaz scowled as she sulked away.

“OTAY! NAOW CAN BEBBEH HAB NAMSIE?” the black unicorn begged with glistening eyes and desperation in his squeaky voice.

“nope, I said you were last, your sensitive sibling is next” Gaz sternley said as he stared daggers into the little pip squeak

At first the little black chicken nugget simply looks at the ground with watery eyes until he shot up to look Gaz right in the eyes and do the unthinkable.

“Haytchu! An hayt dummeh bwuvah tuu!” He squeaked with a mouthful of fire and venom as he got down low and bucked the SBS foal directly in his little pink lumps.

“PEEEEEEEEEEEPEEPEEPEEPEEP!” the little pink sensitive baby rapidly chirped before throwing up and rolling about on the floor.

Gaz had already primed his hand to lightly smack the vicious little thug but was taken aback as Charlotte charged in between the two children and stomped hard enough to send the fear of God into her troublesome youth.

“NEBAH HUWT SENSITBE BEBBEH! MUMMAH NAWT GUN SAYSIE ID GAIN!” she screeched in his face before swatting him across the room with her hoof, stomped over to where he landed and stood herself over him. “MUMMAH GIBE FOWEVA SWEEPIES IB DU DAT GAIN! DU DUMMEH UNASTAN?” she roared directly into his ear.

CHIRP y-y-yus… PEEP m-mummah…” he whimpered as he curled into a shivering ball, with the air of his mother’s huffing nostrils blasting against his back.

Gaz was a little bit shocked and somewhat disgusted by how quickly Charlotte could turn on dime. Although the black foal in question was definitely a little prick, he felt that her immediate violent reaction felt too pathological to be just a parenting technique, too red hot and too emotionally driven to be good discipline. Nevertheless he decided that he would keep an eye on this and return back to his current duty.

“right… well… this pink soggy little peanut right here is called… I don’t know, fuck it, he’s Peanut!” Gaz said is an attempt to draw attention back to the issue at hand.

“YAY! PEENUT AM PWETTY NAMSIES!” Charlotte declared as she immediately left her unhinged state, waddled over and picked up her still rapidly peeping SBS to hold him to her heart.

Gaz then led the family into his large back garden, which would now serve as their permanent home. He already had a very large dog house out there that used to belong to his old Mastiff, but would now comfortably house that entire family of ex-ferals. He explained the rules to them that they are only allowed to urinate and defecate under his plants, not to eat pretty flowers, not to dig up his a vegetables and to come and tell him if there is a single problem.

Once they were situated, he returned to his kitchen, turned off the lights and put his night vision goggles on as he began to study and take notes.

The games were soon to begin…

-to be continued-



I know it’s a crutch to use a more MLP like face style but I’m still struggling to try and figure out what my style even is. But regardless I hope you still enjoy the first half of a two-parter.

(feedback is always welcome)


Did I miss something? It went from naming Peanut to Charlotte shouting about loving the name Omega. Is there a bit of text missing? 0_o

Quite interesting beginning to a story. I am intrigued. :smiley_cat:

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Sorry, that was my autocorrect screwing me

(fixed it, even I don’t know how peanut can be auto corrected to omega…)


Does this mean little bully didn’t get a name?


He’ll get a name, but Gaz is going to make him earn it.


What’s wrong with the name Milkshake? Seems like a name fluffies would love.


It’s not a bad name, but unfortunately Milkshake is a downer fluffy. Perpetually in a state of depression.

We’ll find out why later.


Shaking in anticipation for when we meet Gaz’s best mate… Baz. (They will invade the Falklands together and crash a Gazelle AH.1)


Unfortunately the Falklands will not be making an appearance in this series, but never say never to the future…


Imagine the horror of finding fluffies on the Falklands of all places. :no_mouth:

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Charlotte needs a derping. Obvious which foal is bestest.

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I have yet to decide her fate. But I’m currently working on sketches for part 2. I think I’m starting to actually get a “style”, although it’s still very touch and go.


THE Omega-Peanut…
Penultimate of legumes…

“Dis am Smawty Fawk-wands nao!!!”


“oi, dis am bwi’ish smawty wand noaw, innit bwuv!”


argentina would be a good name for a silver fluffy


Translation: "Ah my weakness! My balls! HOW DID YOU KNOW!!!

Liking this story so far. Charlotte seem to be doing a good job with feeding her offspring so I give her credit, but I still don’t like her.


Yeah, I’m trying to see if I can write these fluffies as slightly more than just their archetypes.

Everybody enjoys hating a bitchmare but rarely do we come across a mare that happens to have bitchie traits.


Loving this new story so far and damn this green one seem quite a decent fluffy and as always, hope the worst for peanut. Cheers my dude!


Thanks and it’s good to see you again, if you need more or the time being, please do check out my masterpost as I’ve been busy. I’m sure you’ll find something there to fill the need until I get part 2 done. :grin: