Nu huggies, nu wub! PART:3 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Previous parts can be found here.

Gaz couldn’t help but feel like a right bastard, he was used to drama when he hosted unknowing fluffies for his web show, but this time it just felt cruel. Leaf had barely moved since the truth came out, he was a crippled shell of himself. He refused to speak to Charlotte or any of the Foals that he had helped raise, he was utterly beside himself. The emotionally numb stallion wouldn’t even bring himself to go near the fluff house to get kibble or fresh water, simply content to drink chlorinated water from Gaz’s jacuzzi and slowly chew at the apples that fell from the tree he slept under, his health was waning his eyes dead, he looked one minor inconvenience away from going into the infamous ‘wan die’ loop that Gaz had heard about.

The tattoo coated biker watched from his kitchen window and sighed, there was having a bit of misery for the sake of entertainment and then there was displaying the soul crushing cuckoldry of a divorcee to the world at large. Against his better judgement to get the best content for the viewers at home, he hopped outside, sat himself down next to the stallion and lit a ciggy.

“how you holding up, mate?” he asked with his first exhale.

“Weaf hab biggest heawt huwties, nu feaw gud nu mowe, speshew fwend am wiaw, bwuvah Thown wus wowstest bwuvah, bebbehs nu eben Weaf bebbehs… Just wan sweepie foweva…” he sobbed into his half chewed apple.

“nah, no you don’t” Gaz replied as he leaned back against the truck of the tree. The stallion looked up at him in genuine bewilderment at his perceived callousness, “if you wanted to kill yourself then you would have in these last fifteen days, you want to off yourself, mate? Then go right ahead, dive right into that hot tub and end it” Gaz offered nonchalantly. The stallion slowly arose from his sulking spot and weakly, carefully and without conviction walked over to the tub, stopping right at the edge. He looked back to Gaz, who took another drag and relaxed his hands behind his head, before letting out a cold “go on, can’t keep us all waiting…”.

Leaf stared into his reflection, he saw weakness, a pathetic attempt of a stallion looking him back in the eye. Very quickly those sad emotions faded and from the ashes something new came, something visceral and intoxicating.

“HAYTCHU! DUMMEH WEAF! HAYTCHU!” he spat at his own reflection before stomping back to Gaz and dropping back to his sulking spot, now stewing in anger with puffed out cheeks.

“yeh, I knew you wouldn’t do it, I didn’t either” Gaz chuckled.

“mistah Gaz wan foweva sweepies?” Leaf asked, the revelation knocking him from his own pity party.

“yeah, that I did… Had this beautiful girl, a real fox, a bit of a headcase like your Charlotte, but fuck me if there weren’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for her” Gaz smiled as he recounted his lost love.

“wat habin tu wady?” Leaf inquired with a cocked brow.

“she pulled a Charlotte, went and got ‘special huggies’ from someone else, when I found out she then told me it was my fault, I wasn’t the broken bottle swinging, knife fighting, street taking outlaw she wanted me to be… so she got it from someone else” Gaz sighed as he flicked his ciggy into a nearby flower pot.

“dat am howwibwe!” Leaf huffed, absorbing Gaz’s anger via proximity, getting up and stomping a hoof, “wady sowndies wike hab bwoken thinkie-pwace! Mistah Gaz am gud, nu faiw!” he tantrumed on his host’s behalf until tuckering out and falling back on his stomach, too weak from the lack of nutrition.

“I appreciate the concern…” Gaz said awkwardly as he scratched his messy mane, “but point being: I got fucked over hard, so did you and sometimes you just need to accept it for what it is” he added.

“nu wan, nebah forgib Chawwotte!” Leaf huffed.

Gaz took a deep breath before lowering his shades to make direct eye contact with the kindred spirit, “I’m not asking you to, I’m asking you to look after yourself, to go over there and get some real food and drink, instead of sitting here sulking like some nancy boy”.

“…otay…” Leaf accepted, punctuated by his stomach gargling like a beast.

“and for the love of fuck, talk to the first litter, they’re basically grown ups now and they could do with a father figure” Gaz requested sharply.

“bu-” Leaf attempted to protest before a finger pushed against his lips.

“yeah, they aren’t yours, but you’re their uncle, they still need you… So hop to it!” Gaz instructed as he pulled himself up, dusted the grass and soil from his jeans and vanished into the house, leaving Leaf to ponder many things.

Gaz sat himself by the computer and began flicking through the channel on the camera feed. The biker watched as the emerald stallion lazily and unenthusiastically waddled towards the door of the fluff house, he switched to an internal view as Leaf entered the abode with head hung low.

“WEAF!?” Charlotte yelped in both confusion and fear, before being protectively in circled by her first litter, now so much more grown up and ready to throw hooves.

Leaf was amazed, he’d have been offended by the hostility if he weren’t distracted by how they were nearly as big as their mother now, their long fluff had even grown in to-boot, he supposed a growth spurt was to be expected, they’d been ‘walkie-talkie’ foals for so long.

“nu wan fite, wan tawkies…” he sighed, “Weaf nu wan fowgib Chawwotte, bu Weaf wan hewp wook afta bebbehs, onwy cuz Weaf wan tu” he explained further.

Milkshake and Twat still looked at him with ambivalence, never breaking the defensive posture.

“nu cawe…” milkshake sighed before excusing herself and Twat followed suit, but not before aggressively bumping shoulders with his former father as he passed by.

“Ganjah miss-ed daddeh!” Leaf’s once favourite son cried, before running face first into the former patriarch’s fluff.

“nu am daddeh, Ganjah, Weaf am uncwe” he explained with a broken heart.

“Ganjah kno dat, but stiww am daddeh tu Ganjah” he explained tearfully.

“w-wub yew, Ganjah” Leaf smiled as he wrapped a foreleg around his nephew.

“Bebbehs… Chawwotte nee tawkies wid speshew fw-… wid Weaf, awone” she demanded softly from the back of the fluff house; and just as she requested, her young packed up and left the two alone, save for Coffee and Sephy, why were both still just chirpies, suckling away at her teats, all the while Peanut slobbered his hoof as he whimpered alone in the corner.

“Chawwotte miss-ed yew…” she said softly, but Leaf simply wasn’t having it, he simply stared at her, eye’s blank, neither hateful nor despondent, simply hollow to her words.

“am dat wite?” he said plainly as he turned around, silently threatening to abandon the conversation at a moments notice.

“Cha-Chawwotte am su sowwy, nebah meanies tu gib heawt huwties” she swore, her voice creaking like a floorboard as she tried desperately to fight the lump in her throat, “am wowstest mawe… wowstest speshew fwend ebah…” she sniffled, “nebah meanies tu, ne-nebah!” she whimpered.

“WIAW!” Leaf snapped suddenly, sending Sephy, Coffee and Peanut into chirping tears, “Weaf wub-ed Chawwotte mowe den aneh-ting in da whowe wide wowwdsie. Weaf weft hewd fow Chawwotte, gut huwties fow Chawwotte, gib bwuvah fowevah sweepies fow Chawwotte, wook afta bebbehs fow Chawwotte!” he cried, his cheeks sodden and his heart laid bare. “Weaf nu can twust aneh-mowe, heawt am tuu bwoken…” Leaf added before suddenly collapsing from a lack of consistent food and clean water.

“WEAF!?” Charlotte screamed as she shot up and waddled to him, “pwease wakies! NU GU FOWEVA SWEEPIES!” she begged in a frantic panic as she shook him. “MISTAH GAZ! HEWP WEAF! SABE FWOM FOWEVA SWEEPIES!” she screeched and pleaded at the top of her lungs. luckily for the mare, Gaz had been watching and was already making his way outside.

Suddenly, the roof of the fluff house was lifted and swiftly, without word, Leaf was scooped up and brought inside to the kitchen in a rush, all the while Charlotte followed behind in a frenzy of tears. The creature was laid upon the tile flooring, placed in front of a fan and watched closely as Gaz filled a dish with kibble, softened in milk and paired with a bowl of ice water. Then the two were left within Leaf’s reach as Gaz sat beside him, all the while Charlotte beat her leathery hooves against the door, screaming in panic and confusion. Twenty minutes later found him slowly back in the saddle, if a bit worn for wear.

“you good, mate?” Gaz questioned as colour returned to the stallion, “you gave us all a fright there” he added.

“fowgut tu num…” Leaf chuckled to himself as he squinted at the bowl in front of him, before shuffling forward to eat.

Gaz excused himself to leave the little guy to eat in private, stepping outside to find the first litter gathered around by the door. Like Leaf, Gaz was also rather surprised by how much they had matured these past two weeks:

Ganja had grown into the spitting image of his uncle, with the only exception being his shrunken pupil, a result of his neurological condition. yet despite Ganja’s ever so slight derping, he was surprisingly thoughtful.

It was so very clear to see, even after all that had transpired, he was still Leaf’s little buddy, their heartfelt rendezvous in the fluff house was all the proof Gaz needed for that.

Seabreeze had bloomed into a playful prankster, jumping out at her siblings, peeing in water bowls and playfighting with anyone who tried to catch her once they found themselves in a tizzy from one of her mischievous ‘twicksies’.

It didn’t take a licensed therapist to see how thin her veil of playfulness was, in truth, more a middle child’s attempt at seizing attention and defining herself amidst a shaken familial foundation.

Milkshake, as the first born, had always taken to protecting her siblings and brokering the peace. In these last two weeks she had been instrumental in keeping her uncle alive, bringing him the occasional mouthful of kibble and speaking to him, even when he ignored her, huffed and threatened to give her ‘sowwy hoofsies’.

yes, Milkshake wouldn’t give up on anyone, not even those who may clearly deserve abandonment.

Speaking of which, Twat (formerly Coal) had fully embraced his position as herd leader in the absence of a patriarch (in typical smarty fashion), ever continuing to be a bully to his siblings, a taunting menace to his uncle and a thug to anyone who questioned his authority.

Looking like the spitting image of his true father never helped him much in his uncle and mother’s eyes, even more so now after being the one to spill the beans about her infidelity. truly he would only become more spiteful and demanding once the time came for the family to vacate the garden. Gaz could only hope that he wouldn’t become too much of a menace, once let loose upon the streets.

And finally, present amongst the kin was poor Peanut, Twat’s first victim. The sensitive sibling and Charlotte’s previous ‘bestest’ before Sephy, had impressed Gaz greatly. To the road hog’s amazement, Peanut had begun to walk unassisted, although quite aimlessly when unsupervised and barely more than a few feet before tiring out. The only fluffies he would follow was Charlotte herself and Milkshake, otherwise he would just peep and whimper at the presence of others, especially Twat.

Regardless of his limitations, he was a fighter in spirit, his ability to learn how to waddle about was a testament to that at the very least, even if his feeble mind never quite recovered from the trauma of Twat’s jealous wrath. Fighting soul or not, he was still, however, just a sensitive young stallion and like most of his kind, could always be found suckling his hoof with a blank stare, although with the addition of sobbing uncontrollably, replaying that horrid night in his damaged mind, again and again.

Gaz explained to them that their uncle was just starved and needed time to relax, although the man couldn’t help but notice that only one seemed to actively be enjoying the news.

“the fucks with that smile, Twat?” Gaz sighed.

“heh, dummeh nu-daddeh Weaf am nu stwong wike Smawty, Smawty nebah fowget tu hab nummies, onwy biggest stoopid fwuffy du dat” he smirked like the vicious rectal polyp he was.

“Christ, I regret not calling you ‘Cunt’…” Gaz scowled at the nasty unicorn, before Milkshake stood in between them, uncharacteristically desplaying any other emotion but apathy, she huffed at the man.

“nu caww bwuvah bad wowdsies!” she ordered with a tiny stomp.

“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t just hear you trying to tell me what to say, because that would be a very fucking stupid thing to do” Gaz growled at the young mare, sending her on the backstep by a couple paces, her fire going out once her eyes met with that of her host.

Gaz watched her sit herself down and puff her cheeks, clearly she’d taken on more of her mother’s antisocial personality traits than the biker had realised.

“a-am Weaf gun be otay?” Charlotte asked with a sob, still shaken from her previous fit of hysteria.

“am gun be fine, Chawwotte…” a tired Leaf declared softly from behind Gaz, beating him to the reply by a mere fraction of a breath.

“WUS SCAWED! HAB WOWSTEST WOWWIES!” Charlotte blubbered as she ran at him, throwing her forelegs over his frame, if Leaf had arms, she would have jumped into them as well for good measure.

“t-tank yew” he replied with his best put upon façade of stoicism, although it was plain as day, even to a fluffy, that her touch both soothed and tortured him. Gaz watched as the dysfunctional family returned to fluff house, Leaf included, before retiring early for the evening.

Their host was flummoxed a tad now, not being entirely sure what do now, nothing of value was going to happen in the fluff house for the rest of the day and so Gaz went to get his second best source of entertainment. The man simply shrugged, threw his boots up on the coffee table and started scrolling through his FluffTube recommended feed. Nothing particularly special took his attention, a three hour compilation of ducks attacking fluffies, videos about some urban legend revolving around a hyper aggressive orange dwarf fluffy on the loose, an expose by fluffy rights activists on the inhumane treatment of fluffies tested at Armitage labs, a mukbang where a tiny Chinese lady eats the foals straight out of a freshly cut open mare and even a PSA about the rise in fluffy herd home invasions popped up in the feed. None of it was what he needed right now, so he simply drank and drank, cracked open another and drank some more until the ceiling was indistinguishable from the ground.

By the time the sun got low, Gaz was nice and sloshed. He groggly looked up from his thirteenth bottle and squinted real hard at the comments on his last FluffTube upload.

“Y U no just frow them alll in teh tub? Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“this season has sucked dick! Does anyone else remember when he let a pitbull loose on the first herd because the smarty enfed the foals? That was quality shit. unsubscribing until we get the old GAZMAN360 content back!”

“hey, GAZMAN360! Quick question, why do you only record them in the daytime, just curious?”

And every other comment was either a bot handing out shady links, people fighting over politics, the occasional hugboxer scolding Gaz for playing games with the fluffies and the typical “awesome vid”, yay! More Leaf!" and “I wanna fucking drown Twat!”.

Typically Gaz would ignore the comments, as he found that back seat audience directing stifled his creativity, but two comments did stick out to him however, although the first one he would of rather ignored. The Pitbull was never his idea and he still deeply regretted doing it, but back then, when they were still together, his girlfriend had unique tastes in entertainment, even more so than him; and when she said “jump”, he would say “how high”, he always was a pushover.

He tried to ignore that comment and scroll down a little further until the night footage question came up. The answer was simple, the night footage was just boring, nothing but a whole lot of sleeping, snoring and farting and quite frankly Gaz did not want to attract an audience who would be interested in that sort of thing. That and it saved plenty of storage space on his hard drive.

When morning broke, Gaz awoken in a stupor, he wasn’t a spring chicken anymore so bouncing back wasn’t in the cards and he knew it. He shuffled himself over to the coffee maker, threw together an egg and bacop bap and sat himself down by the computer.

As he scrolled through the footage of yesterday he noticed that he had forgotten to turn the microphones off for the night. Curiosity struck him like lightning as he vaguely remembered the one question in comment section from the night previous. He listened to a bit and grinned a little as the noise cane through the speakers.

“enfenfenfenfenfenfenf… Good feews! Wub yew speshew fwend…”.

Gaz didn’t need to hear anymore than that, although he was pretty happy that Leaf and Charlotte had made up, they were pretty fast about it too.

“if only we could forgive and forget so quickly…” Gaz chuckled painfully before taking a sip and closing the audio window.

When he went outside to check on the family, he found Leaf still giving Charlotte the cold shoulder when it came to her attempts at physical affection, although he did seem to enjoy her company somewhat, even if at an arms length.

“ahh eyup, breakup sex…” Gaz thought to himself as he took another sip, then he felt a small tap on his shin.

“hewwo mistah Gaz, Seebweeze mayk gud poopies” the mare declared with a smile.

“uh… Well done, I guess?” Gaz said.

The young mare turned around and prepared to walk away until Gaz called her back. “hey, Seabreeze, how do you think everything is going?” he asked, borne from sheer curiosity.

“ebewy-ting feew wong…” she said in a concerned tone.

“really?” Gaz asked as he crouched down and stroked her mane, “what’s up?”.

“weww… Seebweeze wowwied…” she explained.

“can you clarify?” he responded.

“am heaw tings, fwom mistah Gaz shed…” she continued, “wike… wen fwuffies gu fow wun bu fastew”.

“that? That was probably just Leaf and Charlotte” Gaz attempted to clarify, only to find her shaking her fuzzy head at him.

“nu-uh, mummah an nu-daddeh Weaf wewe habin sweepie timsies in da fwuff howsie!” she added.

“really now?” Gaz said in genuine shock as he crouched down to whisper, “who did you see?” he probed further.

The mare visibly mulled the answer over in her mind for a moment, silently debating whether or not to say. “am famiwy gun be in twubwe?” she asked.

“not if you tell me the truth” Gaz assured as he lightly rustled her mane.

“…otay…Seebweeze see Miwkshake…com backsie tu fwuff howsie wen noisie stawp” she confessed.

“I see, thank you for telling me the truth” Gaz smiled warmly before standing tall, filling his lungs and belting out his target’s name. “MILKSHAKE!” he roared out, freezing the family in place, all with the exception of the named mare, who took off in a sprint behind the shed, squeezing into the gap between the fence and backwall.

“what the fuck are you doing?” Gaz said as he reached in, grabbed her buy the scruff and yanked her to eyeball height, “have you been inviting ferals into my garden?” Gaz growled at her.

“n-nu!” she peeped in a panic.

“then explain the hole you were digging back there!” he barked at her, forcing a tiny squirt of fearful piss to fall onto the grass below her.

“nu kno! Miwkshake nu know!” she pleaded.

Gaz took a deep breath and lowered her to the grass, all the while pinching the bridge of his nose in aggravation. “fine… fine… not going to tell the truth? that’s cool by me… that’s just swell…” Gaz grumbled as he stomped into the shed and returned with a few bricks. “I suppose you wouldn’t care if I block off the back of the shed then?” he asked.

“…nu…” she said, her legs shaking and her breath quickened as her project was becoming undone before her eyes.

Gaz watched her poker face slip away slowly as he placed down the first few bricks, “ready to tell the truth?” he ask her as he got up and began circling around the structure, to seal off the other side. “I hope you understand that you’re going to be punished for breaking one of the rules…” Gaz said with a huff.

“nu wan saysie!” Milkshake began to cry.

“WELL TELL ME OR I’M PUTTING THE FUCKING BRICK DOWN” Gaz snapped at her, sending the young mare into a fit of panic, falling to the ground, holding her head with her hooves and repeating her last statement ad nauseum.

“NU WAN SAYSIE! NU WAN SAYSIE! NU WAN SAYSIE!” she began to hyperventilate and squeak as Gaz placed the final brick down, turned to the mare and grabbed her by the mane. the biker lifted her high and stomped to the edge of his jacuzzi, all the while calling for the rest of the family to fall in line.

“Milkshake has broken the rules and so she needs a punishment!” Gaz declared, “she would have only gotten a sorry sticking if she had just told the fucking truth, but the lying and the secrets are what’s currently holding her up in the air, not me!” he explained.

“NU WAN SAYSIE! BAD UPPIES! NU WIKE! BAD UPPIES AM BAD FOW TUMMEH BEBBEHS!” she cried, as she tried to hide the shame on her face with her hooves.

Suddenly, at a remarkable volume for a fluffy, a voice roared out. “WEAVE SPESHEW FWEND AWOOOONE!” Twat’s voice squeaked as Gaz felt a tiny horn fail to even graze the fabric of his jeans.

The entire garden fell deathly silent, one could hear the wind and the buzzing of bees and the sound of cars as they drove by the property.

“…w-what?..” escaped Gaz’s slacked jaw, his attention so utterly taken that he had not even noticed that Milkshake had fallen from his grasp, now flailing about in the jacuzzi, fighting to stay afloat. When Gaz returned to the moment he reached down and plucked her out, leaving her by the edge of the water to pant and catch her breath.

“you fucking things make me sick…” Gaz scoffed as he sat himself upon the grass, utterly sickened and shaken by what he had just heard. Behind him, he could hear the entire family exploding into accusatory or defensive positions, utter chaos.

All the skeletons were dragged out of the closet. Leaf accused Milkshake of being just like her mother and Twat being just another Thorn, Ganja was trying desperately to calm his father, Charlotte was clearly sickened and in utter hysterics, Seabreeze was voiding her stomach at the revelation and all the while Coffee and Sephy sat upon Charlotte’s back as they peeped and chirped in fear of the aggressive atmosphere.

Gaz lit a ciggy and tried to ignore the chaotic orchestra of tears, rage, confusion and disgust.

“HAYTCU! DEM AM AWW BAD BEBBEHS! JUS WIKE CHAWWOTTE AM BAD MAWE!, TAYK SOWWY HOOFSIES!” Leaf roared as he kicked Gunja aside and tackled Charlotte to the ground, knocking her two chirpies into the grass by Leaf’s hooves. The stallion’s chest heaved with white hot rage as he looked down at the Sephy, who sniffed about as he looked up in the stallion’s direction. “peep, peeeep, pe- d-daddeh?..” the foal asked, uttering his first words as his eyelids slowly opened to behold the fluffy standing before him.

Gaz had no time to react as he turned around and found Leaf, reared up high, foaming in blind hate before he slammed his hoof down on the foal’s soft head with a malicious, “YEW AM NU WEAF BEBBEH!” he screached in a mad spiral. He then turned his attention to Coffee, whom like her brother, fearfully peeped for a parent to save her.

“NUUUUUU BEBBEHHH!” Charlotte screamed with a shattered heart as she barrelled into her ex-partner, knocking him to the side, shattering his ribs like a pane of sugarglass. Leaf gasped for air, yet he still crawled towards the chocolate coloured foal, still fuelled by a foaming desire to get even with the legacy of Thorn.

“hayt… yew… hayt yew… com hewe dummeh Thown bebbeh…” Leaf growled at the frightened chirpy, before Charlotte yanked her away from his proximity, standing between them.

“NU GIB FOWEVA SWEEPES TU BEBBEHS!” Charlotte begged in a painful combination of fear, panic and rage.

“nu… cawe…” Leaf responded as he crawled on, until finding his neck pinned by his ex-lover, “d-dem… Thown… bebbehs… gib!” he huffed with a mouth full of blood.

“nu… Sephy an Cowffie am Weaf bebbehs… ONWY DEM AM THOWN BEBBEHS!” Charlotte admitted as she pointed to her first litter as they fought and screached around her, encircling the familial warzone that they both sat at the center of. “d-dey wewe fwom… b-bad huggies…” she forced out tearfully, her greatest shame laid out to the world.

Leaf’s fire cooled somewhat until panic set in. He then looked behind to where he had crawled from, to see the broken and mashed remains his child, destroyed by his hoof, its dead and glassy eye, watching, accusatory from beyond the grave.

“nu… nununuNUNUNUNUNUNUNUNNUUU!” he screamed and panicked once the truth had set in, the gravity of his crime weighing him down a thousand fold heavier than Charlotte’s hoof. “BEEEEEBEEEEEEHHHHH-HHH_HHH_HHHHhhhh! AM SU SOWWWWWWYYYY!” he cried until suddenly going limp, dropping his head to the ground in shame. “…am munstah…Weaf am munstah…am munstah…” he would repeat in a defeated tone as he sobbed into the grass, his dead eyes looking off a million miles away.

“Chawwotte am munstah tuu… nu am gud mummah… nu can pwotec bebbehs, nu can pwotec weaf… Chawwotte nu can eben pwotec Chawwotte fwom Thown… jus wan huwties tu gu way…” she admitted as she pulled away, before waddling to the edge of the pool and sobbed.

Gaz began to gather up the sobbing and heartbroken family in a washing basket, he was done with this lot, he liked a bit of drama and chaos but this was just sickening, like some drug addled tragedy that just kept getting more bleak. by the time he had picked up Seabreeze and Ganja, he heard a splash behind him, he turned in a panic to find Twat, who had kicked Charlotte into the water.

“dummeh mummah am bwoken aneh-way… Smawty nu nee nu mowe!” he huffed proudly.

And there she laid, face down in the jacuzzi, not even attempting to fight for her life as Leaf struggled desperately to drag himself to her. “Pwease nu weave Weaf, PWEASE NU GU FOWEVA SWEEPIES!” he begged. Gaz reached in and yanked the mare out, but it was too late, maybe if she wasn’t so determined to end it then Gaz may of had just enough time.

“YOU!” Gaz gnashed at Twat, “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU, I DON’T HAVE A WORD FOR WHAT YOU ARE… Y-YOU’RE EVIL!” he declared as he gripped the smarty’s throat, lifting him off the ground, “YOU WANTED ALL OF THIS, DIDN’T YOU?” he interrogated as he throttled the stallion’s neck.

“NU…” Milkshake declared, “speshew fwend onwy du wat Miwkshake say du…” she confessed.

“holy fuck… it was you, always by his side, his little fucking shadow…” Gaz almost laughed, “I bet you helped him with the needles too, whispering shit into his ear… So tell me, why? And answer quickly because he’s running out of air”. Gaz demanded to know.

“Miwkshake shud ob bin bestest, nu Peenut, nu Sephy, MIWKSHAKE! wus fiwst ou ob tummeh, du aww da cweanies an wook afta udda bebbehs… bu nebah enuff fow bein bestest… noaw Miwkshake an speshew fwend am bestest, nu-fwuffy ewse!” she huffed.

Gaz was done, he was more than done, this was some serial killer shit and he was far beyond entertaining it. So without a word he grabbed Milkshake and with every ounce of hate in his body he flung them over the fence. It did’t take long for a confirmation to come out from the other end.

“owies… weg huwties… speshew fwend? am Miwkshake otay?.. SPESHEW FWEND?!” Twat cried out. And although Gaz truly was done with these abominations, he couldn’t help but peak over the fence. What he found was Twat, for the first time in his spiteful and cruel life, crying for the sake of another. Milkshake had landed face first into a wall, splattering her brains across the pavement. The heartbroken hellgremlin looked back at the fence and locked eye’s one last time with Gaz. It was one of those looks, the kind you only really see in old westerns, that glare that says a thousands words and not a single one of them was kind. And then just like that, Twat took off down the road, leaving a trail of tears and defeated "haytchu"s in his wake.

Three hours later found Gaz sat in his living room with the remaining fluffies. “I think it would be best for you lot to move on” he sighed, “but one of you took a life and I can’t let that slide…” he added sombrely, “so… What should his punishment be?” he asked the family.

To his surprise, only Leaf raised a foreleg. “deserb foweva sweepies” the stallion declared in a monotone voice.

“you see…” Gaz sighed, “I’ve had enough death for one day, I’m not stacking more bodies, would Charlotte want that for you? No, I don’t think she would” Gaz said plainly as he leaned back and puffed his ciggy to think. “I think I have an idea… You want to honour Charlotte? Then you’re going to continue to look out for Seabreeze and Ganja, I’ll take Peanut off your hooves, I can find him a good home” Gaz suggsted.

“otay… Weaf can du dat, wiww pwotec Chawwotte bebbehs” he said somberely, but with a strong undercurrent of conviction to his tone.

“there’s just one more thing” Gaz added as he looked at the sleeping chirpy foal on his lap, “I’m taking Coffee away, you don’t deserve to see your only child again, that’s the real price you pay”.

It was plain to see that Leaf’s heart was torn asunder by the final caveat, but he knew, in his heart of hearts that Gaz was right, the look in his eye told that much.

“c-can Weaf say gud-bye tu wastest bebbeh?” he asked tearfully and as soon as Gaz nodded, the stallion slowly approached. “am su sowwy Cowfiee… daddeh Weaf am munsath an nee gu faw faw way… bu… Weaf gun awways wuv yew, whewe-ebah yew gu… Gud-bye…” he sobbed lightly before laying a tiny little ‘wickie kissie’ on her muzzle before turning away and heading for the door with his two charges following in tow.

“chirp, chi- d-d-daddeh, peep?” Coffee asked as her eyes began to open, her first sight being the backend of a green Pegasus disappearing down the hallway before vanishing to the sound of a cat door opening and closing three times.

“daddeh? Am mistah bebbeh daddeh?” Coffee asked as her blury vision came into focus.

“no, Coffee, I’m not your dad, but I knew him… And he loved you, so very much” Gaz smiled.

Two hours later found the front door buzzing away, paired with impatient banging. Gaz answered the door, with Coffee sat comfortably in the brest bocket of his jacket. Standing at the door was is ex, a short and typical mid twenties manic pixie dream girl, with short messy hair and a face littered in piercings.

“ya know, if ya want a pity shag ya can just fookin’ ask. Ya don’t have to come at me with some bullshit about fluffy foals in need” she said playfully.

“hello to you too, Billie” Gaz sighed.

he poured her a brew and then sat beside her on the sofa, she didn’t deserve the niceties after all she had done to him, but Gaz never was the spiteful type.

“How’s the coffee?” he asked awkwardly.

“fine… fine…” she said before clearing her throat, “so… What’s with the retard?” Billie suddenly questioned as she motioned towards Peanut, who was currently wondering in circles around the coffee table before stopping to take a nap.

“I’m rehoming him, which brings me to the point of you being here” Gaz said sharply, cutting to the quick, so to speak.

“oh no, my boss would fucking kill me if I suggested the mill taking a spastic!” Billie expalined.

“no, I mean her” Gaz clarified as he pressed his pocket slightly, rousing the tiny filly from her sleep.

“peep? h-hewwo, am wakies time?” she asked before noticing Billie, staring at her, “oh, hewwo wady! am nyew mummah?” Coffee asked innocently.

“are ya kiddin’ me? a poopie, ya brought my ass over here for a fookin’ poopie?” Billie scoffed.

“please take her to the farm, she came from beautiful stock and her temperament is golden!” Gaz assured desperately.

“well… She is an alicorn…” Billie said, “fook it” she sighed as she carefully took the filly into her hand.

“thank you, Bil-” Gaz was about to say until his ex suddenly held a hend up to him.

“-but, if her first few foals are shite then she’s going to the tower, that’s the deal” Billie said as a matter of fact.

“that’s fair, I suppose” Gaz relented, “just, tell me how she gets on, I promised someone that she’d be safe”.

Billie gave the biker a look up and down, scanning him for bullshit before taking a deep breath and getting up. “for you Gaz, just this one time, just don’t go all hugboxer on me and start kickin’ down my door with every feral ya find” she said as she made her way to the door.

Gaz watched Coffee get loaded up into Billies’s car before the two humans shared a glance, the door slammed, the engine roared and the road rider watched on as the car disappeared down the street.

Gaz had a rough idea of what the farm was like, he knew that it was a place of extremes; paradise for a good fluffy, hell for a shitrat. Whatever would become of Coffee, he hoped that Leaf and Charlotte’s love would follow her, wherever she would go.

-the end-


Three years had past since Twat’s sister and first love was taken from him, he’d had many partners after that fateful day: some very young, some very old, some weak, some strong, some willing, some not, some pretty and some ‘munstahs’, yet non of them compared to Milkshake in the pit of his little black heart.

Much like the rest of his bloodline, the name of ‘Twat’ was little more than a distant memory to him now, he had more important things on his mind, as he commanded a powerful herd of mostly toughies, he was respected and feared. Nothing brought this stallion to heel, no longer would he have to skulk about to get what he wanted, not anymore. However one issue did present itself as of late, one of there being too much hired muscle and not enough enfie mares to go around. As the charismatic and noble leader he was, he had taken to leading the search for more warm holes to go around for his sexualy aggressive comrads. He turned the corner and found a rather pretty looking purple mare, resting with a litter consisting of a blue and yellow colt and a very pretty looking purple filly. If he knew what ‘Jackpot’ meant, he would most likely be thinking it.

“nu wike dis pwace” one of his toughies declared with a grumble, “dis pwace smeww ob dummehs an poopies”.

“nu cawe!” Twat huffed, he had work to do…

-to be continued: in The epic of the poopie smarty-

Coffee’s fate can be discovered here.


This one was a while in the making but I’m very happy with how it turned out in the end.

In the end we learned a lot of things and ended up becoming familiarized with Poopie’s future antagonist, we had some highs, some lows, some real deep fucking lows, but in the end we got to the finish line.

I hope you enjoyed my sneaky little appetizer for my first series.


:sob: I wanna take peanut home so badly, he deserves a good place after what Twat did to him


I genuinely have no idea about what to do with him now that this series is wrapped up, so if you would like to adopt him as a character he’s all yours for free.

Just let me know if you want him.


I knew it, I knew that Milkshake was hiding something and working with Twat. Also wow that twist of rape, incest and everything else was crazy.

You did such a great Job Poop.

Also I like how it plays into two of your other stories and Peanut having ptsd is kinda cute.


Thank you, all of my other stories bleed into each other, although this one is very blatant, what with being a prequel.

It’s also meant to serve as a mirror to One more hit, depicting the vast differences between Gaz and Billie as people and showing why they ultimately could not be together.

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I didn’t read that one yet

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Shit hit the fan really quick near the mid … What a Twat lol

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What a rollercoaster! This story is a wild ride from start to finish! :sparkling_heart:

I’m excited to see what happens to Twat later on in Poopie Smarty’s story!!!I Really hope Poopie takes the incestuous bastard out for good!

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What gets me about this guy is that he keeps being surprised every time a fluffy does something shitty.


The guy is still on a talking basis with his crazy ex, some lads just never learn. :shrug:

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Thank you, it was very fun cooking up a backstory for the first smarty I ever wrote. I think it helps elevate my first series somewhat as well; after all, a story is only as interesting as the antagonist.

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I would gladly adopt the boy and have him room with my little sentive baby

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Then he is all yours. I look forward in seeing what you do with him in written or drawn format!

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Argh! So unhappy that Twat didn’t get twatted into the middle of next week, but I suppose that’s incentive to read “The Epic of the Poopie Smarty”.

It did feel a bit rushed towards the end, but you mentioned in the chat that this story kind of blew out of control from a small project to a big one.

Out of curiosity, shouldn’t the link to Coffee’s fate point to Derek Deacon’s Dirty Desires, rather than Coffee’s Choice, as the DDDD is the first story where she appears in your ‘main’ timeline?

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Derek’s link is also available there as well, but luckily Coffee’s first appearance can be taken or left by viewer’s choice.

My goal is to have most of my content interconnect in small ways without a new reader feeling lost. My stories can usually be enjoyed as solo experiences, but there’s always more for the morbidly curious.

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